aeroplanes and dirigibles of war-第6部分
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Powers had approached the Count for the acquisition of his idea
became known far and wide; together with the circumstance that
he had unequivocally refused all offers。 He was striving for the
Fatherland; and his unselfish patriotism appealed to one and all。
Such an attitude deserved hearty national appreciation; and the
members of the great German public emptied their pockets to such
a degree that within a few weeks a sum of L300;000 or 1;500;000
was voluntarily subscribed。
All financial embarrassments and distresses were now completely
removed from the Count's mind。 He could forge ahead untrammelled
by anxiety and worry。 Another Zeppelin was built and it created
a world's record。 It remained aloft for 38 hours; during which
time it covered 690 miles; and; although it came to grief upon
alighting; by colliding with a tree; the final incident passed
unnoticed。 Germany was in advance of the world。 It had an
airship which could go anywhere; irrespective of climatic
conditions; and in true Teuton perspective the craft was viewed
from the military standpoint。 Here was a means of obtaining the
mastery of the air: a formidable engine of invasion and aerial
attack had been perfected。 Consequently the Grand Idea must be
supported with unbounded enthusiasm。 The Count was hailed by his
august master as 〃The greatest German of the twentieth century;〃
and in this appreciation the populace wholeheartedly concurred。
Whether such a panegyric from such an auspicious quarter is praise
indeed or the equivalent of complete condemnation; history alone
will be able to judge; but when one reflects; at this moment; upon
the achievements of this aircraft during the present conflagration;
the unprejudiced will be rather inclined to hazard the opinion
that Imperial Teuton praise is a synonym for damnation。
Although the Zeppelin was accepted as a perfect machine it has
never been possible to disperse the atmosphere of disaster with
which it has been enveloped from the first。 Vessel after vessel
has gone up in smoke and flame: few craft of this type have
enjoyed more than an evanescent existence; and each successive
catastrophe has proved more terrible than its predecessor。 But
the Teutonic nation has been induced to pin its whole faith on
this airship; notwithstanding that the more levelheaded engineers
of other countries have always maintained the craft to be a
〃mechanical monstrosity〃 condemned from its design and principles
of construction to disaster。 Unshaken by this adverse criticism;
Germany rests assured that by means of its Zeppelins it will
achieve that universal supremacy which it is convinced is its
This blind child…like faith has been responsible for the
establishment and development of the Zeppelin factories。 At
Friedrichshafen the facilities are adequate to produce two of
these vessels per month; while another factory of a similar
capacity has been established at Berlin。 Unfortunately such big
craft demand large docks to accommodate them; and in turn a large
structure of this character constitutes an easy mark for hostile
attack; as the raiding airmen of the Allies have proved very
But the Zeppelin must not be under…rated。 Magnificent
performances have been recorded by these vessels; such as the
round 1;000 miles' trip in 1909; and several other equally
brilliant feats since that date。 It is quite true that each
astounding achievement has been attended by an equally stupendous
accident; but that is accepted as a mere incidental detail by the
faithful Teutonic nation。 Many vivid prophecies of the
forthcoming flights by Zeppelin have been uttered; and it is
quite probable that more than one will be fulfilled; but success
will be attributable rather to accident than design。
Although the Zeppelin is the main stake of the German people in
matters pertaining to aerial conquest; other types of airships
have not been ignored; as related in another chapter。 They have
been fostered upon a smaller but equally effective scale。 The
semi…rigid Parseval and Gross craft have met with whole…hearted
support; since they have established their value as vessels of
the air; which is tantamount to the acceptance of their military
The Parseval is pronounced by experts to be the finest expression
of aeronautical engineering so far as Teuton effort is concerned。
Certainly it has placed many notable flights to its credit。 The
Gross airship is an equally serviceable craft; its lines of
design and construction closely following those of the early
French supple airships。 There are several other craft which have
become more or less recognised by the German nation as
substantial units of war; such as the Ruthemberg;
Siemens…Schukert; and so forth; all of which have proved their
serviceability more or less conclusively。 But in the somewhat
constricted Teuton mind the Zeppelin and the Zeppelin only
represents the ultima Thule of aerial navigation and the means
for asserting the universal character of Pan…Germanism as well as
So much has been said and written concerning the Zeppelin
airship; particularly in its military aspect; that all other
developments in this field have sunk into insignificance so far
as the general public is concerned。 The Zeppelin dirigible has
come to be generally regarded as the one and only form of
practical lighter…than…air type of aircraft。 Moreover; the name
has been driven home with such effect that it is regarded as the
generic term for all German airships。
These are grievous fallacies。 The Zeppelin is merely one of a
variety of types; even in Germany; although at the moment it
probably ranks as the solitary survivor of the rigid system of
construction。 At one time; owing to the earnestness with which
the advantages of this form of design were discussed; and in view
of the fact that the Zeppelin certainly appeared to triumph when
all other designs failed; Great Britain was tempted to embrace
the rigid form of construction。 The building of an immense
vessel of this class was actively supported and it was aptly
christened the 〃May…fly。〃 Opponents of the movement tempered
their emphatic condemnatory criticism so far as to remark that it
MAY FLY; but as events proved it never did。 The colossal craft
broke its back before it ever ventured into the air; and this
solitary experience proving so disastrous; the rigid form of
construction was abandoned once and for all。 The venture was not
in vain; it brought home to the British authorities more
convincingly than anything else that the Zeppelin was a
mechanical monstrosity。 The French never even contemplated the
construction of such a craft at that time; estimating it at its
true value; and the British failure certainly served to support
French antagonism to the idea。 Subsequently; however; an attempt
at rigid construction was made in France with the 〃Spiess〃
airship; mainly as a concession to public clamour。
Even in Germany itself the defects of the Zeppelin were
recognised and a decided effort to eliminate them was made by
Professor Schutte in co…operation with a manufacturer of
Mannheim named Lanz。 The joint product of their ambitions; the
Schutte…Lanz; is declared to be superior to the Zeppelin; but so
far it has failed to justify any of the claims of its designers。
This vessel; which also favours the colossal; is likewise of the
rigid type; but realising the inherent dangers accruing from the
employment of metal for the framework; its constructors have used
wood; reinforced and strengthened where necessary by metallic
angle…iron; plates; and bracing; this utilisation of metal is;
however; carried out very sparingly。 The first vessel of this
class was a huge failure; while subsequent craft have not proved
much more successful。
In fact; one of the largest German airships ever designed; L4;
is; or rather was; a Schutte…Lanz; with a capacity of 918;000
cubic feet; but over 6;000 pounds lighter than a Zeppelin of
almost similar dimensions。 I say 〃was〃 since L4 is no more。 The
pride of its creators evinced a stronger preference for Davy
Jones' Locker than its designed realm。 Yet several craft of this
type have been built and have been mistaken for Zeppelins owing
to the similarity of the broad principles of design and their
huge dimensions。 In one vital respect they are decidedly
inferior to their contemporarythey are not so speedy。
The most successful of the German lighter…than…air machines are
those known respectively as the semi rigid and non…rigid types;
the best examples of which are the Gross and Parseval craft。
Virtually they are Teutonic editions of the successful French
craft of identical design by which they were anticipated。 The
Lebaudy is possibly the most famous of the French efforts in this
direction。 The gas…bag has an asymmetrical shape; and is pointed
at both ends; although the prow is blunter or rounder than the
stem。 The gas…bag comprises a single chamber for the inflating
agent; the distended shape of the envelope being sustained by
means of an air…ballonet。 By varying the contents of the latter
through the agency of a pump the tension of the gas in the
lifting envelope can be maintained; and the shape of the inflated
balloon preserved under all conditions。
Beneath the gas…bag is a long strengthened girder; and from this
in turn the car is suspended。 It is the introduction of this
rigid girder which is responsible for the descriptive generic
term of 〃semi…rigid。〃 On the other hand the 〃non…rigid〃 type may
be roughly described as a pisciform balloon fitted with
propelling machinery; inasmuch as the car containing the driving
machinery is suspended from the balloon in the manner of the car
in the ordinary drifting vessel。 So far as the French effort i