the little lame prince-第20部分
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〃Nothing that my daughter does;〃 said she; 〃escapes my knowledge。 The Prince Leander is now in her palace; he loves her; and she has a tenderness for him。 All my cares and precepts have not been able to guard her from the tyranny of love; and she is now under its fatal dominion。 But it is the decree of destiny; and I must submit; therefore; Abricotina; begone! nor let me hear a word more of a daughter whose behavior has so much displeased me。〃
Abricotina returned with these ill tidings; whereat the princess was almost distracted; and this was soon perceived by Leander; who was near her; though she did not see him。 He beheld her grief with the greatest pain。 However; he durst not then open his lips; but recollecting that Furibon was exceedingly covetous; he thought that; by giving him a sum of money; he might perhaps prevail with him to retire。 Thereupon; he dressed himself like an Amazon; and wished himself in the forest; to catch his horse。 He had no sooner called him than Gris…de…line came leaping; prancing; and neighing for joy; for he was grown quite weary of being so long absent from his dear master; but when he beheld him dressed as a woman he hardly knew him。 However; at the sound of his voice; he suffered the prince to mount; and they soon arrived in the camp at Furibon; where they gave notice that a lady was come to speak with him from the Princess of Calm Delights。 Immediately the little fellow put on his royal robes; and having placed himself upon his throne; he looked like a great toad counterfeiting a king。
Leander harangued him; and told him that the princess; preferring a quiet and peaceable life to the fatigues of war; had sent to offer his majesty as much money as he pleased to demand; provided he would suffer her to continue in peace; but if he refused her proposal; she would omit no means that might serve for her defense。 Furibon replied that he took pity on her; and would grant her the honor of his protection; but that he demanded a hundred thousand millions of pounds; and without which he would not return to his kingdom。 Leander answered that such a vast sum would be too long a…counting; and therefore; if he would say how many rooms full he desired to have; the princess was generous and rich enoug hto{sic} satisfy him。 Furibon was astonished to hear that; instead of entreating; she would rather offer more; and it came into his wicked mind to take all the money he could get; and then seize the Amazon and kill her; that she might never return to her mistress。 He told Leander; therefore; that he would have thirty chambers of gold; all full to the ceiling。 Leander; being conducted into the chambers; took his rose and shook it; till every room was filled with all sorts of coin。 Furibon was in an ecstasy; and the more gold he saw the greater was his desire to get hold of the Amazon; so that when all the rooms were full; he commanded his guards to seize her; alleging she had brought him counterfeit money。 Immediately Leander put on his little red cap and disappeared。 The guards; believing that the lady had escaped; ran out and left Furibon alone; when Leander; availing himself of the opportunity; took the tyrant by the hair; and twisted his head off with the same ease he would a pullet's; nor did the little wretch of a king see that hand that killed him。
Leander having got his enemy's head; wished himself in the Palace of Calm Delights; where he found the princess walking; and with grief considering the message which her mother had sent her; and on the means to repel Furibon。
Suddenly she beheld a head hanging in the air; with nobody to hold it。 This prodigy astonished her so that she could not tell what to think of it; but her amazement was increased when she saw the head laid at her feet; and heard a voice utter these words:
〃Charming Princess; cease your fear Of Furibon; whose head see here。〃
Abricotina; knowing Leander's voice; cried:
〃I protest; madam; the invisible person who speaks is the very stranger that rescued me。〃
The princess seemed astonished; but yet pleased。
〃Oh;〃 said she; 〃if it be true that the invisible and the stranger are the same person; I confess I shall be glad to make him my acknowledgments。〃
Leander; still invisible; replied; 〃I will yet do more to deserve them;〃 and so saying he returned to Furibon's army; where the report of the king's death was already spread throughout the camp。 As soon as Leander appeared there in his usual habit; everybody knew him; all the officers and soldiers surrounded him; uttering the loudest acclamations of joy。 In short; they acknowledged him for their king; and that the crown of right belonged to him; for which he thanked them; and; as the first mark of his royal bounty; divided the thirty rooms of gold among the soldiers。 This done he returned to his princess; ordering his army to march back into his kingdom。
The princess was gone to bed。 Leander; therefore; retired into his own apartment; for he was very sleepyso sleepy that he forgot to bolt his door; and so it happened that the princess; rising early to taste the morning air; chanced to enter into this very chamber; and was astonished to find a young prince asleep upon the bed。 She took a full view of him; and was convinced that he was the person whose picture she had in her diamond box。 〃It is impossible;〃 said she; 〃that this should be a spirit; for can spirits sleep? Is this a body composed of air and fire; without substance; as Abricotina told me?〃 She softly touched his hair; and heard him breathe; and looked at him as if she could have looked forever。 While she was thus occupied; her mother; the fairy entered with such a noise that Leander started out of his sleep。 But how deeply was he afflicted to behold his beloved princess in the most deplorable condition! Her mother dragged her by the hair and loaded her with a thousand bitter reproaches。 In what grief and consternation were the two young lovers; who saw themselves now upon the point of being separated forever! The princess durst not open her lips; but cast her eyes upon Leander; as if to beg his assistance。 He judged rightly that he ought not to deal rudely with a power superior to his own; and therefore he sought; by his eloquence and submission; to move the incensed fairy。 He ran to her; threw himself at her feet; and besought her to have pity upon a young prince who would never change in his affection for her daughter。 The princess; encouraged; also embraced her mother's knees; and declared that without Leander she should never be happy。
〃Happy!〃 cried the fairy; 〃you know not the miseries of love nor the treacheries of which lovers are capable。 They bewitch us only to poison our lives; I have known it by experience; and will you suffer the same?〃
〃Is there no exception; madam?〃 replied Leander; and his countenance showed him to be one。
But neither tears nor entreaties could move the implacable fairy; and it is very probable that she would have never pardoned them; had not the lovely Gentilla appeared at that instant in the chamber; more brilliant than the sun。 Embracing the old fairy:
〃Dear sister;〃 said she; 〃I am persuaded you cannot have forgotten the good office I did you when; after your unhappy marriage; you besought a readmittance into Fairyland; since then I never desired any favor at your hands; but now the time is come。 Pardon; then; this lovely princess; consent to her nuptials with this young prince。 I will engage he shall be ever constant to her; the thread of their days shall be spun of gold and silk; they shall live to complete your happiness; and I will never forget the obligation you lay upon me。〃
〃Charming Gentilla;〃 cried the fairy; 〃I consent to whatever you desire。 Come; my dear children; and receive my love。〃 So saying; she embraced them both。
Abricotina; just then entering; cast her eyes upon Leander; she knew him again; and saw he was perfectly happy; at which she; too; was quite satisfied。
〃Prince;〃 condescendingly said the fairy… mother; 〃I will remove the Island of Calm Delights into your own kingdom; live with you myself; and do you great services。〃
Whether or not Prince Leander appreciated this offer; he bowed low; and assured his mother… in…law that no favor could be equal to the one he had that day received from her hands。 This short compliment pleased the fairy exceedingly; for she belonged to those ancient days when people used to stand a whole day upon one leg complimenting one another。 The nuptials were performed in a most splendid manner; and the young prince and princess lived together happily many years; beloved by all around them。
LONG ago there lived a monarch; who was such a very; honest man that his subjects entitled him the Good King。 One day; when he was out hunting; a little white rabbit; which had been half…killed by his hounds; leaped right into his majesty's arms。 Said he; caressing it: 〃This poor creature has put itself under my protection; and I will allow no one to injure it。〃 So he carried it to his palace; had prepared for it a neat little rabbit…hutch; with abundance of the daintiest food; such as rabbits love; and there he left it。
The same night; when he was alone in his chamber; there appeared to him a beautiful lady。 She was dressed neither in gold; nor silver; nor brocade; but her flowing robes were white as snow; and she wore a garland of white roses on her head。 The Good King was greatly astonished at the sight; for his door was locked; and he wondered how so dazzling a lady could possibly enter; but she soon removed his doubts。
〃I am the fairy Candide;〃 said she; with a smiling and gracious air。 〃Passing through the wood where you were hunting; I took a desire to know if you were as good as men say you are I therefore changed myself into a white rabbit and took refuge in your arms。 You saved me and now I know that those who are merciful to dum beasts will be ten times more so to human beings。 You merit the name your subjects give you: you are the Good King。 I thank you for your protection; and shall be always one of your best friends。 You have but to say what you most desire; and I promise you your wish shall be granted。〃
〃Madam;〃 replied the king; 〃if you are a fair