the little lame prince-第11部分
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〃Poor old nurse!〃 said the boy compassion… ately。 For somehow; boy as he was; when he heard he was born to be a king; he felt like a man like a kingwho could afford to be tender because he was strong。
He scarcely slept that night; and even though he heard his little lark singing in the sunrise; he barely listened to it。 Things more serious and important had taken possession of his mind。
〃Suppose;〃 thought he; 〃I were to do as she says; and go out in the world; no matter how it hurts methe world of people; active people; as that boy I saw。 They might only laugh at me poor helpless creature that I am; but still I might show them I could do something。 At any rate; I might go and see if there were anything for me to do。 Godmother; help me!〃
It was so long since he had asked her help that he was hardly surprised when he got no answeronly the little lark outside the window sang louder and louder; and the sun rose; flooding the room with light。
Prince Dolor sprang out of bed; and began dressing himself; which was hard work; for he was not used to ithe had always been accustomed to depend upon his nurse for everything。
〃But I must now learn to be independent;〃 thought he。 〃Fancy a king being dressed like a baby!〃
So he did the best he could;awkwardly but cheerily;and then he leaped to the corner where lay his traveling…cloak; untied it as before; and watched it unrolling itselfwhich it did rapidly; with a hearty good…will; as if quite tired of idleness。 So was Prince Doloror felt as if he were。 He jumped into the middle of it; said his charm; and was out through the skylight immediately。
〃Good…by; pretty lark!〃 he shouted; as he passed it on the wing; still warbling its carol to the newly risen sun。 〃You have been my pleasure; my delight; now I must go and work。 Sing to old nurse till I come back again。 Perhaps she'll hear youperhaps she won'tbut it will do her good all the same。 Good…by!〃
But; as the cloak hung irresolute in air; he suddenly remembered that he had not determined where to goindeed; he did not know; and there was nobody to tell him。
〃Godmother;〃 he cried; in much perplexity; 〃you know what I want;at least; I hope you do; for I hardly do myselftake me where I ought to go; show me whatever I ought to see never mind what I like to see;〃 as a sudden idea came into his mind that he might see many painful and disagreeable things。 But this journey was not for pleasure as before。 He was not a baby now; to do nothing but playbig boys do not always play。 Nor men neitherthey work。 Thus much Prince Dolor knewthough very little more。
As the cloak started off; traveling faster than he had ever known it to do;through sky…land and cloud land; over freezing mountain…tops; and desolate stretches of forest; and smiling cultivated plains; and great lakes that seemed to him almost as shoreless as the sea;he was often rather frightened。 But he crouched down; silent and quiet; what was the use of making a fuss? and; wrapping himself up in his bear…skin; waited for what was to happen。
After some time he heard a murmur in the distance; increasing more and more till it grew like the hum of a gigantic hive of bees。 And; stretching his chin over the rim of his cloak; Prince Dolor sawfar; far below him; yet; with his gold spectacles and silver ears on; he could distinctly hear and seewhat?
Most of us have some time or other visited a great metropolishave wandered through its network of streetslost ourselves in its crowds of peoplelooked up at its tall rows of houses; its grand public buildings; churches; and squares。 Also; perhaps; we have peeped into its miserable little back alleys; where dirty children play in gutters all day and half the night even young boys go about picking pockets; with nobody to tell them it is wrong except the policeman; and he simply takes them off to prison。 And all this wretchedness is close behind the grandeurlike the two sides of the leaf of a book。
An awful sight is a large city; seen any how from any where。 But; suppose you were to see it from the upper air; where; with your eyes and ears open; you could take in everything at once? What would it look like? How would you feel about it? I hardly know myself。 Do you?
Prince Dolor had need to be a kingthat is; a boy with a kingly natureto be able to stand such a sight without being utterly overcome。 But he was very much bewilderedas bewildered as a blind person who is suddenly made to see。
He gazed down on the city below him; and then put his hand over his eyes。
〃I can't bear to look at it; it is so beautiful so dreadful。 And I don't understand itnot one bit。 There is nobody to tell me about it。 I wish I had somebody to speak to。〃
〃Do you? Then pray speak to me。 I was always considered good at conversation。〃
The voice that squeaked out this reply was an excellent imitation of the human one; though it came only from a bird。 No lark this time; however; but a great black and white creature that flew into the cloak; and began walking round and round on the edge of it with a dignified stride; one foot before the other; like any unfeathered biped you could name。
〃I haven't the honor of your acquaintance; sir;〃 said the boy politely。
〃Ma'am; if you please。 I am a mother bird; and my name is Mag; and I shall be happy to tell you everything you want to know。 For I know a great deal; and I enjoy talking。 My family is of great antiquity; we have built in this palace for hundredsthat is to say; dozens of years。 I am intimately acquainted with the king; the queen; and the little princes and princessesalso the maids of honor; and all the inhabitants of the city。 I talk a good deal; but I always talk sense; and I daresay I should be ex… ceedingly useful to a poor little ignorant boy like you。〃
〃I am a prince;〃 said the other gently。
〃All right。 And I am a magpie。 You will find me a most respectable bird。〃
〃I have no doubt of it;〃 was the polite answer though he thought in his own mind that Mag must have a very good opinion of herself。 But she was a lady and a stranger; so of course he was civil to her。
She settled herself at his elbow; and began to chatter away; pointing out with one skinny claw; while she balanced herself on the other; every object of interest; evidently believing; as no doubt all its inhabitants did; that there was no capital in the world like the great metropolis of Nomansland。
I have not seen it; and therefore cannot describe it; so we will just take it upon trust; and suppose it to be; like every other fine city; the finest city that ever was built。 Mag said so and of course she knew。
Nevertheless; there were a few things in it which surprised Prince Dolorand; as he had said; he could not understand them at all。 One half the people seemed so happy and busy hurrying up and down the full streets; or driv… ing lazily along the parks in their grand carriages; while the other half were so wretched and miserable。
〃Can't the world be made a little more level? I would try to do it if I were a king。〃
〃But you're not the king: only a little goose of a boy;〃 returned the magpie loftily。 〃And I'm here not to explain things; only to show them。 Shall I show you the royal palace?〃
It was a very magnificent palace。 It had terraces and gardens; battlements and towers。 It extended over acres of ground; and had in it rooms enough to accommodate half the city。 Its windows looked in all directions; but none of them had any particular viewexcept a small one; high up toward the roof; which looked out on the Beautiful Mountains。 But since the queen died there it had been closed; boarded up; indeed; the magpie said。 It was so little and inconvenient that nobody cared to live in it。 Besides; the lower apartments; which had no view; were magnificentworthy of being inhabited by the king。
〃I should like to see the king;〃 said Prince Dolor。
What; I wonder; would be people's idea of a king? What was Prince Dolor's?
Perhaps a very splendid personage; with a crown on his head and a scepter in his hand; sitting on a throne and judging the people。 Always doing right; and never wrong 〃The king can do no wrong〃 was a law laid down in olden times。 Never cross; or tired; or sick; or suffering; perfectly handsome and well dressed; calm and good…tempered; ready to see and hear everybody; and discourteous to nobody; all things always going well with him; and nothing unpleasant ever happening。
This; probably; was what Prince Dolor expected to see。 And what did he see? But I must tell you how he saw it。
〃Ah;〃 said the magpie; 〃no levee to…day。 The King is ill; though his Majesty does not wish it to be generally knownit would be so very inconvenient。 He can't see you; but perhaps you might like to go and take a look at him in a way I often do? It is so very amusing。〃
Amusing; indeed!
The prince was just now too much excited to talk much。 Was he not going to see the king his uncle; who had succeeded his father and dethroned himself; had stepped into all the pleasant things that he; Prince Dolor; ought to have had; and shut him up in a desolate tower? What was he like; this great; bad; clever man? Had he got all the things he wanted; which another ought to have had? And did he enjoy them?
〃Nobody knows;〃 answered the magpie; just as if she had been sitting inside the prince's heart; instead of on the top of his shoulder。 〃He is a king; and that's enough。 For the rest nobody knows。〃
As she spoke; Mag flew down on to the palace roof; where the cloak had rested; settling down between the great stacks of chimneys as comfortably as if on the ground。 She pecked at the tiles with her beaktruly she was a wonderful birdand immediately a little hole opened; a sort of door; through which could be seen distinctly the chamber below。
〃Now look in; my Prince。 Make haste; for I must soon shut it up again。〃
But the boy hesitated。 〃Isn't it rude? won't they think us intruding?〃
〃Oh; dear no! there's a hole like this in every palace; dozens of holes; indeed。 Everybody knows it; but nobody speaks of it。 Intrusion! Why; though the royal family are supposed to live shut up behind stone walls ever so thick; all the world knows that they live in a glass house where everybody can see them and throw a stone