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the meditations-第39部分

小说: the meditations 字数: 每页4000字

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XXXIV。  〃The poet〃 (34): Homer; Iliad; vi。  147。

XXXIV。  〃Wood〃: A translation of ulh; 〃matter。〃

XXXVIII。  〃Rhetoric〃 (38): Rather 〃the gift of speech〃; or perhaps the 〃decree〃 of the reasoning faculty。

BOOK XI V。 〃Cithaeron〃 (6) : Oedipus utters this cry after discovering that he has fulfilled his awful doom; he was exposed on Cithaeron as an infant to die; and the cry implies that he wishes he had died there。 Sophocles; Oedipus Tyrannus; 1391。

V。 〃New Comedy 。 。 。;〃 etc。  C。 has here strayed from the Greek rather widely。  Translate:  〃and understand to what end the New Comedy was adopted; which by small degrees degenerated into a mere show of skill in mimicry。〃 C。 writes Comedia Vetus; Media; Nova。  XII。  〃Phocion〃 (13): When about to be put to death he charged his son to bear no malice against the Athenians。

XXVIII。  〃 My heart;〃 etc。  (31): From Homer; Odyssey ix。  413。 〃They will〃 From Hesiod; Opera et Dies; 184。

〃Epictetus〃 Arr。  i。  II; 37。

XXX。  〃Cut down grapes〃 (35): Correct 〃ears of corn。〃 〃Epictetus〃(36): Arr。  3; 22; 105。


This Glossary includes all proper names (excepting a few which are insignificant or unknown) and all obsolete or obscure words。 ADRIANUS; or Hadrian (76…138 A。 D。); i4th Roman Emperor。

Agrippa; M。 Vipsanius (63…12 B。C。); a distinguished soldier under Augustus。

Alexander the Great; King of Macedonia; and Conqueror of the East; 356…323 B。C。

Antisthenes of Athens; founder of the sect of Cynic philosophers; and an opponent of Plato; 5th century B。C Antoninus Pius; 15th Roman Emperor; 138…161 AD。  one of the best princes that ever mounted a throne。

Apathia:  the Stoic ideal was calmness in all circumstance an insensibility to pain; and absence of all exaltation at; pleasure or good fortune。

Apelles; a famous painter of antiquity。

Apollonius of Alexandria; called Dyscolus; or the 'ill…tempered;'

a great grammarian。

Aposteme; tumour; excrescence。

Archimedes of Syracuse 287…212 B。C。; the most famous mathematician of antiquity。

Athos; a mountain promontory at the N。 of the Aegean Sea。

Augustus; first Roman Emperor (ruled 31 B。C。…14 AD。)。

Avoid; void。

BACCHIUS:  there Were several persons of this name; and the one meant is perhaps the musician。

Brutus (1) the liberator of the Roman people from their kings; and (2) the murderer of Caesar。

Both names were household words。

Caesar; Caius; Julius; the Dictator and Conqueror。

Caieta; a town in Latium。

Camillus; a famous dictator in the early days of the Roman Republic。

Carnuntum; a town on the Danube in Upper Pannonia。

Cato; called of Utica; a Stoic who died by his own hand after the battle of Thapsus; 46 B。C。 His name was proverbial for virtue and courage。

Cautelous; cautious。

Cecrops; first legendary King of Athens。

Charax; perhaps the priestly historian of that name; whose date is unknown; except that it must be later than Nero。

Chirurgeon; surgeon。

Chrysippus; 280…207 B。C。; a Stoic philosopher; and the founder of Stoicism as a systematic philosophy。

Circus; the Circus Maximus at Rome; where games were held。

There were four companies who contracted to provide horses; drivers; etc。 These were called Factiones; and each had its distinguishing colour: russata (red); albata (white); veneta (blue); prasina (green)。 There was high rivalry between them; and riots and bloodshed not infrequently。

Cithaeron; a mountain range N。

of Attica。

Comedy; ancient; a term applied to the Attic comedy of Aristophanes and his time; which criticised persons and politics; like a modern comic journal; such as Punck。 See New Comedy。

Compendious; short。

Conceit; opinion。

Contentation; contentment。

Crates; a Cynic philosopher of the 4th century B。C。

Croesus; King of Lydia; proverbial for wealth; he reigned 560…546 B。C。

Cynics; a school of philosophers; founded by Antisthenes。 Their texts were a kind of caricature of Socraticism。 Nothing was good but virtue; nothing bad but vice。 The Cynics repudiated all civil and social claims; and attempted to return to what they called a state of nature。 Many of them were very disgusting in their manners。

DEMETRIUS of Phalerum; an Athenian orator; statesman; philosopher; and poet。  Born 345 B。C。

Democritus of Abdera (460…361 B。C。); celebrated as the 'laughing philosopher;' whose constant thought was 'What fools these mortals be。' He invented the Atomic Theory。

Dio of Syracuse; a disciple of Plato; and afterwards tyrant of Syracuse。 Murdered 353 B。C。

Diogenes; the Cynic; born about 412 B。C。; renowned for his rude…

ness and hardihood。

Diognetus; a painter。

Dispense with; put up with。

Dogmata; pithy sayings; or philosophical rules of life。

EMPEDOCLES of Agrigentum; fl。

5th century B。C。; a philosopher; who first laid down that there were 〃four elements。〃  He believed in the transmigration of souls; and the indestructibility of matter。

Epictetus; a famous Stoic philosopher。  He was of Phrygia; at first a slave; then freedman; lame; poor; and contented。

The work called Encheiridion was compiled by a pupil from his discourses。

Epicureans; a sect of philosophers founded by Epicurus; who 〃combined the physics of Democritus;〃 i。e。 the atomic theory; 〃with the ethics of Aristippus。〃

They proposed to live for happiness; but the word did not bear that coarse and vulgar sense originally which it soon took。

Epicurus of Samos; 342…270 B。C。

Lived at Athens in his 〃gardens;〃 an urbane and kindly; if somewhat useless; life。  His character was simple and temperate; and had none of the vice or indulgence which was afterwards associated with the name of Epicurean。

Eudoxus of Cnidus; a famous astronomer and physician of the 4th century B。 C。

FATAL; fated。

Fortuit; chance (adj。)。

Fronto; M。 Cornelius; a rhetorician and pleader; made consul in 143 A。D。 A number of his letters to M; Aur。  and others are extant。

GRANUA; a tributary of the Danube。

HELICE; ancient capital city of Achaia; swallowed up by an earthquake; 373 B。C。

Helvidius Priscus; son…in…law of Thrasea Paetus; a noble man and a lover of liberty。  He was banished by Nero; and put to death by Vespasian。

Heraclitus of Ephesus; who lived in the 6th century B。C。 He wrote on philosophy and natural science。

Herculaneum; near Mount Vesuvius; buried by the eruption of 79 AD。

Hercules; p。  167; should be Apollo。  See Muses。

Hiatus; gap。

Hipparchus of Bithynia; an astronomer of the 2nd century B。C。; 〃The true father of astronomy。〃

Hippocrates of Cos; about 460…357 B。C。 One of the most famous physicians of antiquity。

IDIOT; means merely the non…proficient in anything; the 〃layman;〃 he who was not technically trained in any art; craft; or calling。

LEONNATUS; a distinguished general under Alexander the Great。

Lucilla; daughter of M。 Aurelius; and wife of Verus; whom she survived。

MAECENAS; a trusted adviser of Augustus; and a munificent patron of wits and literary men。

Maximus; Claudius; a Stoic philosopher。

Menippus; a Cynic philosopher。

Meteores; ta metewrologika; 〃high philosophy;〃 used specially of astronomy and natural philosophy; which were bound up with other speculations。

Middle Comedy; something midway between the Old and New Comedy。 See Comedy; Ancient; and New Comedy。

Middle things; Book 7; XXV。  The Stoics divided all things into virtue; vice; and indifferent things; but as 〃indifferent〃 they regarded most of those things which tbe world regards as good or bad; such as wealth or poverty。  Of these; some were 〃to be desired;〃 some 〃to be rejected。〃

Muses; the nine deities who presided over various kinds of poesy; music; etc。  Their leader was Apollo; one of whose titles is Musegetes; the Leader of the Muses。

NERVES; strings。

New Comedy; the Attic Comedy of Menander and his school; which criticised not persons but manners; like a modern comic opera。 See Comedy; Ancient。

PALESTRA; wrestling school。

Pancratiast; competitor in the pancratium; a combined contest which comprised boxing and wrestling。

Parmularii; gladiators armed with a small round shield (parma)。

Pheidias; the most famous sculptor of antiquity。

Philippus; founder of the Macedonian supremacy; and father of Alexander the Great。

Phocion; an Athenian general and statesman; a noble and high…minded man; 4th century B。C。

He was called by Demosthenes; 〃the pruner of my periods。〃

He was put to death by the State in 317; on a false suspicion; and left a message for his son 〃to bear no grudge against the Athenians。〃

Pine; torment。

Plato of Athens; 429…347 B。C。 He used the dialectic method invented by his master Socrates。

He was; perhaps; as much poet as philosopher。 He is generally identified with the Theory of Ideas; that things are what they are by participation with our eternal Idea。 His 〃Commonwealth〃 was a kind of Utopia。

Platonics; followers of Plato。

Pompeii; near Mount Vesuvius; buried in the eruption of 79 A。 D。

Pompeius; C。 Pompeius Magnus; a very successful general at the end of the Roman Republic (106…48 B。C。)。

Prestidigitator; juggler。

Pythagoras of Samos; a philosopher; scientist; and moralist of the 6th century B。C。

QUADI; a tribe of S。 Germany。

M。 Aurelius carried on war against them; and part of this book was written in the field。

RICTUS; gape; jaws。

Rusticus; Q。 Junius; or Stoic philosopher; twice made consul by M。 Aurelius。

SACRARY; shrine。

Salaminius; Book 7; XXXVII。  Leon of Sala…mis。 Socrates was ordered by the Thirty Tyrants to fetch him before them; and Socrates; at his own peril; refused。

Sarmatae; a tribe dwelling in Poland。

Sceletum; skeleton。

Sceptics; a school of philosophy founded by Pyrrho (4th contury B。C。)。 He advocated 〃suspension of judgment;〃 and taught the relativity of knowledge and impossibility of proof。 The school is not unlike the Agnostic school。

Scipio; the name of two great soldiers; P。 Corn。  Scipio Africanus; conqueror of Hannibal; and P。

Corn。  Sc。  Afr。  Minor; who came into the family by adoption; who destroyed Carthage。

Secutoriani (a word coined by C。); the Sececutores; light…armed gladiators; who were pitted against others with net and trident。

Sextus of Chaeronea; a Stoic philosoph

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