little lord fauntleroy-第17部分
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this particular boy's nature。 The Earl had passed a bad night
and had spent the morning in his room; but at noon; after he had
lunched; he sent for his grandson。
Fauntleroy answered the summons at once。 He came down the broad
staircase with a bounding step; the Earl heard him run across the
hall; and then the door opened and he came in with red cheeks and
sparkling eyes。
〃I was waiting for you to send for me;〃 he said。 〃I was ready
a long time ago。 I'm EVER so much obliged to you for all those
things! I'm EVER so much obliged to you! I have been playing
with them all the morning。〃
〃Oh!〃 said the Earl; 〃you like them; do you?〃
〃I like them so muchwell; I couldn't tell you how much!〃 said
Fauntleroy; his face glowing with delight。 〃There's one that's
like baseball; only you play it on a board with black and white
pegs; and you keep your score with some counters on a wire。 I
tried to teach Dawson; but she couldn't quite understand it just
at firstyou see; she never played baseball; being a lady; and
I'm afraid I wasn't very good at explaining it to her。 But you
know all about it; don't you?〃
〃I'm afraid I don't;〃 replied the Earl。 〃It's an American
game; isn't it? Is it something like cricket?〃
〃I never saw cricket;〃 said Fauntleroy; 〃but Mr。 Hobbs took me
several times to see baseball。 It's a splendid game。 You get so
excited! Would you like me to go and get my game and show it to
you? Perhaps it would amuse you and make you forget about your
foot。 Does your foot hurt you very much this morning?〃
〃More than I enjoy;〃 was the answer。
〃Then perhaps you couldn't forget it;〃 said the little fellow
anxiously。 〃Perhaps it would bother you to be told about the
game。 Do you think it would amuse you; or do you think it would
bother you?〃
〃Go and get it;〃 said the Earl。
It certainly was a novel entertainment this;making a companion
of a child who offered to teach him to play games;but the very
novelty of it amused him。 There was a smile lurking about the
Earl's mouth when Cedric came back with the box containing the
game; in his arms; and an expression of the most eager interest
on his face。
〃May I pull that little table over here to your chair?〃 he
〃Ring for Thomas;〃 said the Earl。 〃He will place it for
〃Oh; I can do it myself;〃 answered Fauntleroy。 〃It's not very
〃Very well;〃 replied his grandfather。 The lurking smile
deepened on the old man's face as he watched the little fellow's
preparations; there was such an absorbed interest in them。 The
small table was dragged forward and placed by his chair; and the
game taken from its box and arranged upon it。
〃It's very interesting when you once begin;〃 said Fauntleroy。
〃You see; the black pegs can be your side and the white ones
mine。 They're men; you know; and once round the field is a home
run and counts oneand these are the outsand here is the first
base and that's the second and that's the third and that's the
home base。〃
He entered into the details of explanation with the greatest
animation。 He showed all the attitudes of pitcher and catcher
and batter in the real game; and gave a dramatic description of a
wonderful 〃hot ball〃 he had seen caught on the glorious
occasion on which he had witnessed a match in company with Mr。
Hobbs。 His vigorous; graceful little body; his eager gestures;
his simple enjoyment of it all; were pleasant to behold。
When at last the explanations and illustrations were at an end
and the game began in good earnest; the Earl still found himself
entertained。 His young companion was wholly absorbed; he played
with all his childish heart; his gay little laughs when he made a
good throw; his enthusiasm over a 〃home run;〃 his impartial
delight over his own good luck and his opponent's; would have
given a flavor to any game。
If; a week before; any one had told the Earl of Dorincourt that
on that particular morning he would be forgetting his gout and
his bad temper in a child's game; played with black and white
wooden pegs; on a gayly painted board; with a curly…headed small
boy for a companion; he would without doubt have made himself
very unpleasant; and yet he certainly had forgotten himself when
the door opened and Thomas announced a visitor。
The visitor in question; who was an elderly gentleman in black;
and no less a person than the clergyman of the parish; was so
startled by the amazing scene which met his eye; that he almost
fell back a pace; and ran some risk of colliding with Thomas。
There was; in fact; no part of his duty that the Reverend Mr。
Mordaunt found so decidedly unpleasant as that part which
compelled him to call upon his noble patron at the Castle。 His
noble patron; indeed; usually made these visits as disagreeable
as it lay in his lordly power to make them。 He abhorred churches
and charities; and flew into violent rages when any of his
tenantry took the liberty of being poor and ill and needing
assistance。 When his gout was at its worst; he did not hesitate
to announce that he would not be bored and irritated by being
told stories of their miserable misfortunes; when his gout
troubled him less and he was in a somewhat more humane frame of
mind; he would perhaps give the rector some money; after having
bullied him in the most painful manner; and berated the whole
parish for its shiftlessness and imbecility。 But; whatsoever his
mood; he never failed to make as many sarcastic and embarrassing
speeches as possible; and to cause the Reverend Mr。 Mordaunt to
wish it were proper and Christian…like to throw something heavy
at him。 During all the years in which Mr。 Mordaunt had been in
charge of Dorincourt parish; the rector certainly did not
remember having seen his lordship; of his own free will; do any
one a kindness; or; under any circumstances whatever; show that
he thought of any one but himself。
He had called to…day to speak to him of a specially pressing
case; and as he had walked up the avenue; he had; for two
reasons; dreaded his visit more than usual。 In the first place;
he knew that his lordship had for several days been suffering
with the gout; and had been in so villainous a humor that rumors
of it had even reached the villagecarried there by one of the
young women servants; to her sister; who kept a little shop and
retailed darning…needles and cotton and peppermints and gossip;
as a means of earning an honest living。 What Mrs。 Dibble did not
know about the Castle and its inmates; and the farm…houses and
their inmates; and the village and its population; was really not
worth being talked about。 And of course she knew everything
about the Castle; because her sister; Jane Shorts; was one of the
upper housemaids; and was very friendly and intimate with Thomas。
〃And the way his lordship do go on!〃 said Mrs。 Dibble; over the
counter; 〃and the way he do use language; Mr。 Thomas told Jane
herself; no flesh and blood as is in livery could standfor
throw a plate of toast at Mr。 Thomas; hisself; he did; not more
than two days since; and if it weren't for other things being
agreeable and the society below stairs most genteel; warning
would have been gave within a' hour!〃
And the rector had heard all this; for somehow the Earl was a
favorite black sheep in the cottages and farm…houses; and his bad
behavior gave many a good woman something to talk about when she
had company to tea。
And the second reason was even worse; because it was a new one
and had been talked about with the most excited interest。
Who did not know of the old nobleman's fury when his handsome son
the Captain had married the American lady? Who did not know how
cruelly he had treated the Captain; and how the big; gay;
sweet…smiling young man; who was the only member of the grand
family any one liked; had died in a foreign land; poor and
unforgiven? Who did not know how fiercely his lordship had hated
the poor young creature who had been this son's wife; and how he
had hated the thought of her child and never meant to see the
boyuntil his two sons died and left him without an heir? And
then; who did not know that he had looked forward without any
affection or pleasure to his grandson's coming; and that he had
made up his mind that he should find the boy a vulgar; awkward;
pert American lad; more likely to disgrace his noble name than to
honor it?
The proud; angry old man thought he had kept all his thoughts
secret。 He did not suppose any one had dared to guess at; much
less talk over what he felt; and dreaded; but his servants
watched him; and read his face and his ill…humors and fits of
gloom; and discussed them in the servants' hall。 And while he
thought himself quite secure from the common herd; Thomas was
telling Jane and the cook; and the butler; and the housemaids and
the other footmen that it was his opinion that 〃the hold man was
wuss than usual a…thinkin' hover the Capting's boy; an'
hanticipatin' as he won't be no credit to the fambly。 An' serve
him right;〃 added Thomas; 〃hit's 'is hown fault。 Wot can he
iggspect from a child brought up in pore circumstances in t