the two brothers-第7部分
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better let him daub if he likes。〃
〃Console yourself; Agathe;〃 said Madame Descoings; 〃Joseph will turn
out a great man。〃
After this discussion; which was like all discussions; the widow's
friends united in giving her one and the same advice; which advice did
not in the least relieve her anxieties。 They advised her to let Joseph
follow his bent。
〃If he doesn't turn out a genius;〃 said Du Bruel; who always tried to
please Agathe; 〃you can then get him into some government office。〃
When Madame Descoings accompanied the old clerks to the door she
assured them; at the head of the stairs; that they were 〃Grecian
〃Madame Bridau ought to be glad her son is willing to do anything;〃
said Claparon。
〃Besides;〃 said Desroches; 〃if God preserves the Emperor; Joseph will
always be looked after。 Why should she worry?〃
〃She is timid about everything that concerns her children;〃 answered
Madame Descoings。 〃Well; my good girl;〃 she said; returning to Agathe;
〃you see they are unanimous; why are you still crying?〃
〃If it was Philippe; I should have no anxiety。 But you don't know what
goes on in that atelier; they have naked women!〃
〃I hope they keep good fires;〃 said Madame Descoings。
A few days after this; the disasters of the retreat from Moscow became
known。 Napoleon returned to Paris to organize fresh troops; and to ask
further sacrifices from the country。 The poor mother was then plunged
into very different anxieties。 Philippe; who was tired of school;
wanted to serve under the Emperor; he saw a review at the Tuileries;
the last Napoleon ever held;and he became infatuated with the idea
of a soldier's life。 In those days military splendor; the show of
uniforms; the authority of epaulets; offered irresistible seductions
to a certain style of youth。 Philippe thought he had the same vocation
for the army that his brother Joseph showed for art。 Without his
mother's knowledge; he wrote a petition to the Emperor; which read as
Sire;I am the son of your Bridau; eighteen years of age; five
feet six inches; I have good legs; a good constitution; and wish
to be one of your soldiers。 I ask you to let me enter the army;
Within twenty…four hours; the Emperor had sent Philippe to the
Imperial Lyceum at Saint…Cyr; and six months later; in November; 1813;
he appointed him sub…lieutenant in a regiment of cavalry。 Philippe
spent the greater part of that winter in cantonments; but as soon as
he knew how to ride a horse he was dispatched to the front; and went
eagerly。 During the campaign in France he was made a lieutenant; after
an affair at the outposts where his bravery had saved his colonel's
life。 The Emperor named him captain at the battle of La Fere…
Champenoise; and took him on his staff。 Inspired by such promotion;
Philippe won the cross at Montereau。 He witnessed Napoleon's farewell
at Fontainebleau; raved at the sight; and refused to serve the
Bourbons。 When he returned to his mother; in July; 1814; he found her
Joseph's scholarship was withdrawn after the holidays; and Madame
Bridau; whose pension came from the Emperor's privy purse; vainly
entreated that it might be inscribed on the rolls of the ministry of
the interior。 Joseph; more of a painter than ever; was delighted with
the turn of events; and entreated his mother to let him go to Monsieur
Regnauld; promising to earn his own living。 He declared he was quite
sufficiently advanced in the second class to get on without rhetoric。
Philippe; a captain at nineteen and decorated; who had; moreover;
served the Emperor as an aide…de…camp in two battles; flattered the
mother's vanity immensely。 Coarse; blustering; and without real merit
beyond the vulgar bravery of a cavalry officer; he was to her mind a
man of genius; whereas Joseph; puny and sickly; with unkempt hair and
absent mind; seeking peace; loving quiet; and dreaming of an artist's
glory; would only bring her; she thought; worries and anxieties。
The winter of 1814…1815 was a lucky one for Joseph。 Secretly
encouraged by Madame Descoings and Bixiou; a pupil of Gros; he went to
work in the celebrated atelier of that painter; whence a vast variety
of talent issued in its day; and there he formed the closest intimacy
with Schinner。 The return from Elba came; Captain Bridau joined the
Emperor at Lyons; accompanied him to the Tuileries; and was appointed
to the command of a squadron in the dragoons of the Guard。 After the
battle of Waterlooin which he was slightly wounded; and where he won
the cross of an officer of the Legion of honorhe happened to be near
Marshal Davoust at Saint…Denis; and was not with the army of the
Loire。 In consequence of this; and through Davoust's intercession; his
cross and his rank were secured to him; but he was placed on half…pay。
Joseph; anxious about his future; studied all through this period with
an ardor which several times made him ill in the midst of these
tumultuous events。
〃It is the smell of the paints;〃 Agathe said to Madame Descoings。 〃He
ought to give up a business so injurious to his health。〃
However; all Agathe's anxieties were at this time for her son the
lieutenant…colonel。 When she saw him again in 1816; reduced from the
salary of nine thousand francs (paid to a commander in the dragoons of
the Imperial Guard) to a half…pay of three hundred francs a month; she
fitted up her attic rooms for him; and spent her savings in doing so。
Philippe was one of the faithful Bonapartes of the cafe Lemblin; that
constitutional Boeotia; he acquired the habits; manners; style; and
life of a half…pay officer; indeed; like any other young man of
twenty…one; he exaggerated them; vowed in good earnest a mortal enmity
to the Bourbons; never reported himself at the War department; and
even refused opportunities which were offered to him for employment in
the infantry with his rank of lieutenant…colonel。 In his mother's
eyes; Philippe seemed in all this to be displaying a noble character。
〃The father himself could have done no more;〃 she said。
Philippe's half…pay sufficed him; he cost nothing at home; whereas all
Joseph's expenses were paid by the two widows。 From that moment;
Agathe's preference for Philippe was openly shown。 Up to that time it
had been secret; but the persecution of this faithful servant of the
Emperor; the recollection of the wound received by her cherished son;
his courage in adversity; which; voluntary though it were; seemed to
her a glorious adversity; drew forth all Agathe's tenderness。 The one
sentence; 〃He is unfortunate;〃 explained and justified everything。
Joseph himself;with the innate simplicity which superabounds in the
artist…soul in its opening years; and who was; moreover; brought up to
admire his big brother;so far from being hurt by the preference of
their mother; encouraged it by sharing her worship of the hero who had
carried Napoleon's orders on two battlefields; and was wounded at
Waterloo。 How could he doubt the superiority of the grand brother;
whom he had beheld in the green and gold uniform of the dragoons of
the Guard; commanding his squadron on the Champ de Mars?
Agathe; notwithstanding this preference; was an excellent mother。 She
loved Joseph; though not blindly; she simply was unable to understand
him。 Joseph adored his mother; Philippe let his mother adore him。
Towards her; the dragoon softened his military brutality; but he never
concealed the contempt he felt for Joseph;expressing it; however; in
a friendly way。 When he looked at his brother; weak and sickly as he
was at seventeen years of age; shrunken with determined toil; and
over…weighted with his powerful head; he nicknamed him 〃Cub。〃
Philippe's patronizing manners would have wounded any one less
carelessly indifferent than the artist; who had; moreover; a firm
belief in the goodness of heart which soldiers hid; he thought;
beneath a brutal exterior。 Joseph did not yet know; poor boy; that
soldiers of genius are as gentle and courteous in manner as other
superior men in any walk of life。 All genius is alike; wherever found。
〃Poor boy!〃 said Philippe to his mother; 〃we mustn't plague him; let
him do as he likes。〃
To his mother's eyes the colonel's contempt was a mark of fraternal
〃Philippe will always love and protect his brother;〃 she thought to
In 1816; Joseph obtained his mother's permission to convert the garret
which adjoined his attic room into an atelier; and Madame Descoings
gave him a little money for the indispensable requirements of the
painter's trade;in the minds of the two widows; the art of painting
was nothing but a trade。 With the feeling and ardor of his vocation;
the lad himself arranged his humble atelier。 Madame Descoings
persuaded the owner of the house to put a skylight in the roof。 The
garret was turned into a vast hall painted in chocolate…color by
Joseph himself。 On the walls he hung a few sketches。 Agathe
contributed; not without reluctance; an iron stove; so that her son
might be able to work at home; without; however; abandoning the studio
of Gros; nor that of Schinner。
The constitutional party; supported chiefly by officers on half…pay
and the Bonapartists; were at this time inciting 〃emeutes〃 around the
Chamber of Deputies; on behalf of the Charter; though no one actually
wanted it。 Several conspiracies were brewing。 Philippe; who dabbled in
them; was arrested; and then released for want of proof; but the
minister of war cut short his half…pay by putting him on the active
list;a step which might be called a form of discipline。 France was
no longer safe; Philippe was liable to fall into some trap laid for
him by spies;provocative agents; as they were called; being much
talked of in those days。
While Philippe played billiards in disaffected cafes; losing his time