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 attempt to pass it by they roll down volleys of stones from yonder overhanging crag;〃 pointing up; 〃and this is the state in which you find yourself; if you chance to be caught;〃 and he pointed to some poor fellows with their legs or ribs crushed to bits。 〃But when they have expended their ammunition;〃 said Xenophon; 〃there is nothing else; is there; to hinder our passing? Certainly; except yonder handful of fellows; there is no one in front of us that we can see; and of them; only two or three apparently are armed; and the distance to be traversed under fire is; as your eyes will tell you; about one hundred and fifty feet as near as can be; and of this space the first hundred is thickly covered with great pines at intervals; under cover of these; what harm can come to our men from a pelt of stones; flying   6 or rolling? So then; there is only fifty feet left to cross; during a lull of stones。〃 〃Ay;〃 said Cheirisophus; 〃but with our first attempt to approach the bush a galling fire of stones commences。〃 〃The very thing we want;〃 said the other; 〃for they will use up their ammunition all the quicker; but let us select a point from which we shall have only a brief space to run across; if we can; and from which it will be easier to get back; if we wish。〃

Thereupon Cheirisophus and Xenophon set out with Callimachus the Parrhasian; the captain in command of the officers of the rearguard that day; the rest of the captains remained out of danger。 That done; the next step was for a party of about seventy men to get away under the trees; not in a body; but one by one; every one using his best precaution; and Agasis the Stymphalian; and Aristonymous the Methydrian; who were also officers of the rearguard; were posted as supports outside the trees; for it was not possible for more than a single company to stand safely within the trees。 Here Callimachus hit upon a pretty contrivancehe ran forward from the tree under which he was posted two or three paces; and as soon as the stones came whizzing; he retired easily; but at each excursion more than ten wagon…loads of rocks were expended。 Agasias; seeing how Callimachus was amusing himself; and the whole army looking on as spectators; was seized with the fear that he might miss his chance of being first to run the gauntlet of the enemy's fire and get into the place。 So; without a word of summons to his neighbour; Aristonymous; or to Eurylochus of Lusia; both comrades of his; or to any one else; off he set on his own account; and passed the whole detachment。 But Callimachus; seeing him tearing past; caught hold of his shield by the rim; and in the meantime Aristonymous the Methydrian ran past both; and after him Eurylochus of Lusia; for they were one and all aspirants to valour; and in that high pursuit; each was the eager rival of the rest。 So in this strife of honour; the three of them took the fortress; and when they had once rushed in; not a stone more was hurled from overhead。

And here a terrible spectacle displayed itself: the women first cast their infants down the cliff; and then they cast themselves after       13 their fallen little ones; and the men likewise。 In such a scene; Aeneas the Stymphalian; an officer; caught sight of a man with a fine dress about to throw himself over; and seized hold of him to stop him; but the other caught him to his arms; and both were gone in an instant headlong down the crags; and were killed。 Out of this place the merest handful of human beings were taken prisoners; but cattle and asses in abundance and flocks of sheep。

From this place they marched through the Chalybes'1' seven stages; fifty parasangs。 These were the bravest men whom they encountered on the whole march; coming cheerily to close quarters with them。 They wore linen cuirasses reaching to the groin; and instead of the ordinary 〃wings〃 or basques; a thickly…plaited fringe of cords。 They were also provided with greaves and helmets; and at the girdle a short sabre; about as long as the Laconian dagger; with which they cut the throats of those they mastered; and after severing the head from the trunk they would march along carrying it; singing and dancing; when they drew within their enemy's field of view。 They carried also a spear fifteen cubits long; lanced at one end'2'。 This folk stayed in regular townships; and whenever the Hellenes passed by they invariably hung close on their heels fighting。 They had dwelling…places in their fortresses; and into them they had carried up their supplies; sot hat the Hellenes could get nothing from this district; but supported themselves on the flocks and herds they had taken from the Taochians。 After this the Hellenes reached the river Harpasus; which was four hundred feet broad。 Hence they marched through the Scythenians four stagestwenty parasangsthrough a long level country to more villages; among which they halted three days; and got in supplies。

'1' These are the Armeno…Chalybes; so called by Pliny in     contradistinction to another mountain tribe in Pontus so named;     who were famous for their forging; and from whom steel received     its Greek name {khalups}。 With these latter we shall make     acquaintance later on。

'2' I。e。 with a single point or spike only; the Hellenic spear having     a spike at the butt end also。

Passing on from thence in four stages of twenty parasangs; they         19 reached a large and prosperous well…populated city; which went by the name of Gymnias'3'; from which the governor of the country sent them a guide to lead them through a district hostile to his own。 This guide told them that within five days he would lead them to a place from which they would see the sea; 〃and;〃 he added; 〃if I fail of my word; you are free to take my life。〃 Accordingly he put himself at their head; but he no sooner set foot in the country hostile to himself than he fell to encouraging them to burn and harry the land; indeed his exhortations were so earnest; it was plain that it was for this he had come; and not out of the good…will he bore the Hellenes。

'3' Gymnias is supposed (by Grote; 〃Hist。 of Greece;〃 vol。 ix。 p。 161)     to be the same as that which is now called Gumisch…Kanaperhaps     〃at no great distance from Baibut;〃 Tozer; 〃Turkish Armenia;〃 p。     432。 Others have identified it with Erzeroum; others with Ispir。

On the fifth day they reached the mountain; the name of which was Theches'4'。 No sooner had the men in front ascended it and caught sight of the sea than a great cry arose; and Xenophon; in the rearguard; catching the sound of it; conjectured that another set of enemies must surely be attacking in front; for they were followed by the inhabitants of the country; which was all aflame; indeed the rearguard had killed some and captured others alive by laying an ambuscade; they had taken also about twenty wicker shields; covered with the raw hides of shaggy oxen。

'4' Some MSS。 give 〃the sacred mountain。〃 The height in question has     been identified with 〃the ridge called Tekieh…Dagh to the east of     Gumisch…Kana; nearer to the sea than that place〃 (Grote; ib。 p。     162); but the exact place from which they caught sight of the sea     has not been identified as yet; and other mountain ranges have     been suggested。

But as the shout became louder and nearer; and those who from time to time came up; began racing at the top of their speed towards the shouters; and the shouting continually recommenced with yet greater volume as the numbers increased; Xenophon settled in his mind that something extraordinary must have happened; so he mounted his horse; and taking with him Lycius and the cavalry; he galloped to the rescue。 Presently they could hear the soldiers shouting and passing on the joyful word; 〃The sea! the sea!〃

Thereupon they began running; rearguard and all; and the baggage        24 animals and horses came galloping up。 But when they had reached the summit; then indeed they fell to embracing one anothergenerals and officers and alland the tears trickled down their cheeks。 And on a sudden; some one; whoever it was; having passed down the order; the soldiers began bringing stones and erecting a great cairn; whereon they dedicated a host of untanned skins; and staves; and captured wicker shields; and with his own hand the guide hacked the shields to pieces; inviting the rest to follow his example。 After this the Hellenes dismissed the guide with a present raised from the common store; to wit; a horse; a silver bowl; a Persian dress; and ten darics; but what he most begged to have were their rings; and of these he got several from the soldiers。 So; after pointing out to them a village where they would find quarters; and the road by which they would proceed towards the land of the Macrones; as evening fell; he turned his back upon them in the night and was gone。


From this point the Hellenes marched through the country of the         1 Macrones three stagesten parasangs; and on the first day they reached the river; which formed the boundary between the land of the Macrones and the land of the Scythenians。 Above them; on their right; they had a country of the sternest and ruggedest character; and on their left another river; into which the frontier river discharges itself; and which they must cross。 This was thickly fringed with trees which; though not of any great bulk; were closely packed。 As soon as they came up to them; the Hellenes proceeded to cut them down in their haste to get out of the place as soon as possible。 But the Macrones; armed with wicker shields and lances and hair tunics; were already drawn up to receive them opposite the crossing。 They were cheering one another on; and kept up a steady pelt of stones into the river; though they failed to reach the other side or do any harm。

At this juncture one of the light infantry came up to Xenophon; he had been; he said; a slave at Athens; and he wished to tell him that he recognised the speech of these people。 〃I think;〃 said he; 〃that this must be my native country; and if there is no objection I will have a talk with them。〃 〃No objection at all;〃 replied Xenophon; 〃pray talk    5 to them; and ask them first; who they are。〃 In answer to this question they said; 〃they were Macrones。〃 〃Well; then;〃 said he; 〃ask them why th

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