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bird neighbors-第2部分

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rican treatment of them; from the rising generation。  NELTJE BLANCHAN




Family Cuculidae: CUCKOOS

Long; pigeon…shaped birds; whose backs are grayish brown with a bronze lustre and whose under parts are whitish。 Bill long and curved。 Tail long; raised and drooped slowly while the bird is perching。 Two toes point forward and two backward。 Call…note loud and like a tree…toad's rattle。 Song lacking。 Birds of low trees and undergrowth; where they also nest; partial to neighborhood of streams; or wherever the tent caterpillar is abundant。 Habits rather solitary; silent; and eccentric。 Migratory。   Yellow…billed Cuckoo。   Black…billed Cuckoo。

Family Alcedinidae: KINGFISHERS

Large; top…heavy birds of streams and ponds。 Usually seen perching over the water looking for fish。 Head crested; upper parts slate…blue; underneath white; and belted with blue or rusty。 Bill large and heavy。 Middle and outer toes joined for half their length。 Call…note loud and prolonged; like a policeman's rattle。 Solitary birds; little inclined to rove from a chosen locality。 Migratory。   Belted Kingfisher。


Family Picidae: WOODPECKERS

Medium…sized and small birds; usually with plumage black and white; and always with some red feathers about the head。 (The flicker is brownish and yellow instead of black and white。) Stocky; high…shouldered build; bill strong and long for drilling holes in bark of trees。 Tail feathers pointed and stiffened to serve as a prop。 Two toes before and two behind for clinging。 Usually seen clinging erect on tree…trunks; rarely; if ever; head downward; like the nuthatches; titmice; etc。 Woodpeckers feed as they creep around the trunks and branches。 Habits rather phlegmatic。 The flicker has better developed vocal powers than other birds of this class; whose rolling tattoo; beaten with their bills against the tree…trunks; must answer for their love…song。 Nest in hollowed…out trees。   Red…headed Woodpecker。   Hairy Woodpecker。   Downy Woodpecker。   Yellow…bellied Woodpecker。   Flicker。



Medium…sized; mottled brownish; gray; black; and white birds of heavy build。 Short; thick head; gaping; large mouth; very small bill; with bristles at base。 Take insect food on the wing。 Feet small and weak; wings long and powerful。 These birds rest lengthwise on their perch while sleeping through the brightest daylight hours; or on the ground; where they nest。   Nighthawk。   Whippoorwill。

Family Micropolidae: SWIFTS

Sooty; dusky birds seen on the wing; never resting except in chimneys of houses; or hollow trees; where they nest。 Tips of tail feathers with sharp spines; used as props。 They show their kinship with the goatsuckers in their nocturnal as well as diurnal habits; their small bills and large mouths for catching insects on the wing; and their weak feet。 Gregarious; especially at the nesting season。   Chimney Swift。

Family Trochilidae: HUMMING…BIRDS

Very small birds with green plumage (iridescent red or orange breast in males); long; needle…shaped bill for extracting insects and nectar from deep…cupped flowers; and exceedingly rapid; darting flight。 Small feet。   Ruby…throated Humming…bird。

Order Passeres: PERCHING BIRDS

Family Tyrannidae: FLYCATCHERS

Small and medium…sized dull; dark…olive; or gray birds; with big heads that are sometimes crested。 Bills hooked at end; and with bristles at base。 Harsh or plaintive voices。 Wings longer than tail; both wings and tails usually drooped and vibrating when the birds are perching。 Habits moody and silent when perching on a conspicuous limb; telegraph wire; dead tree; or fence rail and waiting for insects to fly within range。 Sudden; nervous; spasmodic sallies in midair to seize insects on the wing。 Usually they return to their identical perch or lookout。 Pugnacious and fearless。 Excellent nest builders and devoted mates。   Kingbird。   Phoebe。   Wood Pewee。   Acadian Flycatcher。   Great Crested Flycatcher。   Least Flycatcher。   Olive…sided Flycatcher。   Yellow…bellied Flycatcher。   Say's Flycatcher。

Family Alaudidae: LARKS

The only true larks to be found in this country are the two species given below。 They are the kin of the European skylark; of which several unsuccessful attempts to introduce the bird have been made in this country。 These two larks must not be confused with the meadow larks and titlarks; which belong to the blackbird and pipit families respectively。 The horned larks are birds of the ground; and are seen in the United States only in the autumn and winter。 In the nesting season at the North their voices are most musical。 Plumage grayish and brown; in color harmony with their habitats。 Usually found in flocks; the first species on or near the shore。   Horned Lark。   Prairie Horned Lark。

Family Corvidae: CROWS AND JAYS

The crows are large black birds; walkers; with stout feet adapted for the purpose。 Fond of shifting their residence at different seasons rather than strictly migratory; for; except at the northern limit of range; they remain resident all the year。 Gregarious。 Sexes alike。 Omnivorous feeders; being partly carnivorous; as are also the jays。 Both crows and jays inhabit wooded country。 Their voices are harsh and clamorous; and their habits are boisterous and bold; particularly the jays。 Devoted mates; unpleasant neighbors。   Common Crow。   Fish Crow。   Northern Raven。   Blue Jay。   Canada Jay。


Plumage black or a brilliant color combined with black。 (The meadow lark a sole exception。) Sexes unlike。 These birds form a connecting link between the crows and the finches。 The blackbirds have strong feet for use upon the ground; where they generally feed; while the orioles are birds of the trees。 They are both seed and insect eaters。 The bills of the bobolink and cowbird are short and conical; for they are conspicuous seed eaters。 Bills of the others long and conical; adapted for insectivorous diet。 About half the family are gifted songsters。   Red…winged Blackbird。   Rusty Blackbird。   Purple Grackle。   Bronzed Grackle。   Cowbird。   Meadow Lark。   Western Meadow Lark。   Bobolink。   Orchard Oriole。   Baltimore Oriole。


Generally fine songsters。 Bills conical; short; and stout for cracking seeds。 Length from five to nine inches; usually under eight inches。 This; the largest family of birds that we have (about one…seventh of all our birds belong to it); comprises birds of such varied plumage and habit that; while certain family resemblances may be traced throughout; it is almost impossible to characterize the family as such。 The sparrows are comparatively small gray and brown birds with striped upper parts; lighter underneath。 Birds of the ground; or not far from it; elevated perches being chosen for rest and song。 Nest in low bushes or on the ground。 (Chipping sparrow often selects tall trees。) Coloring adapted to grassy; dusty habitats。 Males and females similar。 Flight labored。 About forty species of sparrows are found in the United States; of these; fourteen may be met with by a novice; and six; at least; surely will be。

The finches and their larger kin are chiefly bright…plumaged birds; the females either duller or distinct from males; bills heavy; dull; and conical; befitting seed eaters。 Not so migratory as insectivorous birds nor so restless。 Mostly phlegmatic in temperament。 Fine songsters。   Chipping Sparrow。   English Sparrow。   Field Sparrow。   Fox Sparrow。   Grasshopper Sparrow。   Savanna Sparrow。   Seaside Sparrow。   Sharp…tailed Sparrow。   Song Sparrow。   Swamp Song Sparrow。   Tree Sparrow。   Vesper Sparrow。   White…crowned Sparrow。   White…throated Sparrow。   Lapland Longspur。   Smith's Painted Longspur。   Pine Siskin (or Finch)。   Purple Finch。   Goldfinch。   Redpoll。   Greater Redpoll。   Red Crossbill。   White…winged Red Crossbill。   Cardinal Grosbeak。   Rose…breasted Grosbeak。   Pine Grosbeak。   Evening Grosbeak。   Blue Grosbeak。   Indigo Bunting。   Junco。   Snowflake。   Chewink。

Family Tanagridae: TANAGERS

Distinctly an American family; remarkable for their brilliant plumage; which; however; undergoes great changes twice a year; Females different from males; being dull and inconspicuous。 Birds of the tropics; two species only finding their way north; and the summer tanager rarely found north of Pennsylvania。 Shy inhabitants of woods。 Though they may nest low in trees; they choose high perches when singing or feeding upon flowers; fruits; and insects。 As a family; the tanagers have weak; squeaky voices; but both our species are good songsters。 Suffering the fate of most bright…plumaged birds; immense numbers have been shot annually。   Scarlet Tanager。   Summer Tanager。

Family Hirundinidae。 SWALLOWS

Birds of the air; that take their insect food on the wing。 Migratory。 Flight strong; skimming; darting; exceedingly graceful。 When not flying they choose slender; conspicuous perches like telegraph wires; gutters; and eaves of barns。 Plumage of some species dull; of others iridescent blues and Greens above; whitish or ruddy below。 Sexes similar。 Bills small; mouths large。 … Long and pointed wings; generally reaching the tip of the tail or beyond。 Tail more or less forked。 Feet small and weak from disuse。 Song a twittering warble without power。 Gregarious birds。   Barn Swallow。   Bank Swallow。   Cliff (or Eaves) Swallow。   Tree Swallow。   Rough…winged Swallow。   Purple Martin。

Family Ampelidae: WAXWINGS

Medium…sized Quaker…like birds; with plumage of soft browns and grays。 Head crested; black band across forehead and through the eye。 Bodies plump from indolence。 Tail tipped with yellow; wings with red tips to coverts; resembling sealing…wax。 Sexes similar。 Silent; gentle; courteous; elegant birds。 Usually seen in large flocks feeding upon berries in the trees or perching on the branches; except at the nesting season。 Voices resemble a soft; lisping twitter。   Cedar Bird。   Bohemian Waxwi

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