the bravo of venice-第16部分
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One hand of Rosabella's still rested on her uncle's shoulder; with
the other she clasped Flodoardo's and pressed it fondly against her
heartyet Flodoardo seemed still unsatisfied。 No sooner had the
Doge's question struck his ear; than his countenance became
dejected; and though his hand returned the pressure of Rosabella's;
he shook his head mournfully; with an air of doubt; and cast on her
a penetrating look; as would he have read the secrets of her inmost
Andreas withdrew himself gently from Rosabella's arm; and for some
time paced the apartment slowly; with a countenance sad and earnest。
Rosabella sank upon a sofa which stood near her; and wept。
Flodoardo eyed the Doge; and waited for his decision with
Thus passed some minutes。 An awful silence reigned through the
chamber; Andreas seemed to be labouring with some resolution of
dreadful importance。 The lovers wished; yet dreaded; the conclusion
of the scene; and with every moment their anxiety became more
〃Flodoardo!〃 at length said the Doge; and suddenly stood still in
the middle of the chamber。 Flodoardo advanced with a respectful
air。 〃Young man;〃 he continued; 〃I am at length resolved; Rosabella
loves you; nor will I oppose the decision of her heart; but
Rosabella is much too precious to admit of my bestowing her on the
first who thinks fit to demand her。 The man to whom I give her must
be worthy such a gift。 She must be the reward of his services; nor
can he do services so great that such a reward will not overpay
them。 Your claims on the Republic's gratitude are as yet but
trifling; an opportunity now offers of rendering as an essential
service。 The murderer of Conari; Manfrone; and Lomellinogo; bring
him hither! Alive or dead; thou must bring to this palace the
terrible banditti…king; ABELLINO!〃
At this unexpected conclusion of a speech on which his happiness or
despair depended; Flodoardo started back。 The colour fled from his
〃My noble lord!〃 he said at length; hesitating; 〃you know well that…
〃I know well;〃 interrupted Andreas; 〃how difficult a task I enjoin;
when I require the delivery of Abellino。 For myself I swear that I
had rather a thousand times force my passage with a single vessel
through the whole Turkish fleet; and carry off the admiral's ship
from the midst of them; than attempt to seize this Abellino; who
seems to have entered into a compact with Lucifer himself: who is
to be found everywhere and nowhere; whom so many have seen; but whom
no one knows; whose cautious subtlety has brought to shame the
vigilance of our State inquisitors; of the College of Ten; and of
all their legions of spies and sbirri; whose very name strikes
terror into the hearts of the bravest Venetians; and from whose
dagger I myself am not safe upon my throne。 I know well; Flodoardo;
how much I ask; but I know also how much I proffer。 You seem
irresolute? You are silent? Flodoardo; I have long watched you
with attention。 I have discovered in you marks of a superior
genius; and therefore I am induced to make such a demand。 If any
one is able to cope with Abellino; thou art the man。 I wait your
Flodoardo paced the chamber in silence。 Dreadful was the enterprise
proposed。 Woe to him should Abellino discover his purpose。 But
Rosabella was the reward。 He cast a look on the beloved one; and
resolved to risk everything。
He advanced towards the Doge。
Andreas。Now; then; Flodoardoyour resolution?
Flodoardo。Should I deliver Abellino into your power; do you
solemnly swear that Rosabella shall be my bride?
Andreas。She shall! and NOT TILL THEN。
Rosabella。Ah! Flodoardo; I fear this undertaking will end
fatally。 Abellino is so crafty; so dreadful。 Oh! look well to
yourself; for should you meet with the detested monster; whose
dagger …
Flodoardo (interrupting her hastily)。Oh! silence; Rosabellaat
least allow me to hope。 Noble Andreas; give me your hand; and
pledge your princely word that; Abellino once in your power; nothing
shall prevent me from being Rosabella's husband。
Andreas。I swear it; deliver into my power; either alive or dead;
this most dangerous foe of Venice; and nothing shall prevent
Rosabella from being your wife。 In pledge of which I here give you
my princely hand。
Flodoardo grasped the Doge's hand in silence; and shook it thrice。
He turned to Rosabella; and seemed on the point of addressing her;
when he suddenly turned away; struck his forehead; and measured the
apartment with disordered and unsteady steps。 The clock in the
tower of St。 Mark's church struck five。
〃Time flies!〃 cried Flodoardo; 〃no more delay; then。 In four…and…
twenty hours will I produce in this very palace this dreaded bravo;
Andreas shook his head。 〃Young man;〃 said he; 〃be less confident in
your promises; I shall have more faith in your performance。〃
Flodoardo (serious and firm)。Let things terminate as they may;
either I will keep my word; or never again will cross the threshold
of your palace。 I have discovered some traces of the miscreant; and
I trust that I shall amuse you to…morrow; at this time and in this
place; with the representation of a comedy; but should it prove a
tragedy instead; God's will be done。
Andreas。Remember that too much haste is dangerous; rashness will
destroy even the frail hopes of success which you may reasonably
indulge at present。
Flodoardo。Rashness; my lord? He who has lived as I have lived;
and suffered what I have suffered; must have been long since cured
of rashness。
Rosabella (taking his hand)。Yet be not too confident of your own
strength; I beseech you! Dear Flodoardo; my uncle loves you; and
his advice is wise! Beware of Abellino's dagger!
Flodoardo。The best way to escape his dagger is not to allow him
time to use it: within four…and…twenty hours must the deed be done;
or never。 Now; then; illustrious Prince; I take my leave of you。
To…morrow I doubt not to convince you that nothing is too much for
love to venture。
Andreas。Right; to venture: but to achieve?
Flodoardo。Ah; that must dependHe paused suddenly again his eyes
were fastened eagerly on those of Rosabella; and it was evident that
with every moment his uneasiness acquired fresh strength。 He
resumed his discourse to Andreas; with a movement of impatience。
〃Noble Andreas;〃 said he; 〃do not make me dispirited; rather let me
try whether I cannot inspire you with more confidence of my success。
I must first request you to order a splendid entertainment to be
prepared。 At this hour in the afternoon of to…morrow let me find
all the principal persons in Venice; both men and women; assembled
in this chamber; for should my hopes be realised; I would willingly
have spectators of my triumph。 Particularly let the venerable
members of the College of Ten he invited; in order that they may at
last he brought face to face with this terrible Abellino; against
whom they have so long been engaged in fruitless warfare。〃
Andreas (after eyeing him some time with a look of mingled surprise
and uncertainty)。They shall be present。
Flodoardo。I understand; also; that since Conari's death you have
been reconciled to the Cardinal Gonzaga; and that he has convinced
you how unjust were the prejudices with which Conari had inspired
you against the nobilityParozzi; Contarino; and the rest of that
society。 During my late excursions I have heard much in praise of
these young men; which makes me wish to show myself to them in a
favourable light。 If you have no objection; let me beg you to
invite them also。
Andreas。You shall be gratified。
Flodoardo。One thing more; which had nearly escaped my memory。 Let
no one know the motive of this entertainment till the whole company
is assembled。 Then let guards be placed around the palace; and;
indeed; it may be as well to place them even before the doors of the
saloon; for in truth this Abellino is such a desperate villain; that
too many precautions cannot be taken against him。 The sentinels
must have their pieces loaded; and; above all things; they must be
strictly charged; on pain of death; to let every one enter; but no
one quit the chamber。
Andreas。All this shall be done punctually。
Flodoardo。I have nothing more to say。 Noble Andreas; farewell。
Rosabella; to…morrow; when the clock strikes five; we shall meet
again; or never。
He said; and rushed out of the apartment。 Andreas shook his head;
while Rosabella sank upon her uncle's bosom; and wept bitterly。
〃Victory!〃 shouted Parozzi; as he rushed into the Cardinal Gonzaga's
chamber; where the chief conspirators were all assembled; 〃our work
goes on bravely。 Flodoardo returned this morning to Venice; and
Abellino has already received the required sum。〃
Gonzaga。Flodoardo does not want talents; I had rather he should
live and join our party。 He is seldom off his guard …
Parozzi。Such vagabonds may well be cautious; they must not forget
themselves; who have so much to conceal from others。
Falieri。Rosabella; as I understand; by no means sees this
Florentine with unfavourable eyes。
Parozzi。Oh; wait till to…morrow; and then he may make love to the
devil and his grandmother; if he likes it。 Abellino by that time
will have wrung his neck round; I warrant you。
Contarino。It is strange that; in spite of all inquiries; I can
learn but little at Florence respecting this Flodoardo。 My letters
inform me that some time ago there did exist a family of that name;
but it has been long extinct; or if any of its descendants are still
in being at Florence; their existence is quite a secret。
Gonzaga。Are you all invited to the Doge's tomorrow?
Contarino。All of us; without exception。