八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the castle of otranto >


the castle of otranto-第15部分

小说: the castle of otranto 字数: 每页4000字

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tender silent affection with which the Princess and her daughter  regarded each other; melted him almost to tears。  Yet apprehensive  that his forbearance to obey would be more alarming; he repeated in a  faltering and low voice the following lines:

〃Where'er a casque that suits this sword is found; With perils is thy daughter compass'd round; ALFONSO'S blood alone can save the maid; And quiet a long restless Prince's shade。〃

〃What is there in these lines;〃 said Theodore impatiently; 〃that  affects these Princesses?  Why were they to be shocked by a mysterious  delicacy; that has so little foundation?〃

〃Your words are rude; young man;〃 said the Marquis; 〃and though  fortune has favoured you once … 〃

〃My honoured Lord;〃 said Isabella; who resented Theodore's warmth;  which she perceived was dictated by his sentiments for Matilda;  〃discompose not yourself for the glosing of a peasant's son:  he  forgets the reverence he owes you; but he is not accustomed … 〃

Hippolita; concerned at the heat that had arisen; checked Theodore for  his boldness; but with an air acknowledging his zeal; and changing the  conversation; demanded of Frederic where he had left her Lord?  As the  Marquis was going to reply; they heard a noise without; and rising to  inquire the cause; Manfred; Jerome; and part of the troop; who had met  an imperfect rumour of what had happened; entered the chamber。   Manfred advanced hastily towards Frederic's bed to condole with him on  his misfortune; and to learn the circumstances of the combat; when  starting in an agony of terror and amazement; he cried …

〃Ha! what art thou? thou dreadful spectre! is my hour come?〃

〃My dearest; gracious Lord;〃 cried Hippolita; clasping him in her  arms; 〃what is it you see!  Why do you fix your eye…balls thus?〃

〃What!〃 cried Manfred breathless; 〃dost thou see nothing; Hippolita?   Is this ghastly phantom sent to me alone … to rue; who did not … 〃

〃For mercy's sweetest self; my Lord;〃 said Hippolita; 〃resume your  soul; command your reason。  There is none here; but us; your friends。〃

〃What; is not that Alfonso?〃 cried Manfred。  〃Dost thou not see him?  can it be my brain's delirium?〃

〃This! my Lord;〃 said Hippolita; 〃this is Theodore; the youth who has  been so unfortunate。〃

〃Theodore!〃 said Manfred mournfully; and striking his forehead;  〃Theodore or a phantom; he has unhinged the soul of Manfred。  But how  comes he here? and how comes he in armour?〃

〃I believe he went in search of Isabella;〃 said Hippolita。

〃Of Isabella!〃 said Manfred; relapsing into rage; 〃yes; yes; that is  not doubtful …。  But how did he escape from durance in which I left  him?  Was it Isabella; or this hypocritical old Friar; that procured  his enlargement?〃

〃And would a parent be criminal; my Lord;〃 said Theodore; 〃if he  meditated the deliverance of his child?〃

Jerome; amazed to hear himself in a manner accused by his son; and  without foundation; knew not what to think。  He could not comprehend  how Theodore had escaped; how he came to be armed; and to encounter  Frederic。  Still he would not venture to ask any questions that might  tend to inflame Manfred's wrath against his son。  Jerome's silence  convinced Manfred that he had contrived Theodore's release。

〃And is it thus; thou ungrateful old man;〃 said the Prince; addressing  himself to the Friar; 〃that thou repayest mine and Hippolita's  bounties?  And not content with traversing my heart's nearest wishes;  thou armest thy bastard; and bringest him into my own castle to insult  me!〃

〃My Lord;〃 said Theodore; 〃you wrong my father:  neither he nor I are  capable of harbouring a thought against your peace。  Is it insolence  thus to surrender myself to your Highness's pleasure?〃 added he;  laying his sword respectfully at Manfred's feet。  〃Behold my bosom;  strike; my Lord; if you suspect that a disloyal thought is lodged  there。  There is not a sentiment engraven on my heart that does not  venerate you and yours。〃

The grace and fervour with which Theodore uttered these words  interested every person present in his favour。  Even Manfred was  touched … yet still possessed with his resemblance to Alfonso; his  admiration was dashed with secret horror。

〃Rise;〃 said he; 〃thy life is not my present purpose。  But tell me thy  history; and how thou camest connected with this old traitor here。〃

〃My Lord;〃 said Jerome eagerly。

〃Peace! impostor!〃 said Manfred; 〃I will not have him prompted。〃

〃My Lord;〃 said Theodore; 〃I want no assistance; my story is very  brief。  I was carried at five years of age to Algiers with my mother;  who had been taken by corsairs from the coast of Sicily。  She died of  grief in less than a twelvemonth;〃 the tears gushed from Jerome's  eyes; on whose countenance a thousand anxious passions stood  expressed。  〃Before she died;〃 continued Theodore; 〃she bound a  writing about my arm under my garments; which told me I was the son of  the Count Falconara。〃

〃It is most true;〃 said Jerome; 〃I am that wretched father。〃

〃Again I enjoin thee silence;〃 said Manfred:  〃proceed。〃

〃I remained in slavery;〃 said Theodore; 〃until within these two years;  when attending on my master in his cruises; I was delivered by a  Christian vessel; which overpowered the pirate; and discovering myself  to the captain; he generously put me on shore in Sicily; but alas!  instead of finding a father; I learned that his estate; which was  situated on the coast; had; during his absence; been laid waste by the  Rover who had carried my mother and me into captivity:  that his  castle had been burnt to the ground; and that my father on his return  had sold what remained; and was retired into religion in the kingdom  of Naples; but where no man could inform me。  Destitute and  friendless; hopeless almost of attaining the transport of a parent's  embrace; I took the first opportunity of setting sail for Naples; from  whence; within these six days; I wandered into this province; still  supporting myself by the labour of my hands; nor until yester…morn did  I believe that heaven had reserved any lot for me but peace of mind  and contented poverty。  This; my Lord; is Theodore's story。  I am  blessed beyond my hope in finding a father; I am unfortunate beyond my  desert in having incurred your Highness's displeasure。〃

He ceased。  A murmur of approbation gently arose from the audience。

〃This is not all;〃 said Frederic; 〃I am bound in honour to add what he  suppresses。  Though he is modest; I must be generous; he is one of the  bravest youths on Christian ground。  He is warm too; and from the  short knowledge I have of him; I will pledge myself for his veracity:   if what he reports of himself were not true; he would not utter it …  and for me; youth; I honour a frankness which becomes thy birth; but  now; and thou didst offend me:  yet the noble blood which flows in thy  veins; may well be allowed to boil out; when it has so recently traced  itself to its source。  Come; my Lord;〃 (turning to Manfred); 〃if I can  pardon him; surely you may; it is not the youth's fault; if you took  him for a spectre。〃

This bitter taunt galled the soul of Manfred。

〃If beings from another world;〃 replied he haughtily; 〃have power to  impress my mind with awe; it is more than living man can do; nor could  a stripling's arm。〃

〃My Lord;〃 interrupted Hippolita; 〃your guest has occasion for repose:   shall we not leave him to his rest?〃  Saying this; and taking Manfred  by the hand; she took leave of Frederic; and led the company forth。

The Prince; not sorry to quit a conversation which recalled to mind  the discovery he had made of his most secret sensations; suffered  himself to be conducted to his own apartment; after permitting  Theodore; though under engagement to return to the castle on the  morrow (a condition the young man gladly accepted); to retire with his  father to the convent。  Matilda and Isabella were too much occupied  with their own reflections; and too little content with each other; to  wish for farther converse that night。  They separated each to her  chamber; with more expressions of ceremony and fewer of affection thou  had passed between them since their childhood。

If they parted with small cordiality; they did but meet with greater  impatience; as soon as the sun was risen。  Their minds were in a  situation that excluded sleep; and each recollected a thousand  questions which she wished she had put to the other overnight。   Matilda reflected that Isabella had been twice delivered by Theodore  in very critical situations; which she could not believe accidental。   His eyes; it was true; had been fixed on her in Frederic's chamber;  but that might have been to disguise his passion for Isabella from the  fathers of both。  It were better to clear this up。  She wished to know  the truth; lest she should wrong her friend by entertaining a passion  for Isabella's lover。  Thus jealousy prompted; and at the same time  borrowed an excuse from friendship to justify its curiosity。

Isabella; not less restless; had better foundation for her suspicions。   Both Theodore's tongue and eyes had told her his heart was engaged; it  was true … yet; perhaps; Matilda might not correspond to his passion;  she had ever appeared insensible to love:  all her thoughts were set  on heaven。

〃Why did I dissuade her?〃 said Isabella to herself; 〃I am punished for  my generosity; but when did they meet? where?  It cannot be; I have  deceived myself; perhaps last night was the first time they ever  beheld each other; it must be some other object that has prepossessed  his affections … if it is; I am not so unhappy as I thought; if it is  not my friend Matilda … how!  Can I stoop to wish for the affection of  a man; who rudely and unnecessarily acquainted me with his  indifference? and that at the very moment in which common courtesy  demanded at least expressions of civility。  I will go to my dear  Matilda; who will confirm me in this becoming pride。  Man is false … I  will advise with her on taking the veil:  she will rejoice to find me  in this disposition; and I will acquaint her that I no longer oppose  her inclination for the cloister。〃

In this frame of mind; and determined to open her heart entirely to  Matilda; she wen

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