the decameron(十日谈)-第85部分
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away; whatsoever became of it。
Nothing wanted now; but a convenient company to assist him; and
the order how to have it done。 Then he remembred Chynon and his
friends; whom he detained as his prisoners; and perswaded himselfe;
that he could not have a more faithfull friend in such a busines; then
Chynon was。 Hereupon; the night following; he sent for him into his
Chamber; and being alone by themselves; thus he began。 Chynon (quoth
he) as the Gods are very bountifull; in bestowing their blessings on
men; so do they therein most wisely make proofe of their vertues;
and such as they finde firme and constant; in all occurrences which
may happen; then they make worthy (as valiant spirits) of t very
best and highest merites。 Now; they being willing to have more certain
experience of thy vertues; then those which heretofore thou hast
shewne; within the bounds and limits of thy fathers possessions; which
I know to be superabounding: perhaps do intend to present thee other
occasions; of more important weight and consequence。
For first of all (as I have heard) by the piercing solicitudes of
love; of a senselesse creature; that made thee to become a man
endued with reason。 Afterward; by adverse fortune; and now againe by
wearisome imprisonment; it seemeth that they are desirous to make
tryall; whether thy manly courage be changed; or no; from that which
heretofore it was; when thou enjoyedst a matchlesse beauty; and lost
her againe in so short a while。 Wherefore; if thy vertue be such as it
hath bin; the Gods can never give thee any blessing more worthy
acceptance; then she whom they are now minded to bestow on thee: in
which respect; to the end that thou mayst re…assume thy wanted
heroicke spirit; and become more couragious than ever heretofore; I
will acquaint thee withall more at large。
Understand then Noble Chynon; that Pasimondo; the onely glad man
of thy misfortune; and diligent sutor after thy death; maketh all hast
hee can possibly devise to do; to celebrate his marriage with thy
faire Mistresse: because he would plead possession of the prey;
which Fortune (when she smiled) did first bestow; and (afterward
frowning) tooke from thee againe。 Now; that it must needs be very
irkesome to thee (at least if thy love bee such; as I am perswaded
it is) I partly can collect from my selfe; being intended to be
wronged by his brother Hormisda; even in the selfesame maner; and on
his marriage day; by taking faire Cassandra from me; the onely
Jewell of my love and life。 For the prevention of two such notorious
injuries; I see that Fortune hath left us no other meanes; but onely
the vertue of our courages; and the helpe of our right hands; by
preparing our selves to Armes; opening a way to thee; by a second rape
or stealth; and to me the first; for absolute possession of our divine
Mistresses。 Wherefore; if thou art desirous to recover thy losse; I
will not onely pronounce liberty to thee (which I thinke thou dost
little care for without her) but dare also assure thee to enjoy
Iphigenia; so thou wilt assist me in mine enterprize; and follow me in
my fortune; if the Gods do let them fall into our power。
You may well imagine; that Chynons dismayed soule was not a little
cheared at these speeches; and therefore; without craving any long
respit of time for answer; thus he replyed。 Lord Lysimachus; in such a
busines as this is; you cannot have a faster friend then my selfe;
at least; if such good hap may betide me; as you have more then
halfe promised: and therefore do no more but command what you would
have to be effected by mee; and make no doubt of my courage in the
execution: whereon Lysimachus made this answer。 Know then Chynon
(quoth he) that three dayes hence; these marriages are to bee
celebrated in the houses of Pasimondo and Hormisda: upon which day;
thou; thy friends; and my selfe (with some others; in whom I repose
especiall trust) by the friendly favour of night; will enter into
their houses; while they are in the middest of their joviall feasting;
and (seizing on the two Brides) beare them thence to a Shippe; which I
will have lye in secret; waiting for our comming; and kill all such as
shall presume to impeach us。 This direction gave great contentment
to Chynon; who remained still in prison; without revealing a word to
his owne friends; untill the limited time was come。
Upon day; performed with great and magnificent Triumph; there was
not a corner in the Brethrens houses; but it sung joy in the highest
key。 Lysimachus; after he had ordred all things as they ought to be;
and the houre for dispat approached neere; hee made a division in
three parts; of Chynon; his followers; and his owne friends; being all
well armed under their outward habites。 Having first used some
encouraging speeches; for more resolute prosecution of the enterprize;
hee sent troope secretly to the Port; that they might not bee
hindred of going aboord the ship; when the urgent necessity should
require it。 Passing with the other two traines of Pasimondo; he left
the one at the doore; that such as were in the house; might not shut
them up fast; and so impeach their passage forth。 Then with Chynon;
and the third band of Confederates; he ascended the staires up into
the Hall; where he found the Brides with store of Ladies and
Gentlewomen; all sitting in comely order at Supper。 Rushing in roughly
among the attendants; downe they threw the Tables; and each of them
laying hold of his Mistris; delivered them into the hands of their
followers; commanding that they should bee carried aboord the ship;
for avoiding of further inconveniences。
This hurrie and amazement being in the house; the Brides weeping;
the Ladies lamenting; and all the servants confusedly wondering;
Chynon and Lysimachus (with their Friends) having their weapons
drawn in their hands; made all opposers to give them way; and so
gayned the stair head for their owne descending。 There stood
Pasimonda; with an huge long Staffe in his hand; to hinder their
passage downe the stayres; but Chynon saluted him so soundly on the
head; that it being cleft in twaine; he fell dead before his feete。
His Brother Hormisda came to his rescue; and sped in the selfe…same
manner as he had done; so did divers other beside; whom the companions
to Lysimachus and Chynon; either slew out…right; or wounded。
So they left the house; filled with blood; teares; and outcries;
going on together; without any hinderance; and so brought both the
Brides aboord the ship; which they rowed away instantly with their
Oares。 For; now the shore was full of armed people; who came in rescue
of the stolne Ladies: but all in vaine; because they were lanched into
the main; and sayled on merrily towards Candye。 Where being arrived;
they were worthily entertained by honourable Friends and Kinsmen;
who pacified all unkindnesses betweene them and their Mistresses: And;
having accepted them in lawfull marriage; there they lived in no meane
joy and contentment: albeit there was a long and troublesome
difference (about these rapes) betweene Rhodes and Cyprus。
But yet in the end; by the meanes of Noble Friends and Kindred on
either side; labouring to have such discontentment appeased;
endangering warre betweene the Kingdomes: after a limited time of
banishment; Chynon returned joyfully with his Iphigenia home to
Cyprus; and Lysimachus with his beloved Cassandra unto Rhodes; each
living in their severall Countries; with much felicity。
Faire Constance of Liparis; fell in love with Martuccio Gomito:
and hearing that he was dead; desperately she entred into a Barke;
which being transported by the windes to Susa in Barbary; from
thence she went to Thunis; where she found him to be living。 There she
made her selfe knowne to him; and he being in great authority; as a
privy Counsellor to the King: he married the saide Constance; and
returned richly home with Air; to the Island of Liparis。
When the Queene perceived; that the Novell recited by Pamphilus
was concluded; which she graced with especiall commendations: shee
commanded Madam Aemilia; to take her turne as next in order; whereupon
she thus began。 Me thinkes it is a matter of equity; that every one
should take delight in those things; whereby the recompence may be
noted; answerable to their one affection。 And because I rather
desire to walke along by the paths of pleasure; then dwell on any
ceremonious or scrupulous affectation; I shall the more gladly obey
our Queene to day; then yesterday I did our melancholly King。
Understand then (Noble Ladies) that neere to Sicily; there is a
small Island; commonly called Liparis; wherein (not long since)
lived a yong Damosell; named Constance; born of very sufficient
parentage in the same Island。 There dwelt also a yong man called
Martuccio Gomito; of comely feature; well conditioned; and not
unexpert in many vertuous qualities; affecting Constance in harty
manner: and she so answerable to him in the same kinde; that to be
in his company; was her onely felicity。 Martuccio coveting to enjoy
her in marriage; made his intent knowne to her Father: who
upbraiding him with poverty; tolde him plainly that he should not have
her。 Martuccio greeving to see himselfe thus despised; because he
was poore: made such good meanes; that he was provided of a small
Barke; and calling such friends (as he thought fit) to his
association; made a solemne vow; that he would never returne backe
to Liparis; untill he was rich; and in better condition。
In the nature and course of a Rover or Pirate; so put thence to sea;
coasting all about Barbarie; robbing and spoyling such as he met with;
who were of no greater strength then himselfe: wherein Fortune was
so favourable to him; that he became wealthy in a very short while。
But as felicities are not alwayes permanent; so he and his
followers; not contenting themselves with sufficient riches: by greedy
seeking to get more; happened to be taken by certaine s