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乳糜血尿hematochyluria 318
乳酸脱氢酶lactate dehydrogenase,LD 393
乳房breast 112
乳头nipple 112
乳突mastoid 97
乳晕areola 112
软下疳chancroid 459
三凹征three depression sign 32
三叉神经trigeminal nerve 20t
嘲誊麟ij j辚j“p。?煮赫■蹇麟jjj
三酰甘油triglyceride,TG 381
三音律triple rhythm 141
搔弹音scratch sound 176
色觉color sensation 93
色素沉着pigmentation 85
沙眼衣原体C.trachomatis,CT 437
上腹部epigastric region 157
上睑下垂ptosis 93
上皮细胞epithelium 322
少精子症oligozoospermia 346
少尿oliguria 59
舌tongue 100
舌下神经hypoglossal nerve 203
舌咽神经glossopharyngeal nerve 202
深部触诊法deep palpation 73
深部滑行触诊法deep slipping palpation 73
深静脉血栓形成deep venous thrombosis,DVT 302
深吸气量inspiratory capacity,IC 528
深压触诊法deep press palpation 73
神经元特异性烯醇化酶neuron specific enolase,
NSE 422
神经源性膀胱neurogenicbladder 59
肾病综合征nephrotic syndrome 303
肾上腺皮质功能减退Addison's disease 161
肾小管上皮细胞renal tubular epithelium 322
肾小管上皮细胞管型renal tubular epithelium cast 323
。肾小管性蛋白尿tubular proteinuria 319
肾小管性酸中毒renal/ubular acidosis,RTA 355
肾小球滤过率glomerular filtration rate,
GFR 349
肾小球性蛋白尿glomerular proteinuria 319
肾小球源性血尿glomerular hematuria 321
肾源性水肿renal edema 23
渗出液exudate 338
生长激素growth hormone,GH 406
生长激素释放激素growth hormone releasing hor—
mone.GHRH 406
生长激素释放抑制激素growth hormone releasing
inhibitory hormone.GHIH 406
生精细胞spermatogenic cell 347
生理无效腔dead space ventilation,VD 531
生命征vital sign 78
生物膜biofilm,BF 446
生殖器疱疹genital herpes 459
湿哕音moist crackles 126
实体觉stereognosis 205
实验室检查laboratory examination 1
实音flatness 76
视力visual acuity 92
视神经optic nerve 201
视野visual fields 92
视诊inspection 72
室性期前收缩premature ventricular contraction 504
室性心动过速ventricular tachycardia 507
嗜多色性polychromatic 253
嗜铬细胞瘤phenochromocytoma 403
嗜碱性点彩basophilic stippling 253 i
嗜碱性粒细胞basophil,B 257
嗜碱性粒细胞减少basophilopenia 257
嗜碱性粒细胞增多basophilia 257
嗜碱性中幼粒细胞basophilic myelocyte 272
嗜睡somnolence 68 “
嗜酸性粒细胞eosinophil,E 256
嗜酸性粒细胞减少eosinopenia 257
嗜酸性粒细胞增多eosinophilia 256
嗜酸性中幼粒细胞eosinophilic myelocyte 272
收缩期杂音systolic murmurs 144
收缩早期喀喇音click 142
收缩早期喷射音early systolic ejection sound 142
收缩中、晚期喀喇音mid and late systolic click 142
手足徐动athetosis 204
舒张期杂音diastolic murmurs 144
输卵管oviduct 187
束臂试验touniguer test 296
数字放射摄影系统digital radiography 2
双手触诊法bimanual palpation 73
“双形”性改变dimorphic RBC 265
水冲脉water hammer pulse 149
水坑征Puddle sign 176
水母头caput medusae 160
水泡音bubble sound 126
水肿edema 22
顺钟向转位clockwise rotation 486
四肢four limbs 194
苏丹黑B Sudan black B,SB 275
酸化溶血试验acid serum hemolysis test 270
酸化正铁血红蛋白hematin 38。
酸性磷酸酶acid phoshatase,ACP 276
酸性磷酸酶acid phosphatase.ACP 397
随机对照试验randomized controlled trials 3
髓鞘碱性蛋白myelin basic protein,MBP 336
锁骨上窝supraclavicular fossa 1 08
锁骨下窝infraelavicular fossa 108
锁骨中线midclavicular line 108
所有有核细胞all nucleated cell,ANC 291
痰液sputum 330
糖化血红蛋白glycosylated hemoglobin,GHb
糖链抗原19—9 carbohydrate antigen 19—9,CAl9—9
糖耐量异常impaired glucose toleranee,IGT 378
糖尿glycosuria 320
糖尿病diabetes mellitus,DM 303
特异性酯酶specific esterase,SE 276
提睾反射cremasteric reflex 206
体表图形觉graphesthesia 205
体格检查physical examination 1
体位position 82
体型habitus 80
体征sign 1
天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶aspartate aminotrans—
ferase,AST 367
铁蛋白serum ferritin,SF 390
听力auditory acuity 97
听诊auscultation 76
听诊器stethoscope 77
同工酶isoenzymes 367
酮尿ketonuria 320
酮体ketone bodies 320
瞳孔pupil 96
桶状胸barrel chest 11 1
痛觉pain sensation 205
头发hair 91
头颅skull 91
头皮scalp 91
头痛headache 61
。…jj 一翊强艮\./
透明管型hyaline cast 323
透明质酸hyaluronic acid,HA 375
吞噬细胞macrophage 274
脱肛archocele 189
驼背gibbus 190
椭圆形细胞elliptocyte,oval cell 252
蛙腹frog belly 158
外耳道external auditory canal 97
外形contour 113
外源性致热源exogenous pyrogen 16
外痔externa hemorrhoid 1 89
晚幼红细胞ortho—chromatic normoblast 272
晚幼粒细胞metamyelocyte 272
网织红细胞reticulocyte 260’
网织红细胞生成指数reticulocyte production in—
dex,RPI 260
微小分化型急性髓细胞白血病minimally differentia—
ted acute myeloid leukemia,AMIAVlo型 291
位听神经vestibulocochlear nerve 202
胃型或肠型gastral or intestinal pattern 161
文氏现象Wenckebach phenomenon 510
问诊inquiry 5
无精液症aspermia 345
无精子症azoospermia 346
无尿anuria 317
无上皮内病变或恶性病变negitive for intraepithelial
lesion or malignancy,NII.M 342
舞蹈样运动choreic movement 204
物理检查physical examination 2
膝反射patellar tendon reflex 208
膝内翻genua valgum 198
膝外翻genua varum 198
系统回顾review of systems 7
系统评价systematic review 3
系统性红斑狼疮system lupus erythematosus,
SI。E 411
细胞分布直方图nomogram 264
细胞管型cellular cast 323
细胞因子cytokine,CK 417
_¨ ll誊篡¨“
细菌管型bacterial cast 324
细湿哕音fine crackles 127
下腹部,耻骨上部hypogastric region 158
下疳chancre 183
纤溶酶原激活抑制物一1活性plasminogen activator
inhibitor…1.PAI一1 307
纤维蛋白降解产物fibrin degradation produces,
FbDP 307
纤维蛋白原fibrinogen,Fg 303
tion product FDPs 306
现病史history of present illness 6
限制性片段长度多态性restriction fragment length
polymorphism,RFLP 470
限制性片段多态性restriction fragment length pol—
ymorphism,RFLP 466
消化性溃疡peptic ulcer 176
消瘦emaciation 80
小红细胞microcyte 252
小颅microcephalia 9 1
小阴唇labium minus pudendi 186
斜颈torticollis 103
心包积液pericardial effusion 154
心包叩击音pericardial knock 142
心包摩擦音pericardial friction sound 147
心包腔穿刺术pericardiocentesis 570
心电图electrocardiogram,ECG 479
心电图运动负荷试验ECG exercise test 523
心房颤动atrial fibrillation,AF 508
心房扑动atrial flutter,AFL 507
心肌梗死myocardial infarction 496
心肌肌钙蛋白I cardiac troponin I,cTnI 395
心肌肌钙蛋白T cardiac troponin T,cTnT 394
心肌缺血myocardial ischemia 494
心肌损伤myocardial injury 494
心悸palpitation 34
心尖搏动apical impulse 133
心力衰竭heart failure 155
心律cardiac rhythm 138
心律失常arrhythmias 502
心率heart rate 138
心室颤动ventricular fibrillation 509
心室扑动ventricular flutter 508
心音heart sound 139
心音分裂splitting of heart sounds 140
心源性水肿cardiac edema 22
心源性哮喘cardiac asthma 33
心脏杂音cardiac murmurs 143
信号接受操作特性图receiving operating character—
istics,ROC 247
性病研究实验室试验venereal disease research
laboratory test,VDRL 460
性传播疾病sexually transmitted disease,STD 458
胸壁chest wall 110
胸骨柄manubrium sterni 107
胸骨角sternal angle 107
胸骨旁线parasternal line 108
胸骨上切迹suprasternal notch 107
胸骨上窝suprasternal fossa 108
胸骨下角infrasternal angle 107
胸骨线sternal line 108
胸廓扩张度thoracic expansion 117
胸膜活体组织检查术pleura biopsy 567
胸膜摩擦感pleural friction fremitus 119
胸膜摩擦音pleural friction rub 128
胸膜腔穿刺术thoracentesis 566
胸腔积液pleural effusion 130
胸痛chest pain 28
胸语音pectoriloquy 128
雄激素androgen 404
嗅神经olfactory nerve 201
嗅诊olfactory examination 77
选择性蛋白尿selective proteinuria 319
眩晕dizziness,vertigo 63
血管性血友病von Willebrand disease,vWD 296
血管性血友病因子von Willebrand factor,vWF
血管性血友病因子活性yon Willebrand factor ac—
tivity,vWF:A 297
血管性血友病因子抗原yon Willebrand factor anti—
gen,vWF:Ag 297
血红蛋白尿hemoglobinuria 317
血红素heme 278
血浆硫酸鱼精蛋白副凝固试验plasma protamine
paracoagulation test,3P试验 307
血浆黏度plasma viscosity 308
血浆凝血酶调节蛋白thromhomodulin,TM 298
血浆凝血酶原时间prothrombin time,PT 302
血浆清除率cleatance 349
血浆纤溶酶原活性plasminogen,PI。G 307
血浆血栓烷B2 thromboxane B2,TXB2 301
血块收缩试验clot retraction test,CRT 298
血尿hematuria 57
血尿素氮blood urea nitrogen,BUN 351
血清清蛋白albumin,A 358
血清总蛋白serum total protein,STP 358
血栓前期prethrombotic phase 3t1
血栓前状态prethrombotic state,PTS 301
血栓性疾病thrombotic disease 301
血栓性血小板减少性紫癜thrombotic thromboeyto—
penia purpura.TTP 298
血栓与止血thrombosis and hemostasis 296
血细胞比容hematocrit,HCT 262
血细胞压积packed cell volum,PCV 2'62
血小板促凝活性platelet procoagUlant activity,
PPA 300
血小板分布宽度platelet distribution width,PDW
血小板计数platelet count,PC或Plt 260
血小板聚集试验platelet aggregation test,PAgT
299 。
血小板黏附试验platelet adhesion test,PAdT
血小板平均容积mean platelet volume,MPV 261
血小板无力症Glanzmann’S thrombasthenia,GT
血小板相关免疫球蛋白platelet associated immu—
noglobulin,PAIg 298
血型blood group 281
血循环中的免疫复合物circulating immunocom—
plex,CIC 438
血压blood pressure,BP 149
血液常规检测blood routine test 250
血液高凝状态hypercoagulable state,HCS 302
循证医学evidence—based medicine 3
压痛tenderness 113
牙teeth 99
牙龈gum 100
严重急性呼吸综合征severe acute respiratory syn—
drome,SARS 437
颜面face 92
眼睑eyelids 93
眼球eyeball 94
眼球突出exophthalmos 94
眼球下陷enophthalmos 95
眼球震颤nystagmus 95
羊鸣音egophony 128
洋地黄效应digitalis effect 519
洋地黄中毒digitalis toxicity 519
腰背痛lumbodorsalgia 5 2
腰椎穿刺术lumbar puncture 577
液波震颤fluid thrill 171
液基薄层制片liquid—based preparation,LBP 343
腋后线posterior axillary line 108
腋前线anterior axillary line 108
腋窝axillary fossa 108
腋中线midaxiltary line 108
衣原体chlamydia 437
医院感染nosocomial infection,hospital infection
胰岛素释放试验insulin releasing test 379
移动性浊音shifting dullness 173
移行上皮细胞transtitional epithelium 322.
移行性舌炎migratory glossitis 100
移植物抗宿主病,GVHD 257
移植物抗宿主反应,GVHR 257