八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > 诊断学第七版教材 >



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急性淋巴细胞白血病acute lymphocytic leukemia,
  ALL  291
急性。肾小球肾炎acute glomerulonephritis 303
急性髓细胞白血病acute myelocytic leukemia,
  AMI.  291
急性心肌梗死acute myocardial infarction,AMI 303
棘细胞acanthocyte,burr cell 253
集合反射convergence reflex 96
脊柱侧凸scoliosis 190
脊柱后凸kyphosis 190
脊柱棘突spinous process  108
脊柱前凸lordosis 190
计算机放射摄影系统computer radiography 2
既往史past history 7
继发性纤溶sencondary fibrinolysis 306
家族史family history 9
甲苯胺红不加热血清反应素试验syphilis toluidine
  red untreated serum test,TRUST 460
甲胎蛋白alpha—fetoprotein.AFP 418
甲状腺thyroid 104
甲状腺素结合前清蛋白thyroxin binding prealbu—
  min  361
假性胆碱酯酶pseudocholinesterase,PChE 398
假性蛋白尿false proteinuria 320
尖腹apical belly 159
尖颅oxycephaly 91
尖锐湿疣condyloma acuminatum 459
间接叩诊indirect percussion 119
间接叩诊法indirect percussion 74
间接免疫荧光法indirect immunofluorescence,IIF
间接听诊法indirect auscultation 77
间歇热intermittent fever 19
肩胛骨scapula 108
肩胛间区interscapular region  1 08
肩胛上区suprascapular region 108
肩胛下区infrascapular region 108
肩胛线scapular line 108
检体诊断physical diagnosis 71
睑内翻entropion 93
简称肛瘘archosyrinx 189
碱性磷酸酶alkaline phosphatase,AI。P 369
碱性磷酸酶同工酶isoenzymes of alkaline phospha—
  tase  369
剑突xiphoid process 107
鉴别诊断differential diagnosis  2
浆膜腔积液serous membrane fluid 338
浆细胞plasmacyte 273
交界性期前收缩premature junctional contraction 505
交替脉pulsus alternans 149
角膜cornea 95
角膜反射corneal reflex 202
结肠充气征Rovsing’S sign 164
结合胆红素conjugated bilirubin,CB 47
结核菌素纯蛋白衍生物purified proteinderiVatiVe
  of tuberculin 580
结晶管型crystal cast 324
结晶体crystal 324
结膜conjunctiva 94
近反射near reflex 96
经皮肺穿刺术percutaneous lung biopsy,PLB 568
惊厥convulsion 66
精浆seminal plasma 344
精囊seminal vesicle 186
精索spermatic cord 184
精液semen 344
精液过多polyspermia 345
精液减少oligospermia 345
精液液化时间semen liquefaction time 345
精子sperm 344
精子活动力sperm motility 346
精子活动率sperm activate rate 346
痉挛状态spasticity 203
静脉葡萄糖耐量试验intravenous glucose tolerance
  test.IVGTT 378
静止性震颤static tremor 204
酒渣鼻rosacea 98
巨核细胞裸核naked nucleus 274
巨红细胞megalocyte 252
巨颅large skull 91
巨球蛋白血症macroglobulinemia 413
巨血小板综合征Bernard—Soulier syndrome,BSS
巨幼细胞贫血megaloblastic anemia 288
聚合酶链反应polymerase chain reaction,PCR 469
菌尿bacteriuria 318
卡一波环Cabot ring 253
咯血hemoptysis 26
开瓣音opening snap 142
 0,}E}kt■f擎t££};    。    l;
抗单链DNA(single strandedDNA?SS—DNA)抗
抗肝、肾微粒体抗体liverkidney microsomal anti—
  body.LKM 431
抗核抗体antinuclear antibody,ANA 423
抗利尿激素anti…diuretic hormone,ADH 60
  或AS0 434
抗磷脂抗体anti…phospholipid antibody,APA 304
抗凝物质anticoagulants 301
抗凝血酶antithrombin,AT 305
抗人球蛋白试验Coombs test 269
抗生素压力antibiotic pressure 445
抗双链DNA(double stranded…DNA,ds…DNA)427
抗体依赖性细胞介导的细胞毒antibody dependent
  cell…一mediated cytotoxicity。ADCC 4 1 7
抗线粒体抗体anti…mitochondrial antibodies,AMA
抗心肌抗体myocardialant.body 431
抗心磷脂抗体anti…一cardiolipin antibodies,ACA 304
抗心磷脂抗体anti…cardiolipin antibody,ACA 434
抗乙酰胆碱受体抗体antiacetylcholine receptor
  antibody,AchRA 434
抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体antineutrophil cytoplasmic
  antibodies.ANCA 432
柯萨奇病毒Coxsackie virus,Cox 436
颗粒管型granular cast 323
颗粒型巨核细胞granular megakaryoc)rte 274
咳嗽cough 24
咳痰expectoration 24
可溶性纤维蛋白单体soluble fibrinmonomer,sFM
可溶性纤维蛋白单体复合物soluble fibrin mono—
  mar complex,sFMC  303
可提取的核抗原extractable nuclear antigens,
  ENA  424
克一鲍综合征Cruveilhier…Baumgarten’s syndrome 175
空腹血浆葡萄糖fasting plasma glucose;FPG 377
空腹血糖fasting blood glucose,FBG 377
空腹血糖过高impaired fasting glucose,IFG 377
空瓮音amphorophony 123
口mouth  99
口服葡萄糖耐量试验oral glucose tolerance test,
  0G’rI’  378
口形细胞stomatocyte 252
口咽oral pharynx 100
叩诊percussion 74
叩诊音percussion sound 76
快速轮替动作rapid alternating movelments 204
快速血浆反应素环状卡片试验rapid plasma regain
  circle tard test。RPR 460
快速血浆反应素试验rapid plasma regain test,
  RPR 438
宽幅管型broad cast 324
蜡样管型waxy cast 324
狼疮抗凝物质lupus anticoagulants,LA 301
老年环arcus senihs 95
肋膈窦sinus phrenicocostalis  1 09
肋膈沟Harrison’S groove 111
肋弓下缘costal margin 156
肋骨rib 107
肋脊角costal spinal angle 108
肋脊角costovertebral angle 156
肋间隙intercostal space  108
泪滴形细胞dacryocyte,teardrop cell 253
类白血病反应leukemoid reaction 258
类风湿因子rheumatoid factor,RF 423
里急后重tene:~smus 39
连接酶链反应ligase chain reaction,LCR 469
连续性杂音continuous murmurs 144
联律间期couphng interval 504
镰形细胞sickle cell 253
两点辨别觉twO〃一point discrimination 205
裂纹舌wriMed tongue 100
裂细胞schistocyte 253
淋巴细胞lymphocyte,L 257
淋巴细胞减少lymphocytop;;enia 257
淋巴细胞增多lymphocytosis 257
磷脂phospholipid 381
鳞状上皮癌细胞抗原squamous cell carcinoma anti—
gen.SCC 419
鳞状上皮内病变squamous intraepithehal lesion;
  SIL  343
鳞状细胞癌squamous sarcoma,SCC 343
酬j;附j粼j鍪麟蒸鬻簇戮ijj ji
硫黄样颗粒sulfur granule 331
漏出液transudate 338
漏斗胸furnnel chest 111
氯化醋酸AS…D萘酚酯酶naphthol AS…D chloroac—
  etate esterase,AS…D NCE 276
卵巢ovary 187    ?
  acyl transferase,LCAT 362
哕音crackles,rales 126
麻痹性斜视paralytic squint 95
脉搏短绌pulse deficit 139
慢性肝损伤chronic hepatic injury 374
慢性粒一单核细胞白血病chronic myelomonocync
  leukemia,CMML 293
慢性粒细胞白血病chronic myelocytic leukemia,
  CML 292
慢性淋巴细胞白血病chronic lymphocytic leukemia,
  CLL  292
慢性支气管炎chronic bronchitis 130
慢性阻塞性肺气肿chronic obstrucuve emphysema
毛舌hairy tongue 100
毛细血管搏动征capillary pulsation,151
毛细血管脆性试验capillary fragility test,CFT 296
毛细血管抵抗力试验capillary resistance test,
  CRT 296
梅毒螺旋体血凝试验treponema pallidum hemag—
  glutination assay,TPHA 438
梅毒螺旋体血球凝集试验~eponema pallidum.he—
  magglutination assay,TPHA 461
弥散性血管内凝血disseminated intravascular coag—
  ulation,DIC 296,313
迷走神经vagus nerve 202
免疫复合物immunocomplex,IC 438
免疫复合物解离immune—complex disassocl’ate,
  ICD 460
免疫球蛋白immunoglobulin,Ig 411
免疫荧光法immune of luoresence technique 278
面容facial features 81  ,
面神经facial nerve 202    ’
摩擦音friction sound 175
莫氏试验Mosenthal’S test 353
耐甲氧西林葡萄球菌metheciltin resistant staphy—
耐青霉素肺炎链球菌penicillin resistant streptococ—
  cus pneumonia,PRSP 446
耐万古霉素肠球菌vacomycin resistant enterococ—
  CUS,VRE 446
难治性贫血refractory anemia,RA 293
难治性贫血伴环状铁粒幼细胞增多refrectory ane—
  mia with sideroblastosis。RA—S:293
难治性贫血伴原始细胞增多refractory anemia with
  excesg of blasts,RAEB 293
  anemia with excess of blasts in transformation,
  RAE王}一T  293
脑脊液cerebrospinal fluid,CSF 332
脑神经cranial nerves 201
内生肌酐清除率endogenous creatinine clearance
  rate,Ccr  350
内源性致热源endogenous pyrogen 16
内痔internal hemorrhoid 189  .
逆钟向转位counterclockwise roration 486
逆转录PCR reverse transcription—PCR 467
黏膜疹erathema 99
黏液性水肿myxedema 99?
捻发音crepitus  127
尿比密specific gravity,SG 318
尿胆红素urine bilirubin 320
尿胆素urobihn 363
尿胆素原urobilinogen 363
尿胆原urobilinogen 321
尿急urgent micturition 58
尿量urine volume 3'7
尿频frequent micturition 58
尿渗量urine osmol,Uosm,354
尿酸uric acid,UA 355
尿痛odynuria 58
  complex。TAT 305
凝血酶时间thrombin time,TT 303,361
凝血酶原时间prothrombin time,PT 361
凝血酶原时间比值prothrombin ratio,PTR 302
凝血时间clotting time,CT 301
牛肉舌beefy tongue 100
扭转型室性心动过速torsade de pointes,TDP 507
脓尿pyuria 318
呕吐vomiting 35
呕吐中枢vomiting center
呕血hematemesis 37
旁路胆红素bypass bitirubin 46
皮肤弹性elasticity 85
皮肤定位觉point localization 205
皮肤回缩skin retraction 112
皮肤黏膜出血mucocutaneous hemorrhage 2 1
皮肤湿度moisture 85
皮肤脱屑desquamation 86
皮下出血subcutaneous’hemorrhage 86
皮下结节subcutaneous nodules 87
皮下气肿subcutaneous emphysema 110
皮疹skin eruption 85
贫血anemia 286
频率依赖性顺应性frequency dependence of dy—
  namiC cornpliance。FDC 537
平均QRS电轴mean QRS axis 485
平均红细胞容积mean corpuscular volume,MCV 262
平均红细胞血红蛋白量mean corpuscular hemoglo…
  bin,MCH 262
平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度mean corpuscular hemo—
  globin concentration。MCHC  262
平坦型糖耐量曲线smooth OGTT curve 379
平卧呼吸platypnea 115
葡萄糖耐量试验glucose tolerance test,GTT,378
葡萄糖尿glucosuria 320
奇脉paradoxical pulse 149
脐umbilicus 156
气腹pneumoperitoneum 159’
气管呼吸音tracheal breath sound 123
气胸pneumothorax 131
髂前上棘anterior superior iliac spine 156
铅管样强直lead—pipe rigidity 204
前列腺prostate 185
前列腺酸性磷酸酶prostatiC acid phosphatase,
  PAP  422
前列腺特异抗原prostate specific antigen,PSA 419
前列腺液prostatic fluid 347
前清蛋白prealbumin,PAB 360
前正中线anterior midline  108
浅部触诊法light palpation 73
浅反射superficial reflexes 205
枪击音pistol shot sound 151
清音resonance 76
球形细胞spherocyte 252
全身体格检查complete physical examination 213
全血的黏度blood viscosity 308
缺铁性贫血iron deficiency anemia 287
染色质小体Howell—Jolly body 253
桡骨膜反射brachioradialis tendon reflex 207
人获得性免疫缺陷病毒human immunodeficiency
  virus.HIV 438
人类白细胞抗原human leukocyte antigen,HLA
人类乳头瘤病毒human papilloma virus,HPV 343
溶血性贫血hemolytic anemia 265,287
柔韧感dough kneading sensation 1 63
蠕动波peristalsis 161
乳糜尿chyluria 318
乳糜微粒chylomicron,CM 382
乳糜血尿hematochyluria 318
乳酸脱氢酶lactate dehydrogenase,LD 393
乳房breast 112

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