aeroplanes and dirigibles of war-第5部分
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easiest and most straightforward part of the whole undertaking。
There were other and more serious problems to be solved。 How
would such a monster craft come to earth? How could she be
manipulated upon the ground? How could she be docked? Upon
these three points previous experience was silent。 One German
inventor who likewise had dreamed big things; and had carried
them into execution; paid for his temerity and ambitions with his
life; while his craft was reduced to a mass of twisted and torn
metal。 Under these circumstances Count Zeppelin decided to carry
out his flights over the waters of the Bodensee and to house his
craft within a floating dock。 In this manner two uncertain
factors might be effectively subjugated。
Another problem had been ingeniously overcome。 The outer
envelope presented an immense surface to the atmosphere; while
temperature was certain to play an uncertain part in the
behaviour of the craft。 The question was to reduce to the
minimum the radiation of heat and cold to the bags containing the
gas。 This end was achieved by leaving a slight air space between
the inflated gas balloons and the inner surface of the hull。
The first ascent was made on July 2nd; 1900; but was
disappointing; several breakdowns of the mechanism occurring
while the vessel was in mid…air; which rendered it unmanageable;
although a short flight was made which sufficed to show that an
independent speed of 13 feet per second could be attained。 The
vessel descended and was made fast in her dock; the descent being
effected safely; while manoeuvring into dock was successful。 At
least three points about which the inventor had been in doubt
appeared to be solvedhis airship could be driven through the air
and could be steered; it could be brought to earth safely; and it
could be docked。
The repairs to the mechanism were carried out and on October 17th
and 21st of the same year further flights were made。 By this
time certain influential Teuton aeronautical experts who had
previously ridiculed Zeppelin's idea had made a perfect
volte…face。 They became staunch admirers of the system; while
other meteorological savants participated in the trials for the
express purpose of ascertaining just what the ship could do。 As
a result of elaborate trigonometrical calculations it was
ascertained that the airship attained an independent speed
of 30 feet per second; which exceeded anything previously
achieved。 The craft proved to be perfectly manageable in the
air; and answered her helm; thus complying with the terms of
dirigibility。 The creator was flushed with his triumph; but at
the same time was doomed to experience misfortune。 In its
descent the airship came to 〃earth〃 with such a shock that it was
extensively damaged。 The cost of repairing the vessel was so
heavy that the company declined to shoulder the liability; and as
the Count was unable to defray the expense the wreck was
Although a certain meed of success had been achieved the outlook
seemed very black for the inventor。 No one had any faith in his
idea。 He made imploring appeals for further money; embarked upon
lecturing campaigns; wrote aviation articles for the Press; and
canvassed possible supporters in the effort to raise funds for
his next enterprise。 Two years passed; but the fruits of the
propaganda were meagre。 It was at this juncture; when everything
appeared to be impossible; that Count Zeppelin discovered his
greatest friend。 The German Emperor; with an eye ever fixed upon
new developments; had followed Zeppelin's uphill struggle; and at
last; in 1902; came to his aid by writing a letter which ran:
〃Since your varied flights have been reported to me it is a great
pleasure to me to express my acknowledgment of your patience and
your labours; and the endurance with which you have pressed on
through manifold hindrances till success was near。 The
advantages of your system have given your ship the greatest
attainable speed and dirigibility; and the important results you
have obtained have produced an epoch…making step forward in the
construction of airships and leave laid down a valuable basis for
future experiments。〃
This Imperial appreciation of what had been accomplished proved
to be the turning point in the inventor's fortunes。 It
stimulated financial support; and the second airship was taken in
hand。 But misfortune still pursued him。 Accidents were of
almost daily occurrence。 Defects were revealed here and
weaknesses somewhere else。 So soon as one trouble was overcome
another made itself manifest。 The result was that the whole of
the money collected by his hard work was expended before the ship
could take to the air。 A further crash and blasting of cherished
hopes appeared imminent; but at this moment another Royal
personage came to the inventor's aid。
The King of Wurtemberg took a personal interest in his subject's
uphill struggle; and the Wurtemberg Government granted him the
proceeds of a lottery。 With this money; and with what he
succeeded in raising by hook and by crook; and by mortgaging
his remaining property; a round L20;000 was obtained。 With this
capital a third ship was taken in hand; and in 1905 it was
launched。 It was a distinct improvement upon its predecessors。
The airship was 414 feet in length by 38 feet in diameter; was
equipped with 17 gas balloons having an aggregate capacity of
367;000 cubic feet of hydrogen; was equipped with two 85
horse…power motors driving four propellers; and displaced 9 tons。
All the imperfections incidental to the previous craft had been
eliminated; while the ship followed improved lines in its
mechanical and structural details。
The trials with this vessel commenced on November 30th; 1905; but
ill…luck had not been eluded。 The airship was moored upon a raft
which was to be towed out into the lake to enable the dirigible
to ascend。 But something went wrong with the arrangements。 A
strong wind caught the ungainly airship; she dipped her nose into
the water; and as the motor was set going she was driven deeper
into the lake; the vessel only being saved by hurried deflation。
Six weeks were occupied in repairs; but another ascent was made
on January 17th; 1906。 The trials were fairly satisfactory; but
inconclusive。 One of the motors went wrong; and the longitudinal
stability was found to be indifferent。 The vessel was brought
down; and was to be anchored; but the Fates ruled otherwise。 A
strong wind caught her during the night and she was speedily
reduced to indistinguishable scrap。
Despite catastrophe the inventor wrestled gamely with his
project。 The lessons taught by one disaster were taken to heart;
and arrangements to prevent the recurrence thereof incorporated
in the succeeding craft。 Unfortunately; however; as soon as
one defect was remedied another asserted itself。 It was this
persistent revelation of the unexpected which caused another
period of indifference towards his invention。 Probably nothing
more would have been heard of the Zeppelin after this last
accident had it not been for the intervention of the Prussian
Government at the direct instigation of the Kaiser; who had now
taken Count Zeppelin under his wing。 A State lottery was
inaugurated; the proceeds of which were handed over to the
indefatigable inventor; together with an assurance that if he
could keep aloft 24 hours without coming to earth in the
meantime; and could cover 450 miles within this period; the
Government would repay the whole of the money he had lavished
upon his idea; and liquidate all the debts he had incurred
in connection therewith。
Another craft was built; larger than its predecessors; and
equipped with two motors developing 170 horse…power。 Upon
completion it was submitted to several preliminary flights; which
were so eminently successful that the inventor decided to make a
trial trip under conditions closely analogous to those imposed
for the Government test。 On June 20th; 1908; at 8:26 a。m。 the
craft ascended and remained aloft for 12 hours; during which time
it made an encouraging circular tour。 Flushed with this success;
the Count considered that the official award was within reach;
and that all his previous disasters and misfortunes were on the
eve of redemption。
The crucial test was essayed on August 5th; 1908。 Accompanied by
twelve observers the vessel ascended and travelled without
incident for eight hours。 Then a slight mishap demanded
attention; but was speedily repaired; and was ignored officially
as being too trivial to influence the main issue。 Victory
appeared within measurable distance: the arduous toil of many
patient years was about to be rewarded。 The airship was within
sight of home when it had to descend owing to the development of
another motor fault。 But as it approached the ground; Nature; as
if infuriated at the conquest; rose up in rebellion。 A sudden
squall struck the unwieldy monster。 Within a few moments it
became unmanageable; and through some inscrutable cause; it
caught fire; with the result that within a few moments it was
reduced to a tangled mass of metallic framework。
It was a catastrophe that would have completely vanquished many
an inventor; but the Count was saved the gall of defeat。 His
flight; which was remarkable; inasmuch as he had covered 380
miles within 24 hours; including two unavoidable descents; struck
the Teuton imagination。 The seeds so carefully planted by the
〃Most High of Prussia〃 now bore fruit。 The German nation
sympathised with the indomitable inventor; appreciated his
genius; and promptly poured forth a stream of subscriptions to
enable him to build another vessel。 The intimation that other
Powers had approached the Count for the acquisition of his idea
became known far and wide; together with the circumstance that