八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the twins of table mountain >


the twins of table mountain-第10部分

小说: the twins of table mountain 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Why?〃 demanded Ruth haughtily。

〃Because; whatever you've been and done; I want ye to have a square
show。  Ole Nixon has been cavoortin' round yer the last two days;
swearin' to kill you on sight for runnin' off with his darter。
Sabe?  Now; let me ax ye two questions。  FIRST; Are you heeled?〃

Ruth responded to this dialectical inquiry affirmatively by putting
his hand on his revolver。

〃Good!  Now; SECOND; Have you got the gal along here with you?〃

〃No;〃 responded Ruth in a hollow voice。

〃That's better yet;〃 said the man; without heeding the tone of the
reply。  〃A womanand especially THE woman in a row of this kind
handicaps a man awful。〃  He paused; and took up the empty glass。
〃Look yer; Ruth Pinkney; I'm a square man; and I'll be square with
you。  So I'll just tell you you've got the demdest odds agin' ye。
Pr'aps ye know it; and don't keer。  Well; the boys around yer are
all sidin' with the old man Nixon。  It's the first time the old rip
ever had a hand in his favor: so the boys will see fair play for
Nixon; and agin' YOU。  But I reckon you don't mind him!〃

〃So little; I shall never pull trigger on him;〃 said Ruth gravely。

The bar…keeper stared; and rubbed his chin thoughtfully。  〃Well;
thar's that Kanaka Joe; who used to be sorter sweet on Mornie;
he's an ugly devil;he's helpin' the old man。〃

The sad look faded from Ruth's eyes suddenly。  A certain wild
Berserker ragea taint of the blood; inherited from heaven knows
what Old…World ancestry; which had made the twin…brothers'
Southwestern eccentricities respected in the settlementglowed in
its place。  The barkeeper noted it; and augured a lively future for
the day's festivities。  But it faded again; and Ruth; as he rose;
turned hesitatingly towards him。

〃Have you seen my brother Rand lately?〃


〃He hasn't been here; or about the Ferry?〃

〃Nary time。〃

〃You haven't heard;〃 said Ruth; with a faint attempt at a smile;
〃if he's been around here asking after me;sorter looking me up;
you know?〃

〃Not much;〃 returned the bar…keeper deliberately。  〃Ez far ez I
know Rand;that ar brother o' yours;he's one of yer high…toned
chaps ez doesn't drink; thinks bar…rooms is pizen; and ain't the
sort to come round yer; and sling yarns with me。〃

Ruth rose; but the hand that he placed upon the table; albeit a
powerful one; trembled so that it was with difficulty he resumed
his knapsack。  When he did so; his bent figure; stooping shoulders;
and haggard face; made him appear another man from the one who had
sat down。  There was a slight touch of apologetic deference and
humility in his manner as he paid his reckoning; and slowly and
hesitatingly began to descend the steps。

The bar…keeper looked after him thoughtfully。  〃Well; dog my skin!〃
he ejaculated to himself; 〃ef I hadn't seen that manthat same
Ruth Pinkneystraddle a friend's body in this yer very room; and
dare a whole crowd to come on; I'd swar that he hadn't any grit in
him。  Thar's something up!〃

But here Ruth reached the last step; and turned again。

〃If you see old man Nixon; say I'm in town; if you see that 
 〃 (I regret to say that I cannot repeat his exact; and
brief characterization of the present condition and natal antecedents
of Kanaka Joe); 〃say I'm looking out for him;〃 and was gone。

He wandered down the road; towards the one long; straggling street
of the settlement。  The few people who met him at that early hour
greeted him with a kind of constrained civility; certain cautious
souls hurried by without seeing him; all turned and looked after
him; and a few followed him at a respectful distance。  A somewhat
notorious practical joker and recognized wag at the Ferry
apparently awaited his coming with something of invitation and
expectation; but; catching sight of Ruth's haggard face and blazing
eyes; became instantly practical; and by no means jocular in his
greeting。  At the top of the hill; Ruth turned to look once more
upon the distant mountain; now again a mere cloud…line on the
horizon。  In the firm belief that he would never again see the sun
rise upon it; he turned aside into a hazel…thicket; and; tearing
out a few leaves from his pocket…book; wrote two letters;one to
Rand; and one to Mornie; but which; as they were never delivered;
shall not burden this brief chronicle of that eventful day。  For;
while transcribing them; he was startled by the sounds of a dozen
pistol…shots in the direction of the hotel he had recently quitted。
Something in the mere sound provoked the old hereditary fighting
instinct; and sent him to his feet with a bound; and a slight
distension of the nostrils; and sniffing of the air; not unknown to
certain men who become half intoxicated by the smell of powder。  He
quickly folded his letters; and addressed them carefully; and;
taking off his knapsack and blanket; methodically arranged them
under a tree; with the letters on top。  Then he examined the lock
of his revolver; and then; with the step of a man ten years
younger; leaped into the road。  He had scarcely done so when he was
seized; and by sheer force dragged into a blacksmith's shop at the
roadside。  He turned his savage face and drawn weapon upon his
assailant; but was surprised to meet the anxious eyes of the bar…
keeper of the Mansion House。

〃Don't be a dd fool;〃 said the man quickly。  〃Thar's fifty
agin' you down thar。  But why in h…ll didn't you wipe out old Nixon
when you had such a good chance?〃

〃Wipe out old Nixon?〃 repeated Ruth。

〃Yes; just now; when you had him covered。〃


The bar…keeper turned quickly upon Ruth; stared at him; and then
suddenly burst into a fit of laughter。  〃Well; I've knowed you two
were twins; but damn me if I ever thought I'd be sold like this!〃
And he again burst into a roar of laughter。

〃What do you mean?〃 demanded Ruth savagely。

〃What do I mean?〃 returned the barkeeper。  〃Why; I mean this。  I
mean that your brother Rand; as you call him; he'z binfor a young
feller; and a pious fellerdoin' about the tallest kind o'
fightin' to…day that's been done at the Ferry。  He laid out that ar
Kanaka Joe and two of his chums。  He was pitched into on your
quarrel; and he took it up for you like a little man。  I managed to
drag him off; up yer in the hazel…bush for safety; and out you
pops; and I thought you was him。  He can't be far away。  Halloo!
There they're comin'; and thar's the doctor; trying to keep them

A crowd of angry; excited faces; filled the road suddenly; but
before them Dr。 Duchesne; mounted; and with a pistol in his hand;
opposed their further progress。

〃Back in the bush!〃 whispered the barkeeper。  〃Now's your time!〃

But Ruth stirred not。  〃Go you back;〃 he said in a low voice; 〃find
Rand; and take him away。  I will fill his place here。〃  He drew his
revolver; and stepped into the road。

A shout; a report; and the spatter of red dust from a bullet near
his feet; told him he was recognized。  He stirred not; but another
shout; and a cry; 〃There they areBOTH of 'em!〃 made him turn。

His brother Rand; with a smile on his lip and fire in his eye;
stood by his side。  Neither spoke。  Then Rand; quietly; as of old;
slipped his hand into his brother's strong palm。  Two or three
bullets sang by them; a splinter flew from the blacksmith's shed:
but the brothers; hard gripping each other's hands; and looking
into each other's faces with a quiet joy; stood there calm and

There was a momentary pause。  The voice of Dr。 Duchesne rose above
the crowd。

〃Keep back; I say! keep back!  Or hear me!for five years I've
worked among you; and mended and patched the holes you've drilled
through each other's carcassesKeep back; I say!or the next man
that pulls trigger; or steps forward; will get a hole from me that
no surgeon can stop。  I'm sick of your bungling ball practice!
Keep back!or; by the living Jingo; I'll show you where a man's
vitals are!〃

There was a burst of laughter from the crowd; and for a moment
the twins were forgotten in this audacious speech and coolly
impertinent presence。

〃That's right!  Now let that infernal old hypocritical drunkard;
Mat Nixon; step to the front。〃

The crowd parted right and left; and half pushed; half dragged
Nixon before him。

〃Gentlemen;〃 said the doctor; 〃this is the man who has just shot at
Rand Pinkney for hiding his daughter。  Now; I tell you; gentlemen;
and I tell him; that for the last week his daughter; Mornie Nixon;
has been under my care as a patient; and my protection as a friend。
If there's anybody to be shot; the job must begin with me!〃

There was another laugh; and a cry of 〃Bully for old Sawbones!〃
Ruth started convulsively; and Rand answered his look with a
confirming pressure of his hand。

〃That isn't all; gentlemen: this drunken brute has just shot at a
gentleman whose only offence; to my knowledge; is; that he has; for
the last week; treated her with a brother's kindness; has taken her
into his own home; and cared for her wants as if she were his own

Ruth's hand again grasped his brother's。  Rand colored and hung his

〃There's more yet; gentlemen。  I tell you that that girl; Mornie
Nixon; has; to my knowledge; been treated like a lady; has been
cared for as she never was cared for in her father's house; and;
while that father has been proclaiming her shame in every bar…room
at the Ferry; has had the sympathy and care; night and day; of two
of the most accomplished ladies of the Ferry;Mrs。 Sol Saunders;
gentlemen; and Miss Euphemia。〃

There was a shout of approbation from the crowd。  Nixon would have
slipped away; but the doctor stopped him。

〃Not yet!  I've one thing more to say。  I've to tell you; gentlemen;
on my professional word of honor; that; besides being an old
hypocrite; this same old Mat Nixon is the ungrateful; unnatural
GRANDFATHER of the first boy born in the district。〃

A wild huzza greeted the doctor's climax。  By a common consent the
crowd turned toward the Twins; who; grasping each other's hands;
stood apart。  The doctor nodded his head。  The next moment the
Twins were surrounded; and lifted in the arms of the laughing
throng; and borne in triumph to the bar…room of the Mansion H

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