rudder grange-第21部分
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I considered the matter。 The word of honor of a fellow such as he
was could not be worth much; but the merest chance of getting rid
of tramps should not be neglected。 I went in to talk to Euphemia
about it; although I knew what she would say。 I reasoned with
myself as much as with her。
〃If we put this one fellow in prison for a few weeks;〃 I said; 〃the
benefit is not very great。 If we are freed from all tramps; for
the season; the benefit is very great。 Shall we try for the
greatest good?〃
〃Certainly;〃 said Euphemia; 〃and his legs must be dreadfully
So I went out; and after a struggle of some minutes; I chained Lord
Edward to a post at a little distance from the apple…tree。 When he
was secure; the tramp descended nimbly from his perch;
notwithstanding his stiff legs; and hurried out of the gate。 He
stopped to make no remarks over the fence。 With a wild howl of
disappointed ambition; Lord Edward threw himself after him。 But
the chain held。
A lane of moderate length led from our house to the main road; and
the next day; as we were riding home; I noticed; on the trunk of a
large tree; which stood at the corner of the lane and road; a
curious mark。 I drew up to see what it was; but we could not make
it out。 It was a very rude device; cut deeply into the tree; and
somewhat resembled a square; a circle; a triangle; and a cross;
with some smaller marks beneath it。 I felt sure that our tramp had
cut it; and that it had some significance; which would be
understood by the members of his fraternity。
And it must have had; for no tramps came near us all that summer。
We were visited by a needy person now and then; but by no member of
the regular army of tramps。
One afternoon; that fall; I walked home; and at the corner of the
lane I saw a tramp looking up at the mark on the tree; which was
still quite distinct。
〃What does that mean?〃 I said; stepping up to him。
〃How do I know?〃 said the man; 〃and what do you want to know fur?〃
〃Just out of curiosity;〃 I said; 〃I have often noticed it。 I think
you can tell me what it means; and if you will do so; I'll give you
a dollar。〃
〃And keep mum about it?〃 said the man。
〃Yes;〃 I replied; taking out the dollar。
〃All right!〃 said the tramp。 〃That sign means that the man that
lives up this lane is a mean; stingy cuss; with a wicked dog; and
it's no good to go there。〃
I handed him the dollar and went away; perfectly satisfied with my
I wish here to make some mention of Euphemia's methods of work in
her chicken…yard。 She kept a book; which she at first called her
〃Fowl Record;〃 but she afterward changed the name to 〃Poultry
Register。〃 I never could thoroughly understand this book; although
she has often explained every part of it to me。 She had pages for
registering the age; description; time of purchase or of birth; and
subsequent performances of every fowl in her yard。 She had
divisions of the book for expenses; profits; probable losses and
positive losses; she noted the number of eggs put under each
setting hen; the number of eggs cracked per day; the number
spoiled; and finally; the number hatched。 Each chick; on emerging
from its shell; was registered; and an account kept of its
subsequent life and adventures。 There were frequent calculations
regarding the advantages of various methods of treatment; and there
were statements of the results of a great many experiments
something like this: 〃Set Toppy and her sister Pinky; April 2nd
187…; Toppy with twelve eggs;three Brahma; four common; and five
Leghorn; Pinky with thirteen eggs (as she weighs four ounces more
than her sister); of which three were Leghorn; five common; and
five Brahma。 During the twenty…second and twenty…third of April
(same year) Toppy hatched out four Brahmas; two commons; and three
Leghorns; while her sister; on these days and the morning of the
day following; hatched two Leghorns; six commons; and only one
Brahma。 Now; could Toppy; who had only three Brahma eggs; and
hatched out four of that breed; have exchanged eggs with her
sister; thus making it possible for her to hatch out six common
chickens; when she only had five eggs of that kind? Or; did the
eggs get mixed up in some way before going into the possession of
the hens? Look into probabilities。〃
These probabilities must have puzzled Euphemia a great deal; but
they never disturbed her equanimity。 She was always as tranquil
and good…humored about her poultry…yard as if every hen laid an egg
every day; and a hen…chick was hatched out of every egg。
For it may be remembered that the principle underlying Euphemia's
management of her poultry was what might be designated as the
〃cumulative hatch。〃 That is; she wished every chicken hatched in
her yard to become the mother of a brood of her own during the
year; and every one of this brood to raise another brood the next
year; and so on; in a kind of geometrical progression。 This plan
called for a great many mother…fowls; and so Euphemia based her
highest hopes on a great annual preponderance of hens。
We ate a good many young roosters that fall; for Euphemia would not
allow all the products of her yard to go to market; and; also; a
great many eggs and fowls were sold。 She had not contented herself
with her original stock of poultry; but had bought fowls during the
winter; and she certainly had extraordinary good luck; or else her
extraordinary system worked extraordinarily well。
It was in the latter part of August of that year that it became
necessary for some one in the office in which I was engaged to go
to St。 Louis to attend to important business。 Everything seemed to
point to me as the fit person; for I understood the particular
business better than any one else。 I felt that I ought to go; but
I did not altogether like to do it。 I went home; and Euphemia and
I talked over the matter far into the regulation sleeping…hours。
There were very good reasons why we should go (for; of course; I
would not think of taking such a journey without Euphemia)。 In the
first place; it would be of advantage to me; in my business
connection; to take the trip; and then it would be such a charming
journey for us。 We had never been west of the Alleghanies; and
nearly all the country we would see would be new to us。 We would
come home by the great lakes and Niagara; and the prospect was
delightful to both of us。 But then we would have to leave Rudder
Grange for at least three weeks; and how could we do that?
This was indeed a difficult question to answer。 Who could take
care of our garden; our poultry; our horse and cow; and all their
complicated belongings? The garden was in admirable condition。
Our vegetables were coming in every day in just that fresh and
satisfactory conditionaltogether unknown to people who buy
vegetablesfor which I had labored so faithfully; and about which
I had had so many cheerful anticipations。 As to Euphemia's
chicken…yard;with Euphemia away;the subject was too great for
us。 We did not even discuss it。 But we would give up all the
pleasures of our home for the chance of this most desirable
excursion; if we could but think of some one who would come and
take care of the place while we were gone。 Rudder Grange could not
run itself for three weeks。
We thought of every available person。 Old John would not do。 We
did not feel that we could trust him。 We thought of several of our
friends; but there was; in both our minds; a certain shrinking from
the idea of handing over the place to any of them for such a length
of time。 For my part; I said; I would rather leave Pomona in
charge than any one else; but; then; Pomona was young and a girl。
Euphemia agreed with me that she would rather trust her than any
one else; but she also agreed in regard to the disqualifications。
So; when I went to the office the next morning; we had fully
determined to go on the trip; if we could find some one to take
charge of our place while we were gone。 When I returned from the
office in the afternoon; I had agreed to go to St。 Louis。 By this
time; I had no choice in the matter; unless I wished to interfere
very much with my own interests。 We were to start in two days。 If
in that time we could get any one to stay at the place; very well;
if not; Pomona must assume the charge。 We were not able to get any
one; and Pomona did assume the charge。 It is surprising how
greatly relieved we felt when we were obliged to come to this
conclusion。 The arrangement was exactly what we wanted; and now
that there was no help for it; our consciences were easy。
We felt sure that there would be no danger to Pomona。 Lord Edward
would be with her; and she was a young person who was
extraordinarily well able to take care of herself。 Old John would
be within call in case she needed him; and I borrowed a bull…dog to
be kept in the house at night。 Pomona herself was more than
satisfied with the plan。
We made out; the night before we left; a long and minute series of
directions for her guidance in household; garden and farm matters;
and directed her to keep a careful record of everything note worthy
that might occur。 She was fully supplied with all the necessaries
of life; and it has seldom happened that a young girl has been left
in such a responsible and independent position as that in which we
left Pomona。 She was very proud of it。
Our journey was ten times more delightful than we had expected it
would be; and successful in every way; and yet; although we enjoyed
every hour of the trip; we were no sooner fairly on our way home
than we became so wildly anxious to get there; that we reached
Rudder Grange on Wednesday; whereas we had written that we would be
home on Thursday。 We arrived early in the afternoon and walked up
from the station; leaving our baggage to be sent in the express
wagon。 As we approached our dear home; we wanted to run; we were
so eager to see it。
There it was; the same as ever。 I lifted the gate…latch; the gate
was locked。 We ran to the carriage…gate; that was locked too。
Just then I noticed a placard on the fence; it was not printed; but