八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > 你像你的狗一样快乐吗 >



小说: 你像你的狗一样快乐吗 字数: 每页4000字

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has no questions about his right to his space。 He knows his territory;  and he protects it。  The moment any foreign object with wheels or legs es near the house; his  hair…trigger bark alarm goes off。 Night or day; he’s there to announce potential  intruders。 (If they don’t run away when he approaches; he starts kissing them;  we’re working on that one。)  Munchie’s intention is so strong that he intimidates big dogs。 Sometimes  a Doberman es around; and she yields to the Munchie Security Service。 The  fact that he is no bigger than a rabbit doesn’t matter; he knows his rights;  and his neighbors honor them。


    GET TO KNOW SOMEONE BEFORE YOU MIT     当麦奇在海滩上碰到另一条狗的时候,他们会彼此嗅一会儿。   有时候,他们会成为朋友,一起玩上很久。有时候,他们嗅过之后就分道扬镳了。  我见过许多婚姻失败的人,他们承认:“我真希望,当初在跟他(她)回家之前,如果  多‘嗅一嗅’就好了。”  有些时候,只要多嗅上一嗅,就能避免和气味糟糕的家伙长期共处的折磨。  When Munchie meets a dog on the beach; they sniff each other for a while。  Sometimes they make friends and play for a long time; and sometimes they  just keep going on their own paths。  I’ve met a lot of people who; after failed marriages; admitted。“I wish I’d  sniffed him a little more before I went home with him。”  Sometimes a few extra sniffs now can save a long time living with a really  bad smell。


    LET THE LOVE IN   如果麦奇走了很长一段路,累着了,我就会把他抱起来走上一会儿。呆在我怀里时,他会把身子转一转,背部朝下,好让我把他完全抱住。  麦奇对此既不感到内疚,也不觉得是无功受禄。他不会说“你真的没必要这么做”,  也不会说“明天换我来抱你吧”,他只是静静蜷在我怀里,充分享受着此刻的温馨和亲密。  麦奇知道,他配得上人们给予他的爱,并从容接受这种爱意。  When Munchie gets tired during long walks; I pick him up and carry him for  a while。 The moment he is in my arms; he rolls onto his back and lets me bear  him fully。  Harboring no guilt or unworthiness; he does not protest;“You really don’t  need to do this;”or“I will carry you tomorrow。”He just lays there and soaks  it in。  Munchie knows he is worth the love he receives; and he accepts it。


    GIVE YOUR HEART TO SOMEONE   麦奇喜欢去爱别人。他从不拒绝把他的爱献给别人,因为他知道,如果不与别人分享,他自己得到的爱也会失去。  你希望别人怎样爱你,就应该怎样去爱别人。    那些在疗养院、监狱和康复中心的人们如果有一只宠物可以照料的话,就能康复得更快。  去照顾一个人、一株植物或一只动物吧,你的悲哀将烟消云散。一边嚼饼干一边吹口哨是不可能的。同样,一边给予关爱一边灰心丧气也是不可能的。  Munchie loves to be a lover。 He doesn’t withhold love from others; for he  knows that he would lose it himself。  You need to love someone as much as you need someone to love you。People in  nursing homes; prisons; and rehabilitation centers bee healthy more quickly  if they have a pet to take care of。  Care for a person; plant; or animal; and sadness will disappear。  Just as it is impossible to whistle and chew crackers at the same time; you  cannot give love and be depressed。


    KISS PROFUSELY   麦奇总是把自己的感情表现得又热切又直接,毫无保留。  如果他喜欢你,他就会扑到你身上又舔又舐,直到你举手投降或站起身来。    我的狗爱我,而且他也让我知道他对我的爱。我喜欢这样。  Munchie displays his affection eagerly; immediately; and without reserve。  If he likes you he will jump on you and kiss you until you surrender or get  up。  My dog loves me; and he lets me know。 I like that。BE THERE   麦奇对我的忠诚是不会动摇的。我是他的主人,他是我的爱犬。  我们都有许多朋友,他们能满足我们其他的兴趣和需要。但是,麦奇的铭牌上刻着我的电话号码。我虽然不戴铭牌,但他的‘号码’却刻在我的心坎上。    出门在外的时候,我常常想念他。如果我不在家,也一定要确保他会被好好照顾。  他从来没有错过一餐饭,而我也从来没有辜负他的爱。  Munchie’s loyalties are not divided。 I’m his person and he’s my dog。  We both have lots of friends that fulfill our other interests and needs;  but his tag was my phone number on it; and although I do not wear a tag; his  number is etched in my heart。  I think about him when I am away; and I make sure he is taken care of if  I am not there。  He has never missed a meal; and I have never missed his love。


       DARE TO BE YOURSELF    麦奇用不着讨好谁,也用不着证明自己。他只要做好他自己就够了。  他一点也不在乎自己在别人心中的形象,他只在乎快快乐乐过日子。    他喜欢玩泥巴,玩刺果植物,还喜欢闻干燥的粪便。  我通常能说出他早饭吃了些什么,因为他的早餐总是会从下巴那露出来,垂在外面一会儿。  我带他去海滩游泳,他从海里出来时,浑身湿淋淋,像只落汤鸡。  我认为不管什么时候他都很可爱,而他似乎也同意这一点。  Munchie doesn’t need to impress anyone or prove himself。 He is what he is;  and that is enough。  He is not concerned about his social image。 He is concerned with being happy。  He attracts mud; burrs; and dingleberries。  I can usually tell what he had for breakfast; since it hangs out on his chin  for a while。  When I take him to the beach he es out of the ocean looking like the rat  from the vat。  I think he is cute all the time; and he seems to agree。  KEEP IT SIMPLE   麦奇只顾眼前,得过且过。他从来不制定“十年计划”,也不会为难以决定究竟是租一辆车还是干脆买一辆车伤脑筋。他的脑细胞中没有一个是被各种各样的证卡密码占据的。  对于他来说,此时此地就是生活的全部。    Munchie deals with what is in front of him。 He does not schedulesintosthe  next decade or wrestle with decision over whether to lease or buy the car。 None  of his brain cells are occupied remembering various PIN number。  All of life is exactlyswhereshe is。


       DON’T TAKE IT PERSONALLY   我对麦奇可以无话不说,他也从不会心烦。  有时,他在外面吃了死青蛙,回到家里,那气味简直可以熏跑一只骆驼。当我这么数落他的时候,他只是笑嘻嘻地看着我。    他没有所谓的“面子”。或许,他早就超越了这个。  I can say just about anything to Munchie; and he doesn’t get upset。  Sometimes after he eats dead frogs he es home with breath that would make  a camel wince。  When I tell him this; he just look at me and laughs。  He has no ego。 Maybe he is better off。


    GET OVER IT  麦奇从来不记恨。如果你只生活在当下,那又何必记得太多呢?  有时,我不小心踩了他的爪子,他痛得嗷嗷直叫,转身就逃。没过多久,他又回来了。    许多心理学家在对儿童进行观察后发现,一种情绪持续的正常时间是五到八分钟。如果超过了这个范围,那就说明是我们在执着于某些事情了。  或许是麦奇告诉他们的。  Munchie doesn’t hold grudges。 When you live in the present moment; what do  you have to remember?  Sometimes I accidentally step on his toe。 He yelps for a moment and backs  away。 A few seconds later he is back。  After observing children; psychologists tell us that a healthy amount of  time to feel an emotion is five to eight minutes。 If it lingers past that; we  are holding onto something。Munchie could have told them that。


    IF YOU CAN’T GET OVER IT; GO UNDER IT  我和麦奇先生遇到篱笆的时候,如果他不能从上面爬过去,就会从底下钻过去。  过去,人们很崇尚谦虚。如果你太自高自大,就会有许多门坎没法过去。如果你愿意灵活变通,即使是那些骄傲的狗过不去的地方你也能过去。    When the Munchster and I e to a fence that he can’t climb; he squeezes  under it。  In olden times people had a high value on humility。 If you’re too puffed  up; you can’t get through a lot of openings。  If you’re willing to be flexible; you can get through lots of spaces that  an arrogant dog couldn’t。


    DON’T SETTLE FOR MUSH  如果我的狗粮用完了,在买到优质狗食前,买了劣质面包喂麦奇,他会拒绝进食。  他会坐在狗食盆跟前,看看盆里的食物,然后盯住我,好像在说:“你不是来真的吧?”    然后,他扬长而去。他知道自己该吃什么,不肯退而求其次。  If I run out of dog food and buy an inferior brand until I can get the good  stuff again; Munchie refuses to eat it。  He sits in front of his bowl; looks at his food; and then stares at me as  if to say;“Are you serious?”  Then he walks away。 He knows what he is worth; and doesn’t promise。


    TRUST THE FORCE  麦奇没有银行存款,没有抵押贷款,从不带信用卡,不会被警察罚款,也不会在纳税期限到来时忙于应付、忧心忡忡。  然而,他每天吃得很好,有一个蛮漂亮的小狗窝,生病了就有人带他去看兽医,有一大堆喜欢他的朋友,总之,凡是幸福生活所需要的东西,他应有尽有。    他一定是知道某些我忘记了的东西。  Munchie has no bank account; makes no mortgage payments; carries no credit  cards; doesn’t subscribe to Blue Shield; and doesn’t fret and scheme at tax  time。  Yet he eats well every day; has a lovely little home; gets taken to the vet  when he needs it; enjoys plenty of friends who love him; and has everything  he needs to be happy。  He must know something I forgot。


    THE BEST BISCUITS ARE INSIDE  如果外部世界的某样东西能让你兴高采烈,那么一旦它不见了,就会让你失落消沉。  麦奇的兴高采烈却不依赖于任何物品或某个特定的人。  他一开始就下定决心要活得开心,因此,他的整个世界都围绕着这个最初的选择转。    If something in the outer world can make you high; its absence can make you  low。  Munchie doesn’t depend on a substance or a particular person to make him  feel good。  He just decides to feel good; and his world revolves around his original  choice。


    THINK BIG  没人告诉过麦奇他很小,所以,他总是像大狗一样行事。   我带他去乡间散步的时候,他一会儿追牛,一会儿逐马。麦奇通常能把这些家畜赶动一丁点儿,然后带着得意洋洋的笑容回到我身边。  有一次,他竟然拦住了一辆大卡车。他拦在卡车前坐着狂叫,直到车子停下来才罢休  。  麦奇认为自己很强大,所以他确实表现得很强大。  No one ever told Munchie that he was little; so he acts big。  When I take him on walks through the country; he chases cows and horses。  Munch usually gets the critters to move at least a little bit; and he es  back with a triumphant smile。  Once he got a cement truck to stop。 He sat in front of it and barked until  it came to a halt。  Munchie thinks big; and so he lives big。



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