八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > confessio amantis >


confessio amantis-第70部分

小说: confessio amantis 字数: 每页4000字

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Wher that Diane hirselve stod;  6270
Sche thoghte come unaperceived。
Bot therof sche was al deceived;
For whan sche cam a litel nyh;
And that Diane hire wombe syh;
Sche seide; 〃Awey; thou foule beste;
For thin astat is noght honeste
This chaste water forto touche;
For thou hast take such a touche;
Which nevere mai ben hol ayein。〃
And thus goth sche which was forlein  6280
With schame; and fro the Nimphes fledde;
Til whanne that nature hire spedde;
That of a Sone; which Archas
Was named; sche delivered was。
And tho Juno; which was the wif
Of Jupiter; wroth and hastif;
In pourpos forto do vengance
Cam forth upon this ilke chance;
And to Calistona sche spak;
And sette upon hir many a lak;  6290
And seide; 〃Ha; nou thou art atake;
That thou thi werk myht noght forsake。
Ha; thou ungoodlich ypocrite;
Hou thou art gretly forto wyte!
Bot nou thou schalt ful sore abie
That ilke stelthe and micherie;
Which thou hast bothe take and do;
Wherof thi fader Lichao
Schal noght be glad; whan he it wot;
Of that his dowhter was so hot;    6300
That sche hath broke hire chaste avou。
Bot I thee schal chastise nou;
Thi grete beaute schal be torned;
Thurgh which that thou hast be mistorned;
Thi large frount; thin yhen greie;
I schal hem change in other weie;
And al the feture of thi face
In such a wise I schal deface;
That every man thee schal forbere。〃
With that the liknesse of a bere   6310
Sche tok and was forschape anon。
Withinne a time and therupon
Befell that with a bowe on honde;
To hunte and gamen forto fonde;
Into that wode goth to pleie
Hir Sone Archas; and in his weie
It hapneth that this bere cam。
And whan that sche good hiede nam;
Wher that he stod under the bowh;
Sche kneu him wel and to him drouh;   6320
For thogh sche hadde hire forme lore;
The love was noght lost therfore
Which kinde hath set under his lawe。
Whan sche under the wodesschawe
Hire child behield; sche was so glad;
That sche with bothe hire armes sprad;
As thogh sche were in wommanhiede;
Toward him cam; and tok non hiede
Of that he bar a bowe bent。
And he with that an Arwe hath hent    6330
And gan to teise it in his bowe;
As he that can non other knowe;
Bot that it was a beste wylde。
Bot Jupiter; which wolde schylde
The Moder and the Sone also;
Ordeineth for hem bothe so;
That thei for evere were save。
Bot thus; mi Sone; thou myht have
Ensample; hou that it is to fle
To robbe the virginite    6340
Of a yong innocent aweie:
And overthis be other weie;
In olde bokes as I rede;
Such Robberie is forto drede;
And nameliche of thilke good
Which every womman that is good
Desireth forto kepe and holde;
As whilom was be daies olde。
For if thou se mi tale wel
Of that was tho; thou miht somdiel    6350
Of old ensample taken hiede;
Hou that the flour of maidenhiede
Was thilke time holde in pris。
And so it was; and so it is;
And so it schal for evere stonde:
And for thou schalt it understonde;
Nou herkne a tale next suiende;
Hou maidenhod is to commende。
Of Rome among the gestes olde
I finde hou that Valerie tolde  6360
That what man tho was Emperour
Of Rome; he scholde don honour
To the virgine; and in the weie;
Wher he hire mette; he scholde obeie
In worschipe of virginite;
Which tho was of gret dignite。
Noght onliche of the wommen tho;
Bot of the chaste men also
It was commended overal:
And forto speke in special   6370
Touchende of men; ensample I finde;
Phyryns; which was of mannes kinde
Above alle othre the faireste
Of Rome and ek the comelieste;
That wel was hire which him mihte
Beholde and have of him a sihte。
Thus was he tempted ofte sore;
Bot for he wolde be nomore
Among the wommen so coveited;
The beaute of his face streited    6380
He hath; and threste out bothe hise yhen;
That alle wommen whiche him syhen
Thanne afterward; of him ne roghte:
And thus his maidehiede he boghte。
So mai I prove wel forthi;
Above alle othre under the Sky;
Who that the vertus wolde peise;
Virginite is forto preise;
Which; as thapocalips recordeth;
To Crist in hevene best acordeth。  6390
So mai it schewe wel therfore;
As I have told it hier tofore;
In hevene and ek in Erthe also
It is accept to bothe tuo。
And if I schal more over this
Declare what this vertu is;
I finde write upon this thing
Of Valentinian the king
And Emperour be thilke daies;
A worthi knyht at alle assaies;    6400
Hou he withoute Mariage
Was of an hundred wynter Age;
And hadde ben a worthi kniht
Bothe of his lawe and of his myht。
Bot whan men wolde his dedes peise
And his knyhthode of Armes preise;
Of that he dede with his hondes;
Whan he the kinges and the londes
To his subjeccion put under;
Of al that pris hath he no wonder;    6410
For he it sette of non acompte;
And seide al that may noght amonte
Ayeins o point which he hath nome;
That he his fleissh hath overcome:
He was a virgine; as he seide;
On that bataille his pris he leide。
Lo nou; my Sone; avise thee。
Yee; fader; al this wel mai be;
Bot if alle othre dede so;
The world of men were sone go:  6420
And in the lawe a man mai finde;
Hou god to man be weie of kinde
Hath set the world to multeplie;
And who that wol him justefie;
It is ynouh to do the lawe。
And natheles youre goode sawe
Is good to kepe; who so may;
I wol noght therayein seie nay。
Mi Sone; take it as I seie;
If maidenhod be take aweie   6430
Withoute lawes ordinance;
It mai noght failen of vengance。
And if thou wolt the sothe wite;
Behold a tale which is write;
Hou that the King Agamenon;
Whan he the Cite of Lesbon
Hath wonne; a Maiden ther he fond;
Which was the faireste of the Lond
In thilke time that men wiste。
He tok of hire what him liste   6440
Of thing which was most precious;
Wherof that sche was dangerous。
This faire Maiden cleped is
Criseide; douhter of Crisis;
Which was that time in special
Of thilke temple principal;
Wher Phebus hadde his sacrifice;
So was it wel the more vice。
Agamenon was thanne in weie
To Troieward; and tok aweie  6450
This Maiden; which he with him ladde;
So grete a lust in hire he hadde。
Bot Phebus; which hath gret desdeign
Of that his Maiden was forlein;
Anon as he to Troie cam;
Vengance upon this dede he nam
And sende a comun pestilence。
Thei soghten thanne here evidence
And maden calculacion;
To knowe in what condicion   6460
This deth cam in so sodeinly;
And ate laste redyly
The cause and ek the man thei founde:
And forth withal the same stounde
Agamenon opposed was;
Which hath beknowen al the cas
Of the folie which he wroghte。
And therupon mercy thei soghte
Toward the god in sondri wise
With preiere and with sacrifise;   6470
The Maide and hom ayein thei sende;
And yive hire good ynouh to spende
For evere whil sche scholde live:
And thus the Senne was foryive
And al the pestilence cessed。
Lo; what it is to ben encressed
Of love which is evele wonne。
It were betre noght begonne
Than take a thing withoute leve;
Which thou most after nedes leve;  6480
And yit have malgre forth withal。
Forthi to robben overal
In loves cause if thou beginne;
I not what ese thou schalt winne。
Mi Sone; be wel war of this;
For thus of Robberie it is。
Mi fader; youre ensamplerie
In loves cause of Robberie
I have it riht wel understonde。
Bot overthis; hou so it stonde;    6490
Yit wolde I wite of youre aprise
What thing is more of Covoitise。
With Covoitise yit I finde
A Servant of the same kinde;
Which Stelthe is hote; and Mecherie
With him is evere in compainie。
Of whom if I schal telle soth;
He stalketh as a Pocok doth;
And takth his preie so covert;
That noman wot it in apert。  6500
For whan he wot the lord from home;
Than wol he stalke aboute and rome;
And what thing he fint in his weie;
Whan that he seth the men aweie;
He stelth it and goth forth withal;
That therof noman knowe schal。
And ek fulofte he goth a nyht
Withoute Mone or sterreliht;
And with his craft the dore unpiketh;
And takth therinne what him liketh:   6510
And if the dore be so schet;
That he be of his entre let;
He wole in ate wyndou crepe;
And whil the lord is faste aslepe;
He stelth what thing as him best list;
And goth his weie er it be wist。
Fulofte also be lyhte of day
Yit wole he stele and make assay;
Under the cote his hond he put;
Til he the mannes Purs have cut;   6520
And rifleth that he fint therinne。
And thus he auntreth him to winne;
And berth an horn and noght ne bloweth;
For noman of his conseil knoweth;
What he mai gete of his Michinge;
It is al bile under the winge。
And as an hound that goth to folde
And hath ther taken what he wolde;
His mouth upon the gras he wypeth;
And so with feigned chiere him slypeth;  6530
That what as evere of schep he strangle;
Ther is noman therof schal jangle;
As forto knowen who it dede;
Riht so doth Stelthe in every stede;
Where as him list his preie take。
He can so wel his cause make
And so wel feigne and so wel glose;
That ther ne schal noman suppose;
Bot that he were an innocent;
And thus a mannes yhe he blent:    6540
So that this craft I mai remene
Withouten help of eny mene。
Ther be lovers of that degre;
Which al here lust in privete;
As who seith; geten al be Stelthe;
And ofte atteignen to gret welthe
As for the time that it lasteth。
For love awaiteth evere and casteth
Hou he mai stele and cacche his preie;
Whan he therto mai finde a weie:   6550
For be it nyht or be it day;
He takth his part; whan that he may;
And if he mai nomore do;
Yit wol he stele a cuss or tuo。
Mi Sone; what seist thou therto?
Tell if thou dedest evere so。
Mi fader; hou? Mi Sone; thus;…
If thou hast stolen eny cuss
Or other thing which therto longeth;
For noman suche thieves hongeth:   6560
Tell on forthi and sei the trouthe。
Mi fader; nay; and that is routhe;
For be mi will I am a thief;
Bot sche that is to me most lief;
Yit dorste I nevere in privete
Noght ones take hire be the kne;
To stele of hire or this or that;
And if I dorste; I wot wel what:
And natheles; bot if I lie;
Be Stelthe ne be Robberie    6570
Of love; which fell in mi thoght;
To hire dede I nevere noght。
Bot as men sein; wher herte is failed;
Ther schal no castell ben assailed;
Bot thogh I hadde hertes ten;
And were als strong as alle men;

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