八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > oliver twist(雾都孤儿(孤星血泪)) >


oliver twist(雾都孤儿(孤星血泪))-第14部分

小说: oliver twist(雾都孤儿(孤星血泪)) 字数: 每页4000字

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splendid beauty; but the light only served to show the boy his own 
lonesomeness and desolation; as he sat with bleeding feet and 
covered with dust; upon a doorstep。 

By degrees; the shutters were opened; the window…blinds were 
drawn up; and people began passing to and fro。 Some few stopped 
to gaze at Oliver for a moment or two; or turned round to stare at 
him as they hurried by; but none relieved him; or troubled 
themselves to inquire how he came there。 He had no heart to beg。 
And there he sat。 

He had been crouching on the step for some time; wondering at 
the great number of public houses (every other house in Barnet 
was a tavern; large or small); gazing listlessly at the coaches as 
they passed trough; and thinking how strange it seemed that they 
could do; with ease; in a few hours; what it had taken him a whole 
week of courage and determination beyond his years to 
accomplish; when he was roused by observing that a boy; who had 
passed him carelessly some minutes before; had returned; and was 
now surveying him most earnestly from the opposite side of the 
way。 He took little heed of this at first; but the boy remained in the 
same attitude of close observation so long; that Oliver raised his 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

Oliver Twist 

head; and returned his steady look。 Upon this; the boy crossed 

over; and; walking close up to Oliver; said: 

“Hollo; my covey! What’s the row?” 

The boy who addressed this inquiry to the young wayfarer; was 
about his own age; but one of the queerest…looking boys that 
Oliver had ever seen。 He was a snub…nosed; flat…browed; common…
faced boy enough; and as dirty a juvenile as one would wish to see; 
but he had about him all the airs and manners of a man。 He was 
short for his age; with rather bow…legs; and little; sharp; ugly eyes。 
His hat was stuck on the top of his head so lightly; that it 
threatened to fall off every moment—and would have done so; 
very often; if the wearer had not had a knack of every now and 
then ;giving his head a sudden twitch; which brought it back to its 
old place again。 He wore a man’s coat; which reached nearly to his 
heels。 He had turned the cuffs back; half…way up his arm; to get his 
hands out of the sleeves; apparently with the ultimate view of 
thrusting them into the pockets of his corduroy trousers; for there 
he kept them。 He was; altogether; as roystering and swaggering a 
young gentleman as ever stood four feet six; or something less; in 
his bluchers。 

“Hollo; my covey! What’s the row?” said this strange young 
gentleman to Oliver。 

“I am very hungry and tired;” replied Oliver; the tears standing 
in his eyes as he spoke。 “I have walked a long way。 I have been 
walking these seven days。” 

“Walking for sivin days!” said the young gentleman。 “Oh; I see。 
Beak’s order; eh? But;” he added; noticing Oliver’s look of 
surprise; “I suppose you don’t know what a beak is; my flash compan…i…on。” 

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Oliver Twist 

Oliver mildly replied; that he had always heard a bird’s mouth 
described by the term in question。 

“My eyes; how green!” exclaimed the young gentleman。 “Why; 
a beak’s a madgst’rate; and when you walk by beak’s order; it’s not 
straight forerd; but always a…going up; and nivir a…coming down 
agin。 Was you never on the mill?” 

“What mill?” inquired Oliver。 

“What mill! Why; the mill—the mill as takes up so little room 
that it’ll work inside a stone jug; and always goes better when the 
wind’s low with people; than when it’s high; a…cos then they can’t 
get workmen。 But come;” said the young gentleman; “you want 
grub; and you shall have it。 I’m at low…water mark myself—only 
one bob and a magpie; but; as far as it goes; I’ll fork out and 
stump。 Up with you on your pins。 There! Now then! Morrice!” 

Assisting Oliver to rise; the young gentleman took him to an 
adjacent chandler’s shop; where he purchased a sufficiency of 
ready…dressed ham and a half…quartern loaf; or; as he himself 
expressed it; “a fourpenny bran;” the ham being kept clean and 
preserved from dust; by the ingenious expedience of making a 
hole in the loaf by pulling out a portion of the crumb; and stuffing 
it therein。 Taking the bread under his arm; the young gentleman 
turned into a small public…house; and led the way to a tap…room in 
the rear of the premises。 Here; a pot of beer was brought in; by 
direction of the mysterious youth; and Oliver; falling to; at his new 
friend’s bidding; made a long and hearty meal; during the progress 
of which; the strange boy eyed him from time to time with great 

“Going to London?” said the strange boy; when Oliver had at 
length concluded。 

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Oliver Twist 


“Got any lodgings?” 




The strange boy whistled; and put his arms into his pockets; as 
far as the big coat sleeves would let them go。 

“Do you live in London?” inquired Oliver。 

“Yes。 I do; when I’m at home;” replied the boy。 “I suppose you 
want some place to sleep in tonight; don’t you?” 

“I do; indeed;” answered Oliver。 “I have not slept under a roof 
since I left the country。” 

“Don’t fret your eyelids on that score;” said the young 
gentleman。 “I’ve got to be in London tonight; and I know a 
’spectable old gentleman as lives there; wot’ll give you lodgings for 
nothink; and never ask for the change—that is; if any gentleman 
he knows interduces you。 And don’t he know me? Oh; no! Not in 
the least! By no means。 Certainly not!” The young gentleman 
smiled; as if to intimate that the latter fragments of discourse were 
playfully ironical; and finished the beer as he did so。 

This unexpected offer of shelter was too tempting to be 
resisted; especially as it was immediately followed up; by the 
assurance that the old gentleman referred to; would doubtless 
provide Oliver with a comfortable place; without loss of time This 
led to a more friendly and confidential dialogue; from which Oliver 
discovered that his friend’s name was Jack Dawkins; and that he 
was a peculiar pet and protégé of the elderly gentleman before 

Mr。 Dawkins’ appearance did not say a vast deal in favour of the 

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Oliver Twist 

comforts which his patron’s interest obtained for those whom he 
took under his protection; but; as he had a rather flighty and 
dissolute mode of conversing; and furthermore avowed that 
among his intimate friends he was better known by the sobriquet 
of “The Artful Dodger;” Oliver concluded that; being of a 
dissipated and careless turn; the moral precept of his benefactor 
had hitherto been thrown away upon him。 Under this impression; 
he secretly resolved to cultivate the good opinion of the old 
gentleman as quickly as possible; and; if he found the Dodger 
incorrigible; as he more than half…suspected he should; to decline 
the honour of his further acquaintance。 

As John Dawkins objected to their entering London before 
nightfall; it was nearly seven o’clock when they reached the 
turnpike at Islington。 They crossed from the Angel into St。 John’s 
Road; struck down the small street which terminates at Sadler’s 
Wells Theatre; through Exmouth Street and Coppice Row; down 
the little court by the side of the workhouse; across the classic 
ground which once bore the name of Hockley…in…the…Hole; thence 
into Little Saffron Hill; and so into Saffron Hill the Great; along 
which the Dodger scudded at a rapid pace; directing Oliver to 
follow close at his heels。 

Although Oliver had enough to occupy his attention in keeping 
sight of his leader; he could not help bestowing a few hasty glances 
on either side of the way; as he passed along。 A dirtier or more 
wretched place he had never seen。 The street was very narrow 
and muddy; and the air was impregnated with filthy odours。 There 
were a good many small shops; but the only stock in trade 
appeared to be heaps of children; who; even at that time of night; 
were crawling in and out at the doors; or screaming from the 

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Oliver Twist 

inside。 The sole places that seemed to prosper amid the general 
blight of the place; were the public…houses; and in them; the lowest 
orders of Irish were wrangling with might and main。 Covered 
ways and yards; where here and there diverged from the main 
street; disclosed little knots of houses; where drunken men and 
women were positively wallowing in filth; and from several of the 
doorways; great ill…looking fellows were cautiously emerging; 
bound; to all appearance; on no very well…disposed or harmless 

Oliver was just considering whether he hadn’t better run away; 
when they reached the bottom of the hill。 His conductor; catching 
him by the arm; pushed open the door of a house near Field Lane; 
and; drawing him into the passage; closed it behind them。 

“Now; then!” cried a voice from below; in reply to a whistle 
from the Dodger。 

“Plummy and slam!” was the reply。 

This seemed to be some watchword or signal that all was right; 
for the light of a feeble candle gleamed on the wall at the remote 
end of the passage; and a man’s face peeped out; from where a 
balustrade of the old kitchen staircase had been broken away。 

“There’s two on you;” said the man; thrusting the candle 
farther out; and shading his eyes with his hand。 “Who’s the t’other 

“A new pal;” replied Jack Dawkins; pulling Oliver forward。 

“Where did he come from?” 

“Greenland。 Is Fagin upstairs?” 

“Yes; he’s a…sortin’ the wipes。 Up with you!” The candle was 
drawn back; and the face disappeared。 

Oliver; groping his way with one hand; and having the other 

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Oliver Twist 

firmly grasped by his companion; ascended with much difficulty 
the dark and broken stairs; which his conductor mounted with an 
ease and expedition that showed that he was well acquainted with 
them。 He threw open the door of a ba

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