rudder grange-第12部分
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rushed into the yard and was greeted with a succession of screams
from two voices; that seemed to come from the vicinity of the wood…
shed。 Hurrying thither; I perceived Euphemia standing on the roof
of the shed in perilous proximity to the edge; while near the ridge
of the roof sat our hired girl with her handkerchief over her head。
〃Hurry; hurry!〃 cried Euphemia。 〃Climb up here! The dog is loose!
Be quick! Be quick! Oh! he's coming; he's coming!〃
I asked for no explanation。 There was a rail…fence by the side of
the shed and I sprang on this; and was on the roof just as the dog
came bounding and barking from the barn。
Instantly Euphemia had me in her arms; and we came very near going
off the roof together。
〃I never feared to have you come home before;〃 she sobbed。 〃I
thought he would tear you limb from limb。〃
〃But how did all this happen?〃 said I。
〃Och! I kin hardly remember;〃 said the girl from under her
〃Well; I didn't ask you;〃 I said; somewhat too sharply。
〃Oh; I'll tell you;〃 said Euphemia。 〃There was a man at the gate
and he looked suspicious and didn't try to come in; and Mary was at
the barn looking for an egg; and I thought this was a good time to
see whether the dog was a good watch…dog or not; so I went and
unchained him〃
〃Did you unchain that dog?〃 I cried。
〃Yes; and the minute he was loose he made a rush at the gate; but
the man was gone before he got there; and as he ran down the road I
saw that he was Mr。 Henderson's man; who was coming here on an
errand; I expect; and then I went down to the barn to get Mary to
come and help me chain up the dog; and when she came out he began
to chase me and then her; and we were so frightened that we climbed
up here; and I don't know; I'm sure; how I ever got up that fence;
and do you think he can climb up here?〃
〃Oh no! my dear;〃 I said。
〃An' he's just the beast to go afther a stip…ladder;〃 said the
girl; in muffled tones。
〃And what are we to do?〃 asked Euphemia。 〃We can't eat and sleep
up here。 Don't you think that if we were all to shout out
together; we could make some neighbor hear?〃
〃Oh yes!〃 I said; 〃there is no doubt of it。 But then; if a
neighbor came; the dog would fall on him〃
〃And tear him limb from limb;〃 interrupted Euphemia。
〃Yes; and besides; my dear; I should hate to have any of the
neighbors come and find us all up here。 It would look so utterly
absurd。 Let me try and think of some other plan。〃
〃Well; please be as quick as you can。 It's dreadful to bewho's
I looked up and saw a female figure just entering the yard。
〃Oh; what shall we do〃 exclaimed Euphemia。 〃The dog will get her。
Call to her!〃
〃No; no;〃 said I; 〃don't make a noise。 It will only bring the dog。
He seems to have gone to the barn; or somewhere。 Keep perfectly
quiet; and she may go up on the porch; and as the front door is not
locked; she may rush into the house; if she sees him coming。〃
〃I do hope she will do that;〃 said Euphemia; anxiously。
〃And yet;〃 said I; 〃it's not pleasant to have strangers going into
the house when there's no one there。〃
〃But it's better than seeing a stranger torn to pieces before your
eyes;〃 said Euphemia。
〃Yes;〃 I replied; 〃it is。 Don't you think we might get down now?
The dog isn't here。〃
〃No; no!〃 cried Euphemia。 〃There he is now; coming this way。 And
look at that woman! She is coming right to this shed。〃
Sure enough; our visitor had passed by the front door; and was
walking toward us。 Evidently she had heard our voices。
〃Don't come here!〃 cried Euphemia。 〃You'll be killed! Run! run!
The dog is coming! Why; mercy on us! It's Pomona!〃
Sure enough; it was Pomona。 There stood our old servant…girl; of
the canal…boat; with a crooked straw bonnet on her head; a faded
yellow parasol in her hand; a parcel done up in newspaper under her
arm; and an expression of astonishment on her face。
〃Well; truly!〃 she ejaculated。
〃Into the house; quick!〃 I said。 〃We have a savage dog!〃
〃And here he is!〃 cried Euphemia。 〃Oh! she will be torn to atoms。〃
Straight at Pomona came the great black beast; barking furiously。
But the girl did not move; she did not even turn her head to look
at the dog; who stopped before he reached her and began to rush
wildly around her; barking terribly。
We held our breath。 I tried to say 〃get out!〃 or 〃lie down!〃 but
my tongue could not form the words。
〃Can't you get up here?〃 gasped Euphemia。
〃I don't want to;〃 said the girl。
The dog now stopped barking; and stood looking at Pomona;
occasionally glancing up at us。 Pomona took not the slightest
notice of him。
〃Do you know; ma'am;〃 said she to Euphemia; 〃that if I had come
here yesterday; that dog would have had my life's blood。〃
〃And why don't he have it to…day?〃 said Euphemia; who; with myself;
was utterly amazed at the behavior of the dog。
〃Because I know more to…day than I did yesterday;〃 answered Pomona。
〃It is only this afternoon that I read something; as I was coming
here on the cars。 This is it;〃 she continued; unwrapping her paper
parcel; and taking from it one of the two books it contained。 〃I
finished this part just as the cars stopped; and I put my scissors
in the place; I'll read it to you。〃
Standing there with one book still under her arm; the newspaper
half unwrapped from it; hanging down and flapping in the breeze;
she opened the other volume at the scissors…place; turned back a
page or two; and began to read as follows:
〃Lord Edward slowly san…ter…ed up the bro…ad anc…es…tral walk; when
sudden…ly from out a cop…se; there sprang a fur…i…ous hound。 The
marsh…man; con…ce…al…ed in a tree expected to see the life's blood
of the young nob…le…man stain the path。 But no; Lord Edward did
not stop nor turn his head。 With a smile; he strode stead…i…ly on。
Well he knew that if by be…traying no em…otion; he could show the
dog that he was walking where he had a right; the bru…te would re…
cog…nize that right and let him pass un…sca…thed。 Thus in this
moment of peril his nob…le courage saved him。 The hound; abashed;
returned to his cov…ert; and Lord Edward pass…ed on。
〃Foi…led again;〃 mutter…ed the marsh…man。
〃Now; then;〃 said Pomona; closing the book; 〃you see I remembered
that; the minute I saw the dog coming; and I didn't betray any
emotion。 Yesterday; now; when I didn't know it; I'd 'a been sure
to betray emotion; and he would have had my life's blood。 Did he
drive you up there?〃
〃Yes;〃 said Euphemia; and she hastily explained the situation。
〃Then I guess I'd better chain him up;〃 remarked Pomona; and
advancing to the dog she took him boldly by the collar and pulled
him toward the shed。 The animal hung back at first; but soon
followed her; and she chained him up securely。
〃Now you can come down;〃 said Pomona。
I assisted Euphemia to the ground; and Pomona persuaded the hired
girl to descend。
〃Will he grab me by the leg?〃 asked the girl。
〃No; get down; gump;〃 said Pomona; and down she scrambled。
We took Pomona into the house with us and asked her news of
〃Well;〃 said she; 〃there ain't much to tell。 I staid awhile at the
institution; but I didn't get much good there; only I learned to
read to myself; because if I read out loud they came and took the
book away。 Then I left there and went to live out; but the woman
was awful mean。 She throwed away one of my books and I was only
half through it。 It was a real good book; named 'The Bridal
Corpse; or Montregor's Curse;' and I had to pay for it at the
circulatin' library。 So I left her quick enough; and then I went
on the stage。〃
〃On the stage!〃 cried Euphemia。 〃What did you do on the stage?〃
〃Scrub;〃 replied Pomona。 〃You see that I thought if I could get
anything to do at the theayter; I could work my way up; so I was
glad to get scrubbin'。 I asked the prompter; one morning; if he
thought there was a chance for me to work up; and he said yes; I
might scrub the galleries; and then I told him that I didn't want
none of his lip; and I pretty soon left that place。 I heard you
was akeepin' house out here; and so I thought I'd come along and
see you; and if you hadn't no girl I'd like to live with you again;
and I guess you might as well take me; for that other girl said;
when she got down from the shed; that she was goin' away to…morrow;
she wouldn't stay in no house where they kept such a dog; though I
told her I guessed he was only cuttin' 'round because he was so
glad to get loose。〃
〃Cutting around!〃 exclaimed Euphemia。 〃It was nothing of the kind。
If you had seen him you would have known better。 But did you come
now to stay? Where are your things?〃
〃On me;〃 replied Pomona。
When Euphemia found that the Irish girl really intended to leave;
we consulted together and concluded to engage Pomona; and I went so
far as to agree to carry her books to and from the circulating
library to which she subscribed; hoping thereby to be able to
exercise some influence on her taste。 And thus part of the old
family of Rudder Grange had come together again。 True; the boarder
was away; but; as Pomona remarked; when she heard about him; 〃You
couldn't always expect to ever regain the ties that had always
bound everybody。〃
Our delight and interest in our little farm increased day by day。
In a week or two after Pomona's arrival I bought a cow。 Euphemia
was very anxious to have an Alderney;they were such gentle;
beautiful creatures;but I could not afford such a luxury。 I
might possibly compass an Alderney calf; but we would have to wait
a couple of years for our milk; and Euphemia said it would be
better to have a common cow than to do that。
Great was our inward satisfaction when the cow; our OWN cow; walked
slowly and solemnly into our yard and began to crop the clover on
our little lawn。 Pomona and I gently drove her to the barn; while
Euphemia endeavored to quiet the violent demonstrations of the dog
(fortunately chained) by assuring him that this was OUR cow and
that she was to live here; and that he was to take care of her and
never bark at her。 All this and much more; delivered in