八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > every man in his humour >


every man in his humour-第25部分

小说: every man in his humour 字数: 每页4000字

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callops for ornament PINNACE; a go…between in infamous sense PISMIRE; ant PISTOLET; gold coin; worth about 6s。 PITCH; height of a bird of prey's flight PLAGUE; punishment; torment PLAIN; lament PLAIN SONG; simple melody PLAISE; plaice PLANET; 〃struck with a ;〃 planets were supposed to have powers of blasting or exercising secret influences PLAUSIBLE; pleasing PLAUSIBLY; approvingly PLOT; plan PLY; apply oneself to POESIE; posy; motto inside a ring POINT IN HIS DEVICE; exact in every particular POINTE; tabbed laces or cords for fastening the breeches to the doublet POINT…TRUSSER; one who trussed (tied) his master's points (q。v。) POISE; weigh; balance POKING…STICK; stick used for setting the plaits of ruffs POLITIC; politician POLITIC; judicious; prudent; political POLITICIAN; plotter; intriguer POLL; strip; plunder; gain by extortion POMMANDER; ball of perfume; worn or hung about the person to prevent infection; or for foppery POMMADO; vaulting on a horse without the aid of stirrups PONTIC; sour POPULAR; vulgar; of the populace POPULOUS; numerous PORT; gate; print of a deer's foot PORT; transport PORTAGUE; Portuguese gold coin; worth over ? or f4 PORTCULLIS; 〃 of coin;〃 some old coins have a portcullis stamped on their reverse (Whalley) PORTENT; marvel; prodigy; sinister omen PORTENTOUS; prophesying evil; threatening PORTER; references appear 〃to allude to Parsons; the king's porter; who was。。。 near seven feet high〃 (Whalley) POSSESS; inform; acquaint POST AND PAIR; a game at cards POSY; motto。  (See Poesie) POTCH; poach POULT…FOOT; club…foot POUNCE; claw; talon PRACTICE; intrigue; concerted plot PRACTISE; plot; conspire PRAGMATIC; an expert; agent PRAGMATIC; officious; conceited; meddling PRECEDENT; record of proceedings PRECEPT; warrant; summons PRECISIAN(ISM); Puritan(ism); preciseness PREFER; recomment PRESENCE; presence chamber PRESENT(LY); immediate(ly); without delay; at the present time; actually PRESS; force into service PREST; ready PRETEND; assert; allege PREVENT; anticipate PRICE; worth; excellence PRICK; point; dot used in the writing of Hebrew and other languages PRICK; prick out; mark off; select; trace; track; 〃 away;〃 make off with speed PRIMERO; game of cards PRINCOX; pert boy PRINT; 〃in ;〃 to the letter; exactly PRISTINATE; former PRIVATE; private interests PRIVATE; privy; intimate PROCLIVE; prone to PRODIGIOUS; monstrous; unnatural PRODIGY; monster PRODUCED; prolonged PROFESS; pretend PROJECTION; the throwing of the 〃powder of projection〃 into the crucible to turn the melted metal into gold or silver PROLATE; pronounce drawlingly PROPER; of good appearance; handsome; own; particular PROPERTIES; state necessaries PROPERTY; duty; tool PRORUMPED; burst out PROTEST; vow; proclaim (an affected word of that time); formally declare non…payment; etc。; of bill of exchange; fig。 failure of personal credit; etc。 PROVANT; soldier's allowance  hence; of common make PROVIDE; foresee PROVIDENCE; foresight; prudence PUBLICATION; making a thing public of common property (N。E。D。) PUCKFIST; puff…ball; insipid; insignificant; boasting fellow PUFF…WING; shoulder puff PUISNE; judge of inferior rank; a junior PULCHRITUDE; beauty PUMP; shoe PUNGENT; piercing PUNTO; point; hit PURCEPT; precept; warrant PURE; fine; capital; excellent PURELY; perfectly; utterly PURL; pleat or fold of a ruff PURSE…NET; net of which the mouth is drawn together with a string PURSUIVANT; state messenger who summoned the persecuted seminaries; warrant officer PURSY; PURSINESS; shortwinded(ness) PUT; make a push; exert yourself (N。E。D。) PUT OFF; excuse; shift PUT ON; incite; encourage; proceed with; take in hand; try

QUACKSALVER; quack QUAINT; elegant; elaborated; ingenious; clever QUAR; quarry QUARRIED; seized; or fed upon; as prey QUEAN; hussy; jade QUEASY; hazardous; delicate QUELL; kill; destroy QUEST; request; inquiry QUESTION; decision by force of arms QUESTMAN; one appointed to make official inquiry QUIB; QUIBLIN; quibble; quip QUICK; the living QUIDDIT; quiddity; legal subtlety QUIRK; clever turn or trick QUIT; requite; repay; acquit; absolve; rid; forsake; leave QUITTER…BONE; disease of horses QUODLING; codling QUOIT; throw like a quoit; chuck QUOTE; take note; observe; write down

RACK; neck of mutton or pork (Halliwell) RAKE UP; cover over RAMP; rear; as a lion; etc。 RAPT; carry away RAPT; enraptured RASCAL; young or inferior deer RASH; strike with a glancing oblique blow; as a boar with its tusk RATSEY; GOMALIEL; a famous highwayman RAVEN; devour REACH; understand REAL; regal REBATU; ruff; turned…down collar RECTOR; RECTRESS; director; governor REDARGUE; confute REDUCE; bring back REED; rede; counsel; advice REEL; run riot REFEL; refute REFORMADOES; disgraced or disbanded soldiers REGIMENT; government REGRESSION; return REGULAR (〃Tale of a Tub〃); regular noun (quibble) (N。E。D。) RELIGION; 〃make  of;〃 make a point of; scruple of RELISH; savour REMNANT; scrap of quotation REMORA; species of fish RENDER; depict; exhibit; show REPAIR; reinstate REPETITION; recital; narration REREMOUSE; bat RESIANT; resident RESIDENCE; sediment RESOLUTION; judgment; decision RESOLVE; inform; assure; prepare; make up one's mind; dissolve; come to a decision; be convinced; relax; set at ease RESPECTIVE; worthy of respect; regardful; discriminative RESPECTIVELY; with reverence RESPECTLESS; regardless RESPIRE; exhale; inhale RESPONSIBLE; correspondent REST; musket…rest REST; 〃set up one's ;〃 venture one's all; one's last stake (from game of primero) REST; arrest RESTIVE; RESTY; dull; inactive RETCHLESS(NESS); reckless(ness) RETIRE; cause to retire RETRICATO; fencing term RETRIEVE; rediscovery of game once sprung RETURNS; ventures sent abroad; for the safe return of which so much money is received REVERBERATE; dissolve or blend by reflected heat REVERSE; REVERSO; back…handed thrust; etc。; in fencing REVISE; reconsider a sentence RHEUM; spleen; caprice RIBIBE; abusive term for an old woman RID; destroy; do away with RIFLING; raffling; dicing RING; 〃cracked within the ;〃 coins so cracked were unfit for currency RISSE; risen; rose RIVELLED; wrinkled ROARER; swaggerer ROCHET; fish of the gurnet kind ROCK; distaff RODOMONTADO; braggadocio ROGUE; vagrant; vagabond RONDEL; 〃a round mark in the score of a public…house〃 (Nares); roundel ROOK; sharper; fool; dupe ROSAKER; similar to ratsbane ROSA…SOLIS; a spiced spirituous liquor ROSES; rosettes ROUND; 〃gentlemen of the ;〃 officers of inferior rank ROUND TRUNKS; trunk hose; short loose breeches reaching almost or quite to the knees ROUSE; carouse; bumper ROVER; arrow used for shooting at a random mark at uncertain distance ROWLY…POWLY; roly…poly RUDE; RUDENESS; unpolished; rough(ness); coarse(ness) RUFFLE; flaunt; swagger RUG; coarse frieze RUG…GOWNS; gown made of rug RUSH; reference to rushes with which the floors were then strewn RUSHER; one who strewed the floor with rushes RUSSET; homespun cloth of neutral or reddish…brown colour

SACK; loose; flowing gown SADLY; seriously; with gravity SAD(NESS); sober; serious(ness) SAFFI; bailiffs ST。 THOMAS A WATERINGS; place in Surrey where criminals were executed SAKER; small piece of ordnance SALT; leap SALT; lascivious SAMPSUCHINE; sweet marjoram SARABAND; a slow dance SATURNALS; began December 17 SAUCINESS; presumption; insolence SAUCY; bold; impudent; wanton SAUNA (Lat。); a gesture of contempt SAVOUR; perceive; gratify; please; to partake of the nature SAY; sample SAY; assay; try SCALD; word of contempt; implying dirt and disease SCALLION; shalot; small onion SCANDERBAG; 〃name which the Turks (in allusion to Alexander the Great) gave to the brave Castriot; chief of Albania; with whom they had continual wars。 His romantic life had just been translated〃 (Gifford) SCAPE; escape SCARAB; beetle SCARTOCCIO; fold of paper; cover; cartouch; cartridge SCONCE; head SCOPE; aim SCOT AND LOT; tax; contribution (formerly a parish assessment) SCOTOMY; dizziness in the head SCOUR; purge SCOURSE; deal; swap SCRATCHES; disease of horses SCROYLE; mean; rascally fellow SCRUPLE; doubt SEAL; put hand to the giving up of property or rights SEALED; stamped as genuine SEAM…RENT; ragged SEAMING LACES; insertion or edging SEAR UP; close by searing; burning SEARCED; sifted SECRETARY; able to keep a secret SECULAR; worldly; ordinary; commonplace SECURE; confident SEELIE; happy; blest SEISIN; legal term:  possession SELLARY; lewd person SEMBLABLY; similarly SEMINARY; a Romish priest educated in a foreign seminary SENSELESS; insensible; without sense or feeling SENSIBLY; perceptibly SENSIVE; sensitive SENSUAL; pertaining to the physical or material SERENE; harmful dew of evening SERICON; red tincture SERVANT; lover SERVICES; doughty deeds of arms SESTERCE; Roman copper coin SET; stake; wager SET UP; drill SETS; deep plaits of the ruff SEWER; officer who served up the feast; and brought water for the hands of the guests SHAPE; a suit by way of disguise SHIFT; fraud; dodge SHIFTER; cheat SHITTLE; shuttle; 〃shittle…cock;〃 shuttlecock SHOT; tavern reckoning SHOT…CLOG; one only tolerated because he paid the shot (reckoning) for the rest SHOT…FREE; scot…free; not having to pay SHOVE…GROAT; low kind of gambling amusement; perhaps somewhat of the nature of pitch and toss SHOT…SHARKS; drawers SHREWD; mischievous; malicious; curst SHREWDLY; keenly; in a high degree SHRIVE; sheriff; posts were set up before his door for proclamations; or to indicate his residence SHROVING; Shrovetide; season of merriment SIGILLA; seal; mark SILENCED BRETHERN; MINISTERS; those of the Church or Nonconformists who had been silenced; deprived; etc。 SILLY; simple; harmless SIMPLE; silly; witless; plain; true SIMPLES; herbs SINGLE; term of chase; signifying when the hunted stag is separated from the herd; or forced to break covert SINGLE; weak; silly SINGLE…MONEY; small change SINGULAR; unique; supreme SI…QUIS; bill; advertisement SKELDRING; getting money under false pretences; swindlilng SKILL; 〃it  a not;〃 matters not SEINK(ER); pour; draw(er); tapster SKIRT; tail SLEEK; smooth SLICE; fire shovel or pan (dial。) SLICK; sleek; smooth 'SLID; 'SLIGHT; 'SPRECIOUS; irreverent oaths SLIGHT; sleight; cunning; cleverness; trick SLIP; counterfeit coin; bastard SLIPPERY; polished and shining SLOPS; large loose breeches SLOT; print of a stag's foot SLUR; put a slur on

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