八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > confessio amantis >


confessio amantis-第40部分

小说: confessio amantis 字数: 每页4000字

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Thanne is he wys after the hond:
Whanne helpe may no maner bond;
Thanne ate ferste wolde he binde:
Thus everemore he stant behinde。
Whanne he the thing mai noght amende;
Thanne is he war; and seith at ende;
〃Ha; wolde god I hadde knowe'〃
Wherof bejaped with a mowe   900
He goth; for whan the grete Stiede
Is stole; thanne he taketh hiede;
And makth the stable dore fast:
Thus evere he pleith an aftercast
Of al that he schal seie or do。
He hath a manere eke also;
Him list noght lerne to be wys;
For he set of no vertu pris
Bot as him liketh for the while;
So fieleth he fulofte guile;    910
Whan that he weneth siker stonde。
And thus thou miht wel understonde;
Mi Sone; if thou art such in love;
Thou miht noght come at thin above
Of that thou woldest wel achieve。
Mi holi fader; as I lieve;
I mai wel with sauf conscience
Excuse me of necgligence
Towardes love in alle wise:
For thogh I be non of the wise;    920
I am so trewly amerous;
That I am evere curious
Of hem that conne best enforme
To knowe and witen al the forme;
What falleth unto loves craft。
Bot yit ne fond I noght the haft;
Which mihte unto that bladd acorde;
For nevere herde I man recorde
What thing it is that myhte availe
To winne love withoute faile。   930
Yit so fer cowthe I nevere finde
Man that be resoun ne be kinde
Me cowthe teche such an art;
That he ne failede of a part;
And as toward myn oghne wit;
Controeve cowthe I nevere yit
To finden eny sikernesse;
That me myhte outher more or lesse
Of love make forto spede:
For lieveth wel withoute drede;    940
If that ther were such a weie;
As certeinliche as I schal deie
I hadde it lerned longe ago。
Bot I wot wel ther is non so:
And natheles it may wel be;
I am so rude in my degree
And ek mi wittes ben so dulle;
That I ne mai noght to the fulle
Atteigne to so hih a lore。
Bot this I dar seie overmore;       950
Althogh mi wit ne be noght strong;
It is noght on mi will along;
For that is besi nyht and day
To lerne al that he lerne may;
How that I mihte love winne:
Bot yit I am as to beginne
Of that I wolde make an ende;
And for I not how it schal wende;
That is to me mi moste sorwe。
Bot I dar take god to borwe;    960
As after min entendement;
Non other wise necgligent
Thanne I yow seie have I noght be:
Forthi per seinte charite
Tell me; mi fader; what you semeth。
In good feith; Sone; wel me qwemeth;
That thou thiself hast thus aquit
Toward this vice; in which no wit
Abide mai; for in an houre
He lest al that he mai laboure  970
The longe yer; so that men sein;
What evere he doth it is in vein。
For thurgh the Slowthe of Negligence
Ther was yit nevere such science
Ne vertu; which was bodely;
That nys destruid and lost therby。
Ensample that it hath be so
In boke I finde write also。
Phebus; which is the Sonne hote;
That schyneth upon Erthe hote   980
And causeth every lyves helthe;
He hadde a Sone in al his welthe;
Which Pheton hihte; and he desireth
And with his Moder he conspireth;
The which was cleped Clemenee;
For help and conseil; so that he
His fader carte lede myhte
Upon the faire daies brihte。
And for this thing thei bothe preide
Unto the fader; and he seide    990
He wolde wel; bot forth withal
Thre pointz he bad in special
Unto his Sone in alle wise;

That he him scholde wel avise
And take it as be weie of lore。
Ferst was; that he his hors to sore
Ne prike; and over that he tolde
That he the renes faste holde;
And also that he be riht war
In what manere he lede his charr;  1000
That he mistake noght his gate;
Bot up avisement algate
He scholde bere a siker yhe;
That he to lowe ne to hyhe
His carte dryve at eny throwe;
Wherof that he mihte overthrowe。
And thus be Phebus ordinance
Tok Pheton into governance
The Sonnes carte; which he ladde:
Bot he such veine gloire hadde  1010
Of that he was set upon hyh;
That he his oghne astat ne syh
Thurgh negligence and tok non hiede;
So mihte he wel noght longe spede。
For he the hors withoute lawe
The carte let aboute drawe
Wher as hem liketh wantounly;
That ate laste sodeinly;
For he no reson wolde knowe;
This fyri carte he drof to lowe;   1020
And fyreth al the world aboute;
Wherof thei weren alle in doubte;
And to the god for helpe criden
Of suche unhappes as betyden。
Phebus; which syh the necgligence;
How Pheton ayein his defence
His charr hath drive out of the weie;
Ordeigneth that he fell aweie
Out of the carte into a flod
And dreynte。 Lo now; hou it stod   1030
With him that was so necgligent;
That fro the hyhe firmament;
For that he wolde go to lowe;
He was anon doun overthrowe。
In hih astat it is a vice
To go to lowe; and in service
It grieveth forto go to hye;
Wherof a tale in poesie
I finde; how whilom Dedalus;
Which hadde a Sone; and Icharus    1040
He hihte; and thogh hem thoghte lothe;
In such prison thei weren bothe
With Minotaurus; that aboute
Thei mihten nawher wenden oute;
So thei begonne forto schape
How thei the prison mihte ascape。
This Dedalus; which fro his yowthe
Was tawht and manye craftes cowthe;
Of fetheres and of othre thinges
Hath mad to fle diverse wynges  1050
For him and for his Sone also;
To whom he yaf in charge tho
And bad him thenke therupon;
How that his wynges ben set on
With wex; and if he toke his flyhte
To hyhe; al sodeinliche he mihte
Make it to melte with the Sonne。
And thus thei have her flyht begonne
Out of the prison faire and softe;
And whan thei weren bothe alofte;  1060
This Icharus began to monte;
And of the conseil non accompte
He sette; which his fader tawhte;
Til that the Sonne his wynges cawhte;
Wherof it malt; and fro the heihte
Withouten help of eny sleihte
He fell to his destruccion。
And lich to that condicion
Ther fallen ofte times fele
For lacke of governance in wele;   1070
Als wel in love as other weie。
Now goode fader; I you preie;
If ther be more in the matiere
Of Slowthe; that I mihte it hiere。
Mi Sone; and for thi diligence;
Which every mannes conscience
Be resoun scholde reule and kepe;
If that thee list to taken kepe;
I wol thee telle; aboven alle
In whom no vertu mai befalle;   1080
Which yifth unto the vices reste
And is of slowe the sloweste。
Among these othre of Slowthes kinde;
Which alle labour set behinde;
And hateth alle besinesse;
Ther is yit on; which Ydelnesse
Is cleped; and is the Norrice
In mannes kinde of every vice;
Which secheth eases manyfold。
In Wynter doth he noght for cold;  1090
In Somer mai he noght for hete;
So whether that he frese or swete;
Or he be inne; or he be oute;
He wol ben ydel al aboute;
Bot if he pleie oght ate Dees。
For who as evere take fees
And thenkth worschipe to deserve;
Ther is no lord whom he wol serve;
As forto duelle in his servise;
Bot if it were in such a wise;  1100
Of that he seth per aventure
That be lordschipe and coverture
He mai the more stonde stille;
And use his ydelnesse at wille。
For he ne wol no travail take
To ryde for his ladi sake;
Bot liveth al upon his wisshes;
And as a cat wolde ete fisshes
Withoute wetinge of his cles;
So wolde he do; bot natheles    1110
He faileth ofte of that he wolde。
Mi Sone; if thou of such a molde
Art mad; now tell me plein thi schrifte。
Nay; fader; god I yive a yifte。
That toward love; as be mi wit;
Al ydel was I nevere yit;
Ne nevere schal; whil I mai go。
Now; Sone; tell me thanne so;
What hast thou don of besischipe
To love and to the ladischipe   1120
Of hire which thi ladi is?
Mi fader; evere yit er this
In every place; in every stede;
What so mi lady hath me bede;
With al myn herte obedient
I have therto be diligent。
And if so is sche bidde noght;
What thing that thanne into my thoght
Comth ferst of that I mai suffise;
I bowe and profre my servise;   1130
Somtime in chambre; somtime in halle;
Riht as I se the times falle。
And whan sche goth to hiere masse;
That time schal noght overpasse;
That I naproche hir ladihede;
In aunter if I mai hire lede
Unto the chapelle and ayein。
Thanne is noght al mi weie in vein;
Somdiel I mai the betre fare;
Whan I; that mai noght fiele hir bare;   1140
Mai lede hire clothed in myn arm:
Bot afterward it doth me harm
Of pure ymaginacioun;
For thanne this collacioun
I make unto miselven ofte;
And seie; 〃Ha lord; hou sche is softe;
How sche is round; hou sche is smal'
Now wolde god I hadde hire al
Withoute danger at mi wille'〃
And thanne I sike and sitte stille;   1150
Of that I se mi besi thoght
Is torned ydel into noght。
Bot for al that lete I ne mai;
Whanne I se time an other dai;
That I ne do my besinesse
Unto mi ladi worthinesse。
For I therto mi wit afaite
To se the times and awaite
What is to done and what to leve:
And so; whan time is; be hir leve;    1160
What thing sche bit me don; I do;
And wher sche bidt me gon; I go;
And whanne hir list to clepe; I come。
Thus hath sche fulliche overcome
Min ydelnesse til I sterve;
So that I mot hire nedes serve;
For as men sein; nede hath no lawe。
Thus mot I nedly to hire drawe;
I serve; I bowe; I loke; I loute;
Min yhe folweth hire aboute;    1170
What so sche wole so wol I;
Whan sche wol sitte; I knele by;
And whan sche stant; than wol I stonde:
Bot whan sche takth hir werk on honde
Of wevinge or enbrouderie;
Than can I noght bot muse and prie
Upon hir fingres longe and smale;
And now I thenke; and now I tale;
And now I singe; and now I sike;
And thus mi contienance I pike。    1180
And if it falle; as for a time
Hir liketh noght abide bime;
Bot besien hire on other thinges;
Than make I othre tariinges
To dreche forth the longe dai;
For me is loth departe away。
And thanne I am so simple of port;
That forto feigne som desport
I pleie with hire litel hound
Now on the bedd; now on the ground;   1190
Now with hir briddes in the cage;
For ther is non so litel page;
Ne yit so simple a chamberere;
That I ne make hem alle chere;
Al for thei scholde speke wel:
Thus mow ye sen mi besi whiel;
That goth noght ydeliche aboute。
And if hir list to riden oute
On pelrinage or other stede;
I come; thogh I be noght bede;  1200
And take hire in min arm alofte
And sette hire in hire sadel softe;
And so forth lede hire be the bridel;
For that I wolde noght ben ydel。
And if hire

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