every man in his humour-第23部分
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LEER; sneer; laugh derisively FLESH; feed a hawk or dog with flesh to incite it to the chase; initiate in blood…shed; satiate FLICKER…MOUSE; bat FLIGHT; light arrow FLITTER…MOUSE; bat FLOUT; mock; speak and act contemptuously FLOWERS; pulverised substance FLY; familiar spirit FOIL; weapon used in fencing; that which sets anything off to advantage FOIST; cut…purse; sharper FOND(LY); foolish(ly) FOOT…CLOTH; housings of ornamental cloth which hung down on either side a horse to the ground FOOTING; foothold; footstep; dancing FOPPERY; foolery FOR; 〃 failing;〃 for fear of failing FORBEAR; bear with; abstain from FORCE; 〃hunt at ;〃 run the game down with dogs FOREHEAD; modesty; face; assurance; effrontery FORESLOW; delay FORESPEAK; bewitch; foretell FORETOP; front lock of hair which fashion required to be worn upright FORGED; fabricated FORM; state formally FORMAL; shapely; normal; conventional FORTHCOMING; produced when required FOUNDER; disable with over…riding FOURM; form; lair FOX; sword FRAIL; rush basket in which figs or raisins were packed FRAMFULL; peevish; sour…tempered FRAPLER; blusterer; wrangler FRAYING; 〃a stag is said to fray his head when he rubs it against a tree to。。。cause the outward coat of the new horns to fall off〃 (Gifford) FREIGHT (of the gazetti); burden (of the newspapers) FREQUENT; full FRICACE; rubbing FRICATRICE; woman of low character FRIPPERY; old clothes shop FROCK; smock…frock FROLICS; (?) humorous verses circulated at least (N。E。D。); couplets wrapped round sweetmeats (Cunningham) FRONTLESS; shameless FROTED; rubbed FRUMETY; hulled wheat boiled in milk and spiced FRUMP; flout; sneer FUCUS; dye FUGEAND; (?) figment: flighty; restless (N。E。D。) FULLAM; false dice FULMART; polecat FULSOME; foul; offensive FURIBUND; raging; furious
GALLEY…FOIST; city…barge; used on Lord Mayor's Day; when he was sworn into his office at Westminster (Whalley) GALLIARD; lively dance in triple time GAPE; be eager after GARAGANTUA; Rabelais' giant GARB; sheaf (Fr。 Gerbe); manner; fashion; behaviour BARD; guard; trimming; gold or silver lace; or other ornament GARDED; faced or trimmed GARNISH; fee GAVEL…KIND; name of a land…tenure existing chiefly in Kent; from 16th century often used to denote custom of dividing a deceased man's property equally among his sons (N。E。D。) GAZETTE; small Venetian coin worth about three…farthings GEANCE; jaunt; errand GEAR (GEER); stuff; matter; affair GELID; frozen GEMONIES; steps from which the bodies of criminals were thrown into the river GENERAL; free; affable GENIUS; attendant spirit GENTRY; gentlemen; manners characteristic of gentry; good breeding GIB…CAT; tom…cat GIGANTOMACHIZE; start a giants' war GIGLOT; wanton GIMBLET; gimlet GING; gang GLASS (〃taking in of shadows; etc。〃); crystal or beryl GLEEK; card game played by three; party of three; trio; side glance GLICK (GLEEK); jest; gibe GLIDDER; glaze GLORIOUSLY; of vain glory GODWIT; bird of the snipe family GOLD…END…MAN; a buyer of broken gold and silver GOLL; hand GONFALIONIER; standard…bearer; chief magistrate; etc。 GOOD; sound in credit GOOD…Year; good luck GOOSE…TURD; colour of。 (See Turd) GORCROW; carrion crow GORGET; neck armour GOSSIP; godfather GOWKED; from 〃gowk;〃 to stand staring and gaping like a fool GRANNAM; grandam GRASS; (?) grease; fat GRATEFUL; agreeable; welcome GRATIFY; give thanks to GRATITUDE; gratuity GRATULATE; welcome; congratulate GRAVITY; dignity GRAY; badger GRICE; cub GRIEF; grievance GRIPE; vulture; griffin GRIPE'S EGG; vessel in shape of GROAT; fourpence GROGRAN; coarse stuff made of silk and mohair; or of coarse silk GROOM…PORTER; officer in the royal household GROPE; handle; probe GROUND; pit (hence 〃grounded judgments〃) GUARD; caution; heed GUARDANT; heraldic term: turning the head only GUILDER; Dutch coin worth about 4d。 GULES; gullet; throat; heraldic term for red GULL; simpleton; dupe GUST; taste
HAB NAB; by; on; chance HABERGEON; coat of mail HAGGARD; wild female hawk; hence coy; wild HALBERD; combination of lance and battle…axe HALL; 〃a !〃 a cry to clear the room for the dancers HANDSEL; first money taken HANGER; loop or strap on a sword…belt from which the sword was suspended HAP; fortune; luck HAPPILY; haply HAPPINESS; appropriateness; fitness HAPPY; rich HARBOUR; track; trace (an animal) to its shelter HARD…FAVOURED; harsh…featured HARPOCRATES; Horus the child; son of Osiris; figured with a finger pointing to his mouth; indicative of silence HARRINGTON; a patent was granted to Lord H。 for the coinage of tokens (q。v。) HARROT; herald HARRY NICHOLAS; founder of a community called the 〃Family of Love〃 HAY; net for catching rabbits; etc。 HAY! (Ital。 hai!); you have it (a fencing term) HAY IN HIS HORN; ill…tempered person HAZARD; game at dice; that which is staked HEAD; 〃first ;〃 young deer with antlers first sprouting; fig。 a newly…ennobled man HEADBOROUGH; constable HEARKEN AFTER; inquire; 〃hearken out;〃 find; search out HEARTEN; encourage HEAVEN AND HELL (〃Alchemist〃); names of taverns HECTIC; fever HEDGE IN; include HELM; upper part of a retort HER'NSEW; hernshaw; heron HIERONIMO (JERONIMO); hero of Kyd's 〃Spanish Tragedy〃 HOBBY; nag HOBBY…HORSE; imitation horse of some light material; fastened round the waist of the morrice…dancer; who imitated the movements of a skittish horse HODDY…DODDY; fool HOIDEN; hoyden; formerly applied to both sexes (ancient term for leveret? Gifford) HOLLAND; name of two famous chemists HONE AND HONERO; wailing expressions of lament or discontent HOOD…WIND'D; blindfolded HORARY; hourly HORN…MAD; stark mad (quibble) HORN…THUMB; cut…purses were in the habit of wearing a horn shield on the thumb HORSE…BREAD…EATING; horses were often fed on coarse bread HORSE…COURSES; horse…dealer HOSPITAL; Christ's Hospital HOWLEGLAS; Eulenspiegel; the hero of a popular German tale which related his buffooneries and knavish tricks HUFF; hectoring; arrogance HUFF IT; swagger HUISHER (Fr。 huissier); usher HUM; beer and spirits mixed together HUMANITIAN; humanist; scholar HUMOROUS; capricious; moody; out of humour; moist HUMOUR; a word used in and out of season in the time of Shakespeare and Ben Jonson; and ridiculed by both HUMOURS; manners HUMPHREY; DUKE; those who were dinnerless spent the dinner…hour in a part of St。 Paul's where stood a monument said to be that of the duke's; hence 〃dine with Duke Humphrey;〃 to go hungry HURTLESS; harmless
IDLE; useless; unprofitable ILL…AFFECTED; ill…disposed ILL…HABITED; unhealthy ILLUSTRATE; illuminate IMBIBITION; saturation; steeping IMBROCATA; fencing term: a thrust in tierce IMPAIR; impairment IMPART; give money IMPARTER; any one ready to be cheated and to part with his money IMPEACH; damage IMPERTINENCIES; irrelevancies IMPERTINENT(LY); irrelevant(ly); without reason or purpose IMPOSITION; duty imposed by IMPOTENTLY; beyond power of control IMPRESS; money in advance IMPULSION; incitement IN AND IN; a game played by two or three persons with four dice INCENSE; incite; stir up INCERATION; act of covering with wax; or reducing a substance to softness of wax INCH; 〃to their es;〃 according to their stature; capabilities INCH…PIN; sweet…bread INCONVENIENCE; inconsistency; absurdity INCONY; delicate; rare (used as a term of affection) INCUBEE; incubus INCUBUS; evil spirit that oppresses us in sleep; nightmare INCURIOUS; unfastidious; uncritical INDENT; enter into engagement INDIFFERENT; tolerable; passable INDIGESTED; shapeless; chaotic INDUCE; introduce INDUE; supply INEXORABLE; relentless INFANTED; born; produced INFLAME; augment charge INGENIOUS; used indiscriminantly for ingenuous; intelligent; talented INGENUITY; ingenuousness INGENUOUS; generous INGINE。 See Engin INGINER; engineer。 (See Enginer) INGLE; OR ENGHLE; bosom friend; intimate; minion INHABITABLE; uninhabitable INJURY; insult; affront IN…MATE; resident; indwelling INNATE; natural INNOCENT; simpleton INQUEST; jury; or other official body of inquiry INQUISITION; inquiry INSTANT; immediate INSTRUMENT; legal document INSURE; assure INTEGRATE; complete; perfect INTELLIGENCE; secret information; news INTEND; note carefully; attend; give ear to; be occupied with INTENDMENT; intention INTENT; intention; wish INTENTION; concentration of attention or gaze INTENTIVE; attentive INTERESSED; implicated INTRUDE; bring in forcibly or without leave INVINCIBLY; invisibly INWARD; intimate IRPE (uncertain); 〃a fantastic grimace; or contortion of the body: (Gifford)
JACE; Jack o' the clock; automaton figure that strikes the hour; Jack…a…lent; puppet thrown at in Lent JACK; key of a virginal JACOB'S STAFF; an instrument for taking altitudes and distances JADE; befool JEALOUSY; JEALOUS; suspicion; suspicious JERKING; lashing JEW'S TRUMP; Jew's harp JIG; merry ballad or tune; a fanciful dialogue or light comic act introduced at the end or during an interlude of a play JOINED (JOINT)…STOOL; folding stool JOLL; jowl JOLTHEAD; blockhead JUMP; agree; tally JUST YEAR; no one was capable of the consulship until he was forty…three
KELL; cocoon KELLY; an alchemist KEMB; comb KEMIA; vessel for distillation KIBE; chap; sore KILDERKIN; small barrel KILL; kiln KIND; nature; species; 〃do one's ;〃 act according to one's nature KIRTLE; woman's gown of jacket and petticoat KISS OR DRINK AFORE ME; 〃this is a familiar expression; employed when what the speaker is just about to say is anticipated by another〃 (Gifford) KIT; fiddle KNACK; snap; click KNIPPER…DOLING; a well…known Anabaptist KNITTING CUP; marriage cup KNOCKING; striking; weighty KNOT; company; band; a sandpiper or robin snipe (Tringa canulus); flower…bed laid out in fanciful design KURSINED; KYRSIN; christened
LABOURED; wrought with labour and care LADE; load(ed) LADING; load LAID; plotted LANCE…KNIGHT (Lanzknecht); a German mercenary foot…soldier LAP; fold LAR; household god LARD; garnish LARGE; abundant LARUM; alarum; call to arms LATTICE; tavern windows were furnished with lattices of various colours LAUNDER; to wash gold in aqua regia; so as imperceptibly to extract some of it。 LAVE; ladle; bale LAW; 〃give ;〃 give a start (term of chase) LAXATIVE; loose LAY ABOARD; run alongside generally with intent to board LEAGUER; siege; or camp of besieging army LEASING; lying LEAVE; leave off; desist LEER; leering or 〃empty; hence; perhaps leer horse without a rider; lee