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the little lame prince-第8部分

小说: the little lame prince 字数: 每页4000字

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 two and two together and finding out all he could。 〃Oh; how I should like to see them quite close; and to know where they come from and whither they are going! How I wish I knew everything in all the world!〃

A silly speech for even an 〃examining〃 little boy to make; because; as we grow older; the more we know the more we find out there is to know。 And Prince Dolor blushed when he had said it; and hoped nobody had heard him。

Apparently somebody had; however; for the cloak gave a sudden bound forward; and presently he found himself high in the air; in the very middle of that band of aerial travelers; who had mo magic cloak to travel onnothing except their wings。 Yet there they were; making their fearless way through the sky。

Prince Dolor looked at them as one after the other they glided past him; and they looked at himthose pretty swallows; with their changing necks and bright eyesas if wondering to meet in mid…air such an extraordinary sort of bird。

〃Oh; I wish I were going with you; you lovely creatures! I'm getting so tired of this dull plain; and the dreary and lonely tower。 I do so want to see the world! Pretty swallows; dear swallows! tell me what it looks likethe beautiful; wonderful world!〃

But the swallows flew past himsteadily; slowly pursuing their course as if inside each little head had been a mariner's compass; to guide them safe over land and sea; direct to the place where they wished to go。

The boy looked after them with envy。 For a long time he followed with his eyes the faint; wavy black line as it floated away; sometimes changing its curves a little; but never deviating from its settled course; till it vanished entirely out of sight。

Then he settled himself down in the center of the cloak; feeling quite sad and lonely。

〃I think I'll go home;〃 said he; and repeated his 〃Abracadabra; tum tum ti!〃 with a rather heavy heart。 The more he had; the more he wanted; and it is not always one can have everything one wantsat least; at the exact minute one craves for it; not even though one is a prince; and has a powerful and beneficent godmother。

He did not like to vex her by calling for her and telling her how unhappy he was; in spite of all her goodness; so he just kept his trouble to himself; went back to his lonely tower; and spent three days in silent melancholy; without even attempting another journey on his traveling…cloak。


The fourth day it happened that the deaf…mute paid his accustomed visit; after which Prince Dolor's spirits rose。 They always did when he got the new books which; just to relieve his conscience; the King of Nomansland regularly sent to his nephew; with many new toys also; though the latter were disregarded now。

〃Toys; indeed! when I'm a big boy;〃 said the Prince; with disdain; and would scarcely condescend to mount a rocking…horse which had come; somehow or other;I can't be expected to explain things very exactly;packed on the back of the other; the great black horse; which stood and fed contentedly at the bottom of the tower。

Prince Dolor leaned over and looked at it; and thought how grand it must be to get upon its backthis grand live steedand ride away; like the pictures of knights。

〃Suppose I was a knight;〃 he said to himself; 〃then I should be obliged to ride out and see the world。〃

But he kept all these thoughts to himself; and just sat still; devouring his new books till he had come to the end of them all。 It was a repast not unlike the Barmecide's feast which you read of in the 〃Arabian Nights;〃 which consisted of very elegant but empty dishes; or that supper of Sancho Panza in 〃Don Quixote;〃 where; the minute the smoking dishes came on the table; the physician waved his hand and they were all taken away。

Thus almost all the ordinary delights of boy… life had been taken away from; or rather never given to this poor little prince。

〃I wonder;〃 he would sometimes think〃I wonder what it feels like to be on the back of a horse; galloping away; or holding the reins in a carriage; and tearing across the country; or jumping a ditch; or running a race; such as I read of or see in pictures。 What a lot of things there are that I should like to do! But first I should like to go and see the world。 I'll try。〃

Apparently it was his godmother's plan always to let him try; and try hard; before he gained anything。 This day the knots that tied up his traveling…cloak were more than usually troublesome; and he was a full half…hour before he got out into the open air; and found himself floating merrily over the top of the tower。

Hitherto; in all his journeys; he had never let himself go out of sight of home; for the dreary building; after all; was homehe remembered no other; but now he felt sick of the very look of his tower; with its round smooth walls and level battlements。

〃Off we go!〃 cried he; when the cloak stirred itself with a slight; slow motion; as if waiting his orders。 〃Anywhere anywhere; so that I am away from here; and out into the world。〃

As he spoke; the cloak; as if seized suddenly with a new idea; bounded forward and went skimming through the air; faster than the very fastest railway train。

〃Gee…up! gee…up!〃 cried Prince Dolor in great excitement。 〃This is as good as riding a race。〃

And he patted the cloak as if it had been a horsethat is; in the way he supposed horses ought to be pattedand tossed his head back to meet the fresh breeze; and pulled his coat collar up and his hat down as he felt the wind grow keener and coldercolder than anything he had ever known。

〃What does it matter; though?〃 said he。 〃I'm a boy; and boys ought not to mind anything。〃

Still; for all his good…will; by and by; he began to shiver exceedingly; also; he had come away without his dinner; and he grew frightfully hungry。 And to add to everything; the sunshiny day changed into rain; and being high up; in the very midst of the clouds; he got soaked through and through in a very few minutes。

〃Shall I turn back?〃 meditated he。 〃Suppose I say ‘Abracadabra?' 〃

Here he stopped; for already the cloak gave an obedient lurch; as if it were expecting to be sent home immediately。

〃NoI can'tI can't go back! I must go forward and see the world。 But oh! if I had but the shabbiest old rug to shelter me from the rain; or the driest morsel of bread and cheese; just to keep me from starving! Still; I don't much mind; I'm a prince; and ought to be able to stand anything。 Hold on; cloak; we'll make the best of it。〃

It was a most curious circumstance; but no sooner had he said this than he felt stealing over his knees something warm and soft; in fact; a most beautiful bearskin; which folded itself round him quite naturally; and cuddled him up as closely as if he had been the cub of the kind old mother…bear that once owned it。 Then feeling in his pocket; which suddenly stuck out in a marvelous way; he found; not exactly bread and cheese; nor even sandwiches; but a packet of the most delicious food he had ever tasted。 It was not meat; nor pudding; but a combination of both; and it served him excellently for both。 He ate his dinner with the greatest gusto imaginable; till he grew so thirsty he did not know what to do。

〃Couldn't I have just one drop of water; if it didn't trouble you too much; kindest of godmothers?〃

For he really thought this want was beyond her power to supply。 All the water which supplied Hopeless Tower was pumped up with difficulty from a deep artesian wellthere were such things known in Nomanslandwhich had been made at the foot of it。 But around; for miles upon miles; the desolate plain was perfectly dry。 And above it; high in the air; how could he expect to find a well; or to get even a drop of water?

He forgot one thingthe rain。 While he spoke; it came on in another wild burst; as if the clouds had poured themselves out in a passion of crying; wetting him certainly; but leaving behind; in a large glass vessel which he had never noticed before; enough water to quench the thirst of two or three boys at least。 And it was so fresh; so pureas water from the clouds always is when it does not catch the soot from city chimneys and other defilementsthat he drank it; every drop; with the greatest delight and content。

Also; as soon as it was empty the rain filled it again; so that he was able to wash his face and hands and refresh himself exceedingly。 Then the sun came out and dried him in no time。 After that he curled himself up under the bear… skin rug; and though he determined to be the most wide…awake boy imaginable; being so exceedingly snug and warm and comfortable; Prince Dolor condescended to shut his eyes just for one minute。 The next minute he was sound asleep。

When he awoke; he found himself floating over a country quite unlike anything he had ever seen before。

Yet it was nothing but what most of you children see every day and never notice ita pretty country landscape; like England; Scotland; France; or any other land you choose to name。 It had no particular featuresnothing in it grand or lovelywas simply pretty; nothing more; yet to Prince Dolor; who had never gone beyond his lonely tower and level plain; it appeared the most charming sight imaginable。

First; there was a river。 It came tumbling down the hillside; frothing and foaming; playing at hide…and…seek among the rocks; then bursting out in noisy fun like a child; to bury itself in deep; still pools。 Afterward it went steadily on for a while; like a good grown…up person; till it came to another big rock; where it misbehaved itself extremely。 It turned into a cataract; and went tumbling over and over; after a fashion that made the princewho had never seen water before; except in his bath or his drinking…cupclap his hands with delight。

〃It is so active; so alive! I like things active and alive!〃 cried he; and watched it shimmering and dancing; whirling and leaping; till; after a few windings and vagaries; it settled into a respectable stream。 After that it went along; deep and quiet; but flowing steadily on; till it reached a large lake; into which it slipped and so ended its course。

All this the boy saw; either with his own naked eye or through his gold spectacles。 He saw also as in a picture; beautiful but silent; many other things which struck him 

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