the odyssey(安蟻琵)-及61何蛍
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
both past and future察so he spoke to them plainly and in all
;Men of Ithaca察it is all your own fault that things have turned out
as they have察you would not listen to me察nor yet to Mentor察when we
bade you check the folly of your sons who were doing much wrong in the
wantonness of their hearts´ wasting the substance and dishonouring the
wife of a chieftain who they thought would not return。 Now察however
let it be as I say察and do as I tell you。 Do not go out against
Ulysses察or you may find that you have been drawing down evil on
your own heads。;
This was what he said察and more than half raised a loud shout察and
at once left the assembly。 But the rest stayed where they were察for
the speech of Halitherses displeased them察and they sided with
Eupeithes察they therefore hurried off for their armour察and when
they had armed themselves察they met together in front of the city察and
Eupeithes led them on in their folly。 He thought he was going to
avenge the murder of his son察whereas in truth he was never to return
but was himself to perish in his attempt。
Then Minerva said to Jove察 Father察son of Saturn察king of kings
answer me this question´ What do you propose to do拭Will you set
them fighting still further察or will you make peace between them拭
And Jove answered察 My child察why should you ask me拭Was it not by
your own arrangement that Ulysses came home and took his revenge
upon the suitors拭Do whatever you like察but I will tell you what I
think will be most reasonable arrangement。 Now that Ulysses is
revenged察let them swear to a solemn covenant察in virtue of which he
shall continue to rule察while we cause the others to forgive and
forget the massacre of their sons and brothers。 Let them then all
become friends as heretofore察and let peace and plenty reign。;
This was what Minerva was already eager to bring about察so down
she darted from off the topmost summits of Olympus。
Now when Laertes and the others had done dinner察Ulysses began by
saying察 Some of you go out and see if they are not getting close up
to us。; So one of Dolius's sons went as he was bid。 Standing on the
threshold he could see them all quite near察and said to Ulysses察 Here
they are察let us put on our armour at once。;
They put on their armour as fast as they could´ that is to say
Ulysses察his three men察and the six sons of Dolius。 Laertes also and
Dolius did the same´ warriors by necessity in spite of their grey
hair。 When they had all put on their armour察they opened the gate
and sallied forth察Ulysses leading the way。
Then Jove's daughter Minerva came up to them察having assumed the
form and voice of Mentor。 Ulysses was glad when he saw her察and said
to his son Telemachus察 Telemachus察now that are about to fight in
an engagement察which will show every man's mettle察be sure not to
disgrace your ancestors察who were eminent for their strength and
courage all the world over。;
;You say truly察my dear father察─answered Telemachus察 and you shall
see察if you will察that I am in no mind to disgrace your family。;
Laertes was delighted when he heard this。 ;Good heavens察he
exclaimed察 what a day I am enjoying此I do indeed rejoice at it。 My
son and grandson are vying with one another in the matter of valour。;
On this Minerva came close up to him and said察 Son of Arceisius´
best friend I have in the world´ pray to the blue´eyed damsel察and
to Jove her father察then poise your spear and hurl it。;
As she spoke she infused fresh vigour into him察and when he had
prayed to her he poised his spear and hurled it。 He hit Eupeithes'
helmet察and the spear went right through it察for the helmet stayed
it not察and his armour rang rattling round him as he fell heavily to
the ground。 Meantime Ulysses and his son fell the front line of the
foe and smote them with their swords and spears察indeed察they would
have killed every one of them察and prevented them from ever getting
home again察only Minerva raised her voice aloud察and made every one
pause。 ;Men of Ithaca察─she cried察cease this dreadful war察and settle
the matter at once without further bloodshed。;
On this pale fear seized every one察they were so frightened that
their arms dropped from their hands and fell upon the ground at the
sound of the goddess's voice察and they fled back to the city for their
lives。 But Ulysses gave a great cry察and gathering himself together
swooped down like a soaring eagle。 Then the son of Saturn sent a
thunderbolt of fire that fell just in front of Minerva察so she said to
Ulysses察 Ulysses察noble son of Laertes察stop this warful strife察or
Jove will be angry with you。;
Thus spoke Minerva察and Ulysses obeyed her gladly。 Then Minerva
assumed the form and voice of Mentor察and presently made a covenant of
peace between the two contending parties。