confessio amantis-第26部分
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The king upon this wrongful plyt; 2980
To kepe his regne fro servage;
Conseiled was of his Barnage
That miht with miht schal be withstonde。
Thus was the cause take on honde;
And seiden that the Papacie
Thei wolde honoure and magnefie
In al that evere is spirital;
Bot thilke Pride temporal
Of Boneface in his persone;
Ayein that ilke wrong al one 2990
Thei wolde stonden in debat:
And thus the man and noght the stat
The Frensche schopen be her miht
To grieve。 And fell ther was a kniht;
Sire Guilliam de Langharet;
Which was upon this cause set;
And therupon he tok a route
Of men of Armes and rod oute;
So longe and in a wayt he lay;
That he aspide upon a day 3000
The Pope was at Avinoun;
And scholde ryde out of the toun
Unto Pontsorge; the which is
A Castell in Provence of his。
Upon the weie and as he rod;
This kniht; which hoved and abod
Embuisshed upon horse bak;
Al sodeinliche upon him brak
And hath him be the bridel sesed;
And seide: 〃O thou; which hast desesed 3010
The Court of France be thi wrong;
Now schalt thou singe an other song:
Thin enterdit and thi sentence
Ayein thin oghne conscience
Hierafter thou schalt fiele and grope。
We pleigne noght ayein the Pope;
For thilke name is honourable;
Bot thou; which hast be deceivable
And tricherous in al thi werk;
Thou Bonefas; thou proude clerk; 3020
Misledere of the Papacie;
Thi false bodi schal abye
And soffre that it hath deserved。〃
Lo; thus the Supplantour was served;
For thei him ladden into France
And setten him to his penance
Withinne a tour in harde bondes;
Wher he for hunger bothe hise hondes
Eet of and deide; god wot how:
Of whom the wrytinge is yit now 3030
Registred; as a man mai hiere;
Which spekth and seith in this manere:
Thin entre lich the fox was slyh;
Thi regne also with pride on hih
Was lich the Leon in his rage;
Bot ate laste of thi passage
Thi deth was to the houndes like。
Such is the lettre of his Cronique
Proclamed in the Court of Rome;
Wherof the wise ensample nome。 3040
And yit; als ferforth as I dar;
I rede alle othre men be war;
And that thei loke wel algate
That non his oghne astat translate
Of holi cherche in no degree
Be fraude ne soubtilite:
For thilke honour which Aaron tok
Schal non receive; as seith the bok;
Bot he be cleped as he was。
What I schal thenken in this cas 3050
Of that I hiere now aday;
I not: bot he which can and may;
Be reson bothe and be nature
The help of every mannes cure;
He kepe Simon fro the folde。
For Joachim thilke Abbot tolde
How suche daies scholden falle;
That comunliche in places alle
The Chapmen of such mercerie
With fraude and with Supplantarie 3060
So manye scholden beie and selle;
That he ne may for schame telle
So foul a Senne in mannes Ere。
Bot god forbiede that it were
In oure daies that he seith:
For if the Clerc beware his feith
In chapmanhod at such a feire;
The remenant mot nede empeire
Of al that to the world belongeth;
For whan that holi cherche wrongeth; 3070
I not what other thing schal rihte。
And natheles at mannes sihte
Envie forto be preferred
Hath conscience so differred;
That noman loketh to the vice
Which is the Moder of malice;
And that is thilke false Envie;
Which causeth many a tricherie;
For wher he may an other se
That is mor gracious than he; 3080
It schal noght stonden in his miht
Bot if he hindre such a wiht:
And that is welnyh overal;
This vice is now so general。
Envie thilke unhapp indrowh;
Whan Joab be deceipte slowh
Abner; for drede he scholde be
With king David such as was he。
And thurgh Envie also it fell
Of thilke false Achitofell; 3090
For his conseil was noght achieved;
Bot that he sih Cusy believed
With Absolon and him forsake;
He heng himself upon a stake。
Senec witnesseth openly
How that Envie proprely
Is of the Court the comun wenche;
And halt taverne forto schenche
That drink which makth the herte brenne;
And doth the wit aboute renne; 3100
Be every weie to compasse
How that he mihte alle othre passe;
As he which thurgh unkindeschipe
Envieth every felaschipe;
So that thou miht wel knowe and se;
Ther is no vice such as he;
Ferst toward godd abhominable;
And to mankinde unprofitable:
And that be wordes bot a fewe
I schal be reson prove and schewe。 3110
Envie if that I schal descrive;
He is noght schaply forto wyve
In Erthe among the wommen hiere;
For ther is in him no matiere
Wherof he mihte do plesance。
Ferst for his hevy continance
Of that he semeth evere unglad;
He is noght able to ben had;
And ek he brenneth so withinne;
That kinde mai no profit winne; 3120
Wherof he scholde his love plese:
For thilke blod which scholde have ese
To regne among the moiste veines;
Is drye of thilke unkendeli peines
Thurgh whiche Envie is fyred ay。
And thus be reson prove I may
That toward love Envie is noght;
And otherwise if it be soght;
Upon what side as evere it falle;
It is the werste vice of alle; 3130
Which of himself hath most malice。
For understond that every vice
Som cause hath; wherof it groweth;
Bot of Envie noman knoweth
Fro whenne he cam bot out of helle。
For thus the wise clerkes telle;
That no spirit bot of malice
Be weie of kinde upon a vice
Is tempted; and be such a weie
Envie hath kinde put aweie 3140
And of malice hath his steringe;
Wherof he makth his bakbitinge;
And is himself therof desesed。
So mai ther be no kinde plesed;
For ay the mor that he envieth;
The more ayein himself he plieth。
Thus stant Envie in good espeir
To ben himself the develes heir;
As he which is his nexte liche
And forthest fro the heveneriche; 3150
For there mai he nevere wone。
Forthi; my goode diere Sone;
If thou wolt finde a siker weie
To love; put Envie aweie。
Min holy fader; reson wolde
That I this vice eschuie scholde:
Bot yit to strengthe mi corage;
If that ye wolde in avantage
Therof sette a recoverir;
It were tome a gret desir; 3160
That I this vice mihte flee。
Nou understond; my Sone; and se;
Ther is phisique for the seke;
And vertus for the vices eke。
Who that the vices wolde eschuie;
He mot be resoun thanne suie
The vertus; for be thilke weie
He mai the vices don aweie;
For thei togedre mai noght duelle:
For as the water of a welle 3170
Of fyr abateth the malice;
Riht so vertu fordoth the vice。
Ayein Envie is Charite;
Which is the Moder of Pite;
That makth a mannes herte tendre;
That it mai no malice engendre
In him that is enclin therto。
For his corage is tempred so;
That thogh he mihte himself relieve;
Yit wolde he noght an other grieve; 3180
Bot rather forto do plesance
He berth himselven the grevance;
So fain he wolde an other ese。
Wherof; mi Sone; for thin ese
Now herkne a tale which I rede;
And understond it wel; I rede。
Among the bokes of latin
I finde write of Constantin
The worthi Emperour of Rome;
Suche infortunes to him come; 3190
Whan he was in his lusti age;
The lepre cawhte in his visage
And so forth overal aboute;
That he ne mihte ryden oute:
So lefte he bothe Schield and spere;
As he that mihte him noght bestere;
And hield him in his chambre clos。
Thurgh al the world the fame aros;
The grete clerkes ben asent
And come at his comandement 3200
To trete upon this lordes hele。
So longe thei togedre dele;
That thei upon this medicine
Apointen hem; and determine
That in the maner as it stod
Thei wolde him bathe in childes blod
Withinne sevene wynter age:
For; as thei sein; that scholde assuage
The lepre and al the violence;
Which that thei knewe of Accidence 3210
And noght be weie of kinde is falle。
And therto thei acorden alle
As for final conclusioun;
And tolden here opinioun
To themperour: and he anon
His conseil tok; and therupon
With lettres and with seales oute
Thei sende in every lond aboute
The yonge children forto seche;
Whos blod; thei seiden; schal be leche 3220
For themperoures maladie。
Ther was ynowh to wepe and crie
Among the Modres; whan thei herde
Hou wofully this cause ferde;
Bot natheles thei moten bowe;
And thus wommen ther come ynowhe
With children soukende on the Tete。
Tho was ther manye teres lete;
Bot were hem lieve or were hem lothe;
The wommen and the children bothe 3230
Into the Paleis forth be broght
With many a sory hertes thoght
Of hem whiche of here bodi bore
The children hadde; and so forlore
Withinne a while scholden se。
The Modres wepe in here degre;
And manye of hem aswoune falle;
The yonge babes criden alle:
This noyse aros; the lord it herde;
And loked out; and how it ferde 3240
He sih; and as who seith abreide
Out of his slep; and thus he seide:
〃O thou divine pourveance;
Which every man in the balance
Of kinde hast formed to be liche;
The povere is bore as is the riche
And deieth in the same wise;
Upon the fol; upon the wise
Siknesse and hele entrecomune;
Mai non eschuie that fortune 3250
Which kinde hath in hire lawe set;
Hire strengthe and beaute ben beset
To every man aliche fre;
That sche preferreth no degre
As in the disposicioun
Of bodili complexioun:
And ek of Soule resonable
The povere child is bore als able
To vertu as the kinges Sone;
For every man his oghne wone 3260
After the lust of his assay
The vice or vertu chese may。
Thus stonden alle men franchised;
Bot in astat thei ben divised;
To some worschipe and richesse;
To some poverte and distresse;
On lordeth and an other serveth;
Bot yit as every man deserveth
The world yifth noght his yiftes hiere。
Bot certes he hath gret matiere 3270
To ben of good condicioun;
Which hath in his subjeccioun
The men that ben of his semblance。〃
And ek he tok a remembrance
How he that made lawe of kinde
Wolde every man to lawe binde;
And bad a man; such as he wolde
Toward himself; riht such he scholde
Toward an other don also。
And thus this worthi lord as tho 3280
Sette in balance his oghne astat
And with himself stod in debat;
And thoghte hou that it was noght good
To se so mochel mannes blod
Be spilt for cause of him alone。
He sih also the grete mone;
Of that the Modres were unglade;
And of the wo the children made;
Wherof that al his herte tendreth;
And such pite withinne engendreth; 3290
That him was levere for