八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > oliver twist(雾都孤儿(孤星血泪)) >


oliver twist(雾都孤儿(孤星血泪))-第30部分

小说: oliver twist(雾都孤儿(孤星血泪)) 字数: 每页4000字

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say that you do want for something; now? Why; you little wretch— 
“Stop; Mrs。 Mann; stop!” said the beadle; raising his hand with 
a show of authority。 “Like what; sir; eh?” 

“I should like;” faltered the child; “if somebody that can write; 
would put a few words down for me on a piece of paper; and fold it 
up and seal it; and keep it for me; after I am laid in the ground。” 

“Why; what does the boy mean?” exclaimed Mr。 Bumble; on 
whom the earnest manner and wan aspect of the child had made 
some impression; accustomed as he was to such things。 “What do 
you mean; sir?” 

“I should like;” said the child; “to leave my dear love to poor 
Oliver Twist; and to let him know how often I have sat by myself 

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and cried to think of his wandering about in the dark nights with 
nobody to help him。 And I should like to tell him;” said the child; 
pressing his small hands together; and speaking with great 
fervour; “that I was glad to die when I was very young; for; 
perhaps; if I had lived to be a man; and had grown old; my little 
sister; who is in heaven; might forget me; or be unlike me; and it 
would be so much happier if we were both children there 

Mr。 Bumble surveyed the little speaker from head to foot; with 
indescribable astonishment; and; turning to his companion; said; 
“They’re all in one story; Mrs。 Mann。 That outdacious Oliver has 
demogalised them all!” 

“I couldn’t have believed it; sir!” said Mrs。 Mann; holding up 
her hands; and looking malignantly at Dick。 “I never see such a 
hardened little wretch!” 

“Take him away; ma’am!” said Mr。 Bumble imperiously。 “This 
must be stated to the Board; Mrs。 Mann。” 

“I hope the gentlemen will understand that it isn’t my fault; 
sir?” said Mrs。 Mann; whimpering pathetically。 

“They shall understand that; ma’am; they shall be acquainted 
with the true state of the case;” said Mr。 Bumble。 “There; take him 
away; I can’t bear the sight on him。” 

Dick was immediately taken away; and locked up in the coal…
cellar。 Mr。 Bumble shortly afterwards took himself off; to prepare 
for his journey。 

At six o’clock next morning; Mr。 Bumble; having exchanged his 
cocked hat for a round one; and encased his person in a blue 
greatcoat with a cape to it; took his place on the outside of the 
coach; accompanied by the criminals whose settlement was 

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disputed; with whom; in due course of time; he arrived in London。 
He experienced no other crosses on the way; than those which 
originated in the perverse behaviour of the two paupers; who 
persisted in shivering; and complaining of the cold; in a manner 
which; Mr。 Bumble declared; caused his teeth to chatter in his 
head; and made him feel quite uncomfortable; although he had a 
greatcoat on。 

Having disposed of these evil…minded persons for the night; Mr。 
Bumble sat himself down in the house at which the coach stopped; 
and took a temperate dinner of steaks; oyster sauce; and porter。 
Putting a glass of hot gin…and…water on the chimney…piece; he 
drew his chair to the fire; and; with sundry moral reflections on 
the too prevalent sin of discontent and complaining; composed 
himself to read the paper。 

The very first paragraph upon which Mr。 Bumble’s eye rested; 
was the following advertisement。 


“Whereas a young boy; named Oliver Twist; absconded; or was 
enticed; on Thursday evening last; from his home; at Pentonville; 
and has not since been heard of。 The above reward will be paid to 
any person who will give such information as will lead to the 
discovery of the said Oliver Twist; or tend to throw any light upon 
his previous history; in which the advertiser is; for many reasons; 
warmly interested。” 

And then followed a full description of Oliver’s dress; person; 
appearance; and disappearance; with the name and address of Mr。 
Brownlow at full length。 

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Mr。 Bumble opened his eyes; read the advertisement; slowly 
and carefully; three several times; and in something more than 
five minutes was on his way to Pentonville; having actually; in his 
excitement; left the glass of hot gin…and…water untasted。 

“Is Mr。 Brownlow at home?” inquired Mr。 Bumble of the girl 
who opened the door。 

To this inquiry the girl returned the not uncommon; but rather 
evasive reply of “I don’t know; where do you come from?” 

Mr。 Bumble no sooner uttered Oliver’s name; in explanation of 
his errand; than Mrs。 Bedwin; who had been listening at the 
parlour door; hastened into the passage in a breathless state。 

“Come in—come in;” said the old lady。 “I knew we should hear 
of him。 Poor dear! I knew we should! I was certain of it。 Bless his 
heart! I said so; all along。” 

Having said this; the worthy old lady hurried back into the 
parlour again; and seating herself on a sofa; burst into tears。 The 
girl; who was not quite so susceptible; had run upstairs 
meanwhile; and now returned with a request that Mr。 Bumble 
would follow her immediately; which he did。 

He was shown into the little back study; where sat Mr。 
Brownlow and his friend Mr。 Grimwig; with decanters and glasses 
before them。 The latter gentleman at once burst into the 

“A beadle! A parish beadle; or I’ll eat my head。” 

“Pray don’t interrupt just now;” said Mr。 Brownlow。 “Take a 
seat; will you?” 

Mr。 Bumble sat himself down; quite confounded by the oddity 
of Mr。 Grimwig’s manner。 Mr。 Brownlow moved the lamp; so as to 
obtain an uninterrupted view of the beadle’s countenance; and 

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said; with a little impatience: 

“Now; sir; you come in consequence of having seen the 

“Yes; sir;” said Mr。 Bumble。 

“And you are a beadle; are you not?” inquired Mr。 Grimwig。 

“I am a porochial beadle; gentlemen;” rejoined Mr。 Bumble 

“Of course;” observed Mr Grimwig; aside to his friend; “I knew 
he was。 A beadle all over!” 

Mr Brownlow gently shook his head to impose silence on his 
friend; and resumed: 

“Do you know where this poor boy is now?” 

“No more than nobody;” replied Mr。 Bumble。 

“Well; what do you know of him?” inquired the old gentleman。 
“Speak out; my friend; if you have anything to say。 What do you 
know of him?” 

“You don’t happen to know any good of him; do you?” said Mr。 
Grimwig caustically; after an attentive perusal of Mr。 Bumble’s 

Mr。 Bumble; catching at the inquiry very quickly; shook his 
head with portentous solemnity。 

You see?” said Mr。 Grimwig; looking triumphantly at Mr。 

Mr。 Brownlow looked apprehensively at Mr。 Bumble’s pursed…
up countenance; and requested him to communicate what he 
knew regarding Oliver; in as few words as possible。 

Mr。 Bumble put down his hat; unbuttoned his coat; folded his 
arms; inclined his head in a retrospective manner; and; after a few 
moments’ reflection; commenced his story。 

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It would be tedious if given in the beadle’s words; occupying as 
it did; some twenty minutes in the telling; but the sum and 
substance of it was; That Oliver was a foundling; born of low and 
vicious parents。 That he had; from his birth; displayed no better 
qualities than treachery; ingratitude; and malice。 That he had 
terminated his brief career in the place of his birth; by making a 
sanguinary and cowardly attack on an unoffending lad; and 
running away in the night…time from his master’s house。 In proof 
of his really being the person he represented himself; Mr。 Bumble 
laid upon the table the papers he had brought to town; and folding 
his arms again; awaited Mr。 Brownlow’s observations。 

“I fear it is all too true;” said the old gentleman sorrowfully; 
after looking over the papers。 “This is not much for your 
intelligence; but I would gladly have given you treble the money; if 
it had been favourable to the boy。” 

It is not improbable that if Mr。 Bumble had been possessed of 
this information at an earlier period of the interview; he might 
have imparted a very different colouring to his little history。 It was 
too late to do it now; however; so he shook his head gravely; and; 
pocketing the five guineas; withdrew。 

Mr。 Brownlow paced the room to and fro for some minutes; 
evidently so much disturbed by the beadle’s tale; that even Mr。 
Grimwig forbore to vex him further。 

At length he stopped; and rang the bell violently。 

“Mrs。 Bedwin;” said Mr。 Brownlow; when the housekeeper 
appeared; “that boy; Oliver; is an impostor。” 

“It can’t be; sir。 It cannot be;” said the old lady energetically。 

“I tell you he is;” retorted the old gentleman。 “What do you 
mean by can’t be? We have just heard a full account of him from 

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his birth; and he has been a thorough…paced little villain; all his 


“I never will believe it; sir;” replied the old lady firmly。 “Never!” 

“You old women never believe anything but quack…doctors; and 
lying story…books;” growled Mr。 Grimwig。 “I knew it all along。 Why 
didn’t you take my advice in the beginning; you would; if he hadn’t 
had a fever; I suppose; eh? He was interesting; wasn’t he? 
Interesting! Bah!” And Mr。 Grimwig poked the fire with a flourish。 

“He was a dear; grateful; gentle child; sir;” retorted Mrs。 
Bedwin indignantly。 “I know what children are; sir; and have done 
these forty years; and people who can’t say the same; shouldn’t say 
anything about them。 That’s my opinion!” 

This was a hard hit at Mr。 Grimwig; who was a bachelor。 As it 
extorted nothing from that gentleman but a smile; the old lady 
tossed her head; and smoothed down her apron preparatory to 
another speech; when she was stopped by Mr。 Brownlow。 

“Silence!” said the old gentleman; feigning an anger he was far 

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