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小说: anabasis 字数: 每页4000字

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 bosom friends; they interrogated the headman in common by means of the Persian…speaking interpreter。 〃What was the country?〃 they asked: he replied; 〃Armenia。〃 And again; 〃For whom are the horses being bred?〃 〃They are tribute for the king;〃 he replied。 〃And the neighbouring country?〃 〃Is the land of the Chalybes;〃 he said; and he described the road which led to it。 So for the present Xenophon went off; taking the headman back with him to his household and friends。 He also made him a present of an oldish horse which he had got; he had heard that the headman was a priest of the sun; and so he could fatten up the beast and sacrifice him; otherwise he was afraid it might die outright; for it had been injured by the long marching。 For himself he took his pick of the colts; and gave a colt apiece to each of his fellow…generals and officers。 The horses here were smaller than the Persian horses; but much more spirited。 It was here too that their friend the headman explained to them; how they should wrap small bags or sacks around the feet of the horses and other cattle when marching through the snow; for without such precautions the creatures sank up to their bellies。


When a week had passed; on the eighth day Xenophon delivered over the   1 guide (that is to say; the village headman) to Cheirisophus。 He left the headman's household safe behind in the village; with the exception of his son; a lad in the bloom of youth。 This boy was entrusted to Episthenes of Amphipolis to guard; if the headman proved himself a good guide; he was to take away his son also at his departure。 They finally made his house the repository of all the good things they could contrive to get together; then they broke up their camp and commenced to march; the headman guiding them through the snow unfettered。 When they had reached the third stage Cheirisophus flew     2 into a rage with him; because he had not brought them to any villages。 The headman pleaded that there were none in this part。 Cheirisophus struck him; but forgot to bind him; and the end of it was that the headman ran away in the night and was gone; leaving his son behind him。 This was the sole ground of difference between Cheirisophus and Xenophon during the march; this combination of ill…treatment and neglect in the case of the guide。 As to the boy; Episthenes conceived a passion for him; and took him home with him; and found in him the most faithful of friends。

After this they marched seven stages at the rate of five parasangs a day; to the banks of the river Phasis'1'; which is a hundred feet broad: and thence they marched another couple of stages; ten parasangs; but at the pass leading down into the plain there appeared in front of them a mixed body of Chalybes and Taochians and Phasianians。 When Cheirisophus caught sight of the enemy on the pass at a distance of about three or four miles; he ceased marching; not caring to approach the enemy with his troops in column; and he passed down the order to the others: to deploy their companies to the front; that the troops might form into line。 As soon as the rearguard had come up; he assembled the generals and officers; and addressed them: 〃The enemy; as you see; are in occupation of the mountain pass; it is time we should consider how we are to make the best fight to win it。 My opinion is; that we should give orders to the troops to take their morning meal; whilst we deliberate whether we should cross the mountains to…day or to…morrow。〃 〃My opinion;〃 said Cleanor; 〃is; that as soon as we have breakfasted; we should arm for the fight and attack the enemy; without loss of time; for if we fritter away to…day; the enemy who are now content to look at us; will grow bolder; and with their growing courage; depend upon it; others more numerous will join them。〃

'1' Probably a tributary of the Araxes = modern Pasin…Su。

After him Xenophon spoke: 〃This;〃 he said; 〃is how I see the matter; if fight we must; let us make preparation to sell our lives dearly; but if we desire to cross with the greatest ease; the point to consider is; how we may get the fewest wounds and throw away the smallest number of good men。 Well then; that part of the mountain       11 which is visible stretches nearly seven miles。 Where are the men posted to intercept us? except at the road itself; they are nowhere to be seen。 It is much better to try if possible to steal a point of this desert mountain unobserved; and before they know where we are; secure the prize; than to fly at a strong position and an enemy thoroughly prepared。 Since it is much easier to march up a mountain without fighting than to tramp along a level when assailants are at either hand; and provided he has not to fight; a man will see what lies at his feet much more plainly even at night than in broad daylight in the midst of battle; and a rough road to feet that roam in peace may be pleasanter than a smooth surface with the bullets whistling about your ears'2'。 Nor is it so impossible; I take it; to steal a march; since it is open to us to go by night; when we cannot be seen; and to fall back so far that they will never notice us。 In my opinion; however; if we make a feint of attacking here; we shall find the mountain chain all the more deserted elsewhere; since the enemy will be waiting for us here in thicker swarm。

'2' Or; more lit。; 〃with the head a mark for missiles。〃

〃But what right have I to be drawing conclusions about stealing in your presence; Cheirisophus? for you Lacedaemonians; as I have often been told; you who belong to the 'peers;' practise stealing from your boyhood up; and it is no disgrace but honourable rather to steal; except such things as the law forbids; and in order; I presume; to stimulate your sense of secretiveness; and to make you master thieves; it is lawful for you further to get a whipping if you are caught。 Now then you have a fine opportunity of displaying your training。 But take care we are not caught stealing over the mountain; or we shall catch it ourselves。〃 〃For all that;〃 retorted Cheirisophus; 〃I have heard that you Athenians are clever hands at stealing the public moneys; and that too though there is a fearful risk for the person so employed; but; I am told; it is your best men who are addicted to it; if it is your best men who are thought worthy to rule。 So it is a fine opportunity for yourself also; Xenophon; to exhibit your education。〃    17 〃And I;〃 replied Xenophon; 〃am ready to take the rear division; as soon as we have supped; and seize the mountain chain。 I have already got guides; for the light troops laid an ambuscade; and seized some of the cut…purse vagabonds who hung on our rear。 I am further informed by them that the mountain is not inaccessible; but is grazed by goats and cattle; so that if we can once get hold of any portion of it; there will be no difficulty as regards our animalsthey can cross。 As to the enemy; I expect they will not even wait for us any longer; when they once see us on a level with themselves on the heights; for they do not even at present care to come down and meet us on fair ground。〃 Cheirisophus answered: 〃But why should you go and leave your command in the rear? Send others rather; unless a band of volunteers will present themselves。〃 Thereupon Aristonymus the Methydrian came forward with some heavy infantry; and Nicomachus the Oetean with another body of light troops; and they made an agreement to kindle several watch…fires as soon as they held the heights。 The arrangements made; they breakfasted; and after breakfast Cheirisophus advanced the whole army ten furlongs closer towards the enemy; so as to strengthen the impression that he intended to attack them at that point。

But as soon as they had supped and night had fallen; the party under orders set off and occupied the mountain; while the main body rested where they were。 Now as soon as the enemy perceived that the mountain was taken; they banished all thought of sleep; and kept many watch…fires blazing throughout the night。 But at break of day Cheirisophus offered sacrifice; and began advancing along the road; while the detachment which held the mountain advanced pari passu by the high ground。 The larger mass of the enemy; on his side; remained still on the mountain…pass; but a section of them turned to confront the detachment on the heights。 Before the main bodies had time to draw together; the detachment on the height came to close quarters; and the Hellenes were victorious and gave chase。 Meanwhile the light division of the Hellenes; issuing from the plain; were rapidly advancing against the serried lines of the enemy; whilst Cheirisophus followed up with his heavy infantry at quick march。 But the enemy on the road    25 no sooner saw their higher division being worsted than they fled; and some few of them were slain; and a vast number of wicker shields were taken; which the Hellenes hacked to pieces with their short swords and rendered useless。 So when they had reached the summit of the pass; they sacrificed and set up a trophy; and descending into the plain; reached villages abounding in good things of every kind。


After this they marched into the country of the Taochians five          1 stagesthirty parasangsand provisions failed; for the Taochians lived in strong places; into which they had carried up all their stores。 Now when the army arrived before one of these strong placesa mere fortress; without city or houses; into which a motley crowd of men and women and numerous flocks and herds were gatheredCheirisophus attacked at once。 When the first regiment fell back tired; a second advanced; and again a third; for it was impossible to surround the place in full force; as it was encircled by a river。 Presently Xenophon came up with the rearguard; consisting of both light and heavy infantry; whereupon Cheirisophus halted him with the words: 〃In the nick of time you have come; we must take this place; for the troops have no provisions; unless we take it。〃 Thereupon they consulted together; and to Xenophon's inquiry; 〃What it was which hindered their simply walking in?〃 Cheirisophus replied; 〃There is just this one narrow approach which you see; but when we attempt to pass it by they roll down volleys of stones from yonder overhanging crag;〃 pointing up; 

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