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every man in his humour-第24部分

小说: every man in his humour 字数: 每页4000字

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ing LEAVE; leave off; desist LEER; leering or 〃empty; hence; perhaps leer horse without a rider; leer is an adjective meaning uncontrolled; hence 'leer drunkards'〃 (Halliwell); according to Nares; a leer (empty) horse meant also a led horse; leeward; left

LEESE; lose LEGS; 〃make ;〃 do obeisance LEIGEP; resident representative LEIGERITY; legerdemain LEMMA; subject proposed; or title of the epigram LENTER; slower LET; hinder LET; hindrance LEVEL COIL; a rough game。。。in which one hunted another from his seat。 Hence used for any noisy riot (Halliwell) LEWD; ignorant LEYSTALLS; receptacles of filth LIBERAL; ample LIEGER; ledger; register LIFT(ING); steal(ing) LIGHT; alight LIGHTLY; commonly; usually; often LIKE; please LIKELY; agreeable; pleasing LIME…HOUND; leash…; blood…hound LIMMER; vile; worthless LIN; leave off Line; 〃by ;〃 by rule LINSTOCK; staff to stick in the ground; with forked head to hold a lighted match for firing cannon LIQUID; clear LIST; listen; hard; like; please LIVERY; legal term; delivery of the possession; etc。 LOGGET; small log; stick LOOSE; solution; upshot; issue; release of an arrow LOSE; give over; desist from; waste LOUTING; bowing; cringing LUCULENT; bright of beauty LUDGATHIANS; dealers on Ludgate Hill LURCH; rob; cheat LUTE; to close a vessel with some kind of cement

MACK; unmeaning expletive MADGE_HOWLET or own; barn…owl MAIM; hurt; injury MAIN; chief concern (used as a quibble on heraldic term for 〃hand〃) MAINPRISE; becoming surety for a prisoner so as to procure his release MAINTENANCE; giving aid; or abetting MAKE; mate MAKE; MADE; acquaint with business; prepare(d); instruct(ed) MALLANDERS; disease of horses MALT HORSE; dray horse MAMMET; puppet MAMMOTHREPT; spoiled child MANAGE; control (term used for breaking…in horses); handling; administration MANGO; slave…dealer MANGONISE; polish up for sale MANIPLES; bundles; handfuls MANKIND; masculine; like a virago MANEIND; humanity MAPLE FACE; spotted face (N。E。D。) MARCH PANE; a confection of almonds; sugar; etc。 MARK; 〃fly to the ;〃 〃generally said of a goshawk when; having 'put in' a covey of partridges; she takes stand; making the spot where they disappeared from view until the falconer arrives to put them out to her〃 (Harting; Bibl。 Accip。 Gloss。 226) MARLE; marvel MARROW…BONE MAN; one often on his knees for prayer MARRY! exclamation derived from the Virgin's name MARRY GIP; 〃probably originated from By Mary Gipcy = St。 Mary of Egypt; (N。E。D。) MARTAGAN; Turk's cap lily MARYHINCHCO; stringhalt MASORETH; Masora; correct form of the scriptural text according to Hebrew tradition Mass; abb。 for master MAUND; beg MAUTHER; girl; maid MEAN; moderation MEASURE; dance; more especially a stately one MEAT; 〃carry  in one's mouth;〃 be a source of money or entertainment MEATH; metheglin MECHANICAL; belonging to mechanics; mean; vulgar MEDITERRANEO; middle aisle of St。 Paul's; a general resort for business and amusement MEET WITH; even with MELICOTTON; a late kind of peach MENSTRUE; solvent MERCAT; market MERD; excrement MERE; undiluted; absolute; unmitigated MESS; party of four METHEGLIN; fermented liquor; of which one ingredient was honey METOPOSCOPY; study of physiognomy MIDDLING GOSSIP; go…between MIGNIARD; dainty; delicate MILE…END; training…ground of the city MINE…MEN; sappers MINION; form of cannon MINSITIVE; (?) mincing; affected (N。E。D。) MISCELLANY MADAM; 〃a female trader in miscellaneous articles; a dealer in trinkets or ornaments of various kinds; such as kept shops in the New Exchange〃 (Nares) MISCELLINE; mixed grain; medley MISCONCEIT; misconception MISPRISE; MISPRISION; mistake; misunderstanding MISTAKE AWAY; carry away as if by mistake MITHRIDATE; an antidote against poison MOCCINIGO; small Venetian coin; worth about ninepence MODERN; in the mode; ordinary; common…place MOMENT; force or influence of value MONTANTO; upward stroke MONTH'S MIND; violent desire MOORISH; like a moor or waste MORGLAY; sword of Bevis of Southampton MORRICe…DANCE; dance on May Day; etc。; in which certain personages were represented MORTALITY; death MORT…MAL; old score; gangrene MOSCADINO; confection flavoured with musk MOTHER; Hysterica passio MOTION; proposal; request; puppet; puppet…show; 〃one of the small figures on the face of a large clock which was moved by the vibration of the pendulum〃 (Whalley) MOTION; suggest; propose MOTLEY; parti…coloured dress of a fool; hence used to signify pertaining to; or like; a fool MOTTE; motto MOURNIVAL; set of four aces or court cards in a hand; a quartette MOW; setord hay or sheaves of grain MUCH!  expressive of irony and incredulity MUCKINDER; handkerchief MULE; 〃born to ride on ;〃 judges or serjeants…at…law formerly rode on mules when going in state to Westminster (Whally) MULLETS; small pincers MUM…CHANCE; game of chance; played in silence MUN; must MUREY; dark crimson red MUSCOVY…GLASS; mica MUSE; wonder MUSICAL; in harmony MUSS; mouse; scramble MYROBOLANE; foreign conserve; 〃a dried plum; brought from the Indies〃 MYSTERY; art; trade; profession。

NAIL; 〃to the 〃 (ad unguem); to perfection; to the very utmost NATIVE; natural NEAT; cattle NEAT; smartly apparelled; unmixed; dainty NEATLY; neatly finished NEATNESS; elegance NEIS; nose; scent NEUF (NEAF; NEIF); fist NEUFT; newt NIAISE; foolish; inexperienced person NICE; fastidious; trivial; finical; scrupulous NICENESS; fastidiousness NICK; exact amount; right moment; 〃set in the 〃 meaning uncertain NICE; suit; fit' hit; seize the right moment; etc。; exactly hit on; hit off NOBLE; gold coin worth 6s。8d。 NOCENT; harmful NIL; not will NOISE; company of musicians NOMENTACK; an Indian chief from Virginia NONES; nonce NOTABLE; egregious NOTE; sign; token NOUGHT; 〃be ;〃 go to the devil; be hanged; etc。 NOWT…HEAD; blockhead NUMBER; rhythm NUPSON; oaf; simpleton

OADE; wood OBARNI; preparation of mead OBJECT; oppose; expose; interpose OBLATRANT; barking; railing OBNOXIOUS; liable; exposed; offensive OBSERVANCE; homage; devoted service OBSERVANT; attentive; obsequious OBSERVE; show deference; respect OBSERVER; one who shows deference; or waits upon another OBSTANCY; legal phrase; 〃juridical opposition〃 OBSTREPEROUS; clamorous; vociferous OBSTUPEFACT; stupefied ODLING; (?) 〃must have some relation to tricking and cheating〃 (Nares) OMINOUS; deadly; fatal ONCE; at once; for good and all; used also for additional emphasis ONLY; pre…eminent; special OPEN; make public; expound OPPILATION; obstruction OPPONE; oppose OPPOSITE; antagonist OFFPRESS; suppress ORIGINOUS; native ORT; remnant; scrap OUT; 〃to be 。〃 to have forgotten one's part; not at one with each other OUTCRY; sale by auction OUTREGUIDANCE; arrogance; presumption OUTSPEAK; speak more than OVERPARTED; given too difficult a part to play OWLSPIEGEL。  See Howleglass OYEZ!  (O YES!); hear ye!  call of the public crier when about to make a proclamation

PACKING PENNY; 〃give a ;〃 dismiss; send packing PAD; highway PAD…HORSE; road…horse PAINED (PANED) SLOPS; full breeches made of strips of different colour and material PAINFUL; diligent; painstaking PAINT; blush PALINODE; ode of recantation PALL; weaken; dim; make stale PALM; triumph PAN; skirt of dress or coat PANNEL; pad; or rough kind of saddle PANNIER…ALLY; inhabited by tripe…sellers PANNIER…MAN; hawker; a man employed about the inns of court to bring in provisions; set the table; etc。 PANTOFLE; indoor shoe; slipper PARAMENTOS; fine trappings PARANOMASIE; a play upon words PARANTORY; (?) peremptory PARCEL; particle; fragment (used contemptuously); article PARCEL; part; partly PARCEL…POET; poetaster PARERGA; subordinate matters PARGET; to paint or plaster the face PARLE; parley PARLOUS; clever; shrewd PART; apportion PARTAKE; participate in PARTED; endowed; talented PARTICULAR; individual person PARTIZAN; kind of halberd PARTRICH; partridge PARTS; qualities endowments PASH; dash; smash PASS; care; trouble oneself PASSADO; fending term:  a thrust PASSAGE; game at dice PASSINGLY; exceedingly PASSION; effect caused by external agency PASSION; 〃in ;〃 in so melancholy a tone; so pathetically PATOUN; (?) Fr。 Paton; pellet of dough; perhaps the 〃moulding of the tobacco。。。for the pipe〃 (Gifford); (?) variant of Petun; South American name of tobacco PATRICO; the recorder; priest; orator of strolling beggars or gipsies PATTEN; shoe with wooden sole; 〃go ;〃 keep step with; accompany PAUCA VERBA; few words PAVIN; a stately dance PEACE; 〃with my master's ;〃 by leave; favour PECULIAR; individual; single PEDANT; teacher of the languages PEEL; baker's shovel PEEP; speak in a small or shrill voice PEEVISH(LY); foolish(ly); capricious(ly); childish(ly) PELICAN; a retort fitted with tube or tubes; for continuous distillation PENCIL; small tuft of hair PERDUE; soldier accustomed to hazardous service PEREMPTORY; resolute; bold; imperious; thorough; utter; absolute(ly) PERIMETER; circumference of a figure PERIOD; limit; end PERK; perk up PERPETUANA; 〃this seems to be that glossy kind of stuff now called everlasting; and anciently worn by serjeants and other city officers〃 (Gifford) PERSPICIL; optic glass PERSTRINGE; criticise; censure PERSUADE; inculcate; commend PERSWAY; mitigate PERTINACY; pertinacity PESTLING; pounding; pulverising; like a pestle PETASUS; broad…brimmed hat or winged cap worn by Mercury PETITIONARY; supplicatory PETRONEL; a kind of carbine or light gas carried by horsemen PETULANT; pert; insolent PHERE。  See Fere PHLEGMA; watery distilled liquor (old chem。 〃water〃) PHRENETIC; madman PICARDIL; still upright collar fastened on to the coat (Whalley) PICT…HATCH; disreputable quarter of London PIECE; person; used for woman or girl; a gold coin worth in Jonson's time 20s。 or 22s。 PIECES OF EIGHT; Spanish coin: piastre equal to eight reals PIED; variegated PIE…POUDRES (Fr。 pied…poudreux; dusty…foot); court held at fairs to administer justice to itinerant vendors and buyers PILCHER; term of contempt; one who wore a buff or leather jerkin; as did the serjeants of the counter; a pilferer PILED; pilled; peeled; bald PILL'D; polled; fleeced PIMLICO; 〃sometimes spoken of as a person  perhaps master of a house famous for a particular ale〃 (Gifford) PINE; afflict; distress PINK; stab with a weapon; pierce or cut in scallops for ornament PINNACE; a go…between in infamous sense PISMIRE; ant PISTOLET; gold coin; worth

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