八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > round the moon >


round the moon-第26部分

小说: round the moon 字数: 每页4000字

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7th…8th of December。  So that; if nothing interfered with its
course; it would reach the given point in twenty…two hours。

The rockets had primarily been placed to check the fall of the
projectile upon the moon; and now they were going to employ them
for a directly contrary purpose。  In any case they were ready;
and they had only to wait for the moment to set fire to them。

〃Since there is nothing else to be done;〃 said Nicholl; 〃I make
a proposition。〃

〃What is it?〃 asked Barbicane。

〃I propose to go to sleep。〃

〃What a motion!〃 exclaimed Michel Ardan。

〃It is forty hours since we closed our eyes;〃 said Nicholl。
〃Some hours of sleep will restore our strength。〃

〃Never;〃 interrupted Michel。

〃Well;〃 continued Nicholl; 〃every one to his taste; I shall go
to sleep。〃  And stretching himself on the divan; he soon snored
like a forty…eight pounder。

〃That Nicholl has a good deal of sense;〃 said Barbicane;
〃presently I shall follow his example。〃  Some moments after his
continued bass supported the captain's baritone。

〃Certainly;〃 said Michel Ardan; finding himself alone; 〃these
practical people have sometimes most opportune ideas。〃

And with his long legs stretched out; and his great arms folded
under his head; Michel slept in his turn。

But this sleep could be neither peaceful nor lasting; the minds
of these three men were too much occupied; and some hours after;
about seven in the morning; all three were on foot at the same instant。

The projectile was still leaving the moon; and turning its
conical part more and more toward her。

An explicable phenomenon; but one which happily served
Barbicane's ends。

Seventeen hours more; and the moment for action would have arrived。

The day seemed long。  However bold the travelers might be; they
were greatly impressed by the approach of that moment which
would decide all either precipitate their fall on to the moon;
or forever chain them in an immutable orbit。  They counted the
hours as they passed too slow for their wish; Barbicane and
Nicholl were obstinately plunged in their calculations; Michel
going and coming between the narrow walls; and watching that
impassive moon with a longing eye。

At times recollections of the earth crossed their minds。  They saw
once more their friends of the Gun Club; and the dearest of all;
J。 T。 Maston。  At that moment; the honorable secretary must be
filling his post on the Rocky Mountains。  If he could see the
projectile through the glass of his gigantic telescope; what
would he think?  After seeing it disappear behind the moon's
south pole; he would see them reappear by the north pole!
They must therefore be a satellite of a satellite!  Had J。 T。
Maston given this unexpected news to the world?  Was this the
_denouement_ of this great enterprise?

But the day passed without incident。  The terrestrial
midnight arrived。  The 8th of December was beginning。
One hour more; and the point of equal attraction would
be reached。  What speed would then animate the projectile?
They could not estimate it。  But no error could vitiate
Barbicane's calculations。  At one in the morning this speed
ought to be and would be _nil_。

Besides; another phenomenon would mark the projectile's
stopping…point on the neutral line。  At that spot the two
attractions; lunar and terrestrial; would be annulled。
Objects would 〃weigh〃 no more。  This singular fact; which had
surprised Barbicane and his companions so much in going; would
be repeated on their return under the very same conditions。
At this precise moment they must act。

Already the projectile's conical top was sensibly turned toward
the lunar disc; presented in such a way as to utilize the whole
of the recoil produced by the pressure of the rocket apparatus。
The chances were in favor of the travelers。  If its speed was
utterly annulled on this dead point; a decided movement toward
the moon would suffice; however slight; to determine its fall。

〃Five minutes to one;〃 said Nicholl。

〃All is ready;〃 replied Michel Ardan; directing a lighted match
to the flame of the gas。

〃Wait!〃 said Barbicane; holding his chronometer in his hand。

At that moment weight had no effect。  The travelers felt in
themselves the entire disappearance of it。  They were very near
the neutral point; if they did not touch it。

〃One o'clock;〃 said Barbicane。

Michel Ardan applied the lighted match to a train in
communication with the rockets。  No detonation was heard in
the inside; for there was no air。  But; through the scuttles;
Barbicane saw a prolonged smoke; the flames of which were
immediately extinguished。

The projectile sustained a certain shock; which was sensibly
felt in the interior。

The three friends looked and listened without speaking; and
scarcely breathing。  One might have heard the beating of their
hearts amid this perfect silence。

〃Are we falling?〃 asked Michel Ardan; at length。

〃No;〃 said Nicholl; 〃since the bottom of the projectile is not
turning to the lunar disc!〃

At this moment; Barbicane; quitting his scuttle; turned to his
two companions。  He was frightfully pale; his forehead wrinkled;
and his lips contracted。

〃We are falling!〃 said he。

〃Ah!〃 cried Michel Ardan; 〃on to the moon?〃

〃On to the earth!〃

〃The devil!〃 exclaimed Michel Ardan; adding philosophically;
〃well; when we came into this projectile we were very doubtful
as to the ease with which we should get out of it!〃

And now this fearful fall had begun。  The speed retained had
borne the projectile beyond the dead point。  The explosion of
the rockets could not divert its course。  This speed in going
had carried it over the neutral line; and in returning had done
the same thing。  The laws of physics condemned it _to pass
through every point which it had already gone through_。  It was
a terrible fall; from a height of 160;000 miles; and no springs
to break it。  According to the laws of gunnery; the projectile
must strike the earth with a speed equal to that with which it
left the mouth of the Columbiad; a speed of 16;000 yards in the
last second。

But to give some figures of comparison; it has been reckoned
that an object thrown from the top of the towers of Notre Dame;
the height of which is only 200 feet; will arrive on the
pavement at a speed of 240 miles per hour。  Here the projectile
must strike the earth with a speed of 115;200 miles per hour。

〃We are lost!〃 said Michel coolly。

〃Very well! if we die;〃 answered Barbicane; with a sort of
religious enthusiasm; 〃the results of our travels will be
magnificently spread。 It is His own secret that God will
tell us!  In the other life the soul will want to know nothing;
either of machines or engines!  It will be identified with
eternal wisdom!〃

〃In fact;〃 interrupted Michel Ardan; 〃the whole of the other
world may well console us for the loss of that inferior orb
called the moon!〃

Barbicane crossed his arms on his breast; with a motion of
sublime resignation; saying at the same time:

〃The will of heaven be done!〃



Well; lieutenant; and our soundings?〃

〃I think; sir; that the operation is nearing its completion;〃
replied Lieutenant Bronsfield。  〃But who would have thought of
finding such a depth so near in shore; and only 200 miles from
the American coast?〃

〃Certainly; Bronsfield; there is a great depression;〃 said
Captain Blomsberry。  〃In this spot there is a submarine valley
worn by Humboldt's current; which skirts the coast of America as
far as the Straits of Magellan。〃

〃These great depths;〃 continued the lieutenant; 〃are not
favorable for laying telegraphic cables。  A level bottom; like
that supporting the American cable between Valentia and
Newfoundland; is much better。〃

〃I agree with you; Bronsfield。  With your permission;
lieutenant; where are we now?〃

〃Sir; at this moment we have 3;508 fathoms of line out; and the
ball which draws the sounding lead has not yet touched the
bottom; for if so; it would have come up of itself。〃

〃Brook's apparatus is very ingenious;〃 said Captain Blomsberry;
〃it gives us very exact soundings。〃

〃Touch!〃 cried at this moment one of the men at the forewheel;
who was superintending the operation。

The captain and the lieutenant mounted the quarterdeck。

〃What depth have we?〃 asked the captain。

〃Three thousand six hundred and twenty…seven fathoms;〃 replied
the lieutenant; entering it in his notebook。

〃Well; Bronsfield;〃 said the captain; 〃I will take down
the result。  Now haul in the sounding line。  It will be the
work of some hours。  In that time the engineer can light the
furnaces; and we shall be ready to start as soon as you
have finished。  It is ten o'clock; and with your permission;
lieutenant; I will turn in。〃

〃Do so; sir; do so!〃 replied the lieutenant obligingly。

The captain of the Susquehanna; as brave a man as need be; and
the humble servant of his officers; returned to his cabin; took
a brandy…grog; which earned for the steward no end of praise;
and turned in; not without having complimented his servant upon
his making beds; and slept a peaceful sleep。

It was then ten at night。  The eleventh day of the month of
December was drawing to a close in a magnificent night。

The Susquehanna; a corvette of 500 horse…power; of the United
States navy; was occupied in taking soundings in the Pacific
Ocean about 200 miles off the American coast; following that
long peninsula which stretches down the coast of Mexico。

The wind had dropped by degrees。  There was no disturbance in
the air。  The pennant hung motionless from the maintop…gallant…
mast truck。

Captain Jonathan Blomsberry (cousin…german of Colonel
Blomsberry; one of the most ardent supporters of the Gun Club;
who had married an aunt of the captain and daughter of an
honorable Kentucky merchant) Captain Blomsberry could not have
wished for finer weather in which to bring to a close his
delicate operations of sounding。  His corvette had not even felt
the great tempest; which by sweeping away the groups of clouds
on the Rocky Mountains; had allowed them to observe the course
of the famous projectile。

Everything went well; and with all the

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