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aeroplanes and dirigibles of war-第4部分

小说: aeroplanes and dirigibles of war 字数: 每页4000字

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strikingly throughout the attack upon the entrenched German

positions in Flanders。  Owing to the undulating character of the

dunes the 〃spotters〃 upon the British monitors and battle ships

are unable to obtain a sweeping view of the country。  Accordingly

captive balloons are sent aloft in some cases from the deck of

the monitors; and in others from a suitable point upon the beach

itself。  The aerial observer from his point of vantage is able to

pick up the positions of the German forces and artillery with

ease and to communicate the data thus gained to the British

vessels; although subjected to heavy and continuous hostile fire。

The difficulty of hitting a captive balloon has been graphically

emphasised; inasmuch as the German artillerists have failed to

bring down a solitary balloon。  On the other hand the observer in

the air is able to signal the results of each salvo fired from

the British battleships as they manoeuvre at full speed up and

down the coastline; while he keeps the fire of the monitors

concentrated upon the German positions until the latter have been

rendered untenable or demolished。  The accuracy of the British

gun…fire has astonished even the Germans; but it has been

directly attributable to the rangefinder perched in the car of

the captive balloon and his rapid transmission of information to

the vessels below。

The enthusiastic supporters of aerial navigation maintained that

the dirigible and the aeroplane would supersede the captive

balloon completely。  But as a matter of fact the present conflict

has established the value of this factor more firmly than ever。

There is not the slightest possibility that the captive balloon

sections of the belligerents will be disbanded; especially those

which have the fruits of experience to guide them。  The airship

and the aeroplane have accomplished wonders; but despite their

achievements the captive balloon has fully substantiated its

value as a military unit in its particular field of operations。



Two incidents in the history of aviation stand out with

exceptional prominence。  The one is the evolution of the Zeppelin

airshipa story teeming with romance and affording striking and

illuminating glimpses of dogged perseverance; grim determination

in the face of repeated disasters; and the blind courageous faith

of the inventor in the creation of his own brain。  The second is

the remarkable growth of Germany's military airship organisation;

which has been so rapid and complete as to enable her to assume

supremacy in this field; and that within the short span of a

single decade。

The Zeppelin has always aroused the world's attention; although

this interest has fluctuated。  Regarded at first as a wonderful

achievement of genius; afterwards as a freak; then as the ready

butt for universal ridicule; and finally with awe; if not with

absolute terrorsuch in brief is the history of this craft of

the air。

Count von Zeppelin can scarcely be regarded as an ordinary man。

He took up the subject of flight at an age which the majority of

individuals regard as the opportune moment for retirement from

activity; and; knowing nothing about mechanical engineering; he

concentrated his energies upon the study of this science to

enable him to master the difficulties of a mechanical character

incidental to the realisation of his grand idea。  His energy and

indomitable perseverance are equalled by his ardent patriotism;

because; although the Fatherland discounted his idea when other

Powers were ready to consider it; and indeed made him tempting

offers for the acquisition of his handiwork; he stoutly declined

all such solicitations; declaring that his invention; if such it

may be termed; was for his own country and none other。

Count von Zeppelin developed his line of study and thought for

one reason only。  As an old campaigner and a student of military

affairs he realised the shortcomings of the existing methods of

scouting and reconnoitring。  He appreciated more than any other

man of the day perhaps; that if the commander…in…chief of an army

were provided with facilities for gazing down upon the scene of

operations; and were able to take advantage of all the

information accruing to the man above who sees all; he would  

hold a superior position; and be able to dispose his forces and

to arrange his plan of campaign to the most decisive advantage。  

In other words; Zeppelin conceived and developed his airship for

one field of application and that alone…military operations。  

Although it has achieved certain successes in other directions

these have been subsidiary to the primary intention; and have

merely served to emphasise its military value。

Von Zeppelin was handicapped in his line of thought and

investigation from the very first。  He dreamed big things upon a

big scale。  The colossal always makes a peculiar and irresistible

appeal to the Teutonic nature。  So he contemplated the perfection

of a big dirigible; eclipsing in every respect anything ever

attempted or likely to be attempted by rival countries。

Unfortunately; the realisation of the 〃colossal〃 entails an

equally colossal financial reserve; and the creator of this form

of airship for years suffered from financial cramp in its worst

 manifestation。  Probably it was to the benefit of the world at

large that Fortune played him such sorry tricks。  It retarded the

growth of German ambitions in one direction very effectively。

As is well known Zeppelin evolved what may be termed an

individual line of thought in connection with his airship

activities。  He adopted what is known as the indeformable

airship: that is to say the rigid; as opposed to the semi…rigid

and flexible craft。  As a result of patient experiment and

continued researches he came to the conclusion that a huge outer

envelope taking the form of a polygonal cylinder with

hemispherical ends; constructed upon substantial lines with a

metallic skeleton encased within an impermeable skin; and charged

with a number of smaller balloon…shaped vessels containing the

lifting agenthydrogen gaswould fulfil his requirements to the

greatest advantage。  Model after model was built upon these

lines。  Each was subjected to searching tests with the invariable

result attending such work with models。  Some fulfilled the

expectations of the inventor; others resolutely declined to

illustrate his reasonings in any direction。

The inevitable happened。  When a promising model was completed

finally the inventor learned to his sorrow what every inventor

realises in time。  His fortune and the resources of others had

been poured down the sink of experiment。  To carry the idea from

the model to the practical stage required more money; and it was

not forthcoming。  The inventor sought to enlist the practical

sympathy of his country; only to learn that in Germany; as in

other lands; the axiom concerning the prophet; honour; and

country prevails。  No exuberant inventor received such a cold

douche from a Government as did Count Zeppelin from the Prussian

authorities。  For two years further work was brought practically

to a standstill: nothing could be done unless the sinews of war

were forthcoming。  His friends; who had assisted him financially

with his models; now concluded that their aid had been misplaced。

The inventor; though disappointed; was by no means cast down。  He

clung tenaciously to his pet scheme and to such effect that in

1896 a German Engineering Society advanced him some funds to

continue his researches。  This support sufficed to keep things

going for another two years; during which time a full…sized

vessel was built。  The grand idea began to crystallise rapidly;

with the result that when a public company was formed in 1898;

sufficient funds were rendered available to enable the first

craft to be constructed。  It aroused considerable attention; as

well it might; seeing that it eclipsed anything which had

previously been attempted in connection with dirigibles。  It was

no less than 420 feet in length; by 38 feet in diameter; and was

fitted with two cars; each of which carried a sixteen horse…power

motor driving independent propellers rigidly attached to the body

of the vessel。  The propellers were both vertical and horizontal;

for the purpose of driving the ship in the two planesvertical

and horizontal respectively。

The vessel was of great scientific interest; owing to the

ingenuity of its design and construction。  The metallic skeleton

was built up from aluminium and over this was stretched the

fabric of the envelope; care being observed to reduce skin

friction; as well as to achieve impermeability。  But it was the

internal arrangement of the gas…lifting balloons which provoked

the greatest concern。  The hull was divided into compartments;

each complete in itself; and each containing a small balloon

inflated with hydrogen。  It was sub…division as practised in

connection with vessels ploughing the water applied to aerial

craft; the purpose being somewhat the same。  As a ship of the

seas will keep afloat so long as a certain number of its

subdivisions remain watertight; so would the Zeppelin keep aloft

if a certain number of the gas compartments retained their

charges of hydrogen。  There were no fewer than seventeen of these

gas…balloons arranged in a single line within the envelope。 

Beneath the hull and extending the full length of the latter was

a passage which not only served as a corridor for communication

between the cars; but also to receive a weight attached to a

cable worked by a winch。  By the movement of this weight the bow

or stem of the vessel could be tilted to assist ascent and


The construction of the vessel subsequently proved to be the

easiest and most straightforward part of the whole undertaking。 

There were ot

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