八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > a ward of the golden gate >


a ward of the golden gate-第15部分

小说: a ward of the golden gate 字数: 每页4000字

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astonishment and chagrin; the colonel had objected vehemently to
this 〃saddling of anybody's offspring on a gentleman who couldn't
defend himself;〃 and even Paul's explanation that the putative
father was a myth scarcely appeased him。  But Paul's timely
demonstration; by relating the scene he had witnessed of Judge
Baker's infelicitous memory; that the secret was likely to be
revealed at any moment; and that if the girl continued to cling to
her theory; as he feared she would; even to the parting with her
fortune; they would be forced to accept it; or be placed in the
hideous position of publishing her disgrace; at last convinced him。
On the other hand; there was less danger of her POSITIVE imposition
being discovered than of the VAGUE AND IMPOSITIVE truth。  The real
danger lay in the present uncertainty and mystery; which courted
surmise and invited discovery。  Paul; himself; was willing to take
all the responsibility; and at last extracted from the colonel a
promise of passive assent。  The only revelation he feared was from
the interference of the mother; but Pendleton was strong in the
belief that she had not only utterly abandoned the girl to the care
of her guardians; but that she would never rescind her resolution
to disclaim her relationship; that she had gone into self…exile for
that purpose; and that if she HAD changed her mind; he would be the
first to know of it。  On this day they had parted。  Meantime; Paul
had not forgotten another resolution he had formed on his first
visit to the colonel; and had actually succeeded in getting
legislative relief for the Golden Gate Bank; and restoring to the
colonel some of his private property that had been in the hands of
a receiver。

This had been the background of Paul's meditation; which only threw
into stronger relief the face and figure that moved before him as
persistently as it had once before in the twilight of his room at
Rosario。  There were times when her moonlit face; with its faint;
strange smile; stood out before him as it had stood out of the
shadows of the half…darkened drawing…room that night; as he had
seen ithe believed for the last timeframed for an instant in
the parted curtains of the doorway; when she bade him 〃Goodnight。〃
For he had never visited her since; and; on the attainment of her
majority; had delegated his passing functions to Pendleton; whom he
had induced to accompany the Mayor to Santa Clara for the final and
formal ceremony。  For the present she need not know how much she
had been indebted to him for the accomplishment of her wishes。

With a sigh he at last recalled himself to his duty; and; drawing
the pile of reports which Shear had handed him; he began to examine
them。  These; again; bore reference to his silent; unobtrusive
inquiries。  In his function as Chairman of Committee he had taken
advantage of a kind of advanced moral legislation then in vogue;
and particularly in reference to a certain social reform; to
examine statistics; authorities; and witnesses; and in this
indirect but exhaustive manner had satisfied himself that the woman
〃Kate Howard;〃 alias 〃Beverly;〃 alias 〃Durfree;〃 had long passed
beyond the ken of local police supervision; and that in the record
there was no trace or indication of her child。  He was going over
those infelix records of early transgressions with the eye of
trained experience; making notes from time to time for his official
use; and yet always watchful of his secret quest; when suddenly he
stopped with a quickened pulse。  In the record of an affray at a
gambling…house; one of the parties had sought refuge in the rooms
of 〃Kate Howard;〃 who was represented before the magistrate by HER
PROTECTOR; JUAN DE ARGUELLO。  The date given was contemporary with
the beginning of the Trust; but that proved nothing。  But the name
had it any significance; or was it a grim coincidence; that spoke
even more terribly and hopelessly of the woman's promiscuous
frailty?  He again attacked the entire report; but there was no
other record of her name。  Even that would have passed any eye less
eager and watchful than his own。

He laid the reports aside; and took up the proof…slip again。  Was
there any man living but himself and Pendleton who would connect
these two statements?  That her relations with this Arguello were
brief and not generally known was evident from Pendleton's
ignorance of the fact。  But he must see him again; and at once。
Perhaps he might have acquired some information from Yerba; the
young girl might have given to his age that confidence she had
withheld from the younger man; indeed; he remembered with a flush
it was partly in that hope he had induced the colonel to go to
Santa Clara。  He put the proof…slip in his pocket and stepped to
the door of the next room。

〃You need not write that letter to Slate; Tony。  I will see him
myself。  I am going to San Francisco to…night。〃

〃And do you want anything copied from the reports; sir?〃

Paul quickly swept them from the table into his drawer; and locked
it。  〃Not now; thank you。  I'll finish my notes later。〃

The next morning Paul was in San Francisco; and had again crossed
the portals of the Golden Gate Hotel。  He had been already told
that the doom of that palatial edifice was sealed by the laying of
the cornerstone of a new erection in the next square that should
utterly eclipse it; he even fancied that it had already lost its
freshness; and its meretricious glitter had been tarnished。  But
when he had ordered his breakfast he made his way to the public
parlor; happily deserted at that early hour。  It was here that he
had first seen her。  She was standing there; by that mirror; when
their eyes first met in a sudden instinctive sympathy。  She herself
had remembered and confessed it。  He recalled the pleased yet
conscious; girlish superiority with which she had received the
adulation of her friends; his memory of her was broad enough now
even to identify Milly; as it repeopled the vacant and silent room。

An hour later he was making his way to Colonel Pendleton's
lodgings; and half expecting to find the St。 Charles Hotel itself
transformed by the eager spirit of improvement。  But it was still
there in all its barbaric and provincial incongruity。  Public
opinion had evidently recognized that nothing save the absolute
razing of its warped and flimsy walls could effect a change; and
waited for it to collapse suddenly like the house of cards it
resembled。  Paul wondered for a moment if it were not ominous of
its lodgers' hopeless inability to accept changed conditions; and
it was with a feeling of doubt that he even now ascended the
creaking staircase。  But it was instantly dissipated on the
threshold of the colonel's sitting…room by the appearance of George
and his reception of his master's guest。

The grizzled negro was arrayed in a surprisingly new suit of blue
cloth with a portentous white waistcoat and an enormous crumpled
white cravat; that gave him the appearance of suffering from a
glandular swelling。  His manner had; it seemed to Paul; advanced in
exaggeration with his clothes。  Dusting a chair and offering it to
the visitor; he remained gracefully posed with his hand on the back
of another。

〃Yo' finds us heah yet; Marse Hathaway;〃 he began; elegantly toying
with an enormous silver watch…chain; 〃fo' de Kernel he don' bin
find contagious apartments dat at all approximate; and he don'
build; for his mind's not dat settled dat he ain't goin' to
trabbel。  De place is low down; sah; and de fo'ks is low down; and
dah's a heap o' white trash dat has congested under de roof ob de
hotel since we came。  But we uses it temper'ly; sah; fo' de
present; and in a dissolutory fashion。〃

It struck Paul that the contiguity of a certain barber's shop and
its dangerous reminiscences had something to do with George's lofty
depreciation of his surroundings; and he could not help saying:

〃Then you don't find it necessary to have it convenient to the
barber's shop any more?  I am glad of that; George。〃

The shot told。  The unfortunate George; after an endeavor to
collect himself by altering his pose two or three times in rapid
succession; finally collapsed; and; with an air of mingled pain and
dignity; but without losing his ceremonious politeness or unique
vocabulary; said:

〃Yo' got me dah; sah!  Yo' got me dah!  De infirmities o' human
natcheh; sah; is de common p'operty ob man; and a gemplum like
yo'self; sah; a legislato' and a pow'ful speakah; is de lass one to
hol' it agin de individal pusson。  I confess; sah; de circumstances
was propiskuous; de fees fahly good; and de risks inferior。  De
gemplum who kept de shop was an artess hisself; and had been niggah
to Kernel Henderson of Tennessee; and do gemplum I relieved was a
Mr。 Johnson。  But de Kernel; he wouldn't see it in dat light; sah;
and if yo' don' mind; sah〃

〃I haven't the slightest idea of telling the colonel or anybody;
George;〃 said Paul; smiling; 〃and I am glad to find on your own
account that you are able to put aside any work beyond your duty

〃Thank yo'; sah。  If yo' 'll let me introduce yo' to de
refreshment; yo' 'll find it all right now。  De Glencoe is dah。  De
Kernel will be here soon; but he would be pow'ful mo'tified; sah;
if yo' didn't hab something afo' he come。〃  He opened a well…filled
sideboard as he spoke。  It was the first evidence Paul had seen of
the colonel's restored fortunes。  He would willingly have contented
himself with this mere outward manifestation; but in his desire to
soothe the ruffled dignity of the old man he consented to partake
of a small glass of spirits。  George at once became radiant and
communicative。  〃De Kernel bin gone to Santa Clara to see de young
lady dat's finished her edercation dahde Kernel's only ward; sah。
She's one o' dose million…heiresses and highly connected; sah; wid
de old Mexican Gobbermen; I understand。  And I reckon dey's bin big
goin's on doun dar; foh de Mayer kem hisself fo' de Kernel。  Looks
like des might bin a proceshon; sah。  Yo' don' know of a young lady
bin hab a title; sah?  I won't be shuah; his Honah de Mayer or de
Kernel didn't say someting about a 'Donna'〃

〃Very likely;〃 said

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