the decameron(十日谈)-第86部分
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seeking to get more; happened to be taken by certaine ships of the
Sarazins; and so were robbed themselves of all that they had gotten;
yet they resisted them stoutly a long while together; though it proved
to the losse of many lives among them。 When the Sarazens had sunke his
ship in the Sea; they tooke him with them to Thunis; where he was
imprisoned; and lived in extreamest misery。
Newes came to Liparis; not onely by one; but many more beside;
that all those which departed thence in the small Barke with
Martuccio; were drowned in the Sea; and not a man escaped。 When
Constance; heard these unwelcome tydings (who was exceeding full of
greefe; for his so desperate departure) she wept and lamented
extraordinarily; desiring now rather to dye; then live any longer。 Yet
she had not the heart; to lay any violent hand on her selfe; but
rather to end her dayes by some new kinde of necessity。 And
departing privately from her Fathers house; she went to the Port or
Haven; where (by chance) she found a small Fisher…boate; lying distant
from the other vessels; the owners whereof being all gone on shore;
and it well furnished with Masts; Sailes; and Oares; she entred into
it; and putting forth the Oares; being somewhat skilfull in sayling;
(as generally all the Women of that Island are) she so well guided the
Sailes; Rudder; and Oares; that she was quickly farre off from the
Land; and soly remained at the mercy of the windes。 For thus she had
resolved with her selfe; that the Boat being uncharged; and without
a guide; would either be overwhelmed by the windes; or split in peeces
against some Rocke; by which meanes she could 'not' escape although
she would; but (as it was her desire) must needs be drowned。
In this determination; wrapping a mantle about her head; and lying
downe weeping in the boats bottome; she hourely expected her finall
expiration: but it fell out otherwise; and contrary to her desperate
intention; because the wind turning to the North; and blowing very
gently; without disturbing the Seas a jot; they conducted the small
Boat in such sort; that after the night of her entering into it; and
the morrowes sailing untill the evening; it came within an hundre
leagues of Thunis and to a strond neere a Towne called Susa。 The young
Damosell knew not whether she were on the sea or land; as one; who not
by any accident hapning; lifted up her head to looke about her;
neither intended ever to doe。 Now it came to passe; that as the
boate was driven to the shore; a poore woman stood at the Sea side;
washing certaine Fishermens Nets; and seeing the boate comming towards
her under saile; without any person appearing in it; she wondred
thereat not a little。 It being close at the shore; and she thinking
the Fishermen to be asleepe therein: stept boldly; and looked into the
boate; where she saw not any body; but onely the poore distressed
Damosell; whose sorrowes having brought her now into a sound sleepe;
the woman gave many cals before she could awake her; which at the
length she did; and looked very strangely about her。
The poore woman perceyving by her habite that she was a Christian;
demanded of her (in speaking Latine) how it was possible for her;
being all alone in the boate; to arrive there in this manner? When
Constance; heard her speake the Latine tongue; she began to doubt;
least some contrary winde had turned her backe to Liparis againe;
and starting up sodainly; to looke with better advice about her;
shee saw her selfe at Land: and not knowing the Countrey; demanded
of the poore woman where she was? Daughter (quoth she) you are heere
hard by Susa in Barbarie。 Which Constance hearing; and plainly
perceyving; that death had denied to end her miseries; fearing least
she should receive some dishonour; in such a barbarous unkinde
Country; and not knowing what should now become of her; shee sate
downe by the boates side; wringing her hands; and weeping bitterly。
The good Woman did greatly compassionate her case; and prevailed
so well by gentle speeches; that she conducted her into her owne poore
habitation; where at length she understoode; by what meanes shee
hapned thither so strangely。 And perceyving her to be fasting; she set
such homely bread as she had before her; a few small Fishes; and a
Crewse of Water; praying her for to accept of that poore
entertainment; which meere necessity compelled her to do; and shewed
her selfe very thankefull for it。
Constance hearing that she spake the Latine language so well;
desired to know what she was。 Whereto the old woman thus answered:
Gentlewoman (quoth she) I am of Trapanum; named Carapresa; and am a
servant in this Countrey to certaine Christian Fishermen。 The young
Maiden (albeit she was very full of sorrow) hearing her name to be
Carapresa; conceived it as a good augury to her selfe; and that she
had heard the name before; although she knew not what occasion
should move her thus to do。 Now began her hopes to quicken againe; and
yet she could not relie upon what ground; nor was she so desirous of
death as before; but made more precious estimation of her life; and
without any further declaration of her selfe or Countrey; she
entreated the good woman (even for charities sake) to take pitty on
her youth; and helpe her with such good advice; to prevent all
injuries which might happen to her; in such a solitary wofull
Carapresa having heard her request; like a good woman as she was;
left Constance in her poore Cottage; and went hastily to leave her
nets in safety: which being done; she returned backe againe; and
covering Constance with her Mantle; led her on to Susa with her; where
being arrived; the good woman began in this manner。 Constance; I
will bring thee to the house of a very worthy Sarazin Lady; to whom
I have done many honest services; according as she pleased to
command me。 She is an ancient woman; full of charity; and to her I
will commend thee as best I may; for I am well assured; that she
will gladly entertaine thee; and use thee as if thou wert her own
daughter。 Now; let it be thy part; during thy time of remaining with
her; to employ thy utmost diligence in pleasing her; by deserving
and gaining her grace; till heaven shall blesse thee with better
fortune: and as she promised; so she performed。
The Sarazine Lady; being well stept into yeares; upon the
commendable speeches delivered by Carapresa; did the more seriously
fasten her eye on Constance; and compassion provoking her to teares;
she tooke her by the hand; and (in loving manner) kissed her
fore…head。 So she led her further into her house; where dwelt divers
other women (but not one man) all exercising themselves in severall
labours; as working in all sorts of silke; with Imbroideries of Gold
and Silver; and sundry other excellent Arts beside; which in short
time were very familiar to Constance; and so pleasing grew her
behaviour to the old Lady; and all the rest beside; that they loved
and delighted in her wonderfully; and (by little and little) she
attained to the speaking of their language; although it were very
harsh and difficult。
Constance continuing thus in the old Ladies service at Susa; and
thought to be dead or lost in her owne Fathers house; it fortuned;
that one reigning then as King of Thunis; who named himselfe
Mariabdela: there was a young Lord of great birth; and very powerfull;
who lived as then in Granada; and pleaded that the Kingdome of
Thunis belonged to him。 In which respect; he mustred together a mighty
Army; and came to assault the King; as hoping to expell him。 These
newes comming to the eare of Martuccio Gomito; who spake the Barbarian
Language perfectly; and hearing it reported; that the King of Thunis
made no meane preparation for his owne defence: he conferred with
one of his keepers; who had the custody of him; and the rest taken
with him; saying: If (quoth he) I could have meanes to speake with the
King; and he were pleased to allow of my counsell; I can enstruct
him in such a course; as shall assure him to win the honor of the
field。 The Guard reported these speeches to his Master; who
presently acquainted the King therewith; and Martuccio being sent for;
he was commanded to speake his minde: Whereupon he began in this
My gracious Lord; during the time that I have frequented your
countrey; I have heedfully observed; that the Militarie Discipline
used in your fights and battailes; dependeth more upon your Archers;
then any other men imployed in your war And therefore; if it could
be so ordered; that this kinde of Artillery may faile in your
enemies Campe; and yours be sufficiently furnished therewith; you
neede make no doubt of winning the battaile: whereto the King thus
replyed。 Doubtlesse; if such an act were possible to be done; it would
give great hope of successefull prevalling。 Sir; said Martuccio; if
you please it may be done; and I can quickly resolve you how。 Let
the strings of your Archers Bowes be made more soft and gentle; then
those which heretofore they have formerly used; and next; let the
nockes of the Arrowes be so provided; as not to receive any other;
then those pliant gentle strings。 But this must be done so secretly;
that your enemies may have no knowledge thereof; least they should
provide themselves in the same manner。 Now the reason (Gracious
Lord) why thus I counsell you; is to this end。 When the Archers on the
Enemies side have shot their Arrowes at your men; and yours in the
like maner at them: it followeth; that (upon meere constraint) they
must gather up your Arrowes; to shoote them backe againe at you; for
so long while as the battell endureth; as no doubt but your men wil do
the like to them。 But your enemies finde themselves much deceived;
because they can make no use of your peoples Arrowes; in regard that
the nockes are too narrow to receive their boystrous strings。 Which
will fall out contrary with your followers; for the pliant strings
belonging to your Bowes; are as apt for their enemies great nockt
Arrowes; as their owne; and so they shall have free use of both;
reserving them in plentifull store; when your adversaries must stand
unfurnished of any; but them that they cannot any way