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ali pacha-第17部分

小说: ali pacha 字数: 每页4000字

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ttoman Empire。  As far back as 1808; the Hydriotes had offered to recognise his son Veli; then Vizier of the Morea; as their Prince; and to support him in every way; if he would proclaim the independence pf the Archipelago。  The Moreans bore him no enmity until he refused to help them to freedom; and would have returned to him had he consented。

On the other side; the sultan; though anxious for war; would not spend a penny in order to wage it; and it was not easy to corrupt some of the great vassals ordered to march at their own expense against a man in whose downfall they had no special interest。  Nor were the means of seduction wanting to Ali; whose wealth was enormous; but he preferred to keep it in order to carry on the war which he thought he could no longer escape。  He made; therefore; a general appeal to all Albanian warriors; whatever their religion。 Mussulmans and Christians; alike attracted by the prospect of booty and good pay; flocked to his standard in crowds。

He organised all these adventurers on the plan of the Armatous; by companies; placing a captain of his own choice at the head of each; and giving each company a special post to defend。  Of all possible plans this was the best adapted to his country; where only a guerilla warfare can be carried on; and where a large army could not subsist。

In repairing to the posts assigned to them; these troops committed such terrible depredations that the provinces sent to Constantinople demanding their suppression。  The Divan answered the petitioners that it was their own business to suppress these disorders; and to induce the Klephotes to turn their arms against Ali; who had nothing to hope from the clemency of the Grand Seigneur。  At the same time circular letters were addressed to the Epirotes; warning them to abandon the cause of a rebel; and to consider the best means of freeing themselves from a traitor; who; having long oppressed them; now sought to draw down on their country all the terrors of war。  Ali; who every where maintained numerous and active spies; now redoubled his watchfulness; and not a single letter entered Epirus without being opened and read by his agents。  As an extra precaution; the guardians of the passes were enjoined to slay without mercy any despatch…bearer not provided with an order signed by Ali himself; and to send to Janina under escort any travellers wishing to enter Epirus。 These measures were specially aimed against Suleyman Pacha; who had succeeded Veli in the government of Thessaly; and replaced Ali himself in the office of Grand Provost of the Highways。 Suleyman's secretary was a Greek called Anagnorto; a native of Macedonia; whose estates Ali had seized; and who had fled with his family to escape further persecution。  He had become attached to the court party; less for the sake of vengeance on Ali than to aid the cause of the Greeks; for whose freedom he worked by underhand methods。  He persuaded Suleyman Pacha that the Greeks would help him to dethrone Ali; for whom they cherished the deepest hatred; and he was determined that they should learn the sentence of deprivation and excommunication fulminated against the rebel pacha。  He introduced into the Greek translation which he was commissioned to make; ambiguous phrases which were read by the Christians as a call to take up arms in the cause of liberty。  In an instant; all Hellas was up in arms。  The Mohammedans were alarmed; but the Greeks gave out that it was in order to protect themselves and their property against the bands of brigands which had appeared on all sides。  This was the beginning of the Greek insurrection; and occurred in May 1820; extending from Mount Pindus to Thermopylae。  However; the Greeks; satisfied with having vindicated their right to bear arms in their own defence; continued to pay their taxes; and abstained from all hostility。

At the news of this great movement; Ali's friends advised him to turn it to his own advantage。  〃The Greeks in arms;〃 said they; 〃want a chief: offer yourself as their leader。  They hate you; it is true; but this feeling may change。  It is only necessary to make them believe; which is easily done; that if they will support your cause you will embrace Christianity and give them freedom。〃

There was no time to lose; for matters became daily more serious。 Ali hastened to summon what he called a Grand Divan; composed of the chiefs of both sects; Mussulmans and Christians。  There were assembled men of widely different types; much astonished at finding themselves in company: the venerable Gabriel; Archbishop of Janina; and uncle of the unfortunate Euphrosyne; who had been dragged thither by force; Abbas; the old head of the police; who had presided at the execution of the Christian martyr; the holy bishop of Velas; still bearing the marks of the chains with which Ali had loaded him; and Porphyro; Archbishop of Arta; to whom the turban would have been more becoming than the mitre。

Ashamed of the part he was obliged to play; Ali; after long hesitation; decided on speaking; and; addressing the Christians; 〃O Greeks!〃 he said; 〃examine my conduct with unprejudiced minds; and you will see manifest proofs of the confidence and consideration which I have ever shown you。  What pacha has ever treated you as I have done?  Who would have treated your priests and the objects of your worship with as much respect?  Who else would have conceded the privileges which you enjoy? for you hold rank in my councils; and both the police and the administration of my States are in your hands。  I do not; however; seek to deny the evils with which I have afflicted you; but; alas! these evils have been the result of my enforced obedience to the cruel and perfidious orders of the Sublime Porte。  It is to the Porte that these wrongs must be attributed; for if my actions be attentively regarded it will be seen that I only did harm when compelled thereto by the course of events。  Interrogate my actions; they will speak more fully than a detailed apology。

〃My position with regard to the Suliotes allowed no half…and…half measures。  Having once broken with them; I was obliged either to drive them from my country or to exterminate them。  I understood the political hatred of the Ottoman Cabinet too well not to know that it would declare war against me sooner or later; and I knew that resistance would be impossible; if on one side I had to repel the Ottoman aggression; and on the other to fight against the formidable Suliotes。

〃I might say the same of the Parganiotes。  You know that their town was the haunt of my enemies; and each time that I appealed to them to change their ways they answered only with insults and threats。  They constantly aided the Suliotes with whom I was at war; and if at this moment they still were occupying Parga; you would see them throw open the gates of Epirus to the forces of the sultan。  But all this does not prevent my being aware that my enemies blame me severely; and indeed I also blame myself; and deplore the faults which the difficulty of my position has entailed upon me。  Strong in my repentance; I do not hesitate to address myself to those whom I have most grievously wounded。  Thus I have long since recalled to my service a great number of Suliotes; and those who have responded to my invitation are occupying important posts near my person。  To complete the reconciliation; I have written to those who are still in exile; desiring them to return fearlessly to their country; and I have certain information that this proposal has been everywhere accepted with enthusiasm。  The Suliotes will soon return to their ancestral houses; and; reunited under my standard; will join me in combating the Osmanlis; our common enemies。

〃As to the avarice of which I am accused; it seems easily justified by the constant necessity I was under of satisfying the inordinate cupidity of the Ottoman ministry; which incessantly made me pay dearly for tranquillity。  This was a personal affair; I acknowledge; and so also is the accumulation of treasure made in order to support the war; which the Divan has at length declared。〃

Here Ali ceased; then having caused a barrel full of gold pieces to be emptied on the floor; he continued:

〃Behold a part of the treasure I have preserved with so much care; and which has been specially obtained from the Turks; our common enemies: it is yours。  I am now more than ever delighted at being the friend of the Greeks。  Their bravery is a sure earnest of victory; and we will shortly re…establish the Greek Empire; and drive the Osmanlis across the Bosphorus。  O bishops and priests of Issa the prophet! bless the arms of the Christians; your children。  O primates!  I call upon you to defend your rights; and to rule justly the brave nation associated with my interests。〃

This discourse produced very different impressions on the Christian priests and archons。  Some replied only by raising looks of despair to Heaven; others murmured their adhesion。  A great number remained uncertain; not knowing what to decide。  The Mirdite chief; he who had refused to slaughter the Kardikiotes; declared that neither he nor any Skipetar of the Latin communion would bear arms against their legitimate sovereign the sultan。  But his words were drowned by cries of 〃Long live Ali Pasha!  Long live the restorer of liberty!〃 uttered by some chiefs of adventurers and brigands。


Yet next day; May 24th; 1820; Ali addressed a ;circular letter to his brothers the Christians; announcing that in future he would consider them as his most faithful subjects; and that henceforth he remitted the taxes paid to his own family。  He wound up by asking for soldiers; but the Greeks having learnt the instability of his promises; remained deaf to his invitations。  At the same time he sent messengers to the Montenegrins and the Servians; inciting them to revolt; and organised insurrections in Wallachia and Moldavia to the very environs of Constantinople。

Whilst the Ottoman vassals assembled only in small numbers and very slowly under their respective standards; every day there collected round the castle of Janina whole companies of Toxidae; of Tapazetae; and of Chamidae; so that Ali; knowing that Ismail Pacho Bey had boasted that he could arrive in sigh

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