aeroplanes and dirigibles of war-第2部分
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But the drawbacks to every process; especially upon the field of
battle; when operations have to be conducted under extreme
difficulties and at high pressure; were speedily recognised。
While other nations concentrated their energies upon the
simplification of hydrogen…manufacturing apparatus for use upon
the battle…field; Great Britain abandoned all such processes in
toto。 Our military organisation preferred to carry out the
production of the necessary gas at a convenient manufacturing
centre and to transport it; stored in steel cylinders under
pressure; to the actual scene of operations。 The method proved a
great success; and in this way it was found possible to inflate a
military balloon in the short space of 20 minutes; whereas; under
the conditions of making gas upon the spot; a period of four
hours or more was necessary; owing to the fact that the
manufacturing process is relatively slow and intricate。 The
practicability of the British idea and its perfection served to
establish the captive balloon as a military unit。
The British military ballooning department has always ranked as
the foremost of its type among the Powers; although its work has
been carried out so unostentatiously that the outside world has
gleaned very little information concerning its operations。
Captain Templer was an indefatigable worker and he brought the
ballooning section to a high degree of efficiency from the
military point of view。
But the British Government was peculiarly favoured; if such a
term may be used。 Our little wars in various parts of the world
contributed valuable information and experience which was fully
turned to account。 Captive balloons for reconnoitring purposes
were used by the British army for the first time at Suakim in
1885; and the section established its value very convincingly。
The French military balloon department gained its first
experience in this field in the previous year; a balloon
detachment having been dispatched to Tonkin in 1884。 In both the
Tonkin and Soudan campaigns; invaluable work was accomplished by
the balloon sections; with the result that this aerial vehicle
has come to be regarded as an indispensable military adjunct。
Indeed the activity of the German military ballooning section was
directly attributable to the Anglo…French achievements therewith。
In this work; however; the British force speedily displayed its
superiority and initiative。 The use of compressed hydrogen was
adopted; and within the course of a few years the other Powers;
realising the advantages which the British department had thus
obtained; decided to follow its example。 The gas is stored in
cylinders under a pressure varying from six to ten or more
atmospheres; in other words from about 80 to 140 or more pounds
per square inch。 Special military wagons have been designed for
the transport of these cylinders; and they are attached to the
balloon train。
The balloon itself is light; and made of such materials as to
reduce the weight thereof to the minimum。 The British balloons
are probably the smallest used by any of the Powers; but at the
same time they are the most expensive。 They are made of
goldbeater's skin; and range in capacity from 7;000 to 10;000
cubic feet; the majority being of the former capacity。 The
French balloon on the other hand has a capacity exceeding 18;000
cubic feet; although a smaller vessel of 9;000 cubic feet
capacity; known as an auxiliary; and carrying a single observer;
is used。
The Germans; on the other hand; with their Teutonic love of the
immense; favour far larger vessels。 At the same time the
military balloon section of the German Army eclipses that of any
other nations is attached to the Intelligence Department; and is
under the direct control of the General Staff。 Balloon stations
are dotted all over thecountry; including Heligoland and Kiel;
while regular sections are attached to the Navy for operating
captive balloons from warships。 Although the Zeppelin and
aeroplane forces have come to the front in Germany; and have
relegated the captive balloon somewhat to the limbo of things
that were; the latter section has never been disbanded; in fact;
during the present campaign it has undergone a somewhat spirited
The South African campaign emphasised the value of the British
balloon section of the Army; and revealed services to which it
was specially adapted; but which had previously more or less been
ignored。 The British Army possessed indifferent maps of the
Orange Free State and the Transvaal。 This lamentable deficiency
was remedied in great measure by recourse to topographical
photographs taken from the captive balloons。 The guides thus
obtained were found to be of extreme value。
During the early stages of the war the hydrogen was shipped in
cylinders from the homeland; but subsequently a manufacturing
plant of such capacity as to meet all requirements was
established in South Africa。 The cylinders were charged at
this point and dispatched to the scene of action; so that it
became unnecessary to transport the commodity from Britain。 The
captive balloon revealed the impregnability of Spion Kop; enabled
Lord Roberts to ascertain the position of the Boer guns at the
Battle of Paardeburg; and proved of invaluable assistance to the
forces of General White during the siege of Ladysmith。
Although the captive balloon is recognised as indispensable in
military operations; its uses are somewhat limited。 It can be
employed only in comparatively still weather。 The reason is
obvious。 It is essential that the balloon should assume a
vertical line in relation to its winding plant upon the ground
beneath; so that it may attain the maximum elevation possible: in
other words; the balloon should be directly above the station
below; so that if 100 yards of cable are paid out the aerostat
may be 100 yards above the ground。 If a wind is blowing; the
helpless craft is certain to be caught thereby and driven
forwards or backwards; so that it assumes an angle to its
station。 If this become acute the vessel will be tilted;
rendering the position of the observers somewhat precarious; and
at the same time observing efficiency will be impaired。
This point may be appreciated more easily by reference to the
accompanying diagram。 A represents the ground station and B
the position of the captive balloon when sent aloft in calm
weather; 300 feet of cable being paid out。 A wind arises and
blows the vessel forward to the position C。 At this point the
height of the craft in relation to the ground has been reduced;
and the reduction must increase proportionately as the strength
of the wind increases and forces the balloon still more towards
the ground。 At the same time; owing to the tilt given to the
car; observation is rendered more difficult and eventually
becomes extremely dangerous。
A wind; if of appreciable strength; develops another and graver
danger。 Greater strain will be imposed upon the cable; while if
the wind be gusty; there is the risk that the vessel will be torn
away from its anchoring rope and possibly lost。 Thus it will be
seen that the effective utilisation of a captive balloon is
completely governed by meteorological conditions; and often it is
impossible to use it in weather which exercises but little
influence upon dirigibles or aeroplanes。
The captive balloon equipment comprises the balloon; together
with the observer's basket; the wire…cable whereby it is anchored
and controlled; and the winding apparatus。 Formerly a steam
engine was necessary for the paying in and out of the cable; but
nowadays this is accomplished by means of a petrol…driven motor;
an oil…engine; or even by the engine of an automobile。 The
length of cable varies according to the capacity of the balloon
and the maximum operating height。
The average British balloon is able to lift about 290 or 300
pounds; which may be taken to represent the weight of two
observers。 On the other hand; the French and German balloons are
able to carry four times this weight; with the exception of the
French auxiliaries; which are designed to lift one observer only。
The balloons of the two latter Powers have also a greater maximum
altitude; it is possible to ascend to a height of some 2;000 feet
in one of these。
The observing station is connected with the winding crew below
either by a telephone; or some other signalling system; the
method practised varying according to circumstances。 In turn the
winding station is connected with the officer in charge of the
artillery; the fire of which the captive balloon is directing。
The balloon observer is generally equipped with various
instruments; such as telescope; photographic cameras; and so
forth; so as to be able; if necessary; to prepare a topographical
survey of the country below。 By this means the absence of
reliable maps may be remedied; or if not regarded; as
sufficiently correct they may be checked and counter…checked by
the data gained aloft。
Seeing that the gas has to be transported in cylinders; which are
weighty; it is incumbent that the waste of this commodity should
be reduced to the minimum。 The balloon cannot be deflated at
night and re…inflated in the morningit must be maintained in
the inflated condition the whole time it is required for
There are various methods of consummating this end。 One method
is to haul in the balloon and to peg it down on all sides;
completing the anchorage by the attachment of bags filled with
earth to the network。 While this process is satisfactory in calm
weather; it is impracticable in heavy winds; which are likely to
spring up suddenly。 Consequently a second method is practised。
This is to dig a pit into the ground of