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ali pacha-第6部分

小说: ali pacha 字数: 每页4000字

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having to dread their influence。  While thus endeavouring on one side to destroy the power of his enemies by depriving them of both authority and wealth; and on the other to consolidate his own by establishing a firm administration; he neglected no means of acquiring popularity。  A fervent disciple of Mahomet when among fanatic Mussulmans; a materialist with the Bektagis who professed a rude pantheism; a Christian among the Greeks; with whom he drank to the health of the Holy Virgin; he made everywhere partisans by flattering the idea most in vogue。  But if he constantly changed both opinions and language when dealing with subordinates whom it was desirable to win over; Ali towards his superiors had one only line of conduct which he never transgressed。 Obsequious towards the Sublime Porte; so long as it did not interfere with his private authority; he not only paid with exactitude all dues to the sultan; to whom he even often advanced money; but he also pensioned the most influential ministers。  He was bent on having no enemies who could really injure his power; and he knew that in an absolute government no conviction can hold its own against the power of gold。

Having thus annihilated the nobles; deceived the multitude with plausible words and lulled to sleep the watchfulness of the Divan; Ali resolved to turn his arms against Kormovo。  At the foot of its rocks he had; in youth; experienced the disgrace of defeat; and during thirty nights Kamco and Chainitza had endured all horrors of outrage at the hands of its warriors。  Thus the implacable pacha had a twofold wrong to punish; a double vengeance to exact。

This time; profiting by experience; he called in the aid of treachery。  Arrived at the citadel; he negotiated; promised an amnesty; forgiveness for all; actual rewards for some。  The inhabitants; only too happy to make peace with so formidable an adversary; demanded and obtained a truce to settle the conditions。 This was exactly what Ali expected; and Kormovo; sleeping on the faith of the treaty; was suddenly attacked and taken。  All who did not escape by flight perished by the sword in the darkness; or by the hand of the executioner the next morning。  Those who had offered violence aforetime to Ali's mother and sister were carefully sought for; and whether convicted or merely accused; were impaled on spits; torn with redhot pincers; and slowly roasted between two fires; the women were shaved and publicly scourged; and then sold as slaves。

This vengeance; in which all the nobles of the province not yet entirely ruined were compelled to assist; was worth a decisive victory to Ali。  Towns; cantons; whole districts; overwhelmed with terror; submitted without striking a blow; and his name; joined to the recital of a massacre which ranked as a glorious exploit in the eyes of this savage people; echoed like thunder from valley to valley and mountain to mountain。  In order that all surrounding him might participate in the joy of his success Ali gave his army a splendid festival。  Of unrivalled activity; and; Mohammedan only in name; he himself led the chorus in the Pyrrhic and Klephtic dances; the ceremonials of warriors and of robbers。  There was no lack of wine; of sheep; goats; and lambs roasted before enormous fires; made of the debris of the ruined city; antique games of archery and wrestling were celebrated; and the victors received their prizes from the hand of their chief。  The plunder; slaves; and cattle were then shared; and the Tapygae; considered as the lowest of the four tribes composing the race of Skipetars; and ranking as the refuse of the army; carried off into the mountains of Acroceraunia; doors; windows; nails; and even the tiles of the houses; which were then all surrendered to the flames。

However; Ibrahim; the successor and son…in…law of Kurd Pacha; could not see with indifference part of his province invaded by his ambitious neighbour。  He complained and negotiated; but obtaining no satisfaction; called out an army composed of Skipetars of Toxid; all Islamites; and gave the command to his brother Sepher; Bey of Avlone。 Ali; who had adopted the policy of opposing alternately the Cross to the Crescent and the Crescent to the Cross; summoned to his aid the Christian chiefs of the mountains; who descended into the plains at the head of their unconquered troops。  As is generally the case in Albania; where war is merely an excuse for brigandage; instead of deciding matters by a pitched battle; both sides contented themselves with burning villages; hanging peasants; and carrying off cattle。

Also; in accordance with the custom of the country; the women interposed between the combatants; and the good and gentle Emineh laid proposals of peace before Ibrahim Pacha; to whose apathetic disposition a state of war was disagreeable; and who was only too happy to conclude a fairly satisfactory negotiation。  A family alliance was arranged; in virtue of which Ali retained his conquests; which were considered as the marriage portion of Ibrahim's eldest daughter; who became the wife of Ali's eldest son; Mouktar。

It was hoped that this peace might prove permanent; but the marriage which sealed the treaty was barely concluded before a fresh quarrel broke out between the pachas。  Ali; having wrung such important concessions from the weakness of his neighbour; desired to obtain yet more。  But closely allied to Ibrahim were two persons gifted with great firmness of character and unusual ability; whose position gave them great influence。  They were his wife Zaidee; and his brother Sepher; who had been in command during the war just terminated。  As both were inimical to Ali; who could not hope to corrupt them; the latter resolved to get rid of them。

Having in the days of his youth been intimate with Kurd Pacha; Ali had endeavoured to seduce his daughter; already the wife of Ibrahim。 Being discovered by the latter in the act of scaling the wall of his harem; he had been obliged to fly the country。  Wishing now to ruin the woman whom he had formerly tried to corrupt; Ali sought to turn his former crime to the success of a new one。  Anonymous letters; secretly sent to Ibrahim; warned him that his wife intended to poison him; in order to be able later to marry Ali Pacha; whom she had always loved。  In a country like Turkey; where to suspect a woman is to accuse her; and accusation is synonymous with condemnation; such a calumny might easily cause the death of the innocent Zaidee。  But if Ibrahim was weak and indolent; he was also confiding and generous。 He took the letters; to his wife; who had no difficulty in clearing herself; and who warned him against the writer; whose object and plots she easily divined; so that this odious conspiracy turned only to Ali's discredit。  But the latter was not likely either to concern himself as to what others said or thought about him or to be disconcerted by a failure。  He simply turned his machinations against his other enemy; and arranged matters this time so as to avoid a failure。

He sent to Zagori; a district noted for its doctors; for a quack who undertook to poison Sepher Bey on condition of receiving forty purses。  When all was settled; the miscreant set out for Berat; and was immediately accused by Ali of evasion; and his wife and children were arrested as accomplices and detained; apparently as hostages for the good behaviour of their husband and father; but really as pledges for his silence when the crime should have been accomplished。  Sepher Bey; informed of this by letters which Ali wrote to the Pacha of Berat demanding the fugitive; thought that a man persecuted by his enemy would be faithful to himself; and took the supposed runaway into his service。  The traitor made skilful use of the kindness of his too credulous protector; insinuated himself into his confidence; became his trusted physician and apothecary; and gave him poison instead of medicine on the very first appearance of indisposition。 As soon as symptoms of death appeared; the poisoner fled; aided by the emissaries of All; with whom the court of Berat was packed; and presented himself at Janina to receive the reward of his crime。  Ali thanked him for his zeal; commended his skill; and referred him to the treasurer。  But the instant the wretch left the seraglio in order to receive his recompense; he was seized by the executioners and hurried to the gallows。  In thus punishing the assassin; Ali at one blow discharged the debt he owed him; disposed of the single witness to be dreaded; and displayed his own friendship for the victim!  Not content with this; he endeavoured to again throw suspicion on the wife of Ibrahim Pacha; whom he accused of being jealous of the influence which Sepher Pacha had exercised in the family。  This he mentioned regularly in conversation; writing in the same style to his agents at Constantinople; and everywhere where there was any profit in slandering a family whose ruin he desired for the sake of their possessions。  Before long he made a pretext out of the scandal started by himself; and prepared to take up arms in order; he said; to avenge his friend Sepher Bey; when he was anticipated by Ibrahim Pacha; who roused against him the allied Christians of Thesprotia; foremost among whom ranked the Suliots famed through Albania for their courage and their love of independence。

After several battles; in which his enemies had the a vantage; Ali began negotiations with Ibrahim; and finally concluded a treaty offensive and defensive。  This fresh alliance was; like the first; to be cemented by a marriage。  The virtuous Emineh; seeing her son Veli united to the second daughter of Ibrahim; trusted that the feud between the two families was now quenched; and thought herself at the summit of happiness。  But her joy was not of long duration; the death…groan was again to be heard amidst the songs of the marriage…feast。

The daughter of Chainitza; by her first husband; Ali; had married a certain Murad; the Bey of Clerisoura。  This nobleman; attached to Ibrahim Pacha by both blood and affection; since the death of Sepher Bey; had; become the special object of Ali's hatred; caused by the devotion of Murad to his patron; over whom he had great influence; and from whom nothing could detach him。  Skilful in con

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