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aeroplanes and dirigibles of war-第32部分

小说: aeroplanes and dirigibles of war 字数: 每页4000字

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The advocate of this mine…trawling method; who is a well…known

aviator; anticipates no difficulty in manoeuvring a mine weighing

30 pounds at the end of 300 feet of fine wire。  Success depends

in a great measure on the skill of the aviator in maintaining a

constant tension upon the line until it falls across its


The process calls for a certain manifestation of skill in

manoeuvring the aeroplane in relation to the airship; judgment of

distance; and ability to operate the aeroplane speedily。  The

rapid ascensional capability of the airship; as compared with

that of the aeroplane; is a disadvantage; but on the other hand;

the superior mobility and speed of the aeroplane would tell

decisively for success。

Among the many wonders which the Krupp organisation is stated to

have perfected; and which it is claimed will create considerable

surprise; is the aerial torpedo。  Many of the Krupp claims are

wildly chimerical; as events have already proved; but there is no

doubt that considerable effort has been expended upon this latest

missile; for which the firm is said to have paid the inventor

upwards of L25;000125;000。  Curiously enough the projectile

was perfected within gunshot of the British aerodrome of Hendon

and is stated to have been offered to the British Government at

the time; and to have met with a chilling reception。  One fact;

however; is well established。  The inventor went to Germany; and

submitted his idea to Krupp; by whom it was tested without delay。 

Upon the completion of the purchase; the great armament

manufacturers did not fail to publish broadcast the fact that

they had acquired a mysterious new terror of the skies。  That was

some three years ago; and in the interval the cleverest brains of

the German firm have been steadily devoting their time and

energies to the improvement of the missile; the first appearance

of which was recorded; in a somewhat hazy manner; in the closing

days of December。

While the exact mechanism of this missile is a secret; the

governing principles of its design and operation are known to a

select few technicians in this country。  Strange to say; the

projectile was designed in the first instance in the interests of

peace and humanty; but while engaged upon his experiments the

inventor suddenly concluded that it would be a more profitable

asset if devoted to the grim game of war。  At the time the

military significance of the airship and the aeroplane were

becoming apparent; hence the sudden diversion of the idea into a

destructive channel。

This aerial torpedo is a small missile carrying a charge of high

explosive; such as trinitrotoluene; and depends for its

detonation upon impact or a time fuse。  It is launched into the

air from a cradle in the manner of the ordinary torpedo; but the

initial velocity is low。  The torpedo is fitted with its own

motive power; which comes automatically into action as the

missile climbs into the air。  This self…contained energy is so

devised that the maximum power is attained before the missile has

lost the velocity imparted in the first instance; the result

being that it is able to continue its flight in a horizontal

direction from the moment it attains the highest point in its

trajectory; which is naturally varied according to requirements。 

But there is no secret about the means of propulsion。  The body

is charged with a slow…burning combustible; in the manner of the

ordinary rocket; whereby it is given a rapid rotary motion。

Furthermore it is stated to be fitted with a small gyroscope in

the manner of the torpedo used in the seas; for the purpose of

maintaining direction during flight; but upon this point there is

considerable divergence of opinion among technicians; the general

idea being that the torpedo depends upon an application of the

principle of the ordinary rocket rather than upon a small engine

such as is fitted to the ordinary torpedo。  The employment of a

slow combustible ensures the maintenance of the missile in the

air for a period exceeding that of the ordinary shell。  It is

claimed by the Germans that this projectile will keep aloft for

half…an…hour or more; but this is a phantasy。  Its maintenance of

flight is merely a matter of minutes。

The belated appearance of this much…lauded projectile and its

restricted use suggest that it is unreliable; and perhaps no more

effective than the aerial torpedo which appeared in the United

States during the Spanish…American War; and proved a complete

failure。  An effective and reliable means of combating or

frustrating a dirigible attack; other than by gun…fire or resort

to the drastic remedy of ramming the enemy; has yet to be




In a previous chapter the various methods of signalling between

the ground and the airman aloft have been described。  Seeing that

wireless telegraphy has made such enormous strides and has

advanced to such a degree of perfection; one naturally would

conclude that it constitutes an ideal system of communication

under such conditions in military operations。

But this is not the case。  Wireless is utilised only to a very

limited extent。  This is due to two causes。  The one is of a

technical; the other of a strategical character。

The uninitiated; bearing in mind the comparative ease with which

wireless installations may be established at a relatively small

expense; would not unreasonably think that no serious

difficulties of a technical character could arise: at least none

which would defy solution。  But these difficulties exist in two

or three different fields; each of which is peculiarly complex

and demands individual treatment。

In the first place; there is the weight of the necessary

installation。  In the case of the dirigible this may be a

secondary consideration; but with the aeroplane it is a matter of

primary and vital importance。  Again; under present conditions;

the noise of the motor is apt to render the intelligent

deciphering of messages while aloft a matter of extreme

difficulty; especially as these are communicated in code。  The

engine noise might be effectively overcome by the use of a

muffler such as; is used with automobiles; but then there is the

further difficulty of vibration。

This problem is being attacked in an ingenious manner。  It is

proposed to substitute for audible signals visual

interpretations; by the aid of an electric lamp; the fluctuations

in which would correspond to the dots and dashes of the Morse

code。  Thus the airman would read his messages by sight instead

of by sound。

This method; however; is quite in its infancy; and although

attractive in theory and fascinating as a laboratory experiment

or when conducted under experimental conditions; it has not

proved reliable or effective in aeronautical operations。  But at

the same time it indicates a promising line of research and


Then there are the problems of weight and the aerial。  So far as

present knowledge goes; the most satisfactory form of aerial yet

exploited is that known as the trailing wire。  From 300 to 700

feet of wire are coiled upon a reel; and when aloft this wire is

paid out so that it hangs below the aeroplane。  As a matter of

fact;when the machine is travelling at high speed it trails

horizontally astern; but this is immaterial。  One investigator;

who strongly disapproves of the trailing aerial; has carried out

experiments with a network of wires laid upon and attached to the

surface of the aeroplane's wings。  But the trailing wire is

generally preferred; and certainly up to the present has proved

more satisfactory。

The greatest obstacle; however; is the necessary apparatus。  The

average aeroplane designed for military duty is already loaded to

the maximum。  As a rule it carries the pilot and an observer; and

invariably includes a light arm for defence against an aerial

enemy; together with an adequate supply of ammunition; while

unless short sharp flights are to be made; the fuel supply

represents an appreciable load。  Under these circumstances the

item of weight is a vital consideration。  It must be kept within

a limit of 100 pounds; and the less the equipment weighs the more

satisfactory it is likely to prove; other things being equal。

The two most successful systems yet exploited are the Dubilier

and the Rouget。  The former is an American invention; the latter

is of French origin。  Both have been tested by the British

Military Aeronautical Department; and the French authorities

have subjected the French system to rigorous trials。  Both

systems; within their limitations; have proved satisfactory。

The outstanding feature of the Dubilier system is the production

of sine waves of musical frequency from continuous current; thus

dispensing with the rotary converter。  The operating principle is

the obtaining of a series of unidirectional impulses by a

condenser discharge; the pulsating currents following one another

at regular intervals at a frequency of 500 impulses per second;

which may be augmented up to 1;000 impulses per second。  The

complete weight of such an apparatus is 40 pounds; the electric

generator; which is no larger than the motor used for driving the

ordinary table ventilating fan; accounts for 16 pounds of this

total。  Under test at sea; upon the deck of a ship; a range of

250 miles has been obtained。  The British Government carried out

a series of experiments with this system; using a small plant

weighing about 30 pounds; with which communication was maintained

up to about 20 miles。

In the French system the Reuget transmitter is employed。  The

apparatus; including the dynamo; which is extremely small; weighs

in all 70 pounds。  A small alternator of 200 watts and 100 volts

is coupled direct to the aeroplane motor; a new clutch coupler

being employed for 

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