confessio amantis-第74部分
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He was noght armed natheles;
Bot as it were in lond of pes;
And thus he goth forth out of Schipe
And takth with him his felaschipe:
In such manere as I you seie
Unto the temple he hield his weie。
Tydinge; which goth overal
To grete and smale; forth withal
Com to the queenes Ere and tolde
Hou Paris com; and that he wolde 7500
Do sacrifise to Venus:
And whan sche herde telle thus;
Sche thoghte; hou that it evere be;
That sche wole him abyde and se。
Forth comth Paris with glad visage
Into the temple on pelrinage;
Wher unto Venus the goddesse
He yifth and offreth gret richesse;
And preith hir that he preie wolde。
And thanne aside he gan beholde; 7510
And sih wher that this ladi stod;
And he forth in his freisshe mod
Goth ther sche was and made her chiere;
As he wel couthe in his manere;
That of his wordes such plesance
Sche tok; that al hire aqueintance;
Als ferforth as the herte lay;
He stal er that he wente away。
So goth he forth and tok his leve;
And thoghte; anon as it was eve; 7520
He wolde don his Sacrilegge;
That many a man it scholde abegge。
Whan he to Schipe ayein was come;
To him he hath his conseil nome;
And al devised the matiere
In such a wise as thou schalt hiere。
Withinne nyht al prively
His men he warneth by and by;
That thei be redy armed sone
For certein thing which was to done: 7530
And thei anon ben redi alle;
And ech on other gan to calle;
And went hem out upon the stronde
And tok a pourpos ther alonde
Of what thing that thei wolden do;
Toward the temple and forth thei go。
So fell it; of devocion
Heleine in contemplacion
With many an other worthi wiht
Was in the temple and wok al nyht; 7540
To bidde and preie unto thymage
Of Venus; as was thanne usage;
So that Paris riht as him liste
Into the temple; er thei it wiste;
Com with his men al sodeinly;
And alle at ones sette ascry
In hem whiche in the temple were;
For tho was mochel poeple there;
Bot of defense was no bote;
So soffren thei that soffre mote。 7550
Paris unto the queene wente;
And hire in bothe hise armes hente
With him and with his felaschipe;
And forth thei bere hire unto Schipe。
Up goth the Seil and forth thei wente;
And such a wynd fortune hem sente;
Til thei the havene of Troie cauhte;
Where out of Schipe anon thei strauhte
And gon hem forth toward the toun;
The which cam with processioun 7560
Ayein Paris to sen his preie。
And every man began to seie
To Paris and his felaschipe
Al that thei couthen of worschipe;
Was non so litel man in Troie;
That he ne made merthe and joie
Of that Paris hath wonne Heleine。
Bot al that merthe is sorwe and peine
To Helenus and to Cassaundre;
For thei it token schame and sklaundre 7570
And lost of al the comun grace;
That Paris out of holi place
Be Stelthe hath take a mannes wif;
Wherof that he schal lese his lif
And many a worthi man therto;
And al the Cite be fordo;
Which nevere schal be mad ayein。
And so it fell; riht as thei sein;
The Sacrilege which he wroghte
Was cause why the Gregois soughte 7580
Unto the toun and it beleie;
And wolden nevere parte aweie;
Til what be sleihte and what be strengthe
Thei hadde it wonne in brede and lengthe;
And brent and slayn that was withinne。
Now se; mi Sone; which a sinne
Is Sacrilege in holy stede:
Be war therfore and bidd thi bede;
And do nothing in holy cherche;
Bot that thou miht be reson werche。 7590
And ek tak hiede of Achilles;
Whan he unto his love ches
Polixena; that was also
In holi temple of Appollo;
Which was the cause why he dyde
And al his lust was leyd asyde。
And Troilus upon Criseide
Also his ferste love leide
In holi place; and hou it ferde;
As who seith; al the world it herde; 7600
Forsake he was for Diomede;
Such was of love his laste mede。
Forthi; mi Sone; I wolde rede;
Be this ensample as thou myht rede;
Sech elles; wher thou wolt; thi grace;
And war the wel in holi place
What thou to love do or speke;
In aunter if it so be wreke
As thou hast herd me told before。
And tak good hiede also therfore 7610
Upon what forme; of Avarice
Mor than of eny other vice;
I have divided in parties
The branches; whiche of compainies
Thurghout the world in general
Ben nou the leders overal;
Of Covoitise and of Perjure;
Of fals brocage and of Usure;
Of Skarsnesse and Unkindeschipe;
Which nevere drouh to felaschipe; 7620
Of Robberie and privi Stelthe;
Which don is for the worldes welthe;
Of Ravine and of Sacrilegge;
Which makth the conscience agregge;
Althogh it mai richesse atteigne;
It floureth; bot it schal noght greine
Unto the fruit of rihtwisnesse。
Bot who that wolde do largesse
Upon the reule as it is yive;
So myhte a man in trouthe live 7630
Toward his god; and ek also
Toward the world; for bothe tuo
Largesse awaiteth as belongeth;
To neither part that he ne wrongeth;
He kepth himself; he kepth his frendes;
So stant he sauf to bothe hise endes;
That he excedeth no mesure;
So wel he can himself mesure:
Wherof; mi Sone; thou schalt wite;
So as the Philosophre hath write。 7640
Betwen the tuo extremites
Of vice stant the propretes
Of vertu; and to prove it so
Tak Avarice and tak also
The vice of Prodegalite;
Betwen hem Liberalite;
Which is the vertu of Largesse;
Stant and governeth his noblesse。
For tho tuo vices in discord
Stonde evere; as I finde of record; 7650
So that betwen here tuo debat
Largesse reuleth his astat。
For in such wise as Avarice;
As I tofore have told the vice;
Thurgh streit holdinge and thurgh skarsnesse
Stant in contraire to Largesse;
Riht so stant Prodegalite
Revers; bot noght in such degre。
For so as Avarice spareth;
And forto kepe his tresor careth; 7660
That other al his oghne and more
Ayein the wise mannes lore
Yifth and despendeth hiere and there;
So that him reccheth nevere where。
While he mai borwe; he wol despende;
Til ate laste he seith; 〃I wende〃;
Bot that is spoken al to late;
For thanne is poverte ate gate
And takth him evene be the slieve;
For erst wol he no wisdom lieve。 7670
And riht as Avarice is Sinne;
That wolde his tresor kepe and winne;
Riht so is Prodegalite:
Bot of Largesse in his degre;
Which evene stant betwen the tuo;
The hihe god and man also
The vertu ech of hem commendeth。
For he himselven ferst amendeth;
That overal his name spredeth;
And to alle othre; where it nedeth; 7680
He yifth his good in such a wise;
That he makth many a man arise;
Which elles scholde falle lowe。
Largesce mai noght ben unknowe;
For what lond that he regneth inne;
It mai noght faile forto winne
Thurgh his decerte love and grace;
Wher it schal faile in other place。
And thus betwen tomoche and lyte
Largesce; which is noght to wyte; 7690
Halt evere forth the middel weie:
Bot who that torne wole aweie
Fro that to Prodegalite;
Anon he lest the proprete
Of vertu and goth to the vice;
For in such wise as Avarice
Lest for scarsnesse his goode name;
Riht so that other is to blame;
Which thurgh his wast mesure excedeth;
For noman wot what harm that bredeth。 7700
Bot mochel joie ther betydeth;
Wher that largesse an herte guydeth:
For his mesure is so governed;
That he to bothe partz is lerned;
To god and to the world also;
He doth reson to bothe tuo。
The povere folk of his almesse
Relieved ben in the destresse
Of thurst; of hunger and of cold;
The yifte of him was nevere sold; 7710
Bot frely yive; and natheles
The myhti god of his encress
Rewardeth him of double grace;
The hevene he doth him to pourchace
And yifth him ek the worldes good:
And thus the Cote for the hod
Largesse takth; and yit no Sinne
He doth; hou so that evere he winne。
What man hath hors men yive him hors;
And who non hath of him no fors; 7720
For he mai thanne on fote go;
The world hath evere stonde so。
Bot forto loken of the tweie;
A man to go the siker weie;
Betre is to yive than to take:
With yifte a man mai frendes make;
Bot who that takth or gret or smal;
He takth a charge forth withal;
And stant noght fre til it be quit。
So forto deme in mannes wit; 7730
It helpeth more a man to have
His oghne good; than forto crave
Of othre men and make him bounde;
Wher elles he mai stonde unbounde。
Senec conseileth in this wise;
And seith; 〃Bot; if thi good suffise
Unto the liking of thi wille;
Withdrawh thi lust and hold the stille;
And be to thi good sufficant。〃
For that thing is appourtenant 7740
To trouthe and causeth to be fre
After the reule of charite;
Which ferst beginneth of himselve。
For if thou richest othre tuelve;
Wherof thou schalt thiself be povere;
I not what thonk thou miht recovere。
Whil that a man hath good to yive;
With grete routes he mai live
And hath his frendes overal;
And everich of him telle schal。 7750
Therwhile he hath his fulle packe;
Thei seie; 〃A good felawe is Jacke〃;
Bot whanne it faileth ate laste;
Anon his pris thei overcaste;
For thanne is ther non other lawe
Bot; 〃Jacke was a good felawe。〃
Whan thei him povere and nedy se;
Thei lete him passe and farwel he;
Al that he wende of compainie
Is thanne torned to folie。 7760
Bot nou to speke in other kinde
Of love; a man mai suche finde;
That wher thei come in every route
Thei caste and waste her love aboute;
Til al here time is overgon;
And thanne have thei love non:
For who that loveth overal;
It is no reson that he schal
Of love have eny proprete。
Forthi; mi Sone; avise thee 7770
If thou of love hast be to large;
For such a man is noght to charge:
And if it so be that thou hast
Despended al thi time in wast
And set thi love in sondri place;
Though thou the substance of thi grace
Lese ate laste; it is no wonder;
For he that put himselven under;
As who seith; comun overal;
He lest the love special 7780
Of eny on; if sche be wys;
For love schal noght bere his pris
Be reson; whanne it passeth on。
So have I sen ful many on;
That were of love wel at ese;
Whiche after felle in gret desese
Thurgh wast of love; that thei spente
In sondri places wher thei wente。
Riht so; mi Sone; I axe of thee
If thou with Prodegalite 7790
Hast hier and ther thi love wasted。
Mi fader; nay; bot I have tasted
In many a place as I have go;
And yit love I nevere on of tho;
Bot forto drive forth the dai。
For lieve