八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the heir of redclyffe >


the heir of redclyffe-第69部分

小说: the heir of redclyffe 字数: 每页4000字

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fearful; marked by the silver light on one side; where it caught the 

moonbeams; and the black shade on the other; ever alternating; so that 

the eye could; not fix on them for a moment; the spray leapt high in 

its whiteness; and the Shag stood up hard; bold; and black。  The waves 

thundered; bursting on the cliff and; high as he stood; the spray 

dashed almost blinding in his face; while the wind howled round him; as 

if gathering its might for the very purpose of wrenching him from the 

cliff; but he stood firm; and looked out again; to discern clearly what 

he thought he had seen。  It was the mast of a vessel; seen plainly 

against the light silvery distance of sea on the reef west of the Shag。  

It was in a slanting direction; and did not move; he could not doubt 

that the ship had struck on the dangerous rocks at the entrance of the 

bay; and as his eyes became more accustomed to the unusual light; and 

made out what objects were or were not familiar; he could perceive the 

ship herself。  He looked with the glass; but could see no one on board; 

nor were any boats in sight; but observing some of the lesser rocks; he 

beheld some moving figures on them。 Help!instant help!was his 

thought; and he looked towards the Cove。  Lights were in the cottage 

windows; and a few sounds came up to him; as if the fishing population 

were astir。

He hastened to the side of the cliff; which was partly clothed with 

brushwood。  There was a descentit could hardly be called a path

which no one ventured to attempt but himself and a few of the boldest 

birds'…nesting boys of the village; but he could lose no time; and 

scrambling; leaping; swinging himself by the branches; he reached the 

foot of the cliff in safety; and in five minutes more was on the little 

quay at the end of the steep street of the Cove。

The quay was crowded with the fisher…people; and there was a strange 

confusion of voices; some saying all was lost; some that the crew had 

got to the rock; others; that some one ought to put off and help them; 

others; that a boat would never live in such a sea; and an old 

telescope was in great requisition。

Ben Robinson; a tall; hardy young man; of five…and…twenty; wild; 

reckless; high…spirited and full of mischief and adventure; was 

standing on a pile at the extreme verge above the foaming water; daring 

the others to go with him to the rescue; and; though Jonas Ledbury; a 

feeble old man; was declaring; in a piteous tone; it was a sin and a 

shame to let so many poor creatures be lost in sight; without one man 

stirring to help them; yet all stood irresolute; watching the white 

breakers dashing on the Shag; and the high waves that swelled and 

rolled between。

'Do you know where the crew are?' exclaimed Guy; shouting as loud as he 

could; for the noise of the winds and waves was tremendous。

'There; sir; on the flat black stone;' said the fortunate possessor of 

the telescope。  'Some ten or eleven of them; I fancy; all huddled 


'Ay; ay!' said old Ledbury。  'Poor creatures! there they be; and what 

is to be done; I can't say!  I never saw a boat in such a sea; since 

the night poor Jack; my brother; was lost; and Will Ray with him。'

'I see them;' said Guy; who had in the meantime looked through his 

glass。  'How soon is high water?'

It was an important question; for the rocks round the Shag were covered 

before full tide; even when the water was still。  There was a looking 

up at the moon; and then Guy and the fishermen simultaneously 

exclaimed; that it would be in three hours; which gave scarcely an hour 

to spare。

Without another word; Guy sprang from the quay to the boat…house; 

unlocked it; and; by example; showed that the largest boat was to be 

brought out。  The men helped him vigorously; and it stood on the narrow 

pebbly beach; the only safe landing…place in the whole bay; he threw 

into it a coil of rope; and called out in his clear commanding voice

'Five to go with me!'

Hanging back was at an end。  They were brave men; who had wanted 

nothing but a leader; and with Sir Guy at their head; were ready for 

anything。  Not five; but five…and…twenty were at his command; and even 

in the hurry of the moment; a strong; affectionate feeling filled his 

eyes with tears as he saw these poor fellows ready to trust their lives 

in his hands。

'Thank youthank you!' he exclaimed。  'Not all; though; you; Ben 

Robinson; Harry Ray; Charles Ray; Ben Ledbury; Wat Green。'

They were all young men; without families; such as could best be 

spared; and each; as his name was called; answered; 'Here; Sir Guy!' 

and came forward with a resolute satisfied air。

'It would be best to have a second boat;' said Guy。  'Mr。 Brown;' to 

the owner of the telescope; 'will you lend yours? 'tis the strongest 

and lightest。  Thank you。  Martin had best steer it; he knows the 

rocks;' and he went on to name the rest of the crew; but at the last 

there was a moment's pause; as if he doubted。

A tall athletic young fisherman took advantage of it to press forward。

'Please your honour; Sir Guy; may not I go?'

'Better not; Jem;' answered Guy。  'Remember;' in a lower voice; 'your 

mother has no one but you。  Here!' he called; cheerfully; 'Jack Horn; 

you pull a good oar!  Now; then; are we ready?'

'All ready;yes; sir!'

The boat was launched; not without great difficulty; in the face of 

such a sea。  The men stoutly took their oars; casting a look forward at 

the rocks; then at the quay; and on the face of their young steersman。  

Little they guessed the intense emotion that swelled in his breast as 

he took the helm; to save life or to lose it; enjoying the enterprise; 

yet with the thought that his lot might be early death; glad it was 

right thus to venture; earnest to save those who had freely trusted to 

him; and rapidly; though most earnestly; recalling his own repentance。  

All this was in his mind; though nothing was on his face but cheerful 


Night though it was; tidings of the wreck had reached the upper part of 

the village; and Mr。 Ashford; putting his head out of his window to 

learn the cause of the sounds in the street; was informed by many 

voices that a ship was on the Shag reef; and that all were lost。  To 

hasten to the Cove to learn the truth; and see if any assistance could 

yet be afforded; was his instant thought; and he had not taken many 

steps before he was overtaken by a square; sturdy figure; wrapped in an 

immense great…coat。

'So; Mr。 Markham; you are on your way to see about this wreck。'

'Why; ay;' said Markham; roughly; though not with the repellent manner 

usual with him towards Mr。 Ashford; 'I must be there; or that boy will 

be in the thickest of it。  Wherever is mischief; there is he。  I only 

wonder he has not broken his neck long ago。'

'By mischief; you mean danger?'

'Yes。  I hope he has not heard of this wreck; for if he has; no power 

on earth would keep him back from it。'

Comparing the reports they had heard; the clergyman and steward walked 

on; Markham's anxiety actually making him friendly。  They reached the 

top of the steep street of the Cove; but though there was a good view 

of the sea from thence; they could distinguish nothing; for another 

cloud was rising; and had obscured the moon。  They were soon on the 

quay; now still more crowded; and heard the exclamations of those who 

were striving to keep their eyes on the boats。

'There's one!'  'No!'  'Yes; 'tis!'  'That's Sir Guy's!'

'Sir Guy!' exclaimed Markham。  'You don't mean he is gone?  Then I am 

too late!  What could you be thinking of; you old fool; Jonas; to let 

that boy go?  You'll never see him again; I can tell you。  Mercy!  Here 

comes another squall!  There's an end of it; then!'

Markham seemed to derive some relief from railing at the fishermen; 

singly and collectively; while Mr。 Ashford tried to learn the real 

facts; and gather opinions as to the chance of safety。  The old 

fishermen held that there was frightful risk; though the attempt was 

far from hopeless; they said the young men were all good at their oars; 

Sir Guy knew the rocks very well; and the chief fear was; that he might 

not know how to steer in such a sea; but they had seen that; though 

daring; he was not rash。  They listened submissively to Mr。 Markham; 

but communicated in an under…tone to the vicar; how vain it would have 

been to attempt to restrain Sir Guy。

'Why; sir;' said old James Robinson; 'he spoke just like the captain of 

a man…of…war; and for all Mr。 Markham says; I don't believe he'd have 

been able to gainsay him。'

'Your son is gone with him?'

'Ay; sir; and I would not say one word to stop him。  I know Sir Guy 

won't run him into risk for nothing; and I hope; please God; if Ben 

comes back safe; it may be the steadying of him。'

''Twas he that volunteered to go before Sir Guy came; they say?'

'Yes; sir;' said the old man; with a pleased yet melancholy look。  

'Ben's brave enough; but there's the difference。  He'd have done it for 

the lark; and to dare the rest; but Sir Guy does it with thought; and 

because it is right。  I wish it may be the steadying of Ben!'

The shower rushed over them again; shorter and less violent than the 

former one; but driving in most of the crowd; and only leaving on the 

quay the vicar; the steward; and a few of the most anxious fishermen。  

They could see nothing; for the dark slanting line of rain swept over 

the waves; joining together the sea and thick low cloud; and the 

roaring of the sea and moaning of the wind were fearful。  No one spoke; 

till at last the black edges of the Shag loomed clearer; the moon began 

to glance through the skirts of the cloud; and the heaving and tossing 

of the sea; became more discernible。

'There!there!' shouted young Jem; 

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