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samuel titmarsh and the great hoggarty diamond-第16部分

小说: samuel titmarsh and the great hoggarty diamond 字数: 每页4000字

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Congrigation here; and who egshorted for 3 hours in the afternoon
in Mr。 B。's private chapel。  As the widow of a Hoggarty; I have
always been a staunch supporter of the established Church of
England and Ireland; but I must say Mr。 Wapshot's stirring way was
far superior to that of the Rev。 Bland Blenkinsop of the
Establishment; who lifted up his voice after dinner for a short
discourse of two hours。

〃Mrs。 Brough is; between ourselves; a poor creature; and has no
sperrit of her own。  As for Miss B。; she is so saucy that once I
promised to box her years; and would have left the house; had not
Mr。 B。 taken my part; and Miss made me a suitable apollogy。

〃I don't know when I shall return to town; being made really so
welcome here。  Dr。 Blogg says the air of Fulham is the best in the
world for my simtums; and as the ladies of the house do not choose
to walk out with me; the Rev。 Grimes Wapshot has often been kind
enough to lend me his arm; and 'tis sweet with such a guide to
wander both to Putney and Wandsworth; and igsamin the wonderful
works of nature。  I have spoke to him about the Slopperton
property; and he is not of Mr。 B。's opinion that I should sell it;
but on this point I shall follow my own counsel。

〃Meantime you must gett into more comfortable lodgings; and lett my
bedd be warmed every night; and of rainy days have a fire in the
grate:  and let Mrs。 Titmarsh look up my blue silk dress; and turn
it against I come; and there is my purple spencer she can have for
herself; and I hope she does not wear those three splendid gowns
you gave her; but keep them until BETTER TIMES。  I shall soon
introduse her to my friend Mr。 Brough; and others of my
acquaintances; and am always

〃Your loving AUNT。

〃I have ordered a chest of the Rosolio to be sent from
Somersetshire。  When it comes; please to send half down here
(paying the carriage; of course)。  'Twill be an acceptable present
to my kind entertainer; Mr。 B。〃

This letter was brought to me by Mr。 Brough himself at the office;
who apologised to me for having broken the seal by inadvertence;
for the letter had been mingled with some more of his own; and he
opened it without looking at the superscription。  Of course he had
not read it; and I was glad of that; for I should not have liked
him to see my aunt's opinion of his daughter and lady。

The next day; a gentleman at 〃Tom's Coffee…house;〃 Cornhill; sent
me word at the office that he wanted particularly to speak to me:
and I stopped thither; and found my old friend Smithers; of the
house of Hodge and Smithers; just off the coach; with his carpet…
bag between his legs。

〃Sam my boy;〃 said he; 〃you are your aunt's heir; and I have a
piece of news for you regarding her property which you ought to
know。  She wrote us down a letter for a chest of that home…made
wine of hers which she calls Rosolio; and which lies in our
warehouse along with her furniture。〃

〃Well;〃 says I; smiling; 〃she may part with as much Rosolio as she
likes for me。  I cede all my right。〃

〃Psha!〃 says Smithers; 〃it's not that; though her furniture puts us
to a deuced inconvenience; to be sureit's not that:  but; in the
postscript of her letter; she orders us to advertise the Slopperton
and Squashtail estates for immediate sale; as she purposes placing
her capital elsewhere。〃

I know that the Slopperton and Squashtail property had been the
source of a very pretty income to Messrs。  Hodge and Smithers; for
Aunt was always at law with her tenants; and paid dearly for her
litigious spirit; so that Mr。 Smithers's concern regarding the sale
of it did not seem to me to be quite disinterested。

〃And did you come to London; Mr。 Smithers; expressly to acquaint me
with this fact?  It seems to me you had much better have obeyed my
aunt's instructions at once; or go to her at Fulham; and consult
with her on this subject。〃

〃'Sdeath; Mr。 Titmarsh! don't you see that if she makes a sale of
her property; she will hand over the money to Brough; and if Brough
gets the money he〃

〃Will give her seven per cent。 for it instead of three;there's no
harm in that。〃

〃But there's such a thing as security; look you。  He is a warm man;
certainlyvery warmquite respectablemost undoubtedly
respectable。  But who knows?  A panic may take place; and then
these five hundred companies in which he is engaged may bring him
to ruin。  There's the Ginger Beer Company; of which Brough is a
director:  awkward reports are abroad concerning it。  The
Consolidated Baffin's Bay Muff and Tippet Companythe shares are
down very low; and Brough is a director there。  The Patent Pump
Companyshares at 65; and a fresh call; which nobody will pay。〃

〃Nonsense; Mr。 Smithers!  Has not Mr。 Brough five hundred thousand
pounds' worth of shares in the INDEPENDENT WEST DIDDLESEX; and is
THAT at a discount?  Who recommended my aunt to invest her money in
that speculation; I should like to know?〃  I had him there。

〃Well; well; it is a very good speculation; certainly; and has
brought you three hundred a year; Sam my boy; and you may thank us
for the interest we took in you (indeed; we loved you as a son; and
Miss Hodge has not recovered a certain marriage yet)。  You don't
intend to rebuke us for making your fortune; do you?〃

〃No; hang it; no!〃 says I; and shook hands with him; and accepted a
glass of sherry and biscuits; which he ordered forthwith。

Smithers returned; however; to the charge。  〃Sam;〃 he said; 〃mark
my words; and take your aunt AWAY FROM THE ROOKERY。  She wrote to
Mrs。 S。 a long account of a reverend gent with whom she walks out
there;the Reverend Grimes Wapshot。  That man has an eye upon her。
He was tried at Lancaster in the year '14 for forgery; and narrowly
escaped with his neck。  Have a care of himhe has an eye to her

〃Nay;〃 said I; taking out Mrs。 Hoggarty's letter:  〃read for

He read it over very carefully; seemed to be amused by it; and as
he returned it to me; 〃Well; Sam;〃 he said; 〃I have only two
favours to ask of you:  one is; not to mention that I am in town to
any living soul; and the other is to give me a dinner in Lamb's
Conduit Street with your pretty wife。〃

〃I promise you both gladly;〃 I said; laughing。  〃But if you dine
with us; your arrival in town must be known; for my friend Gus
Hoskins dines with us likewise; and has done so nearly every day
since my aunt went。〃

He laughed too; and said; 〃We must swear Gus to secrecy over a
bottle。〃  And so we parted till dinner…time。

The indefatigable lawyer pursued his attack after dinner; and was
supported by Gus and by my wife too; who certainly was
disinterested in the mattermore than disinterested; for she would
have given a great deal to be spared my aunt's company。  But she
said she saw the force of Mr。 Smithers's arguments; and I admitted
their justice with a sigh。  However; I rode my high horse; and
vowed that my aunt should do what she liked with her money; and
that I was not the man who would influence her in any way in the
disposal of it。

After tea; the two gents walked away together; and Gus told me that
Smithers had asked him a thousand questions about the office; about
Brough; about me and my wife; and everything concerning us。  〃You
are a lucky fellow; Mr。 Hoskins; and seem to be the friend of this
charming young couple;〃 said Smithers; and Gus confessed he was;
and said he had dined with us fifteen times in six weeks; and that
a better and more hospitable fellow than I did not exist。  This I
state not to trumpet my own praises;no; no; but because these
questions of Smithers's had a good deal to do with the subsequent
events narrated in this little history。

Being seated at dinner the next day off the cold leg of mutton that
Smithers had admired so the day before; and Gus as usual having his
legs under our mahogany; a hackney…coach drove up to the door;
which we did not much heed; a step was heard on the floor; which we
hoped might be for the two…pair lodger; when who should burst into
the room but Mrs。 Hoggarty herself!  Gus; who was blowing the froth
off a pot of porter preparatory to a delicious drink of the
beverage; and had been making us die of laughing with his stories
and jokes; laid down the pewter pot as Mrs。 H。 came in; and looked
quite sick and pale。  Indeed we all felt a little uneasy。

My aunt looked haughtily in Mary's face; then fiercely at Gus; and
saying; 〃It is too truemy poor boyALREADY!〃 flung herself
hysterically into my arms; and swore; almost choking; that she
would never never leave me。

I could not understand the meaning of this extraordinary agitation
on Mrs。 Hoggarty's part; nor could any of us。  She refused Mary's
hand when the poor thing rather nervously offered it; and when Gus
timidly said; 〃I think; Sam; I'm rather in the way here; and
perhapshad better go;〃 Mrs。 H。 looked him full in the face;
pointed to the door majestically with her forefinger; and said; 〃I
think; sir; you HAD better go。〃

〃I hope Mr。 Hoskins will stay as long as he pleases;〃 said my wife;
with spirit。

〃OF COURSE you hope so; madam;〃 answered Mrs。 Hoggarty; very
sarcastic。  But Mary's speech and my aunt's were quite lost upon
Gus; for he had instantly run to his hat; and I heard him tumbling

The quarrel ended; as usual; by Mary's bursting into a fit of
tears; and by my aunt's repeating the assertion that it was not too
late; she trusted; and from that day forth she would never never
leave me。

〃What could have made Aunt return and be so angry?〃 said I to Mary
that night; as we were in our own room; but my wife protested she
did not know:  and it was only some time after that I found out the
reason of this quarrel; and of Mrs。 H。's sudden reappearance。

The horrible fat coarse little Smithers told me the matter as a
very good joke; only the other year; when he showed me the letter
of Hickson; Dixon; Paxton and Jackson; which has before been quoted
in my Memoirs。

〃Sam my boy;〃 said he; 〃you were determined to leave Mrs。 Hoggarty
in Brough's clutches at the Rookery; and I was determined to have
her away。  I resolved to kill two of your mortal enemies with one
stone as it were。  It was quite clear to me that the Re

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