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Avaunt! and quit my sight! Let the Earth hide thee! Thy bones are marrowless; thy blood is cold! Thou hast no speculation in those eyes Which Thou dost glare with! Hence; horrible shadow! Unreal mockery hence! Macbeth。
Continuation of the History of Don Raymond。
My journey was uncommonly agreeable: I found the Baron a Man of some sense; but little knowledge of the world。 He had past a great part of his life without stirring beyond the precincts of his own domains; and consequently his manners were far from being the most polished: But He was hearty; good…humoured; and friendly。 His attention to me was all that I could wish; and I had every reason to be satisfied with his behaviour。 His ruling passion was Hunting; which He had brought himself to consider as a serious occupation; and when talking over some remarkable chace; He treated the subject with as much gravity as it had been a Battle on which the fate of two kingdoms was depending。 I happened to be a tolerable Sportsman: Soon after my arrival at Lindenberg I gave some proofs of my dexterity。 The Baron immediately marked me down for a Man of Genius; and vowed to me an eternal friendship。
That friendship was become to me by no means indifferent。 At the Castle of Lindenberg I beheld for the first time your Sister; the lovely Agnes。 For me whose heart was unoccupied; and who grieved at the void; to see her and to love her were the same。 I found in Agnes all that was requisite to secure my affection。 She was then scarcely sixteen; Her person light and elegant was already formed; She possessed several talents in perfection; particularly those of Music and drawing: Her character was gay; open; and good…humoured; and the graceful simplicity of her dress and manners formed an advantageous contrast to the art and studied Coquetry of the Parisian Dames; whom I had just quitted。 From the moment that I beheld her; I felt the most lively interest in her fate。 I made many enquiries respecting her of the Baroness。
'She is my Niece;' replied that Lady; 'You are still ignorant; Don Alphonso; that I am your Countrywoman。 I am Sister to the Duke of Medina Celi: Agnes is the Daughter of my second Brother; Don Gaston: She has been destined to the Convent from her cradle; and will soon make her profession at Madrid。'
(Here Lorenzo interrupted the Marquis by an exclamation of surprise。
'Intended for the Convent from her cradle?' said He; 'By heaven; this is the first word that I ever heard of such a design!'
'I believe it; my dear Lorenzo;' answered Don Raymond; 'But you must listen to me with patience。 You will not be less surprised; when I relate some particulars of your family still unknown to you; and which I have learnt from the mouth of Agnes herself。'
He then resumed his narrative as follows。)
You cannot but be aware that your Parents were unfortunately Slaves to the grossest superstition: When this foible was called into play; their every other sentiment; their every other passion yielded to its irresistible strength。 While She was big with Agnes; your Mother was seized by a dangerous illness; and given over by her Physicians。 In this situation; Donna Inesilla vowed; that if She recovered from her malady; the Child then living in her bosom if a Girl should be dedicated to St。 Clare; if a Boy to St。 Benedict。 Her prayers were heard; She got rid of her complaint; Agnes entered the world alive; and was immediately destined to the service of St。 Clare。
Don Gaston readily chimed in with his Lady's wishes: But knowing the sentiments of the Duke; his Brother; respecting a Monastic life; it was determined that your Sister's destination should be carefully concealed from him。 The better to guard the secret; it was resolved that Agnes should accompany her Aunt; Donna Rodolpha into Germany; whither that Lady was on the point of following her new…married Husband; Baron Lindenberg。 On her arrival at that Estate; the young Agnes was put into a Convent; situated but a few miles from the Castle。 The Nuns to whom her education was confided performed their charge with exactitude: They made her a perfect Mistress of many talents; and strove to infuse into her mind a taste for the retirement and tranquil pleasures of a Convent。 But a secret instinct made the young Recluse sensible that She was not born for solitude: In all the freedom of youth and gaiety; She scrupled not to treat as ridiculous many ceremonies which the Nuns regarded with awe; and She was never more happy than when her lively imagination inspired her with some scheme to plague the stiff Lady Abbess; or the ugly ill… tempered old Porteress。 She looked with disgust upon the prospect before her: However no alternative was offered to her; and She submitted to the decree of her Parents; though not without secret repining。
That repugnance She had not art enough to conceal long: Don Gaston was informed of it。 Alarmed; Lorenzo; lest your affection for her should oppose itself to his projects; and lest you should positively object to your Sister's misery; He resolved to keep the whole affair from YOUR knowledge as well as the Duke's; till the sacrifice should be consummated。 The season of her taking the veil was fixed for the time when you should be upon your travels: In the meanwhile no hint was dropped of Donna Inesilla's fatal vow。 Your Sister was never permitted to know your direction。 All your letters were read before She received them; and those parts effaced; which were likely to nourish her inclination for the world: Her answers were dictated either by her Aunt; or by Dame Cunegonda; her Governess。 These particulars I learnt partly from Agnes; partly from the Baroness herself。
I immediately determined upon rescuing this lovely Girl from a fate so contrary to her inclinations; and ill…suited to her merit。 I endeavoured to ingratiate myself into her favour: I boasted of my friendship and intimacy with you。 She listened to me with avidity; She seemed to devour my words while I spoke in your praise; and her eyes thanked me for my affection to her Brother。 My constant and unremitted attention at length gained me her heart; and with difficulty I obliged her to confess that She loved me。 When however; I proposed her quitting the Castle of Lindenberg; She rejected the idea in positive terms。
'Be generous; Alphonso;' She said; 'You possess my heart; but use not the gift ignobly。 Employ not your ascendancy over me in persuading me to take a step; at which I should hereafter have to blush。 I am young and deserted: My Brother; my only Friend; is separated from me; and my other Relations act with me as my Enemies。 Take pity on my unprotected situation。 Instead of seducing me to an action which would cover me with shame; strive rather to gain the affections of those who govern me。 The Baron esteems you。 My Aunt; to others ever harsh proud and contemptuous; remembers that you rescued her from the hands of Murderers; and wears with you alone the appearance of kindness and benignity。 Try then your influence over my Guardians。 If they consent to our union my hand is yours: From your account of my Brother; I cannot doubt your obtaining his approbation: And when they find the impossibility of executing their design; I trust that my Parents will excuse my disobedience; and expiate by some other sacrifice my Mother's fatal vow。'
From the first moment that I beheld Agnes; I had endeavoured to conciliate the favour of her Relations。 Authorised by the confession of her regard; I redoubled my exertions。 My principal Battery was directed against the Baroness; It was easy to discover that her word was law in the Castle: Her Husband paid her the most absolute submission; and considered her as a superior Being。 She was about forty: In her youth She had been a Beauty; But her charms had been upon that large scale which can but ill sustain the shock of years: However She still possessed some remains of them。 Her understanding was strong and excellent when not obscured by prejudice; which unluckily was but seldom the case。 Her passions were violent: She spared no pains to gratify them; and pursued with unremitting vengeance those who opposed themselves to her wishes。 The warmest of Friends; the most inveterate of Enemies; such was the Baroness Lindenberg。
I laboured incessantly to please her: Unluckily I succeeded but too well。 She seemed gratified by my attention; and treated me with a distinction accorded by her to no one else。 One of my daily occupations was reading to her for several hours: Those hours I should much rather have past with Agnes; But as I was conscious that complaisance for her Aunt would advance our union; I submitted with a good grace to the penance imposed upon me。 Donna Rodolpha's Library was principally composed of old Spanish Romances: These were her favourite studies; and once a day one of these unmerciful Volumes was put regularly into my hands。 I read the wearisome adventures of 'Perceforest;' 'Tirante the White;' 'Palmerin of England;' and 'the Knight of the Sun;' till the Book was on the point of falling from my hands through Ennui。 However; the increasing pleasure which the Baroness seemed to take in my society; encouraged me to persevere; and latterly She showed for me a partiality so marked; that Agnes advised me to seize the first opportunity of declaring our mutual passion to her Aunt。
One Evening; I was alone with Donna Rodolpha in her own apartment。 As our readings generally treated of love; Agnes was never permitted to assist at them。 I was just congratulating myself on having finished 'The Loves of Tristan and the Queen Iseult'
'Ah! The Unfortunates!' cried the Baroness; 'How say you; Segnor? Do you think it possible for Man to feel an attachment so disinterested and sincere?'
'I cannot doubt it;' replied I; 'My own heart furnishes me with the certainty。 Ah! Donna Rodolpha; might I but hope for your approbation of my love! Might I but confess the name of my Mistress without incurring your resentment!'
She interrupted me。
'Suppose; I were to spare you that confession? Suppose I were to acknowledge that the object of your desi