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变异系数coeffieient of variability 263
便秘constipation 45
j jj.?j蠹jj
便血hematochezia 39
表观情况superficial appearance 112
髌阵挛patellar clonus 209
丙氨酸氨基转移酶alanine aminotransferase,ALT
病理生理学基础pathophysiological basis 1
病理性蛋白尿pathological proteinuria 3 1 9
病史采集history taking 1
病态窦房结综合征sick sinus syndrome,SSS 503
波动感fluctuation 166,171
波状热undulant fever 19
补呼气容积expiratory reserve volume,ERV 527
补体complement,C 413
补体Clq complement lq,Clq 413
补体C3 complement 3,C3 414
补体C4 complement 4,C4 414
补体旁路B因子factor B,BF 414
补吸气容积inspiratory reserve volume,IRV 528
不规则热irregular fever 19
不加热血清反应素试验unheated serum regain
test。USR 438
不自主运动involuntary movements 204
步态gait 83
部位location 113
草莓舌strawberry tongue 100
层黏连蛋白laminin,LN 375
产超广谱8一内酰胺酶extra—spectrum beta lacta’
megakaryocyte 274
长颅delichocephalia 9 1
肠梗阻intestinal obstruction 1 80
肠鸣音bowel sound 174
潮气容积tidal volume,VT 527
陈一施(Cheyne_Stokes)呼吸 117
成本一效益cost…effective 3
弛张热remittent fever 18
匙状甲koilonychia 196
尺压试验ruler pressing test 174
齿轮呼吸音cogwheel breath sound 125
耻骨联合pubic symphysis 156
冲击触诊法ballottement 73
抽搐tic 66
出血时间bleeding time,BT 296
初步诊断primary diagnosis 1
杵状指(趾)acropachy 196
储存延迟型糖耐量曲线storage delay OGTT curve
触觉touch sensation 205
触觉震颤tactile fremitus 118
触诊palpation 72
传染性感染疾病communicable infectious diseases
刺细胞spur cell 253
粗湿哕音coarse crackles 126
促甲状腺激素thyroid stimulating hormone,TSH
促甲状腺素释放激素thyrotropin releasing hor—
mone,TRH 405
促肾上腺皮质激素adrenocorticotropiC hormone,
ACTH 405
促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素corticotropic hormone
releasing hormone,CRH 405
大红细胞macrocyte 252
大炮音cannon sound 140
大小size 113
大叶性肺炎lobar pneumonia 129
大阴唇labium majus pudendi 186
呆小病cretinism 99
代偿间歇compensatory pause 504
单胺氧化酶monoamine oxidase,MAO 371
单核苷酸多态性single nucleotide polymorphis,
SNP 470
单核细胞monocyte.M 258
单核细胞减少monocytopenia 258
单核细胞增多monocytosis 258
单链构象多态性single strand eonformational poly—
morphism,SSCP 470
胆固醇cholesterol,CH0 381
胆红素尿bilirubinuria 318
胆碱酯酶cholinesterase,ChE 398
胆汁酸bile acid,BA 366
蛋白C protein C,PC 305
蛋白尿proteinuria 319
刀豆蛋白A ConA 415
导联体系lead system 482
导尿术catheterization 565
等位基因特异性寡核苷酸分析allele—specific oligo—
nucleotide。ASO 466
低(无)纤维蛋白原血症hypo afibrinogenmia 298
低调干哕音sonorous wheezes 128
低分子量肝素lower molecular weight heparin,
I。MWH 314
低级别鳞状上皮内病变low…grade squamous intra—
epithelial lesion,LSII.343
低钾血症hypokalemia 385
低氯血症hypochloremia 388
低密度脂蛋白low density lipoprotein,LDL 382
低钠血症hyponatremia 386
低色素性hypochromic 253
地图舌geographic tongue 100
第1秒用力呼气容积forced expiratory volume in
one second,FEVI.0 530
淀粉酶amylase,AMS 397
动态心电图ambulatory electrocardiography,
AECG 522
动态血压监测ambulatory blood pressure monito—
ring 151
动眼神经oculomotor nerve 201
窦房阻滞sinoatrial block 509
窦性停搏sinus arrest 503
窦性心动过缓sinus bradycardia 503
窦性心动过速sinus tachycardia 503
杜勒小体DOMe bodies 256
端坐呼吸orthopnea 115
端坐体位呼吸orthopnea 32
断裂点集簇区break cluster region,bcr 292
对称性symmetry 1 12
多发性骨髓瘤multiple myeloma,MM 294
多毛细胞白血病hairy cell leukemia,HCI。276
多功能显微诊断仪multifunctional microscopy di—
agnostic instrument,MDI 460
多尿polyuria 59
一jj、 i …。瀚蔑、一,
额外心音extra cardiac sound 141
恶心nausea 35
儿茶酚胺catecholamines,CA 403
耳廓auricle 97
耳语音whispered 1 28
二尖瓣关闭不全mitral regurgitation 153
二尖瓣狭窄mitral stenosis 152
发绀cyanosis 30
发热fever 16
发育development 79
反跳痛rebound tenderness 164
方颅squared skull 91
房内阻滞intra—atrial block 509
房室传导阻滞atrioventricular block,AVB 510
房性期前收缩premature atrial contraction 505
放射痛或牵涉痛radiating pain 29
非传染性感染疾病non—communicable infectious
diseases 449
非典型鳞状细胞、意义不明确atypical squamous
cell of undetermined significance,ASC—US 343
atypical squamous cell cannot exclude HSII。,
AS(》H 343
非典型腺细胞atypical glandular cells 343
非感染性发热noninfective fever 17
非红系细胞non—erythrocyte,NEC 291
非结合胆红素unconjugated bilirubin,UCB 46
非淋菌尿道炎non…gonococcal urethritis,NGU 459
非肾小球源性血尿non—glomerular hematuria 321
非特异性酯酶non…specific esterase,NSE 276
非选择性蛋白尿non…selective proteinuria 319
非阵发性心动过速nonparoxysmal tachycardia 507
肥胖obesity 80
肺活量vital capacity,VC 528
肺泡呼吸音vesicular breath sound 124
肺泡巨噬细胞pulmonary alveolar macrophage 331
肺泡通气量alveolar ventilation,VA 530
肺总量total lung capacity,TLC 529
分叶核粒细胞segmented granulocyte 273
@薯j簿jjj寨jj j袋黛囊00鬻黧0 jj。。j?。
粪便feces 327
粪便隐血试验facal occult blood test,FOBT 329
风湿病rheumatic disease 303
辅助检查assistant examination 1
脯氨酰羟化酶prolyl hydroxylase,PH 372
附睾epididymis 185
附加音adventitious sound 126
复层扁平上皮细胞stratified squamous epithelium
复视diplopia 95
副神经spinal accessory nerve 203
腹壁反射abdominal reflex 206
腹部凹陷abdominal concavity 159
腹部膨隆abdominal distension 158
腹部肿块abdominal mass 181
腹股沟韧带inguinal ligament 156
腹膜刺激征peritoneal irritation sign 164
腹腔穿刺术abdominocentesis 569
腹上角upper abdominal angle 156
腹水ascites 158
腹痛abdominal pain 40
腹直肌外缘lateral border of rectus muscles 156
腹中线midabdominal line 156
干哕音wheezes,rhonchi 127
干呕vomiturition 36
干扰素interferon,IFN 418
干扰性房室脱节interference atriovent ricular disso—
ciation 514
杆状核粒细胞stab granulocyte,band granulocyte
肝功能试验liver function test,LFTs 358
肝一颈静脉回流征hepatojugular reflux sign 166
肝纤维化liver fibrosis 375
肝硬化liver cirrhosis 178
肝源性水肿hepatic edema 23
肝脏穿刺抽脓术liver abscess puncture 572
肝脏穿刺活体组织检查术liver biopsy 570
肝震颤liver thrill 166
感染性发热infective fever 17
感染性疾病infectious diseases 449
肛管arial canal 187
肛裂anal fissure 188
肛门anus 187
肛门闭锁proctatresia 188
肛门反射anal reflex 206
高蛋白血症hyperproteinemia 359
高调干哕音sibilant wheezes 127
高级别鳞状上皮内病变high—grade squamous intra—
epithelial lesion,HSII。 343
高钾血症hyperkalemia 385
高氯血症hyperchloremia 388
高密度脂蛋白high density lipoprotein,HDI。382
高钠血症hypernatremia 386
高球蛋白血症hyperglobinemia 359
高色素性hyperchromic 253
高糖血症hyperglycemia 377
高脂蛋白血症hyperlipoproteinemia 382
睾酮testosterone 404
睾丸testis 185
个人史personal history 8
跟腱反射achilles tendon reflex 208
跟一膝一胫试验heel—knee—shin test 204
弓形足clawfoot 200
功能残气量functional residual capacity,FRC 528
肱二头肌反射biceps tendon reflex 206
肱三头肌反射triceps tendon reflex 207
官颈上皮内瘤变cervical intraepithelial neoplasm,
CIN 342
巩膜sclera 95
共济失调ataxia 204
共济运动coordination 204
佝偻病串珠rachitic rosary 111
佝偻病胸rachitic chest 111
钩指触诊hook technique 163
钩指触诊法hook method 165
谷氨酸脱氢酶glutamine dehydrogenase,GLDH
或GDH 371
骨髓bone marrow 416
骨髓增生异常综合征myelodysplastic syndrome,
MDS 293
鼓音tympany 76
关节arthrosis 1 94
关节痛arthralgia 55
管型cast 323
国际灵敏度指数international sensitivitY index,ISI
INR 302
international normalized ratio,
periodic acid—Schiff’s reaction,
过清音hyperresonance 76,123
过氧化物酶peroxidase,POX 274
汉坦病毒Hanta virus,HTV 436
核黄疸nuclear jaundice 50
黑便melena 38
恒河猴macacus rhesus 284
红细胞erythrocyte 321
红细胞沉降率erythrocyte sedimentation rete,ESR
红细胞大小不均amisocytosis 252
红细胞淡影blood shadow 321
红细胞管型red blood cast,erythrocyte cast 323
ervthrocvterosette formation test, ERFT 415
红细胞酶病erythrocyte enzymopathy 267
红细胞缗钱状形成rouleaux formation 253
红细胞渗透脆性试验erythrocyte osmotic fragility
test 266
红细胞体积分布宽度red blood cell volume distri—
bution width,RDW 263
红细胞增多症polycythemia,erythrocytosis 250
虹膜iris 96
喉larynx 101
喉咽laryngeal pharynx 101
后正中线posterior midline 108
呼吸过缓bradypnea 116
呼吸过速tachypnea 116
呼吸困难dyspnea 31
滑车神经trochlear nerve 201
化学感受器触发带chemoreceptor trigger zone 36
踝反射ankle reflex 208
踝阵挛ankle clonus 209
环卵沉淀法circunoval precipitin test,COPT 437
黄变症xanthochromia 333
黄疸jaundice 46
黄染stained yellow 84
回归热recurrent fever 19
荟萃分析meta—analysis 3
昏迷coma 68
昏睡stupor 68
婚姻史marital history 8
混合管型mixed cast 324
混合性蛋白尿mixed proteinuria 319
}昆合痔mixed hemorrhoid 1 89
活动度mobility 113
活化部分凝血活酶时间测定activated partial throm—
boplastin time,APTT 361
活化的部分凝血活酶时间activated partial throm—
boplastin time,APTT 30 1
活化的凝血时间activated clotting time,ACT 314
肌钙蛋白caidiac troponin,cTn 394
肌酐creatinine,Cr 349
肌红蛋白myoglobin,Mb 396
肌红蛋白尿myoglobinuria 317 、
肌力muscle strength 203
肌酸激酶creatine kinase,CK 392
肌张力muscular tension 203
鸡胸pigeon chest 111
基础肺容积basal lung volume 527
基础肺容量basal lung capacity 527
基因芯片gene chip 470
基因芯片技术gene chip 467
畸形精子症teratospermia 347
稽留热continued fever 18
极低密度脂蛋白very low density lipoprotein,
VI。DL 382 ’
急性非淋巴细胞白血病acute non—lymphocytic leu—
kemia.ANI.L 291
急性腹膜炎acute peritonitis 177、
急性肝损伤acute hepatic injury 373
急性阑尾炎acute appendicitis 179
急性淋巴细胞白血病acute lymphocytic leukemia,
ALL 291
急性。肾小球肾炎acute glomerulonephritis 303