the twins of table mountain-第17部分
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inward thankfulness when her uncertain feminine hand…grip was
exchanged for his strong arm around her waist。 Not that he was
ungentle; but Miss Alice angrily felt that he had once or twice
exercised his superior masculine functions in a rough way; and yet
the next moment she would have probably rejected the idea that she
had even noticed it。 There was no doubt; however; that he WAS a
little surly。
A fierce scramble finally brought them back in safety to the trail;
but in the action Miss Alice's shoulder; striking a projecting
bowlder; wrung from her a feminine cry of pain; her first sign of
womanly weakness。 The guide stopped instantly。
〃I am afraid I hurt you?〃
She raised her brown lashes; a trifle moist from suffering; looked
in his eyes; and dropped her own。 Why; she could not tell。 And
yet he had certainly a kind face; despite its seriousness; and a
fine face; albeit unshorn and weather…beaten。 Her own eyes had
never been so near to any man's before; save her lover's; and yet
she had never seen so much in even his。 She slipped her hand away;
not with any reference to him; but rather to ponder over this
singular experience; and somehow felt uncomfortable thereat。
Nor was he less so。 It was but a few days ago that he had accepted
the charge of this young woman from the elder guide; who was the
recognized escort of the Rightbody party; having been a former
correspondent of her father's。 He had been hired like any other
guide; but had undertaken the task with that chivalrous enthusiasm
which the average Californian always extends to the sex so rare to
him。 But the illusion had passed; and he had dropped into a sulky;
practical sense of his situation; perhaps fraught with less danger
to himself。 Only when appealed to by his manhood or her weakness;
he had forgotten his wounded vanity。
He strode moodily ahead; dutifully breaking the path for her in the
direction of the distant canyon; where Mrs。 Rightbody and her
friend awaited them。 Miss Alice was first to speak。 In this
trackless; uncharted terra incognita of the passions; it is always
the woman who steps out to lead the way。
〃You know this place very well。 I suppose you have lived here
〃You were not born hereno?〃
A long pause。
〃I observe they call you 'Stanislaus Joe。' Of course that is not
your real name?〃 (Mem。Miss Alice had never called him ANYTHING;
usually prefacing any request with a languid; 〃O…er…er; please;
mister…er…a!〃 explicit enough for his station。)
Miss Alice (trotting after him; and bawling in his ear)。〃WHAT
name did you say?〃
The Man (doggedly)。〃I don't know。〃 Nevertheless; when they
reached the cabin; after an half…hour's buffeting with the storm;
Miss Alice applied herself to her mother's escort; Mr。 Ryder。
〃What's the name of the man who takes care of my horse?〃
〃Stanislaus Joe;〃 responded Mr。 Ryder。
〃Is that all?〃
〃No。 Sometimes he's called Joe Stanislaus。〃
Miss Alice (satirically)。〃I suppose it's the custom here to send
young ladies out with gentlemen who hide their names under an
Mr。 Ryder (greatly perplexed)。〃Why; dear me; Miss Alice; you
allers 'peared to me as a gal as was able to take keer〃
Miss Alice (interrupting with a wounded; dove…like timidity)。〃Oh;
never mind; please!〃
The cabin offered but scanty accommodation to the tourists; which
fact; when indignantly presented by Mrs。 Rightbody; was explained
by the good…humored Ryder from the circumstance that the usual
hotel was only a slight affair of boards; cloth; and paper; put up
during the season; and partly dismantled in the fall。 〃You
couldn't be kept warm enough there;〃 he added。 Nevertheless Miss
Alice noticed that both Mr。 Ryder and Stanislaus Joe retired there
with their pipes; after having prepared the ladies' supper; with
the assistance of an Indian woman; who apparently emerged from the
earth at the coming of the party; and disappeared as mysteriously。
The stars came out brightly before they slept; and the next morning
a clear; unwinking sun beamed with almost summer power through the
shutterless window of their cabin; and ironically disclosed the
details of its rude interior。 Two or three mangy; half…eaten
buffalo…robes; a bearskin; some suspicious…looking blankets; rifles
and saddles; deal…tables; and barrels; made up its scant inventory。
A strip of faded calico hung before a recess near the chimney; but
so blackened by smoke and age that even feminine curiosity
respected its secret。 Mrs。 Rightbody was in high spirits; and
informed her daughter that she was at last on the track of her
husband's unknown correspondent。 〃Seventy…Four and Seventy…Five
represent two members of the Vigilance Committee; my dear; and Mr。
Ryder will assist me to find them。〃
〃Mr。 Ryder!〃 ejaculated Miss Alice; in scornful astonishment。
〃Alice;〃 said Mrs。 Rightbody; with a suspicious assumption of
sudden defence; 〃you injure yourself; you injure me; by this
exclusive attitude。 Mr。 Ryder is a friend of your father's; an
exceedingly well…informed gentleman。 I have not; of course;
imparted to him the extent of my suspicions。 But he can help me to
what I must and will know。 You might treat him a little more
civillyor; at least; a little better than you do his servant;
your guide。 Mr。 Ryder is a gentleman; and not a paid courier。〃
Miss Alice was suddenly attentive。 When she spoke again; she
asked; 〃Why do you not find out something about this Silsbiewho
diedor was hungor something of that kind?〃
〃Child!〃 said Mrs。 Rightbody; 〃don't you see there was no Silsbie;
or; if there was; he was simply the confidant of thatwoman?〃
A knock at the door; announcing the presence of Mr。 Ryder and
Stanislaus Joe with the horses; checked Mrs。 Rightbody's speech。
As the animals were being packed; Mrs。 Rightbody for a moment
withdrew in confidential conversation with Mr。 Ryder; and; to the
young lady's still greater annoyance; left her alone with
Stanislaus Joe。 Miss Alice was not in good temper; but she felt it
necessary to say something。
〃I hope the hotel offers better quarters for travellers than this
in summer;〃 she began。
〃It does。〃
〃Then this does not belong to it?〃
〃No; ma'am。〃
〃Who lives here; then?〃
〃I do。〃
〃I beg your pardon;〃 stammered Miss Alice; 〃I thought you lived
where we hiredwhere we met youinin You must excuse me。〃
〃I'm not a regular guide; but as times were hard; and I was out of
grub; I took the job。〃
〃Out of grub!〃 〃job!〃 And SHE was the 〃job。〃 What would Henry
Marvin say? It would nearly kill him。 She began herself to feel a
little frightened; and walked towards the door。
〃One moment; miss!〃
The young girl hesitated。 The man's tone was surly; and yet
indicated a certain kind of half…pathetic grievance。 HER curiosity
got the better of her prudence; and she turned back。
〃This morning;〃 he began hastily; 〃when we were coming down the
valley; you picked me up twice。〃
〃I picked YOU up?〃 repeated the astonished Alice。
〃Yes; CONTRADICTED me: that's what I mean;once when you said
those rocks were volcanic; once when you said the flower you picked
was a poppy。 I didn't let on at the time; for it wasn't my say;
but all the while you were talking I might have laid for you〃
〃I don't understand you;〃 said Alice haughtily。
〃I might have entrapped you before folks。 But I only want you to
know that I'M right; and here are the books to show it。〃
He drew aside the dingy calico curtain; revealed a small shelf of
bulky books; took down two large volumes;one of botany; one of
geology;nervously sought his text; and put them in Alice's
outstretched hands。
〃I had no intention〃 she began; half…proudly; half…embarrassedly。
〃Am I right; miss?〃 he interrupted。
〃I presume you are; if you say so。〃
〃That's all; ma'am。 Thank you!〃
Before the girl had time to reply; he was gone。 When he again
returned; it was with her horse; and Mrs。 Rightbody and Ryder were
awaiting her。 But Miss Alice noticed that his own horse was
〃Are you not going with us?〃 she asked。
〃No; ma'am。〃
〃Oh; indeed!〃
Miss Alice felt her speech was a feeble conventionalism; but it was
all she could say。 She; however; DID something。 Hitherto it had
been her habit to systematically reject his assistance in mounting
to her seat。 Now she awaited him。 As he approached; she smiled;
and put out her little foot。 He instantly stooped; she placed it
in his hand; rose with a spring; and for one supreme moment
Stanislaus Joe held her unresistingly in his arms。 The next moment
she was in the saddle; but in that brief interval of sixty seconds
she had uttered a volume in a single sentence;
〃I hope you will forgive me!〃
He muttered a reply; and turned his face aside quickly as if to
hide it。
Miss Alice cantered forward with a smile; but pulled her hat down
over her eyes as she joined her mother。 She was blushing。
Mr。 Ryder was as good as his word。 A day or two later he entered
Mrs。 Rightbody's parlor at the Chrysopolis Hotel in Stockton; with
the information that he had seen the mysterious senders of the
despatch; and that they were now in the office of the hotel waiting
her pleasure。 Mr。 Ryder further informed her that these gentlemen
had only stipulated that they should not reveal their real names;
and that they be introduced to her simply as the respective
〃Seventy…Four〃 and 〃Seventy…Five〃 who had signed the despatch sent
to the late Mr。 Rightbody。
Mrs。 Rightbody at first demurred to this; but; on the assurance
from Mr。 Ryder that this was the only condition on which an
interview would be granted; finally consented。
〃You will find them square men; even if they are a little rough;
ma'am。 But; if you'd like me to be present; I'll stop; though I
reckon; if ye'd calkilated on that; you'd have had me take care o'
your business by proxy; and not come yourself three thousand miles
to do it。〃
Mrs。 Rightbody believed it better to see them alone。
〃All right; ma'am。 I'll hang round out here; and ef ye should
happen to have a ticklin' in your throat; and a bad spell o'
coughin'; I'll drop in; careless like; to see if