八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > under the greenwood tree >


under the greenwood tree-第17部分

小说: under the greenwood tree 字数: 每页4000字

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heads; shoulders from bodies; scattering the spokes of cart…wheels;

and bending the straight fir…trunks into semicircles。  The ceiling

was carried by a beam traversing its midst; from the side of which

projected a large nail; used solely and constantly as a peg for

Geoffrey's hat; the nail was arched by a rainbowshaped stain;

imprinted by the brim of the said hat when it was hung there

dripping wet。

The most striking point about the room was the furniture。  This was

a repetition upon inanimate objects of the old principle introduced

by Noah; consisting for the most part of two articles of every sort。

The duplicate system of furnishing owed its existence to the

forethought of Fancy's mother; exercised from the date of Fancy's

birthday onwards。  The arrangement spoke for itself:  nobody who

knew the tone of the household could look at the goods without being

aware that the second set was a provision for Fancy; when she should

marry and have a house of her own。  The most noticeable instance was

a pair of green…faced eight…day clocks; ticking alternately; which

were severally two and half minutes and three minutes striking the

hour of twelve; one proclaiming; in Italian flourishes; Thomas Wood

as the name of its maker; and the otherarched at the top; and

altogether of more cynical appearancethat of Ezekiel Saunders。

They were two departed clockmakers of Casterbridge; whose desperate

rivalry throughout their lives was nowhere more emphatically

perpetuated than here at Geoffrey's。  These chief specimens of the

marriage provision were supported on the right by a couple of

kitchen dressers; each fitted complete with their cups; dishes; and

plates; in their turn followed by two dumb…waiters; two family

Bibles; two warming…pans; and two intermixed sets of chairs。

But the position last reachedthe chimney…cornerwas; after all;

the most attractive side of the parallelogram。  It was large enough

to admit; in addition to Geoffrey himself; Geoffrey's wife; her

chair; and her work…table; entirely within the line of the mantel;

without danger or even inconvenience from the heat of the fire; and

was spacious enough overhead to allow of the insertion of wood poles

for the hanging of bacon; which were cloaked with long shreds of

soot; floating on the draught like the tattered banners on the walls

of ancient aisles。

These points were common to most chimney corners of the

neighbourhood; but one feature there was which made Geoffrey's

fireside not only an object of interest to casual aristocratic

visitorsto whom every cottage fireside was more or less a

curiositybut the admiration of friends who were accustomed to

fireplaces of the ordinary hamlet model。  This peculiarity was a

little window in the chimney…back; almost over the fire; around

which the smoke crept caressingly when it left the perpendicular

course。  The window…board was curiously stamped with black circles;

burnt thereon by the heated bottoms of drinking…cups; which had

rested there after previously standing on the hot ashes of the

hearth for the purpose of warming their contents; the result giving

to the ledge the look of an envelope which has passed through

innumerable post…offices。

Fancy was gliding about the room preparing dinner; her head

inclining now to the right; now to the left; and singing the tips

and ends of tunes that sprang up in her mind like mushrooms。  The

footsteps of Mrs。 Day could be heard in the room overhead。  Fancy

went finally to the door。

〃Father!  Dinner。〃

A tall spare figure was seen advancing by the window with periodical

steps; and the keeper entered from the garden。  He appeared to be a

man who was always looking down; as if trying to recollect something

he said yesterday。  The surface of his face was fissured rather than

wrinkled; and over and under his eyes were folds which seemed as a

kind of exterior eyelids。  His nose had been thrown backwards by a

blow in a poaching fray; so that when the sun was low and shining in

his face; people could see far into his head。  There was in him a

quiet grimness; which would in his moments of displeasure have

become surliness; had it not been tempered by honesty of soul; and

which was often wrongheadedness because not allied with subtlety。

Although not an extraordinarily taciturn man among friends slightly

richer than himself; he never wasted words upon outsiders; and to

his trapper Enoch his ideas were seldom conveyed by any other means

than nods and shakes of the head。  Their long acquaintance with each

other's ways; and the nature of their labours; rendered words

between them almost superfluous as vehicles of thought; whilst the

coincidence of their horizons; and the astonishing equality of their

social views; by startling the keeper from time to time as very

damaging to the theory of master and man; strictly forbade any

indulgence in words as courtesies。

Behind the keeper came Enoch (who had been assisting in the garden)

at the well…considered chronological distance of three minutesan

interval of non…appearance on the trapper's part not arrived at

without some reflection。  Four minutes had been found to express

indifference to indoor arrangements; and simultaneousness had

implied too great an anxiety about meals。

〃A little earlier than usual; Fancy;〃 the keeper said; as he sat

down and looked at the clocks。  〃That Ezekiel Saunders o' thine is

tearing on afore Thomas Wood again。〃

〃I kept in the middle between them;〃 said Fancy; also looking at the

two clocks。

〃Better stick to Thomas;〃 said her father。  〃There's a healthy beat

in Thomas that would lead a man to swear by en offhand。  He is as

true as the town time。  How is it your stap…mother isn't here?〃

As Fancy was about to reply; the rattle of wheels was heard; and

〃Weh…hey; Smart!〃 in Mr。 Richard Dewy's voice rolled into the

cottage from round the corner of the house。

〃Hullo! there's Dewy's cart come for thee; FancyDick driving

afore time; too。  Well; ask the lad to have pot…luck with us。〃

Dick on entering made a point of implying by his general bearing

that he took an interest in Fancy simply as in one of the same race

and country as himself; and they all sat down。  Dick could have

wished her manner had not been so entirely free from all apparent

consciousness of those accidental meetings of theirs:  but he let

the thought pass。  Enoch sat diagonally at a table afar off; under

the corner cupboard; and drank his cider from a long perpendicular

pint cup; having tall fir…trees done in brown on its sides; He threw

occasional remarks into the general tide of conversation; and with

this advantage to himself; that he participated in the pleasures of

a talk (slight as it was) at meal…times; without saddling himself

with the responsibility of sustaining it。

〃Why don't your stap…mother come down; Fancy?〃 said Geoffrey。

〃You'll excuse her; Mister Dick; she's a little queer sometimes。〃

〃O yes;quite;〃 said Richard; as if he were in the habit of

excusing people every day。

〃She d'belong to that class of womankind that become second wives:

a rum class rather。〃

〃Indeed;〃 said Dick; with sympathy for an indefinite something。

〃Yes; and 'tis trying to a female; especially if you've been a first

wife; as she hey。〃

〃Very trying it must be。〃

〃Yes:  you see her first husband was a young man; who let her go too

far; in fact; she used to kick up Bob's…a…dying at the least thing

in the world。  And when I'd married her and found it out; I thought;

thinks I; 〃'Tis too late now to begin to cure 'e;〃 and so I let her

bide。  But she's queer;very queer; at times!〃

〃I'm sorry to hear that。〃

〃Yes:  there; wives be such a provoking class o' society; because

though they be never right; they be never more than half wrong。〃

Fancy seemed uneasy under the infliction of this household

moralizing; which might tend to damage the airy…fairy nature that

Dick; as maiden shrewdness told her; had accredited her with。  Her

dead silence impressed Geoffrey with the notion that something in

his words did not agree with her educated ideas; and he changed the


〃Did Fred Shiner send the cask o' drink; Fancy?〃

〃I think he did:  O yes; he did。〃

〃Nice solid feller; Fred Shiner!〃 said Geoffrey to Dick as he helped

himself to gravy; bringing the spoon round to his plate by way of

the potato…dish; to obviate a stain on the cloth in the event of a


Now Geoffrey's eyes had been fixed upon his plate for the previous

four or five minutes; and in removing them he had only carried them

to the spoon; which; from its fulness and the distance of its

transit; necessitated a steady watching through the whole of the

route。  Just as intently as the keeper's eyes had been fixed on the

spoon; Fancy's had been fixed on her father's; without premeditation

or the slightest phase of furtiveness; but there they were fastened。

This was the reason why:

Dick was sitting next to her on the right side; and on the side of

the table opposite to her father。  Fancy had laid her right hand

lightly down upon the table…cloth for an instant; and to her alarm

Dick; after dropping his fork and brushing his forehead as a reason;

flung down his own left hand; overlapping a third of Fancy's with

it; and keeping it there。  So the innocent Fancy; instead of pulling

her hand from the trap; settled her eyes on her father's; to guard

against his discovery of this perilous game of Dick's。  Dick

finished his mouthful; Fancy finished; her crumb; and nothing was

done beyond watching Geoffrey's eyes。  Then the hands slid apart;

Fancy's going over six inches of cloth; Dick's over one。  Geoffrey's

eye had risen。

〃I said Fred Shiner is a nice solid feller;〃 he repeated; more


〃He is; yes; he is;〃 stammered Dick; 〃but to me he is little more

than a stranger。

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