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aeroplanes and dirigibles of war-第9部分

小说: aeroplanes and dirigibles of war 字数: 每页4000字

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the aerial forces。

The German nation forged ahead at a great pace and was able to

establish a distinct supremacy; at least on paper。  In the light

of recent events it is apparent that the German military

authorities realised that the dawn of 〃The Day〃 was approaching

rapidly; and that it behoved them to be as fully prepared in the

air as upon the land。  It was immaterial that the Zeppelin was

the synonym for disaster。  By standardisation its cost could be

reduced while construction could be expedited。  Furthermore; when

the matter was regarded in its broadest aspect; the fact was

appreciated that forty Zeppelins could be built at the cost of

one super…Dreadnought; so that adequate allowance could be made

for accidents now and then; since a Zeppelin catastrophe; no

matter how complete it may be; is regarded by the Teuton as a

mere incident inseparable from progressive development。

At the beginning of the year 1914 France relied upon being

strengthened by a round dozen new dirigibles。  Seven of these

were to be of 20;000 cubic metres' capacity and possessed of a

speed of 47 miles per hour。  While the existing fleet was

numerically strong; this strength was more apparent than real;

for the simple reason that a large number of craft were in

dry…dock undergoing repair or overhaul while many of the units

were merely under test and could not be regarded therefore as in

the effective fleet。  True; there were a certain number of

private craft which were liable to be commandeered when the

occasion arose; but they could not be considered as decided

acquisitions for the simple reason that many were purely

experimental units。

Aerial vessels; like their consorts upon the water; have been

divided into distinctive classes。  Thus there are the aerial

cruisers comprising vessels exceeding 282;000 cubic feet in

capacity; scouts which include those varying between 176;600 and

282;000 cubic feet capacity; and vedettes; which take in all the

small or mosquito craft。  At the end of 1913; France possessed

only four of the first…named craft in actual commission and thus

immediately available for war; these being the Adjutant Vincenot;

Adjutant Reau; Dupuy de Lome; and the Transaerien。  The first

three are of 197;800 cubic feet。  All; however; were privately


On the other hand; Germany had no fewer than ten huge vessels;

ranging from 353;000 to 776;900 cubic feet capacity; three of

which; the Victoria Luise; Suchard; and Hansa; though owned

privately; were immediately available for war。  Of these the

largest was the Zeppelin naval vessel 〃L…1〃 525 feet in length;

by 50 feet diameter; of 776;900 cubic feet capacity; equipped

with engines developing 510 horse…power; and with a speed of 51。8

miles per hour。

At the end of 1913 the effective aerial fleet of Germany

comprised twenty large craft; so far in advance of the French

aerial cruisers as to be worthy of the name bestowed upon them

〃Aerial Dreadnoughts。〃  This merely represented the fleet

available for immediate use and did not include the four gigantic

Suchard…Schutte craft; each of 847;500 cubic feet; which were

under construction; and which were being hurried forward to come

into commission early in 1914。

But the most interesting factor; apart from the possession of

such a huge fleet of dirigible air…craft; was their distribution

at strategical points throughout the Empire as if in readiness

for the coming combat。  They were literally dotted about the

country。  Adequate harbouring facilities had been provided at

Konigsberg; Berlin; Posen; Breslau; Kiel; Hamburg; Wilhelmshaven;

Dusseldorf; Cologne; Frankfort; Metz; Mannheim; Strasburg; and

other places; with elaborate headquarters; of course; at

Friedrichshafen upon Lake Constance。  The Zeppelin workshops;

harbouring facilities; and testing grounds at the latter point

had undergone complete remodelling; while tools of the latest

type had been provided to facilitate the rapid construction and

overhaul of the monster Zeppelin dirigibles。  Nothing had been

left to chance; not an item was perfunctorily completed。  The

whole organisation was perfect; both in equipment and

operation。  Each of the above stations possessed provision for   

an aerial Dreadnought as well as one or more aerial cruisers;

in addition to scouts or vedettes。

Upon the outbreak of hostilities Germany's dirigible fleet was in

a condition of complete preparedness; was better organised; and

better equipped than that of any of her rivals。  At the same time

it constituted more of a paper than a fighting array for reasons

which I will explain later。  But there was another point which

had escaped general observation。  Standardisation of parts and

the installation of the desired machinery had accomplished one

greatly desired endthe construction of new craft had been

accelerated。  Before the war an interesting experiment was

carried out to determine how speedily a vessel could be built。 

The result proved that a dirigible of the most powerful type

could be completed within eight weeks and forthwith the various

constructional establishments were brought into line so as to

maintain this rate of building。

The growth of the Zeppelin; although built upon disaster; has

been amazing。  The craft of 1906 had a capacity of 430;000 cubic

feet and a speed of 36 miles per hour。  In 1911 the creator of

this type launched a huge craft having a capacity of 627;000

cubic feet。  In the meantime speed had likewise been augmented by

the use of more powerful motors until 52 miles an hour was

attained。  But this by no means represented the limit。  The

foregoing vessels had been designed for land service purely and

simply; but now the German authorities demanded similar craft for

naval use; possessed of high speed and greater radius of action。 

Count Zeppelin rose to the occasion; and on October 7th; 1912;

launched at Friedrichshafen the monster craft 〃L…I;〃 525 feet in

length; 50 feet in diameter; of 776;900 cubic feet capacity; a

displacement of 22 tons and equipped with three sets of motors

aggregating more than 500 horse…power; and capable of imparting a

speed of 52 miles per hour。

The appearance of this craft was hailed with intense delight by

the German nation; while the naval department considered her to

be a wonderful acquisition; especially after the searching

reliability trial。  In charge of Count Zeppelin and manned by a

crew of 22 officers and men together with nearly three tons of

fuelthe fuel capacity conveys some idea of her possible radius

of actionshe travelled from Friedrichshafen to Johannisthal in

32 hours。  On this remarkable journey another point was

established which was of far…reaching significance。  The vessel

was equipped with wireless telegraphy and therewith she kept in

touch with the earth below throughout the journey; dropping and

picking up wireless stations as she progressed with complete

facility。  This was a distinct achievement; inasmuch as the vessel

having been constructed especially for naval operations she would

be able to keep in touch with the warships below; guiding them

unerringly during their movement。

The cross…country trip having proved so completely successful the

authorities were induced to believe that travelling over water

would be equally satisfactory。  Accordingly the 〃L…I〃 was

dispatched to the island of Heligoland; the intention being to

participate in naval manoeuvres in order to provide some reliable

data as to the value of these craft operating in conjunction with

warships。  But in these tests German ambition and pride received

a check。  The huge Zeppelin was manoeuvring over the North Sea

within easy reach of Heligoland; when she was caught by one of

those sudden storms peculiar to that stretch of salt water。  In a

moment she was stricken helpless; her motive power was

overwhelmed by the blind forces of Nature。  The wind caught her

as it would a soap…bubble and hurled her into the sea;

precipitating the most disastrous calamity in the annals of

aeronautics; since not only was the ship lost; but fifteen of her

crew of 22 officers and men were drowned。

The catastrophe created consternation in German aeronautical

circles。  A searching inquiry was held to explain the disaster;

but as usual it failed to yield much material information。  It is

a curious circumstance; but every successive Zeppelin disaster;

and their number is legion; has been attributable to a new cause。 

In this instance the accident was additionally disturbing;

inasmuch as the ship had been flying across country continuously

for about twelve months and had covered more miles than any

preceding craft of her type。  No scientific explanation for the

disaster was forthcoming; but the commander of the vessel; who

sank with his ship; had previously ventured his personal opinion

that the vessel was over…loaded to meet the calls of ambition;

was by no means seaworthy; and that sooner or later she would be

caught by a heavy broadside wind and rendered helpless; or that

she would make a headlong dive to destruction。  It is a

significant fact that he never had any faith in the airship; at

least for sea duty; though in response to official command he

carried out his duties faithfully and with a blind resignation to


Meantime; owing to the success of the 〃L…I〃 in cross…country

operations; another and more powerful craft; the 〃L…II〃 had been

taken in hand; and this was constructed also for naval use。 

While shorter than her consort; being only 487 feet over all;

thisvessel had a greater beam55 feet。  This latter increase was

decided because it was conceded to be an easier matter to provide

for greater beam than enhanced length in the existing air…ship

harbours。  The 〃L…II〃 displaced 27 tonsfive tons in excess of

her predecessor。  In this vessel many innovations were

introduced; such a

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