八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the two brothers >


the two brothers-第49部分

小说: the two brothers 字数: 每页4000字

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in Paris solely for the purpose of masking the real conspiracy and

occupying the mind of the government at its centre; while the great

struggle should burst forth at the north。 When the latter miscarried

before discovery; Philippe was ordered to break all links connecting

the two plots; and to allow the secrets of the secondary plot only to

become known。 For this purpose; his abject misery; to which his state

of health and his clothing bore witness; was amply sufficient to

undervalue the character of the conspiracy and reduce its proportions

in the eyes of the authorities。 The role was well suited to the

precarious position of the unprincipled gambler。 Feeling himself

astride of both parties; the crafty Philippe played the saint to the

royal government; all the while retaining the good opinion of the men

in high places who were of the other party;determined to cast in his

lot at a later day with whichever side he might then find most to his


These revelations as to the vast bearings of the real conspiracy made

Philippe a man of great distinction in the eyes of Carpentier and

Mignonnet; to whom his self…devotion seemed a state…craft worthy of

the palmy days of the Convention。 In a short time the tricky

Bonapartist was seen to be on friendly terms with the two officers;

and the consideration they enjoyed in the town was; of course; shared

by him。 He soon obtained; through their recommendation; the situation

in the insurance office that old Hochon had suggested; which required

only three hours of his day。 Mignonnet and Carpentier put him up at

their club; where his good manners and bearing; in keeping with the

high opinion which the two officers expressed about him; won him a

respect often given to external appearances that are only deceitful。

Philippe; whose conduct was carefully considered and planned; had

indeed made many reflections while in prison as to the inconveniences

of leading a debauched life。 He did not need Desroches's lecture to

understand the necessity of conciliating the people at Issoudun by

decent; sober; and respectable conduct。 Delighted to attract Max's

ridicule by behaving with the propriety of a Mignonnet; he went

further; and endeavored to lull Gilet's suspicions by deceiving him as

to his real character。 He was bent on being taken for a fool by

appearing generous and disinterested; all the while drawing a net

around his adversary; and keeping his eye on his uncle's property。 His

mother and brother; on the contrary; who were really disinterested;

generous; and lofty; had been accused of greed because they had acted

with straightforward simplicity。 Philippe's covetousness was fully

roused by Monsieur Hochon; who gave him all the details of his uncle's

property。 In the first secret conversation which he held with the

octogenarian; they agreed that Philippe must not awaken Max's

suspicions; for the game would be lost if Flore and Max were to carry

off their victim; though no further than Bourges。

Once a week the colonel dined with Mignonnet; another day with

Carpentier; and every Thursday with Monsieur Hochon。 At the end of

three weeks he received other invitations for the remaining days; so

that he had little more than his breakfast to provide。 He never spoke

of his uncle; nor of the Rabouilleuse; nor of Gilet; unless it were in

connection with his mother and his brother's stay in Issoudun。 The

three officersthe only soldiers in the town who were decorated; and

among whom Philippe had the advantage of the rosette; which in the

eyes of all provincials gave him a marked superioritytook a habit of

walking together every day before dinner; keeping; as the saying is;

to themselves。 This reserve and tranquillity of demeanor had an

excellent effect on Issoudun。 All Max's adherents thought Philippe a

〃sabreur;〃an expression applied by soldiers to the commonest sort of

courage in their superior officers; while denying that they possess

the requisite qualities of a commander。

〃He is a very honorable man;〃 said Goddet the surgeon; to Max。

〃Bah!〃 replied Gilet; 〃his behavior before the Court of Peers proves

him to have been either a dupe or a spy; he is; as you say; ninny

enough to have been duped by the great players。〃

After obtaining his situation; Philippe; who was well informed as to

the gossip of the town; wished to conceal certain circumstances of his

present life as much as possible from the knowledge of the

inhabitants; he therefore went to live in a house at the farther end

of the faubourg Saint…Paterne; to which was attached a large garden。

Here he was able in the utmost secrecy to fence with Carpentier; who

had been a fencing…master in the infantry before entering the cavalry。

Philippe soon recovered his early dexterity; and learned other and new

secrets from Carpentier; which convinced him that he need not fear the

prowess of any adversary。 This done; he began openly to practise with

pistols; with Mignonnet and Carpentier; declaring it was for

amusement; but really intending to make Max believe that; in case of a

duel; he should rely on that weapon。 Whenever Philippe met Gilet he

waited for him to bow first; and answered the salutation by touching

the brim of his hat cavalierly; as an officer acknowledges the salute

of a private。 Maxence Gilet gave no sign of impatience or displeasure;

he never uttered a single word about Bridau at the Cognettes' where he

still gave suppers; although; since Fario's attack; the pranks of the

Order of Idleness were temporarily suspended。

After a while; however; the contempt shown by Lieutenant…colonel

Bridau for the former cavalry captain; Gilet; was a settled fact;

which certain Knights of Idleness; who were less bound to Max than

Francois; Baruch; and three or four others; discussed among

themselves。 They were much surprised to see the violent and fiery Max

behave with such discretion。 No one in Issoudun; not even Potel or

Renard; dared broach so delicate a subject with him。 Potel; somewhat

disturbed by this open misunderstanding between two heroes of the

Imperial Guard; suggested that Max might be laying a net for the

colonel; he asserted that some new scheme might be looked for from the

man who had got rid of the mother and one brother by making use of

Fario's attack upon him; the particulars of which were now no longer a

mystery。 Monsieur Hochon had taken care to reveal the truth of Max's

atrocious accusation to the best people of the town。 Thus it happened

that in talking over the situation of the lieutenant…colonel in

relation to Max; and in trying to guess what might spring from their

antagonism; the whole town regarded the two men; from the start; as


Philippe; who had carefully investigated all the circumstances of his

brother's arrest and the antecedents of Gilet and the Rabouilleuse;

was finally brought into rather close relations with Fario; who lived

near him。 After studying the Spaniard; Philippe thought he might trust

a man of that quality。 The two found their hatred so firm a bond of

union; that Fario put himself at Philippe's disposal; and related all

that he knew about the Knights of Idleness。 Philippe promised; in case

he succeeded in obtaining over his uncle the power now exercised by

Gilet; to indemnify Fario for his losses; this bait made the Spaniard

his henchman。 Maxence was now face to face with a dangerous foe; he

had; as they say in those parts; some one to handle。 Roused by much

gossip and various rumors; the town of Issoudun expected a mortal

combat between the two men; who; we must remark; mutually despised

each other。

One morning; toward the end of November; Philippe met Monsieur Hochon

about twelve o'clock; in the long avenue of Frapesle; and said to


〃I have discovered that your grandsons Baruch and Francois are the

intimate friends of Maxence Gilet。 The rascals are mixed up in all the

pranks that are played about this town at night。 It was through them

that Maxence knew what was said in your house when my mother and

brother were staying there。〃

〃How did you get proof of such a monstrous thing?〃

〃I overheard their conversation one night as they were leaving a

drinking…shop。 Your grandsons both owe Max more than three thousand

francs。 The scoundrel told the lads to try and find out our

intentions; he reminded them that you had once thought of getting

round my uncle by priestcraft; and declared that nobody but you could

guide me; for he thinks; fortunately; that I am nothing more than a


〃My grandsons! is it possible?〃

〃Watch them;〃 said Philippe。 〃You will see them coming home along the

place Saint…Jean; at two or three o'clock in the morning; as tipsy as

champagne…corks; and in company with Gilet〃

〃That's why the scamps keep so sober at home!〃 cried Monsieur Hochon。

〃Fario has told me all about their nocturnal proceedings;〃 resumed

Philippe; 〃without him; I should never have suspected them。 My uncle

is held down under an absolute thraldom; if I may judge by certain

things which the Spaniard has heard Max say to your boys。 I suspect

Max and the Rabouilleuse of a scheme to make sure of the fifty

thousand francs' income from the Funds; and then; after pulling that

feather from their pigeon's wing; to run away; I don't know where; and

get married。 It is high time to know what is going on under my uncle's

roof; but I don't see how to set about it。〃

〃I will think of it;〃 said the old man。

They separated; for several persons were now approaching。

Never; at any time in his life; did Jean…Jacques suffer as he had done

since the first visit of his nephew Philippe。 Flore was terrified by

the presentiment of some evil that threatened Max。 Weary of her

master; and fearing that he might live to be very old; since he was

able to bear up under their criminal practices; she formed the very

simple plan of leaving Is

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