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a defence of poesie and poems-第3部分

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among them; yet do their poets; even to this day; last; so as it is not more notable in the soon beginning than in long…continuing。

But since the authors of most of our sciences were the Romans; and before them the Greeks; let us; a little; stand upon their authorities; but even so far; as to see what names they have given unto this now scorned skill。 {9}  Among the Romans a poet was called 〃vates;〃 which is as much as a diviner; foreseer; or prophet; as by his conjoined words 〃vaticinium;〃 and 〃vaticinari;〃 is manifest; so heavenly a title did that excellent people bestow upon this heart… ravishing knowledge!  And so far were they carried into the admiration thereof; that they thought in the changeable hitting upon any such verses; great foretokens of their following fortunes were placed。  Whereupon grew the word of sortes Virgilianae; when; by sudden opening Virgil's book; they lighted upon some verse; as it is reported by many; whereof the histories of the Emperors' lives are full。  As of Albinus; the governor of our island; who; in his childhood; met with this verse …

Arma amens capio; nec sat rationis in armis

and in his age performed it。  Although it were a very vain and godless superstition; as also it was; to think spirits were commanded by such verses; whereupon this word charms; derived of 〃carmina;〃 cometh; so yet serveth it to show the great reverence those wits were held in; and altogether not without ground; since both the oracles of Delphi and the Sibyl's prophecies were wholly delivered in verses; for that same exquisite observing of number and measure in the words; and that high…flying liberty of conceit proper to the poet; did seem to have some divine force in it。

And {10} may not I presume a little farther to show the reasonableness of this word 〃vates;〃 and say; that the holy David's Psalms are a divine poem?  If I do; I shall not do it without the testimony of great learned men; both ancient and modern。  But even the name of Psalms will speak for me; which; being interpreted; is nothing but Songs; then; that is fully written in metre; as all learned Hebricians agree; although the rules be not yet fully found。 Lastly; and principally; his handling his prophecy; which is merely poetical。  For what else is the awaking his musical instruments; the often and free changing of persons; his notable prosopopoeias; when he maketh you; as it were; see God coming in His majesty; his telling of the beasts' joyfulness; and hills leaping; but a heavenly poesy; wherein; almost; he sheweth himself a passionate lover of that unspeakable and everlasting beauty; to be seen by the eyes of the mind; only cleared by faith?  But truly; now; having named him; I fear I seem to profane that holy name; applying it to poetry; which is; among us; thrown down to so ridiculous an estimation。  But they that; with quiet judgments; will look a little deeper into it; shall find the end and working of it such; as; being rightly applied; deserveth not to be scourged out of the church of God。

But {11} now let us see how the Greeks have named it; and how they deemed of it。  The Greeks named him 'Greek text'; which name hath; as the most excellent; gone through other languages; it cometh of this word 'Greek text'; which is TO MAKE; wherein; I know not whether by luck or wisdom; we Englishmen have met with the Greeks in calling him 〃a maker;〃 which name; how high and incomparable a title it is; I had rather were known by marking the scope of other sciences; than by any partial allegation。  There is no art delivered unto mankind that hath not the works of nature for his principal object; without which they could not consist; and on which they so depend as they become actors and players; as it were; of what nature will have set forth。 {12}  So doth the astronomer look upon the stars; and by that he seeth set down what order nature hath taken therein。  So doth the geometrician and arithmetician; in their diverse sorts of quantities。  So doth the musician; in times; tell you which by nature agree; which not。  The natural philosopher thereon hath his name; and the moral philosopher standeth upon the natural virtues; vices; or passions of man; and follow nature; saith he; therein; and thou shalt not err。  The lawyer saith what men have determined。  The historian; what men have done。  The grammarian speaketh only of the rules of speech; and the rhetorician and logician; considering what in nature will soonest prove and persuade; thereon give artificial rules; which still are compassed within the circle of a question; according to the proposed matter。 The physician weigheth the nature of man's body; and the nature of things helpful and hurtful unto it。  And the metaphysic; though it be in the second and abstract notions; and therefore be counted supernatural; yet doth he; indeed; build upon the depth of nature。 Only the poet; disdaining to be tied to any such subjection; lifted up with the vigour of his own invention; doth grow; in effect; into another nature; in making things either better than nature bringeth forth; or quite anew; forms such as never were in nature; as the heroes; demi…gods; Cyclops; chimeras; furies; and such like; so as he goeth hand in hand with Nature; not enclosed within the narrow warrant of her gifts; but freely ranging within the zodiac of his own wit。 {13}   Nature never set forth the earth in so rich tapestry as divers poets have done; neither with so pleasant rivers; fruitful trees; sweet…smelling flowers; nor whatsoever else may make the too… much…loved earth more lovely; her world is brazen; the poets only deliver a golden。

But let those things alone; and go to man; {14} for whom as the other things are; so it seemeth in him her uttermost cunning is employed; and know; whether she have brought forth so true a lover as Theagenes; so constant a friend as Pylades; so valiant a man as Orlando; so right a prince as Xenophon's Cyrus; and so excellent a man every way as Virgil's AEneas?  Neither let this be jestingly conceived; because the works of the one be essential; the other in imitation or fiction; for every understanding knoweth the skill of each artificer standeth in that idea; or fore…conceit of the work; and not in the work itself。  And that the poet hath that idea is manifest by delivering them forth in such excellency as he had imagined them; which delivering forth; also; is not wholly imaginative; as we are wont to say by them that build castles in the air; but so far substantially it worketh not only to make a Cyrus; which had been but a particular excellency; as nature might have done; but to bestow a Cyrus upon the world to make many Cyruses; if they will learn aright; why; and how; that maker made him。  Neither let it be deemed too saucy a comparison to balance the highest point of man's wit with the efficacy of nature; but rather give right honour to the heavenly Maker of that maker; who having made man to His own likeness; set him beyond and over all the works of that second nature; which in nothing he showeth so much as in poetry; when; with the force of a divine breath; he bringeth things forth surpassing her doings; with no small arguments to the incredulous of that first accursed fall of Adam; since our erected wit maketh us know what perfection is; and yet our infected will keepeth us from reaching unto it。  But these arguments will by few be understood; and by fewer granted; thus much I hope will be given me; that the Greeks; with some probability of reason; gave him the name above all names of learning。

Now {15} let us go to a more ordinary opening of him; that the truth may be the more palpable; and so; I hope; though we get not so unmatched a praise as the etymology of his names will grant; yet his very description; which no man will deny; shall not justly be barred from a principal commendation。

Poesy; {16} therefore; is an art of imitation; for so Aristotle termeth it in the word 'Greek text'; that is to say; a representing; counterfeiting; or figuring forth:  to speak metaphorically; a speaking picture; with this end; to teach and delight。

Of {17} this have been three general kinds:  the CHIEF; both in antiquity and excellency; which they that did imitate the inconceivable excellencies of God; such were David in the Psalms; Solomon in the Song of Songs; in his Ecclesiastes; and Proverbs; Moses and Deborah in their hymns; and the writer of Job; which; beside others; the learned Emanuel Tremellius and Fr。 Junius do entitle the poetical part of the scripture; against these none will speak that hath the Holy Ghost in due holy reverence。  In this kind; though in a wrong divinity; were Orpheus; Amphion; Homer in his hymns; and many others; both Greeks and Romans。  And this poesy must be used by whosoever will follow St。 Paul's counsel; in singing psalms when they are merry; and I know is used with the fruit of comfort by some; when; in sorrowful pangs of their death…bringing sins; they find the consolation of the never…leaving goodness。

The {18} SECOND kind is of them that deal with matter philosophical; either moral; as Tyrtaeus; Phocylides; Cato; or; natural; as Lucretius; Virgil's Georgics; or astronomical; as Manilius {19} and Pontanus; or historical; as Lucan; which who mislike; the fault is in their judgment; quite out of taste; and not in the sweet food of sweetly uttered knowledge。

But because this second sort is wrapped within the fold of the proposed subject; and takes not the free course of his own invention; whether they properly be poets or no; let grammarians dispute; and go to the THIRD; {20} indeed right poets; of whom chiefly this question ariseth; betwixt whom and these second is such a kind of difference; as betwixt the meaner sort of painters; who counterfeit only such faces as are set before them; and the more excellent; who having no law but wit; bestow that in colours upon you which is fittest for the eye to see; as the constant; though lamenting look of Lucretia; when she punished in herself another's fault; wherein he painteth not Lucretia; whom he never saw; but painteth the outward beauty of such a virtue。  For these three be they which most properly do imitate to teach and delight; and to imitate; borrow nothing of what is; hath been; or shall be; but range 

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