八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > oliver twist(雾都孤儿(孤星血泪)) >


oliver twist(雾都孤儿(孤星血泪))-第87部分

小说: oliver twist(雾都孤儿(孤星血泪)) 字数: 每页4000字

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even the sight of you brings with it old thoughts of him; it is 
because of all these things that I am moved to treat you gently 
now—yes; Edward Leeford; even now—and blush for your 
unworthiness who bear the name。” 

“What has the name to do with it?” asked the other; after 

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contemplating; half in silence; and half in dogged wonder; the 
agitation of his companion。 “What is the name to me?” 

“Nothing;” replied Mr。 Brownlow—“nothing to you。 But it was 
hers; and even at this distance of time brings back to me; an old 
man; the glow and thrill which I once felt; only to hear it repeated 
by a stranger。 I am very glad you have changed it—very—very。” 

“This is all mighty fine;” said Monks (to retain his assumed 
designation) after a long silence; during which he had jerked 
himself in sullen defiance to and fro; and Mr。 Brownlow had sat; 
shading his face with his hand。 “But what do you want with me?” 

“You have a brother;” said Mr。 Brownlow; rousing himself; “a 
brother; the whisper of whose name in your ear when I came 
behind you in the street; was; in itself; almost enough to make you 
accompany me hither; in wonder and alarm。” 

“I have no brother;” replied Monks。 “You know I was an only 
child。 Why do you talk to me of brothers? You know that; as well 
as I。” 

“Attend to what I do know; and you may not;” said Mr。 
Brownlow。 “I shall interest you by and by。 I know that of the 
wretched marriage; into which family pride; and the most sordid 
and narrowest of all ambition; forced your unhappy father when a 
mere boy; you were the sole and most unnatural issue。” 

“I don’t care for hard names;” interrupted Monks; with a 
jeering laugh。 “You know the fact; and that’s enough for me。” 

“But I also know;” pursued the old gentleman; “the misery; the 
slow torture; the protracted anguish of that ill…assorted union。 I 
know how listlessly and wearily each of that wretched pair 
dragged on their heavy chain through a world that was poisoned 
to them both。 I know how cold formalities were succeeded by open 

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taunts; how indifference gave place to dislike; dislike to hate; and 
hate to loathing; until at last they wrenched the clanking bond 
asunder; and retiring a wide space apart; carried each a galling 
fragment; of which nothing but death could break the rivets; to 
hide it in new society beneath the gayest looks they could assume。 
Your mother succeeded; she forgot it soon。 But it rusted and 
cankered at your father’s heart for years。” 

“Well; they were separated;” said Monks; “and what of that?” 

“When they had been separated for some time;” returned Mr。 
Brownlow; “and your mother; wholly given up to continental 
frivolities; had utterly forgotten the young husband ten good years 
her junior; who; with prospects blighted; lingered on at home; he 
fell among new friends。 This circumstance; at least; you know 

“Not I;” said Monks; turning away his eyes and beating his foot 
upon the ground; as a man who is determined to deny everything。 
“Not I。” 

“Your manner; no less than your actions; assures me that you 
have never forgotten it; or ceased to think of it with bitterness;” 
returned Mr。 Brownlow。 “I speak of fifteen years ago; when you 
were not more than eleven years old; and your father but one…andthirty—for he was; I repeat; a boy; when his father ordered him to 
marry。 Must I go back to events which cast a shade upon the 
memory of your parent; or will you spare it; and disclose to me the 

“I have nothing to disclose;” rejoined Monks。 “You must talk on 
if you will。” 

“These new friends; then;” said Mr。 Brownlow; “were a naval 
officer retired from active service; whose wife had died some half a 

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year before; and left him with two children—there had been more; 
but; of all their family; happily but two survived。 They were both 
daughters; one a beautiful creature of nineteen; and the other a 
mere child of two or three years old。” 

“What’s this to me?” asked Monks。 

“They resided;” said Mr。 Brownlow; without seeming to hear 
the interruption; “in a part of the country to which your father in 
his wanderings had repaired; and where he had taken up his 
abode。 Acquaintance; intimacy; friendship; fast followed on each 
other。 Your father was gifted as few men are。 He had his sister’s 
soul and person。 As the old officer knew him more and more; he 
grew to love him。 I would that it had ended there。 His daughter did 
the same。” 

The old gentleman paused; Monks was biting his lips; with his 
eyes fixed upon the floor; seeing this; he immediately resumed: 

“The end of a year found him contracted; solemnly contracted; 
to that daughter; the object of the first; true; ardent; only passion 
of a guileless girl。” 

“Your tale is of the longest;” observed Monks; moving restlessly 
in his chair。 

“It is a true tale of grief; and trial; and sorrow; young man;” 
returned Mr。 Brownlow; “and such tales usually are; if it were one 
of unmixed joy and happiness; it would be very brief。 At length; 
one of those rich relations to strengthen whose interest and 
importance your father had been sacrificed; as others are often—it 
is no uncommon case—died; and to repair the misery he had been 
instrumental in occasioning; left him his panacea for all griefs— 
money。 It was necessary that he should immediately repair to 
Rome; whither this man had sped for health; and where he had 

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died; leaving his affairs in great confusion。 He went; was seized 
with mortal illness there; was followed; the moment the 
intelligence reached Paris; by your mother; who carried you with 
her; he died the day after her arrival; leaving no will—no will—so 
that the whole property fell to her and you。” 

At this part of the recital; Monks held his breath; and listened 
with a face of intense eagerness; though his eyes were not directed 
towards the speaker。 As Mr。 Brownlow paused; he changed his 
position with the air of one who has experienced a sudden relief; 
and wiped his hot face and hands。 

“Before he went abroad; and as he passed through London on 
his way;” said Mr。 Brownlow slowly; and fixing his eyes upon the 
other’s face; “he came to me。” 

“I never heard of that;” interrupted Monks; in a tone intended 
to appear incredulous; but savouring more of disagreeable 

“He came to me; and left with me; among some other things; a 
picture—a portrait painted by himself—a likeness of this poor 
girl—which he did not wish to leave behind; and could not carry 
forward on his hasty journey。 He was worn by anxiety and 
remorse almost to a shadow; talked in a wild; distracted way; of 
ruin and dishonour worked by himself; confided in me his 
intention to convert his whole property; at any loss; into money; 
and; having settled on his wife and you a portion of his recent 
acquisition; to fly the country—I guessed too well he would not fly 
alone—and never see it more。 Even from me; his old and early 
friend; whose strong attachment had taken root in the earth and 
covered one most dear to both—even from me he withheld any 
more particular confession; promising to write and tell me all; and 

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after that to see me once again; for the last time on earth。 Alas! 
That was the last time。 I had no letter; and I never saw him more。 

“I went;” said Mr。 Brownlow after a short pause—“I went; 
when all was over; to the scene of his—I will use the term the 
world would freely use; for worldly harshness or favour are now 
alike to him—of his guilty love; resolved that if her fears were 
realised; that erring child should find one heart and home to 
shelter and compassionate her。 The family had left that part a 
week before; they had called in such trifling debts as were 
outstanding; discharged them; and left the place by night。 Why; or 
whither; none can tell。” 

Monks drew his breath yet more freely; and looked round with 
a smile of triumph。 

“When your brother;” said Mr。 Brownlow; drawing nearer to 
the other’s chair—“when your brother—a feeble; ragged; 
neglected child—was cast in my way by a stronger hand than 
chance; and rescued by me from a life of vice and infamy—” 

“What?” cried Monks。 

“By me;” said Mr。 Brownlow。 “I told you I should interest you 
before long。 I say by me—I see that your cunning associate 
suppressed my name; although for aught he knew; it would be 
quite strange to your ears。 When he was rescued by me; then; and 
lay recovering from sickness in my house; his strong resemblance 
to this picture I have spoken of; struck me with astonishment。 
Even when I first saw him in all his dirt and misery; there was a 
lingering expression in his face that came upon me like a glimpse 
of some old friend flashing on one in a vivid dream。 I need not tell 
you he was snared away before I knew his history—” 

“Why not?” asked Monks hastily。 

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“Because you know it well。” 


“Denial to me is vain;” replied Mr。 Brownlow。 “I shall show you 
that I know more than that。” 

“You—you—can’t prove anything against me;” stammered 
Monks。 “I defy you to do it!” 

“We shall see;” returned the old gentleman; with a searching 
glance。 “I lost the boy; and no efforts of mine could recover him。 
Your mother being dead; I knew that you alone could solve the 
mystery if anybody could; and as; when I had last heard of you; 
you were on your own estate in the West Indies—whither; as you 
well know; you retired upon your mother’s death to escape the 
consequences of vicious courses here—I made the voyage。 You 
had left it; months before; and were supposed to be in London; but 
no one could tell where。 I returned。 Your agents had no clue to 

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