aeroplanes and dirigibles of war-第34部分
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or zone comprises merely two or three successive stretches of
trenches and other defences; representing a belt five miles or so
in width; but this is a fallacy。 The fighting zone is at least
20 miles in width; that is to say; the occupied territory in
which vital movements take place represents a distance of 20
miles from the foremost line of trenches to the extreme rear;
and then comes the secondary zone; which may be a further 10
miles or more in depth。 Consequently the airman must fly at
least 30 miles in a bee…line to cover the transverse belt of the
enemy's field of operations。 Upon the German and Russian sides
this zone is of far greater depth; ranging up to 50 miles or so
in width。 In these circumstances the difficulties of ethereal
communication 'twixt air and earth may be realised under the
present limitations of radius from which it is possible to
But there are reasons still more cogent to explain why wireless
telegraphy has not been used upon a more extensive scale during
the present campaign。 Wireless communication is not secretive。
In other words; its messages may be picked up by friend and foe
alike with equal facility。 True; the messages are sent in code;
which may be unintelligible to the enemy。 In this event the
opponent endeavours to render the communications undecipherable
to one and all by what is known as 〃jambing。〃 That is to say; he
sends out an aimless string of signals for the purpose of
confusing senders and receivers; and this is continued without
cessation and at a rapid rate。 The result is that messages
become blurred and undecipherable。
But there is another danger attending the use of wireless upon
the battlefield。 The fact that the stations are of limited range
is well known to the opposing forces; and they are equally well
aware of the fact that aerial craft cannot communicate over long
distances。 For instance; A sends his airmen aloft and
conversation begins between the clouds and the ground。 Presently
the receivers of B begin to record faint signals。 They fluctuate
in intensity; but within a few seconds B gathers that an
aeroplane is aloft and communicating with its base。 By the aid
of the field telephone B gets into touch with his whole string of
wireless stations and orders a keen look…out and a listening ear
to ascertain whether they have heard the same signals。 Some
report that the signals are quite distinct and growing louder;
while others declare that the signals are growing fainter and
intermittent。 In this manner B is able to deduce in which
direction the aeroplane is flying。 Thus if those to the east
report that signals are growing stronger; while the stations on
the west state that they are diminishing; it is obvious that the
aeroplane is flying west to east; and vice versa when the west
hears more plainly at the expense of the east。 If; however; both
should report that signals are growing stronger; then it is
obvious that the aircraft is advancing directly towards them。
It was this ability to deduce direction from the sound of the
signals which led to the location of the Zeppelin which came down
at Lun6ville some months previous to the war; and which
threatened to develop into a diplomatic incident of serious
importance。 The French wireless stations running south…east to
north…west were vigilant; and the outer station on the north…west
side picked up the Zeppelin's conversation。 It maintained a
discreet silence; but communicated by telephone to its colleagues
Presently No。 2 station came within range; followed by Nos。 3; 4;
5; 6; and so on in turn。 Thus the track of the Zeppelin was
dogged silently through the air by its wireless conversation as
easily and as positively as if its flight had been followed by
the naked eye。 The Zeppelin travellers were quite ignorant of
this action upon the part of the French and were surprised when
they were rounded…up to learn that they had been tracked so
ruthlessly。 Every message which the wireless of the Zeppelin had
transmitted had been received and filed by the French。
Under these circumstances it is doubtful whether wireless
telegraphy between aircraft and the forces beneath will be
adopted extensively during the present campaign。 Of course;
should some radical improvement be perfected; whereby
communication may be rendered absolutely secretive; while no
intimation is conveyed to the enemy that ethereal conversation is
in progress; then the whole situation will be changed; and there
may be remarkable developments。
When once the flying machine had indicated its possibilities in
connection with land operations it was only natural that
endeavours should be made to adapt it to the more rigorous
requirements of the naval service。 But the conditions are so
vastly dissimilar that only a meagre measure of success has been
recorded。 Bomb…throwing from aloft upon the decks of battleships
appeals vividly to the popular imagination; and the widespread
destruction which may be caused by dropping such an agent down
the funnel of a vessel into the boiler…room is a favourite theme
among writers of fiction and artists。 But hitting such an
objective while it is tearing at high speed through the water;
from a height of several thousand feet is a vastly different task
from throwing sticks and balls at an Aunt Sally on terra firma:
the target is so small and elusive。
Practically it is impossible to employ the flying machine;
whether it be a dirigible or an aeroplane; in this field。 Many
factors militate against such an application。 In the first place
there is a very wide difference between dry land and a stretch of
water as an area over which to manoeuvre。 So far as the land is
concerned descent is practicable at any time and almost anywhere。
But an attempt to descend upon the open sea even when the latter
is as calm as the proverbial mill…pond is fraught with
considerable danger。 The air…currents immediately above the
water differ radically from those prevailing above the surface of
the land。 Solar radiation also plays a very vital part。 In fact
the dirigible dare not venture to make such a landing even if it
be provided with floats。 The chances are a thousand to one that
the cars will become water…logged; rendering re…ascent a matter
of extreme difficulty; if not absolutely impossible。 On the
other hand; the aeroplane when equipped with floats; is able to
alight upon the water; and to rest thereon for a time。 It may
even take in a new supply of fuel if the elements be propitious;
and may be able to re…ascend; but the occasions are rare when
such operations can be carried out successfully。
In operations over water the airman is confronted with one
serious dangerthe risk of losing his bearings and his way。 For
instance; many attempts have been made to cross the North Sea by
aeroplane; but only one has proved successful so far。 The
intrepid aviator did succeed in passing from the shore of Britain
to the coast of Scandinavia。 Many people suppose that because an
airman is equipped with a compass he must be able to find his
way; but this is a fallacy。 The aviator is in the same plight as
a mariner who is compelled from circumstances to rely upon his
compass alone; and who is debarred by inclement weather from
deciding his precise position by taking the sun。 A ship
ploughing the waters has to contend against the action of cross
currents; the speed of which varies considerably; as well as
adverse winds。 Unless absolute correction for these influences
can be made the ship will wander considerably from its course。
The airman is placed in a worse position。 He has no means of
determining the direction and velocity of the currents prevailing
in the atmosphere; and his compass cannot give him any help in
this connection; because it merely indicates direction。
Unless the airman has some means of determining his position;
such as landmarks; he fails to realise the fact that he is
drifting; or; even if he becomes aware of this fact; it is by no
means a simple straightforward matter for him to make adequate
allowance for the factor。 Side…drift is the aviator's greatest
enemy。 It cannot be determined with any degree of accuracy。 If
the compass were an infallible guide the airman would be able to
complete a given journey in dense fog just as easily as in clear
weather。 It is the action of the cross currents and the
unconscious drift which render movement in the air during fog as
impracticable with safety as manoeuvring through the water under
similar conditions。 More than one bold and skilful aviator has
essayed the crossing of the English Channel and; being overtaken
by fog; has failed to make the opposite coast。 His compass has
given him the proper direction; but the side…drift has proved his
undoing; with the result that he has missed his objective。
The fickle character of the winds over the water; especially over
such expanses as the North Sea; constitutes another and seriously
adverse factor。 Storms; squalls; gales; and; in winter;
blizzards; spring up with magical suddenness; and are so severe
that no aircraft could hope to live in them。 But such
visitations are more to be dreaded by the lighter…than…air than
by the heavier…than…air machines。 The former offers a
considerable area of resistance to the tempest and is caught up
by the whirlwind before the pilot fully grasps the significant
chance of the natural phenomenon。 Once a dirigible is swept out
of the hands of its pilot its doom is sealed。
On the other hand; the speed attainable by the aeroplane
constitutes its safety。 It can run before the wind; and meantime
can climb steadily and rapidly to a higher altitude; until at
last it enters a contrary wind or even a tolerably quiescent