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the little lame prince-第9部分

小说: the little lame prince 字数: 每页4000字

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All this the boy saw; either with his own naked eye or through his gold spectacles。 He saw also as in a picture; beautiful but silent; many other things which struck him with wonder; especially a grove of trees。

Only think; to have lived to his age (which he himself did not know; as he did not know his own birthday) and never to have seen trees! As he floated over these oaks; they seemed to himtrunk; branches; and leavesthe most curious sight imaginable。

〃If I could only get nearer; so as to touch them;〃 said he; and immediately the obedient cloak ducked down; Prince Dolor made a snatch at the topmost twig of the tallest tree; and caught a bunch of leaves in his hand。

Just a bunch of green leavessuch as we see in myriads; watching them bud; grow; fall; and then kicking them along on the ground as if they were worth nothing。 Yet how wonderful they areevery one of them a little different。 I don't suppose you could ever find two leaves exactly alike in form; color; and sizeno more than you could find two faces alike; or two characters exactly the same。 The plan of this world is infinite similarity and yet infinite variety。

Prince Dolor examined his leaves with the greatest curiosityand also a little caterpillar that he found walking over one of them。 He coaxed it to take an additional walk over his finger; which it did with the greatest dignity and decorum; as if it; Mr。 Caterpillar; were the most important individual in existence。 It amused him for a long time; and when a sudden gust of wind blew it overboard; leaves and all; he felt quite disconsolate。

〃Still there must be many live creatures in the world besides caterpillars。 I should like to see a few of them。〃

The cloak gave a little dip down; as if to say 〃All right; my Prince;〃 and bore him across the oak forest to a long fertile valleycalled in Scotland a strath and in England a weald; but what they call it in the tongue of Nomansland I do not know。 It was made up of cornfields; pasturefields; lanes; hedges; brooks; and ponds。 Also; in it were what the prince desired to see a quantity of living creatures; wild and tame。 Cows and horses; lambs and sheep; fed in the meadows; pigs and fowls walked about the farm…yards; and in lonelier places hares scudded; rabbits burrowed; and pheasants and partridges; with many other smaller birds; inhabited the fields and woods。

Through his wonderful spectacles the Prince could see everything; but; as I said; it was a silent picture; he was too high up to catch anything except a faint murmur; which only aroused his anxiety to hear more。

〃I have as good as two pairs of eyes;〃 he thought。 〃I wonder if my godmother would give me a second pair of ears。〃

Scarcely had he spoken than he found lying on his lap the most curious little parcel; all done up in silvery paper。 And it containedwhat do you think? Actually a pair of silver ears; which; when he tried them on; fitted so exactly over his own that he hardly felt them; except for the difference they made in his hearing。

There is something which we listen to daily and never notice。 I mean the sounds of the visible world; animate and inanimate。 Winds blowing; waters flowing; trees stirring; insects whirring (dear me! I am quite unconsciously writing rhyme); with the various cries of birds and beasts;lowing cattle; bleating sheep; grunting pigs; and cackling hens;all the infinite discords that somehow or other make a beautiful harmony。

We hear this; and are so accustomed to it that we think nothing of it; but Prince Dolor; who had lived all his days in the dead silence of Hopeless Tower; heard it for the first time。 And oh! if you had seen his face。

He listened; listened; as if he could never have done listening。 And he looked and looked; as if he could not gaze enough。 Above all; the motion of the animals delighted him: cows walking; horses galloping; little lambs and calves running races across the meadows; were such a treat for him to watchhe that was always so quiet。 But; these creatures having four legs; and he only two; the difference did not strike him painfully。

Still; by and by; after the fashion of children; and I fear; of many big people too;he began to want something more than he had; something fresh and new。

〃Godmother;〃 he said; having now begun to believe that; whether he saw her or not; he could always speak to her with full confidence that she would hear him〃Godmother; all these creatures I like exceedingly; but I should like better to see a creature like myself。 Couldn't you show me just one little boy?〃

There was a sigh behind him;it might have been only the wind;and the cloak remained so long balanced motionless in air that he was half afraid his godmother had forgotten him; or was offended with him for asking too much。 Suddenly a shrill whistle startled him; even through his silver ears; and looking downward; he saw start up from behind a bush on a common; something

Neither a sheep nor a horse nor a cownothing upon four legs。 This creature had only two; but they were long; straight; and strong。 And it had a lithe; active body; and a curly head of black hair set upon its shoulders。 It was a boy; a shepherd…boy; about the Prince's own agebut; oh! so different。

Not that he was an ugly boythough his face was almost as red as his hands; and his shaggy hair matted like the backs of his own sheep。 He was rather a nice…looking lad; and seemed so bright and healthy and good…tempered 〃jolly〃 would be the word; only I am not sure if they have such a one in the elegant language of Nomanslandthat the little Prince watched him with great admiration。

〃Might he come and play with me? I would drop down to the ground to him; or fetch him up to me here。 Oh; how nice it would be if I only had a little boy to play with me。〃

But the cloak; usually so obedient to his wishes; disobeyed him now。 There were evi… dently some things which his godmother either could not or would not give。 The cloak hung stationary; high in air; never attempting to descend。 The shepherd…lad evidently took it for a large bird; and; shading his eyes; looked up at it; making the Prince's heart beat fast。

However; nothing ensued。 The boy turned round; with a long; loud whistleseemingly his usual and only way of expressing his feelings。 He could not make the thing out exactlyit was a rather mysterious affair; but it did not trouble him muchhe was not an 〃examining〃 boy。

Then; stretching himself; for he had been evidently half asleep; he began flopping his shoulders with his arms to wake and warm himself; while his dog; a rough collie; who had been guarding the sheep meanwhile; began to jump upon him; barking with delight。

〃Down; Snap; down: Stop that; or I'll thrash you;〃 the Prince heard him say; though with such a rough; hard voice and queer pronunciation that it was difficult to make the words out。 〃Hollo! Let's warm ourselves by a race。〃

They started off together; boy and dogbarking and shouting; till it was doubtful which made the more noise or ran the faster。 A regular steeplechase it was: first across the level common; greatly disturbing the quiet sheep; and then tearing away across country; scrambling through hedges and leaping ditches; and tumbling up and down over plowed fields。 They did not seem to have anything to run forbut as if they did it; both of them; for the mere pleasure of motion。

And what a pleasure that seemed! To the dog of course; but scarcely less so to the boy。 How he skimmed along over the groundhis cheeks glowing; and his hair flying; and his legs oh; what a pair of legs he had!

Prince Dolor watched him with great intentness; and in a state of excitement almost equal to that of the runner himselffor a while。 Then the sweet; pale face grew a trifle paler; the lips began to quiver; and the eyes to fill。

〃How nice it must be to run like that!〃 he said softly; thinking that neverno; never in this worldwould he be able to do the same。

Now he understood what his godmother had meant when she gave him his traveling…cloak; and why he had heard that sighhe was sure it was herswhen he had asked to see 〃just one little boy。〃

〃I think I had rather not look at him again;〃 said the poor little Prince; drawing himself back into the center of his cloak; and resuming his favorite posture; sitting like a Turk; with his arms wrapped round his feeble; useless legs。

〃You're no good to me;〃 he said; patting them mournfully。 〃You never will be any good to me。 I wonder why I had you at all。 I wonder why I was born at all; since I was not to grow up like other boys。 Why not?〃

A question so strange; so sad; yet so often occurring in some form or other in this world as you will find; my children; when you are olderthat even if he had put it to his mother she could only have answered it; as we have to answer many as difficult things; by simply saying; 〃I don't know。〃 There is much that we do not know and cannot understandwe big folks no more than you little ones。 We have to accept it all just as you have to accept anything which your parents may tell you; even though you don't as yet see the reason of it。 You may sometime; if you do exactly as they tell you; and are content to wait。

Prince Dolor sat a good while thus; or it appeared to him a good while; so many thoughts came and went through his poor young mind thoughts of great bitterness; which; little though he was; seemed to make him grow years older in a few minutes。

Then he fancied the cloak began to rock gently to and fro; with a soothing kind of motion; as if he were in somebody's arms: somebody who did not speak; but loved him and comforted him without need of words; not by deceiving him with false encouragement or hope; but by making him see the plain; hard truth in all its hardness; and thus letting him quietly face it; till it grew softened down; and did not seem nearly so dreadful after all。

Through the dreary silence and blankness; for he had placed himself so that he could see nothing but the sky; and had taken off his silver ears as well as his gold spectacleswhat was the use of either when he had no legs with which to walk or run?up from below there rose a delicious sound。

You have heard it hundreds of times; my children; and so have I。 When I was a child I thought there wa

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